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Family History

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Mr. Ali

Lived in Era 25, got 1 heir(s) (Ali SO Great) and was a member of Drents Internal Education

The Traveller. Started in Death Knights, when his kingdom came under attack from Bones, his leader fell ill and he took over the command of the army in all the kingdom, aided by his 3 warlords Aragoth, Darkmarsbar and Grigash they fought for months against the Bones invasion. There depleted armies hoped for a return of their leader but he never recovered.
One of his warlords joined the Bones invasion causing him and Warlord Darmarsbar to join their own Kingdom, which they disbanded almost immediately. They joined Predators who fought with them against Bones. The fighting continued for a month before Ali left Predator.

Mr. Ali SO Great

Lived in Era 25, got 1 heir(s) (Ali Great) and was a member of Drents Internal Education

Took power when his ancestor died on his journey to the territories of the DIE kingdom. He built up armies to fight the Bones armies after they attempted armageddon