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Viceroy Crom

Lived in Era 13, got 1 heir(s) (Crom) and was a member of Invicta

Crom is the god of steel.Once upon a time "Crom the frostbitten" lived among the other gods serving them as their blacksmith.Long bevore any human was able to make iron out of ore.When Crom decided to bring steel to them the other gods became angry on him. He killed them all in his anger and grim.But alone and bored to death he could not longer stay in the gods mighty home.So he left to walk the worlds and bring his gift even to the last who refuse to believe in the might and force of steel. ....well thats what his believers say,and they also say that Crom houses the bodys of their leaders.So since ancient times the only kingsname of the cromish people,as they call themselfs in nower times,is CROM
After a short period as a member of the falcons CROM joined the new kingdom of INVICTA.He built new cities and gained power. Under the wise leadership of his king OYA INVICTA grew and CROM became a viceroy.He swore to serve the kingdom and only would leave the fields of honor in victory or death,to hunt down and kill every enemy or to die with his sword in hand, to be reborn and forever stay INVICTA

Sir Crom

Lived in Era 14 and got 1 heir(s) (Crom).

Crom never dies!wiped out of fantasias northeast the cromish lost all of their cities to INVICTAs enemys legacy and its satalite kingdom narrse,Crom brought steel to a tribe of trolls and settled them down in the hard of INVICTAs central western provinces .To combine the cromish religion with a powerfull central gouvernment Crom founded the order of steel which astablished a theocratic reign with Hochmeister Crom on its top.