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Viceroy Gragnar

Lived in Era 10 and got 1 heir(s) (Froats).

Discarded by parents as an unwanted 17th child Gragner was raised by a wild, yet disiplined pack of rotweilers. He grew up to be faithful but had a knack for chewing the leg off someone who threatend the pack.
Never quite assimilated into society gragnar now lives where he wants to, and has a weak spot for milk bones.

Duke Froats

Lived in Era 11 and got 1 heir(s) (Leo).

The gragnar clan was removed from Its tranquill, And might I say tasty hobbit filled land, by of all things hobbits.
Taken back a bit by the removal of their main dish: again raw hobbit, but sometimes they liked them cooked over a spit, other times with a little cheese melted on top, and for special occasions hobbit BRISCUT, O the joy, tasty hobbit sautaed for 16 long hours with the finest herbs and spices, the calf muscle falls apart with a spoon. The gragnar clan took many days and fought many battles to find a home.
When it did the clan was tested, and passed the test against long odds. Multiple massive attacks hardened the clan and they set up massive defenses, learned to breed hobbits for food and taught them to keep a watchful Eye on the rest of the World.
As viceroy Gragnar aged he became weary of leadership and life. He picked the largest female troll in the clan and soon had his 17th son Froats. Gragnar new Froats was special because he killed his mother in childbirth, so, like his dad did for him, sent him out into the wild to start his own clan.
So begans the story of Froats.

Viceroy Leo

Lived in Era 14, got 1 heir(s) (Leo) and was a member of Legacy

And won:)