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Family History

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Mr. Mageguy

Lived in Era 24 and got 1 heir(s) (Mager).

Hello I was a small boy once but now I understand, and we shall unite and conquer they who stand in our way to having fun!

Mr. Mager

Lived in Era 25 and got 1 heir(s) (Mcmaggio).


Mr. Mcmaggio

Lived in Era 25, got 1 heir(s) (Wizzy) and was a member of The Legion

(elves) Ay I will try to avenge the death of my fathers as I rock in ma wee crib, nought but a small laddie withoot his parents, waddling aroond a rubbish orphanage foor ages every day till forever. Nay tis now I shall strike those evils!
MOTTO: Life is unfair...
Hmm... This is boring... You know my first city (I had 2) was taken and then someone else took it and now someone else has taken it!!! The new owner is kind though, and will let me pass through if necessary. He is High Lord Kland of Red Hand.
After my unsuccessful part in Dark Riders, I have joined THe Legion, and we are at war with Phi! Near my village there are many cities of Overcome and Paracelzus, but recently Sir Aelgar of Phi Reloaded invaded our territory and has taken many of our cities. What to do?

Mr. Wizzy

Lived in Era 26, got 1 heir(s) (Mager) and was a member of The Legion

Oh shoot, stuck in Fantasia with the leader of my kingdom. Must get to Mantrax when I can. Same goes for leader Dael Drathor. My father survived till the end of the era, but I face exctinction if I cannot follow Dael Drathor to Mantrax in a few days.