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Family History

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Mr. Malus

Lived in Era 25, got 1 heir(s) (Seraphes) and was a member of predators

After his fathers death in an unprovoct attack, Malus lead the surviving townsman across the mountins and around a lake to escape the battle.

Malus now hopes to build his own city to take revenge on his fathers killers. In the safty of the mountiens he will expand his holdings and create a huge army to help his Kingdom.

Mr. Seraphes

Lived in Era 26, got 0 heir(s) and was a member of Predators

As the huge explosion rocked the earth Seraphes ran towards one of the mountion caves. He ran further and further into its tunnels and underground rivers until he stumbeled apone the small tribe of cave elves. They took care of him for two years and tought him there ways. Soon he was brave enofe to make his way back above ground and lead the cave elves to make an above ground kingdom.