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Family History

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Mr. Balis

Lived in Era 25 and got 1 heir(s) (Balistrond).

There was a time when lords and ladies did not need to call upon the extraordinary talents and strengths of heroes and heroines to slay mythical creatures or deliver letters to lovers hundreds of miles apart. The solution was practical, really. The rulers did what ever they had to get done by themselves. So is the story of a leader named Balis.

Before arriving on the island of Valhalla with a group of followers, Balis had been a bumbling, naive, pathetic excuse for an adventurer who always had to ask constantly for help from a village guard to finish a fight he had recklessly picked with a hippopotamus. Balis would always complain of his misfortunes and wonder why he had given the adventuring business a shot in the first place. 'Oh, that's right,' thought Balis as he sleepily plopped his head on the stone counter. 'I'm doing this to save my dear old mother by getting proper medical treatment for her disease, and I can't make a fuss about my own difficulties.' Balis sighed and lifted his head. 'But sometimes, I just find it ridiculous to sever the heads of hundreds of flowers to only learn how to correctly move my blade when I want kill something.' Balis shuddered at the thought of wanting to kill someone or something just for the so-called 'experience' that crazy old men had been preaching to him all year.

Mr. Balistrond

Lived in Era 25 and got 1 heir(s) (Urud).


Mr. Urud

Lived in Era 26, got 1 heir(s) (Iason) and was a member of The Alied Kingdoms

Hmmm, now when I look back at all the messages I've sent since the beginning, I feel like an idiot. Which means that there are still aggressive brutes (including myself) when diplomacy is doled out like candy. Kids, let this be a lesson to you all that the virtual world is almost as tricky and untrustworthy as the real world.

Mr. Iason

Lived in Era 26, got 0 heir(s) and was a member of The Alied Kingdoms
