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Family History

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Mr. Mcvitties

Lived in Era 26, got 1 heir(s) (Mcvitties) and was a member of The power of love

When i was young my city was raided by elves...
When i was 10 i was driven from my home by orcs...
When i was 20 my town i had rebuilt was burnt to the ground by men..
and i vowed from that day to have my revenge on any enemys of my CITY OR KINGDOM!!!

Mr. Mcvitties

Lived in Era 26, got 1 heir(s) (Ginge) and was a member of The power of love

i am not like my father....
those who appose my kingdom or the mighty leader shall die!you know who they are they are your fears your nightmares...
and i am the boggie man and i should be your worst nightmare!!!