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Sir Ghostalker

Lived in Era 14 and got 1 heir(s) (Ghostalker).

Whats the story behind the infamous Ghostalker, you ask? well, its quite simple really. it all started with an executioner names Bones. Bones was not a particularly large man, but he was fast. Deadly fast. Bones was a sick man, who chose to be an executioner because, quite simply, he enjoyed the feel of the axe thunking down on the log after ripping mercilessly through the neck of his helpless victim. After roughly twelve years of executing innocent but proven guilty people, and the occasional actual criminal, Bones was ordered to the kings Throne Room. Now, the king had heard of Bones and his cold-blooded nature, and he wanted to see if the man could hold his own in combat. See, anyone could kill a helpless man, tied down and unable to defend himself. But the king had a sneaking suspicion that Bones was a warrior at heart. As Bones entered the throne room, the king allowed him a few steps before ordering that the door be closed, and that the guards kill him at once. There were 8 guards in total, and they were heavily armed, whereas Bones wore nothing remotely resembling a weapon. As the guards rushed towards him, Bones sidestepped the first guard and ripped the sword from his hand, twisting with such ferocity that the man screamed and fell away, his wrist so grotesquely twisted that it appeared to be backwards. 2 more of the guards saw what he had so easily done to the first man, and backed away, but only for a moment. They charged towards him together, swords raised high, and moments before Bones fate would have been sealed, he darted behind a pillar, and before they realized where he had gone, his sword flashed behind them, and severed both their spines in a single swipe. the remaining 5 guards, outraged that their comrades had been so humiliated in combat by this peasant executioner, circled around him. "STOP!" the king roared. "I've seen enough. He is worthy, and there is no need for the rest of you to die just to prove that he is truly unstoppable. We have enemies who can do that." Bones was brought into the Kings army, and he served well in battle for several years. The king was almost killed in battle several times, only to have Bones emerge from the shadows and strike down his attackers. Bones moved so silently, and killed so swiftly, the King often used him as a spy and assassin. After he had killed one of his kings most feared enemy generals, he heard that generals men whispering amongst themselves, that the general had been so closely guarded, only a ghost could have stalked him so and not been found. Bones smiled, and Ghostalker rode home...

Sir Ghostalker

Lived in Era 15, got 1 heir(s) (Ghostalker II) and was a member of Arrseonia

Following in his father's footsteps, Ghostalker II (who chose to be merely called Ghostalker, as his father's name was actually bones) served King Antathius III, as Bones had served King Antathius II.

As a loyal Knight of Arrseonia under the flag of King Antathius, Ghostalker fought many battles against the barbaric half-wit vassals of Serenity, but the massive numbers of their horde's overcame his valiant halfling warriors, and Ghostalker was forced to retreat. He rode at the fore of Get Out, his last escaping forces, defending against Serenity from the rear and warriors of the Burning Legion from the foreground. Ghostalker reached the sea, and sailed swiftly to the island of his origin.

Ghostalker, or perhap's his own son if the voyage proves to be too long, will one day return with the mighty armies that were characteristic of his father's rule. LONG LIVE ARRSEONIA!

Sir Ghostalker II

Lived in Era 15, got 0 heir(s) and was a member of Arrseonia

Unfortunately, only a small complement of mercenery Orcs were available, as his homeland had recently been raided by the feared Native People. But, never one to be picky, and having large reserves of cash back at home, Ghostalker paid the orcs what they asked for a lifetime of loyal service for themselves and all their children.

Ghostalker met a human woman, who was working as crew on his ship, who had the grace and beauty of an elf. They married in the Grand Hall of his homeland, and she had a child, who they agreed to call Ghostalker the second, written as Ghostalker II. Sadly, the passing of time on Fantasia is far slower than in the real world, and Ghostalker was getting old himself. So he remained behind on the island with his wife, letting his teenaged son take command of his armies.

The orcs had prepared for 19 years, which was only a few days on Fantasia, and had been bringing the art of breeding mounts for the Nazgul down to a formula. with all of their resources, and a male and female mount for the Nazgul, as well as the ancient scriptures for summoning the Nazgul warriors themselves, they set sail back to fantasia, ready for war.