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Mr. Griever Maelstrom

Lived in Era 26, got 1 heir(s) (Griever Maelstrom) and was a member of The Alliance


Lord Griever Maelstrom

Lived in Era 26, got 1 heir(s) (Zeromus Archidian) and was a member of Rogue Phoenix

As the son of Griever Maelstrom, he had been expected to surpass his father and build a legacy in stone and blood. His father, having suffered a terrible defeat at Mael Citadel and and as a result, wasting away of both a disease and an unwillingness to live. The death of his father had been a terrible blow to both the nation and the noble House of Maelstrom. To have lost such a great swordsman and even worse, to have lost a great swordsman whose skill and strength was now unheard of and largely ignored. He had fought for survival, and now laid in death and ignominy.

His son, however, would go on to become the greatest in the House of Maelstrom. Surrounded by many men that were his teachers, taught everything from diplomacy to warfare, Griever would surpass his teachers, his father, and ultimately set a high standard for everyone. He did not grow up coddled or praised, he had to work harder and fight harder in order to survive the brutal training regime his family had placed him in. Eventually, when he turned of age, he had begun training to become a general in his father's forces, but when Mael Citadel had fallen and not long after, his father had wasted away, he was instead made ruler of his people.

Only 19, and already his strength was legendary among his people. His troops often sang of his incredible personal courage, his sheer determination to achieve victory, his unbending code of honor which often clashed with his shrewd and cunning mind, and a great military genius that was beginning to convince people that he would certainly surpass his father and build a great empire.

The only problem was that Armageddon had begun to unfold. Time was running out for the great House of Maelstrom. No longer could he hope to achieve greatness, for now that the end fast approahced, it was the time to ensure that his people would remain as happy as he could make them.

Taking command of the Grand Army, a massive force made up of three separate Armies of Maelstrom, two Armies of Manusi, an Army of Corbin, the Royal Guard, the Iron Hounds, the Legendary Knights, and finally, Lord Maelstrom's personal legion, the Imperial Guard, Lord Maelstrom would go on the offensive.

With well over a hundred and fifty thousand troops, and more arriving every day from his military cities and forts, Lord Maelstrom had begun a brutal and decisive war against the Red Hand, almost entirely on his own except for the assistance of Solaris and Umbrealla Corp. What would become of him, none can know, but it is widely accepted that the Grand Army will not stop fighting until it is consumed by the fires of Armageddon or until it has been completely shattered by a legion of enemies and a hostile land.

Until then... The land would drown in the blood of countless soldiers as Lord Maelstrom continue to hunt down enemy army after enemy army, and continue to burn down city after city, salting the earth so that no enemy would ever return.

Many would say that under the darkness of the night and the glare of the searing sun, the Grand Army would follow their great leader even into the horrors of Hell and beyond. It would soon be said that Lord Maelstrom and the Grand Army had gone beyond the edge of the world, and continue to fight enemies not of this world. In time, the Grand Army and its leader, Lord Maelstrom, would become legends.

And with them, would fall the Kingdom of Maelstrom, its proud capital Maelstrom City in ruins, and the noble House of Maelstrom destroyed and obliterated. But as long as there are great men willing to lead, as long as there are soldiers willing to bleed, as long as there are warriors that will uphold honor, justice, and truth... The Kingdom of Maelstrom will continue to exist...

Even if only in the hearts of men.

Lord Zeromus Archidian

Lived in Era 27, got 1 heir(s) (Lukas Alexander) and was a member of Rogue Phoenix
