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Ms. Reason

Lived in Era 42 and got 1 heir(s) (Ays).


Ms. Ays

Lived in Era 42, got 1 heir(s) (Ayslin) and was a member of Brethren Forever


Queen Ayslin

Lived in Era 43, got 1 heir(s) (Ays of Reason) and was the leader of Brethren Forever

Queen Ays of Reason
Lived in age 2 of Tutorial X

Harkening back to the warrior seafaring queen of olden days, Ayslin, the Novice, named her daughter Ays of Reason.

Gifted with the blood of wise women warriors, Ays of Reason was destined to be Queen of fearsome warrior kingdom known as the Brethren Forever. By birthright and by virtue, she stands beside her Brethren King, steely blue eyes looking forward into midst of glorious battles. Her soft voice guides the building of powerful duchies. Her mystic forces support her Brethren and attacks enemy forces who dare to threaten its strongholds. Her sword of reason cuts all who would seek to divide the family of Brethren with deceit and treachery.

"Truth and honor be Brethren!" she cries as she thrusts her mystical sword of Reason into the blackened heart of the forked tongue serpent. As the blood oozes onto the scorched earth, she replaces the gilded sword to her side and looks to see the sun rise up in over the mountains.

The journey turns arduous. The cold wind whips her long woolen cape. The brambles try to tear at her fair skin. At night, a sickly wolf growls and scavenges camp for a meal. Leaving the sad thing a bone, the queen turns faithfully North as the dawn rises once more. Although now fringed in muck, the woolen cape of the Brethren and her heavy leather boots protect the queen as she makes her way toward the Northern range.