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Family History

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Mr. Dfdas

Lived in age 0 of Tutorial X and got 1 heir(s) (Killahhh).


Mr. Killahhh

Lived in age 2 of Mantrax and got 1 heir(s) (Thrawn).


Mr. Thrawn

Lived in age 2 of Mantrax, got 1 heir(s) (Thrawn The Tactician) and was a member of The Shu Dynasty


Mr. Thrawn The Tactician

Lived in Era 47 and got 1 heir(s) (Darth Plagius).

It has been several years since Thrawn the genius general was finally situated. He was taken in by the Shu Dynasty, and given control of the first imperial army. With his resources, Thrawn set out to make a name for himself. Instantly, he mustered up new recruits from every village in the area, amassing a mighty force of over twenty thousand strong men. Weapon production was started immediately with over ten thousand swords and shield slated for production and over ten thousand bows and arrows being ordered. The city was deafening as thousands of hammers rang as they struck heated metal. By the end of the week, the mighty host was assembled and trained in the art of war. The fresh faced recruits now march with purpose, adopting various formations in a demonstraiton of military precision. Thrawn had already set his sights on a weakly defended city situated between two mountains. It was a fort that defended the rest of the kingdom of Vereniging der Lage Landen from our hordes. Taking this city would be crucial for the conquest of this kingdom. Immediatelyh, Thrawn sounded the horn, and out of the gates of his mighty city, a large horde issued forth bearing the flag of Shu. Having arrived at the city, Thrawn immediately ordered preparation for assualt at nightfall.

As his men set up camp, he had his spies and magicians scout out the nearby terrain, marking areas well suited for his might siege engines and other areas good for staging an attack. Looking at the two mountains on either side, he decided to use the defensive asset to his advantage. Aiming some of his mighty trebuchets towards the wall, Thrawn ordered that five trebuchets were to fire into the mountain on the side of the fortress. Having literallly built the wall into the mountain, the mountain literally loomed over the city. With the barrage of stones and lead bombs dropping on the mountain side, huge boulders came loose, and tumbled down towards the city. All Thrawn could hear for the next hour was screams as these huge boulders collapsed fortified towers and crushed anyone who was in their way. When the barrage finally ended, it was nighttime. Thrawn signaled for his men to assemble at the attack points. His plan was nice and simple, overwhelm with numbers and superior troops. Scouts have told him that though the enemy matched us in numbers, their equipment was shoddy, and some were only local militia and farmers. Bolstered by this knowledge, Thrawn sent his men in siege towers at the walls. What happened next was a complete slaughter. Faced by both a rain of arrows descending on them and a huge brigade of disciplined swordsmen, the enemy scattered, running from the walls in a complete rout. Many of the enemy wielded pitchforks as our men cut them down. Having secured the wall, we realized that the actual army has bunkered down and locked themself in the governer's palace. Knowing that inside laid a hard fight, Thrawn decided that throwing away troops was unneccessary, and instead had his men set fire to the palace. Stone did not burn, but Thrawn ordered his men to light pots of oil on fire and catapult them into the palace windows. Before long, soldiers gasping for breathe bursted out of the palace only to be cut down by countless rows of archers. At the end of the day, Thrawn was victorious, having secured a victory worthy of a general with his cunning.
Mr. Darth Plagius
Lived in age 6 of Zetamania

No known history.