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Family History

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Ms. Sylpha

Lived in age 0 of Tutorial X and got 1 heir(s) (Sylpha).


Ms. Sylpha

Lived in age 8 of Talents, got 1 heir(s) (Chequetet) and was a member of Alea Iacta Est


Ms. Chequetet

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Chequetet) and was a member of Pirates

-Anemone Itou / Chequetet-


-Terra Dragon Whisperer,Trainer-
Years ago, the land of Nardon was rampaged with war, and much bloodshed. It was a war to save mankind, against the dreaded beasts in which they called, Dragons. Many died within the struggle for existence, numerous mortals passing on in valor to rid the world of such demonic creatures, and the Dragon species slowly began to deplete thanks to the incessant slaughterings. Rewards, and valuables were offered to those successful bringing back proof of their victory, though in all actuality the horrid extermination of the powerful and wise dragons was only harming the humans themselves... -The Dragon's Role- Fire, Water, Earth, Air...It is said that Dragons are the true embodiment and rulers of the four elements. Each newborn creature being given a specific role to play within the world. Air Dragons, were the gods of the sky's, and weather...Water dragons, were the gods of all bodies of water..Heraldic Dragon's were the gods of fire, and war...and Terra Dragons, were the gods of the very earth in which we walk upon. They were also legended to symbolize expressions in many ways within our nature...Air being thought, Water being emotions, Fire being desire, and Earth being stability.
Ms. Chequetet
Lived in age 9 of Valhalla Member of Pirates

No known history.