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Mr. Uwer

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Uwer) and was a member of Mad and Dangerous

Upon the southern parts of Fantasia, Uwer, a halfling slave farmer found his freedom while the greater kingdoms were at war.

He roamed to the lands southeast and started a village with fellow halflings that were able to escape while the conflict between the greater kingdoms clashed.

Raiders Village was where all halflings previously enslaved found their freedom and a place to live in peace. But soon, that scenario would change...

The great war of kingdoms became bloodier and the village became a passage for large foreign armies. Constantly, violence spreaded thru the village. Women were raped, children kidnnaped and men died.

In order to put away the chaos, Uwer started a project to protect the mountains and the passage that served the kingdoms for war. That was when North and West Uphold were built.

Interested in the safe zone created by the halfling farmer, Duke Sesughter aproached Uwer and proposed an alliance. Without much options, Uwer accepted it, in order to protect his people from the war.

For a couple months, wealth grew and violence stopped. That was when the halfling people settled two more cities: Oakland and Braveheart, south of Raiders village.

Uwer knew that the soon the war would hit his door again and asked the Duke for reinforcements for both North and West Uphold. The Duke, knowing now that all halfling efforts were up north, betrayed Uwer, expelled him from the alliance and begun to raid the southern cities of Braveheart and Oakland, that were left with no defenses.

After the betrayal, lots of halflings were killed and enslaved by the Duke coward army. So, Uwer sent letters to many great leaders of Fantasia, looking for some good soul that could mantain his word and honor, exposing all the Duke's lies to them.

Some of them replied, and with great honor advised him in many ways. Uwer was never a lord, he was just a former slave. But winning people's heart was always his best attribute.

In a world of chaos and violence, loyalty was difficult to find but he remained calm and focused on giving peace to his people. He then founded the Sacred City, a place where all races could live in harmony and have a peaceful life.

Soon the Duke's lies spreaded through out the world and many great leaders of great kingdoms felt insulted. That was when the Duke became a target for the larger nations.

Seeking to bring Duke to justice, Uwer started a pilgrimage thru the world, alone. He made friends in all places he passed and filled people's heart with hope and faith. He founded more cities in every place he passed, to serve as safe haven for all the hurt in war.

He continues to roam Fantasia and reaching more and more people to his cause.

Now, the Duke will face his judgement. And Uwer will have no mercy for him.

Mr. Uwer
Lived in age 64 of Fantasia

No known history.