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Family History

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Ms. Mei

Lived in age 0 of Tutorial X and got 1 heir(s) (Mei Mei).


Ms. Mei Mei

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Mei) and was a member of Why So Serious

Zetamania 49 (Lose)
11. Ms. Mei of Gondolin (Elf)
Had 191,293 land, 196,623 troops and 23 science points. Killed 667,510 soldiers, won 18 of 27 battles and captured 19 cities.

Ms. Mei

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Mei) and was a member of House Mormont

25. Ms. Mei San of House Mormont (Orc)
Had 233,081 land, 106,367 troops and 20 science points. Killed 537,555 soldiers, won 21 of 34 battles and captured 6 cities.
Ms. Mei
Lived in age 70 of Mantrax

No known history.