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Forums / In game politics / Nirvana Era Who Gives A

Nirvana Era Who Gives A
17:37:00 Mar 7th 12 - Mr. Chade The Supa Powa:

Somewhere out there in the vast nothingness of space...
Somewhere far away in space and time..
Staring upwards at the gleaming stars in the obsidian sky
i'm marooned on a small island,
In an endless sea,
Confined to a tiny spit of sand,
Unable to escape
But tonight, on this small planet
On Nirvana, imma going to rock civilisation

18:00:24 Mar 10th 12 - Mr. Chade The Supa Powa:


18:01:56 Mar 10th 12 - Tyr (Mr. Tyrminator):

Whoaa!!!! halfers everywhere! o.O flee from their ankle biting skills!

22:14:02 Mar 10th 12 - Endless (Ms. Nienna of Mercy):

the day the music died :(

Todays news
All troops in Music of The Ainur have died.
Music of The Ainur lost a battle against Asd from Mr. Smash. We lost 1 Gaia, 0 Hammerthrowers, 0 Ogres, 0 Shamans, 0 Nazguls and 0 peasants in the battle and 0 of our soldiers got injured.

23:07:19 Mar 10th 12 - Gokken (General Gokken The Evil):

What.. what... what... Endless got spanked? =P

23:20:12 Mar 10th 12 - Endless (Ms. Nienna of Mercy):

you know a scout spanking means war ;)

01:28:47 Mar 11th 12 - Mr. Chade The Supa Powa:

damn it!!! and it wasnt me who spanked endless yet? I think i am getting old! :(

01:54:07 Mar 11th 12 - Endless (Ms. Nienna of Mercy):

well, you went halfer... that might be the problem? ;)

01:56:50 Mar 11th 12 - Mr. Chade The Supa Powa:

most probably :D

07:11:31 Mar 14th 12 - Zond (Sir Ariolation):

Guys.. im sorry.. i cant nap all the top kds. Who will i fight? will make us look like even more panzies :S

07:16:01 Mar 14th 12 - Endless (Ms. Nienna of Mercy):

they calling you Gardener Zond and not Farmer Zond? who you talkin at Willis

07:17:51 Mar 14th 12 - Zond (Sir Ariolation):

Well, you guys are fighting 2 kds. Would make since for you guys not to want to war me, but why would the other 2 ask me for relations :P

^^ i just wanna sit back and watch the dragons..i mean wars.

07:34:37 Mar 14th 12 - Endless (Ms. Nienna of Mercy):

why would they ask you for relations? you'll have to ask them ;)

07:36:51 Mar 14th 12 - Zond (Mr. Defeat):

haha good one :P yea right! they saw my dragons last era. and now are like, NOO!! not the dragons!!

04:46:28 Mar 19th 12 - Heripy (Mr. Twicetheman):

Its era 11.

10:15:08 Mar 19th 12 - Opportunity (Mr. Right):

Did someone buy up the whole market, or is this some sort of bug affecting my account only?

14:59:31 Mar 19th 12 - Tyr (Mr. Tyrminator):

I noticed the market being almost empty as well.

23:05:45 Mar 19th 12 - Mr. Chade The Supa Powa:

well i dont know about ya'll but i wrecked my a$$ selling sh1t that people buy for enormously huge prices :D lol

just ask zondy (the nub)!



07:31:27 Apr 9th 12 - Opportunity (Mr. Right):

These forums used to be so active a few years ago... People flaming all over the place. Now, nobody has posted in 3 weeks. It's so sad :(

20:47:15 Apr 11th 12 - Endless (Ms. Nienna of Mercy):

Some of them are busy dying.

03:58:39 Apr 12th 12 - Opportunity (Mr. Right):

I'm about to be added to that list haha. Deinitely got a bigger response from Pachy than I thought I would :/

04:14:36 Apr 12th 12 - Endless (Ms. Nienna of Mercy):

but you still live so you must be doing something right?

04:15:52 Apr 12th 12 - Zond (General Dendarii):

yeah hes attacking our back side.

oh and move off my mine :p i wanna keep at least one city!

04:21:42 Apr 12th 12 - Endless (Ms. Nienna of Mercy):

no, you must die :p

payback is a bitch ;)

04:35:10 Apr 12th 12 - Zond (Lord Ariolation):

tell that to my kd who sucks :P 

bunch noobs and their big heads cant listen!

04:40:06 Apr 12th 12 - Endless (Ms. Nienna of Mercy):

19:35:27 - Ballroom Blitz won a battle against Last Stand from Lord Ariolation. 

idunno Zond, you stopped playing mage might have a small part in that ;)

04:44:59 Apr 12th 12 - Zond (Lord Ariolation):

gotta injure those naz some how :P my poor archers suck at OP :(

04:47:47 Apr 12th 12 - Endless (Ms. Nienna of Mercy):

a ha ha ha, just wrote you to ask how you liked them :p

I need to thank you, I was just saying my killcount is low and you gave it a boost

04:49:02 Apr 12th 12 - Zond (Lord Ariolation):


/me has bragging rights now

Your character Lord Ariolation has won 7 battles, captured 5 cities and killed a total of 124355 men and women

04:53:17 Apr 12th 12 - Endless (Ms. Nienna of Mercy):

I will have to try and beat that :p

04:56:52 Apr 12th 12 - Zond (Lord Ariolation):

Gotta  love rof on noobs :p 

05:01:06 Apr 12th 12 - Endless (Ms. Nienna of Mercy):

yes but not as much fun as undefended WHs :p

05:02:32 Apr 12th 12 - Zond (Lord Ariolation):

yeah all my food :(

04:01:15 - Ballroom Blitz XVIII lead by Ms. Nienna of Mercy attacked and took over Lalala. They also took 5183870 gold, 25991414 stone, 5287486 tree, 32078504 food and 492 slaves from us! We lost 0 Ghosts, 0 Archers, 0 Riders, 0 Spellweavers, 0 Archmages and 0 peasants in the battle.

05:07:44 Apr 12th 12 - Endless (Ms. Nienna of Mercy):

you should see what Trash gave up ;) nom nom nom :)

05:09:10 Apr 12th 12 - Zond (Lord Ariolation):

A lot, i can imagine considering their income and troops :P

05:12:21 Apr 12th 12 - Endless (Ms. Nienna of Mercy):

20:06:53 - Ballroom Blitz won a battle against Last Stand from Lord Ariolation.  

time to recheck my kill count :)

05:12:50 Apr 12th 12 - Zond (Lord Ariolation):

just wait..

We will train 90003 Ghosts for 9000300 gold. It will take 34 days until we have all Ghosts ready.

05:23:12 Apr 12th 12 - Endless (Ms. Nienna of Mercy):

I believe my larger army can arrive before 34 days ;) 

05:25:09 Apr 12th 12 - Zond (Lord Ariolation):

But they dont all come out at once, so those naz go bye bye (i hope) :P

05:29:01 Apr 12th 12 - Endless (Ms. Nienna of Mercy):

 we'll find out :p  lots more where they came from ;)

05:33:50 Apr 12th 12 - Zond (Lord Ariolation):

yep. lots more from me too ;)

06:05:04 Apr 12th 12 - Zond (Lord Ariolation):


23:02:19 - Our Last Stand successfully defend Goldtemple. Ballroom Blitz lead by Ms. Nienna of Mercy attempted to plunder Goldtemple. We lost 1332 Ghosts, 1198 Archers, 0 Riders, 0 Spellweavers, 0 Archmages and 0 peasants in the battle and 4128 of our soldiers got injured.

23:02:19 - Ballroom Blitz lead by Ms. Nienna of Mercy attempted to plunder Goldtemple. We lost 0 Ghosts, 0 Archers, 0 Riders, 0 Spellweavers, 0 Archmages and 67048 peasants in the battle.

06:10:05 Apr 12th 12 - Endless (Ms. Nienna of Mercy):

lol yeah I know, I misclicked on the damn tabs I have open, wanted to plunder Tourist but got them mixed up ... so after that faux pas and egg on my face I just took Tourist over instead :p

btw it was close !! :D  damn dice


I'm terribly sorry Ms. Nienna of Mercy. But we have lost the battle.

We killed or injured a total of 6659 enemy troops.


06:17:53 Apr 12th 12 - Zond (Lord Ariolation):

muwahaha but i prevail!

06:26:26 Apr 12th 12 - Endless (Ms. Nienna of Mercy):

hmm for now :p

but just for that I may do it on purpose to keep your ghostspam inline until Kayn comes to claim your mine :p

06:37:56 Apr 12th 12 - Zond (Lord Ariolation):

i only need you off me for a second ;) 

07:35:52 Apr 12th 12 - Mr. Epic Fail Incoming:

Not so easy Zondervan. You forget who you are fighting.


Casting Freeze from Hola upon Goldtemple with 76% chance of success... and Successful!
Construction in Goldtemple, owned by Lord Ariolation has been delayed for 10 days.


Casting Freeze from Hola upon Goldtemple with 75% chance of success... and Successful!
Construction in Goldtemple, owned by Lord Ariolation has been delayed for 10 days.

07:41:30 Apr 12th 12 - Zond (Lord Ariolation):

Funny how it doesnt show the freeze on my city in the Overview option :/ 

08:06:27 Apr 12th 12 - Endless (Ms. Nienna of Mercy):

It doesn't show it on cities

check you troop training and you should see it pushed back :p

08:12:21 Apr 12th 12 - Zond (Lord Ariolation):

Dont wanna! got another city anyways :P least for at least a tick or 2 ^^

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