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Forums / In game politics / Fant 76

Fant 76
09:35:10 May 4th 21 - Penguin (Mr. Might Guy):

Why cant all of us cheat? 

06:50:04 May 8th 21 - Captain Generic Npc:

Would there happen to be a formula for how losses are calculated in a defending battle?

Because I've done the math, and from experience, I know that projected 1-2% Elf hit at full prep is enough to topple me and wipe out my peasants.

14:25:49 May 8th 21 - Bigfield (Dragon Prophet Theophilus):

Evidently failing anything above a zero kills all defending peasants.

Majorly busted. 

17:15:57 May 8th 21 - Percy (Mr. Percy The Range Test Officer):

Any failed plunder or takeover nukes all pez in a city instantly (must have 1% chance or greater to be allowed to take the chance, 0% will prevent the attack). Siege, kamikaze, steal food, etc. do not follow this trend, they focus only on troops, pez remain untouched.

17:17:45 May 8th 21 - Percy (Mr. Percy The Range Test Officer):

The "pez nuke" was noticed multiple times last era on Valhalla (much to Alrisaia's dismay), so Konstant and I have been doing testing on GvE and confirmed this.

17:33:23 May 8th 21 - Captain Generic Npc:

I guess it's pretty much impossible to defend a 200ker as a human.

Price vs Stats on knights & catapults are terrible

And even if I used the money for 1m archers, it wouldn't be enough to avoid 1%

What a rough ass life.

I remember someone from Holy and now part of KVU once said "the winning KD dictates Arma".

Oh well, maybe he had a changed of heart.

18:44:05 May 8th 21 - Princess Aisha The Fallen Knight:

What do you mean you can't defend 200k because enemy can have 1%?

So they attack at 1% and suicide, kill their own army completely
Sure, you would lose a lot of peasants, but enemy is all dead? 

Arma is dictated by anyone who has magic 9
The other side has a way to stop it, take and wreck the city
Casting arma was basically to speed up the things
I was under impression you guys were waiting for your north team to finish Team B and then join up the south team. Not to mention several people who did not arrive at all to the south battlefields.

So the arma is just to speed up your attack so we don't have to wait weeks for you guys to come. The outcome of this era has been known for quite some this
This was almost a month ago, just reminding you guys to have someone for arma

@Haldimir make sure you guys have someone for Arma :slight_smile:

We are just trying to speed up to next era
But you guys might kill us before the 10 rl days pass...
Then you can recast and all vote yes so we speed it up even more :)

19:09:23 May 8th 21 - Captain Generic Npc:


How well can you rebuild your defenses with no peasants?

What do you do about the second, stronger, army also camping on you?

If I could, I would ignore the elf, but I can't because of how damaging 1% is lmao.

00:03:46 May 9th 21 - Percy (Mr. Percy The Range Test Officer):

If you cant stop a 1% attack (which equates to 1/3 your power) before they reach max prep, that speaks more about you than the mechanics :P If an army has exactly a 1% at max, you should be able to kill said army easily, as you should have a 99% on it. If the enemy has closer to your power but takes the 1% the moment it is reached, Jas is right, thats legit suicide and few would do that. Cause remember: prep is still required to get that chance. 

A Human 200k is the hardest to prep. Make sure it has max walls (which doubles prep) and you will be more than safe :) Just ALWAYS have MUs and static troop defense in the city and this mechanic wont bite you

00:31:59 May 9th 21 - Captain Generic Npc:

You know what? You rite.

I should just slap this elf so the stronger troll army can clap me sooner.

Maybe I should just leave it be and hope they don't yeet themselves at me during an arma.

01:30:36 May 9th 21 - Princess Aisha The Fallen Knight:

Do people actually plunder at 1% with the sole purpose to kill peasants?
That is a straight suicide and you will not kill much of the armies...
Plus I saw a lot of people like to have scout on a city that add peasants in the army  from time to time, because new peasants come quickly... So humans have tons of peasants usually, unless that is not used any more.

03:30:56 May 9th 21 - Captain Generic Npc:

Speaking from experience, it has happened.

Lots of troops die just because
Peasants die
Production goes down
Income dead
Training gets stalled

I mean, from my point of view, what else is this elf gonna do with an army that isn't even placing them in the top 6 during an arma?

As far as the scout thing goes, population growth goes down over time.

I assume it's because troops are replacing peasants.

I've got no problems with being camped. I simply wanted a reminder if there was a formula to see what my outlook would be peasant-wise, which turns out to be "they just die."

04:40:05 May 9th 21 - Lady Jasmina:

What people do is basically have two armies prep
So that in case 1 army gets bounced the other continues to prep...
Also when there are two armies, if one has any chance
Attacking would kill some defenders, so the other army would have a shot..

That is what I think usually happens.
I have not seen or experienced anyone attack at 1% just to kill peasants
Sort of feels like a waste to sacrifice entire army to kill peasants
I would never ask someone to kill their entire army just to kill peasants.

What you should do is simply make sure one army does not have a lot of prep
Like what we did this era against Aloy
Have two armies prep him, and they would locust one army
And let the other prep... so I was able to get full prep
And fail an attack, making the other army ready to attack... but as the other army was locusted he did not get enough prep, so it took forever to prep.

But when we were prepping I would never suggest to suicide just to kill peasants.
But I guess that is just from my experience in the game.

04:49:41 May 9th 21 - Captain Generic Npc:

Killing peasants isn't a goal, just a byproduct.

A very crippling byproduct.

05:19:41 May 9th 21 - Edi (Mr. Edd The Squared Circle Knight):

Does that happen in takeover fail or only plunder?

05:32:38 May 9th 21 - Captain Generic Npc:

AFAIK Takeovers

16:55:18 May 9th 21 - Percy (Mr. Percy The Range Test Officer):

@Edi - it happens on any failed Takeover or Plunder. Both can cause total pez loss.

@NPC - I maintain that if the army has a 1% chance on you, why would you not hit it first? Literally means you would have a 99% chance against it, and at that high of a chance you lose practically nothing. And if hitting isnt an option for some impossible reason, have an allied mage locust the army? My only point is this hasnt been utilized in the past because it hasnt had value in doing. I do foresee this being a bigger deal for OOP fights now that more people know about it, and if you leave your 200k undefended I can see that being an easy way to cripple a Human (but once again, just defend the cities). In 99.9% of cases, a Human defending their 200k (or any race defending their large cities) you should easily be able to stop the 1% fail case. Only concern you should have are for proper armies failing at ~30% or more, but that would be the case anyways, which means this mechanic isnt to blame.

Long story short: this is all prevented with proper defense. If an enemy is near your city, work with your team to deal with the threat. Maybe have a mage AotD your city to gain free defense to pop the army. Freeze the army and have an ally slaughter. Probably hundreds of ways to deal with it, no reason to fret about the chance to lose it all. Just do something about it.

And a quick note in case it isnt know: if the die roll when attacking a city is more than 50% of your current chance, the entire army dies in the attack. Meaning if they have a 1% chance, rolling anything higher than 51% causes the entire army to die immediately. And the 1% case triggers when their OP is 1/3 of your DP, but only when proper prep is reached.

18:34:49 May 9th 21 - Captain Generic Npc:

Percy I'd like to note that no one in this thread is blaming the mechanic nor is anyone advocating that said mechanic change.

I asked a simple question for a post-defense forecast because I always calculate using worst-case numbers.

I will admit though that I don't have much experience with bouncing armies (I assume that I'll have tons of wounded regardless of %) because I usually hold off until I have 100% unless it situationally disadvantages any allies if I accidently join a KD.

23:52:02 May 9th 21 - Percy (Mr. Percy The Range Test Officer):

My apologies then, it had seemed like you were speaking "doom and gloom" that this would be a commonly exploited function and that Humans were basically shafted as a result. I was simply trying to dispel that and reinforce its quite easy to defend against. My bad if I came across more harsh than intended, was just trying to help show not all is lost :)

As for bouncing an army, if you hit at 99% chance, you will lose an incredibly small amount of troops to death and injury, hardly enough to blink an eye at. Its nothing like hitting an army at 50% chance and luck'ing-out a win. Your injuries are calculated based on the die rolled, and if you have a 99% chance, even a high roll wont damage you too bad as the enemy simply doesnt have the OP needed to deal damage back. All it takes is a low power AotD and a couple med sciences to not even feel the effect of it.

Of note for those who dont know: enemy DP determines your chance against the enemy, but their OP determines the damage they deal to you. Likewise, your OP determines the damage you do to them, with the die roll being a multiplier to this. Since an enemy with 1% on you means they have only 1/3 your power, that means you should have close to a 99% and nearly 2-3x their power, meaning losses are very light on your end. If you had 100k knights, might lose in total 10k to death and injury at max, but they may only have 5% of their total army not dead or injured after the hit. Assuming you dont slaughter.

06:38:30 May 10th 21 - Sir Aloysius XCVII:

if im defending from my 200k city and in dire situation, I would train almost all my peasants to MUs, cast AOTD in my city and suicide it to the attacking army.. again and again.

that's only if Im in dire situation ofc.

06:38:32 May 10th 21 - Sir Aloysius XCVII:

if im defending from my 200k city and in dire situation, I would train almost all my peasants to MUs, cast AOTD in my city and suicide it to the attacking army.. again and again.

that's only if Im in dire situation ofc.

06:38:33 May 10th 21 - Sir Aloysius XCVII:

if im defending from my 200k city and in dire situation, I would train almost all my peasants to MUs, cast AOTD in my city and suicide it to the attacking army.. again and again.

that's only if Im in dire situation ofc.

07:09:36 May 10th 21 - Captain Generic Npc:

AOTD is cool

I'm just incredibly unlucky when it comes to magic.

03:58:42 May 11th 21 - Bigfield (Dragon Prophet Theophilus):

I'll be honest, I didn't expect Berserkers and MAD to be allies. 

05:03:15 May 11th 21 - Edi (Sir Edi The Great):

What do you mean?

Berserkers are Mad ex members and they remain friends
Left Mad because of inactive leadership
And those few that stayed in Mad want to keep Mad active because its longest lasting active kingdom in game.
Every era Nap between them is a given

08:05:42 May 11th 21 - Captain Generic Npc:

That explains a lot actually.


08:06:46 May 11th 21 - GEO (Ms. Jennaside):

I'm beothuk ! Beothuk Evil Ops  

10:55:51 May 11th 21 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Jesus Left Toe):

No, I'm Beothuk!

13:07:13 May 11th 21 - Bigfield (Dragon Prophet Theophilus):

But then, why did Team B agree to not fight MAD knowing they cooperate? 

15:41:10 May 11th 21 - Captain Generic Npc:

I mean... I'll be honest.

We barely talked to each other.

(imagine an awkward get together and everyone is standing in their own corners)

Most of the posts were only after Bezerkers were closing in on us.

I joined a bit late and it was an accidental join, so I assumed they got beat oop and had a pity deal with MAD.

But now the whole "Bezerkers walking through MAD blockers and right up into Team B" makes sense and it's funny in hind sight.

17:11:30 May 11th 21 - Edi (Mr. Edd The Great):

Every Nap agreement consists of blockers being left closed for enemies of any kingdom, Mad opening blockers for enemy of Team B is a direct violation of standard Nap terms. Unles you did not have any agreements?

I guess Team B and Albatross should merge to give a fight to Berserkers next era. Knights will not play next era, half the kingdom is not gonna play Fantasia.

19:05:30 May 11th 21 - Captain Generic Npc:

People will do what they do.

I'll be a solo tagless next era regardless.

Towershine never blocked, that's why I was ordered to build another blocker, Sentry Post. So there was no opening of blockers on our side. Team B knew that my blockers doesn't block. Also, as far as my knowledge, we don't have any official relations with Team B, Aloy just told us that Team B expressed that they are friendly towards us.

You (4/15/2021 11:06:15 AM)
Does Towershine passable?
Mr. Tokugawa Leyasu (4/15/2021 2:38:12 PM)GOODBAD
The trees side is not blocked:

The army is now on its way to the set location. It will take 8 day(s) to get there (if we force them to move faster).
Mr. Tokugawa Leyasu (4/15/2021 2:39:45 PM)GOODBAD
Can you help check our blockers too. This game bugs is killing us. lol
You (4/15/2021 4:14:37 PM)
I see. So the one made by Heorix in google chrome is accurate.
Mr. Tokugawa Leyasu (4/15/2021 4:32:47 PM)GOODBAD
Guss so. The gap is huge. 10% of the forest area.

We actually don't have any official relations with Zerkers, I was also forced to retreat my army that was about to reinforce Aloy when we saw the army of Greybeard approaching my blocker. That's why Aloy lost his front. I've waited for at least 20 ticks sitting at my city trying to see if Greybreard's message was just a bluff and tries to take my 200ker if I move out my army.

Mr. Graybeard The Swift (4/30/2021 3:03:12 AM)GOODBAD
not attacking you in case you are wondering unless you come after me.

However, that was too late to reinforce Aloy as he was being surrounded by the 3 strongest armies of Knights that time.

05:11:12 May 12th 21 - Captain Generic Npc:


"Team B knew that my blockers doesn't block."

I guess that was technically true

11:08:27 May 12th 21 - Lord Caedus:

I don't wish to have negative relations with MaD - nostalgia and historic relationship goes a long way. However, those blockers being opened and then our re-settled cities being taken (without a warning - which would have been nice) hurt a little bit! 

The reality is that MaD's blockers were never going to block with farmed up armies coming at them, and so no hard feelings long term - but when in an NAP agreement, I would have appreciated a message to say the blockers are being opened/sorry for the inconvenience. 

18:14:04 May 12th 21 - Sir Aloysius XCVII:

I went to inactivity after my city in the Knights core fell. 

As far as I know, you settled on an area that is not supposed to be settled at. It was our border area between Knights core, we have armory cities there, so I can call it ours, though it not safe.

And when your core got overrun, you just dropped cities where ever you wanted. It’s like settling cities in an area where there’s still hostilities and assume it was haven. 

Me opening the blocker was my fault. I never checked that your cities grew big too fast. More so, I was too lazy to stop you guys from dropping cities there. I don’t like it in the first place. You did not inform us that you are evacuating. 

22:06:24 May 12th 21 - Lord Caedus:

Yeah that's fair enough, makes sense that it was a communication error - I wasn't aware that settling there would be a problem. I figured that we'd be safe in that area without being a burden in a core. 

No harm done - and my tone in the previous message certainly wasn't meant as whiney as I'm sure it's probably come across! 

Looking forward to the new era. 

23:03:03 May 12th 21 - Jack Daniels The drunk (Mr. Nifzab):

hope its a good one for you caedus

09:27:12 May 13th 21 - Lord Caedus:

Cheers man! We're a small kd but hopefully this map will give us some opportunity 

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