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Fantasia 40
16:13:17 Apr 25th 16 - Prince Chade:

..and how well you are known for backstabbing :) I gave you the benefit of the doubt, but seeing what you did in Valhalla to H&S, I know believe the rumours :)

16:20:07 Apr 25th 16 - Arkantos (Lord Ajax):

Erica It's a war game, Play sim city if you don't want to fight.

Chade Funny thing is there is only me and 3 new player left alive in my kingdom.
Sesugh your funny

16:21:20 Apr 25th 16 - Mr. Bigfield The Farmer:

Eh, I suppose one could argue that him leaving our kingdom and inadvertently attacking you actually helped us in the long run. 

Unpredictable may be an accurate description. Perhaps neutral chaotic in RP terms.

16:24:31 Apr 25th 16 - Mr. Bigfield The Farmer:

Granted if it were a war ga me then two farmers wouldn't be in first and second on valhall.

It is a war game in as much as Viv is a war game. You win by having more land, troops, and sciences (I think that counts?). You aquire those things through farming or Conquest.

Through conquest 6ou have the added bonus of destroying the relative strength of others.

There are different strategies to win.

16:26:04 Apr 25th 16 - Arkantos (Lord Ajax):

eras not over yet on valhalla lmfao, dont count your chickens before they hatch.

16:32:11 Apr 25th 16 - Prince Sesugh Son of Ogun:

@prince chade who did i back stab :S i told the whole of hammer and shield on the second day once you was out of the core i was quitting...

16:32:58 Apr 25th 16 - Prince Sesugh Son of Ogun:

Furthermore i never attacked you guys , you guys attacked me , i retook my cities , which i thought we was meant to one messaged me or complained and that was before i even left. 

16:35:00 Apr 25th 16 - Arkantos (Lord Ajax):

you didn't quit lol you resettled in the northeast.

16:44:33 Apr 25th 16 - Prince Chade:

Sesugh, lets cut the cr@p mate...

You know, ask any of the other vets and they will tell you what used to happen with players that would kd-hop/quit during an era.

But dont worry mate, Imma sort you out ;)

16:45:41 Apr 25th 16 - Erica (Lady Kamunagi of Chains):

Wooow really? that hard up for a win?

I just lost all respect for Ajax on that statement... 

16:45:59 Apr 25th 16 - Prince Sesugh Son of Ogun:

I quit , ask kamungi i resettled in north east two days ago and your little 500 nazguls isn't sorting out shit lol 

and chade I was around those days , many tried and failed to kill me for KD quitting lol 

16:46:49 Apr 25th 16 - Prince Sesugh Son of Ogun:

Hard up for a win? :S so hard up for a win i quit mid era then logged in and saw i had a load of gold still but no cities and a scout on the other side of the map so settled....

16:47:16 Apr 25th 16 - Prince Sesugh Son of Ogun:

@chade so did you guys not attack me first? 

16:50:20 Apr 25th 16 - Mr. Broman:

Haha why didnt u guys plunder first then take his towns. See if he came back to no gold he wouldn't start playing again with revenge in mind ^_^

16:50:53 Apr 25th 16 - Mr. Elijah The Hallburner:

just to shed some light , 

I attacked a TITANS city that they had taken from you and wrecked , then headed for the titans north core , as i had a personal score with ajax and a shitload of level ones with a minus income , then , after taking the city and messaging your kd mate that they can retake it and I'm not going after you i get 

Elijahs Hammer And Shield lost a battle against Army III from Mr. Lazy. We lost 73686 Swordsmen, 12661 Archers, 305 Knights, 0 Magicians, 0 Catapults and 0 peasants in the battle and 0 of our soldiers got injured.
Army III lead by Mr. Lazy attacked and took over Shizzle. Our peasants managed to escape with all the resources to The Hold. We lost 0 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 0 Knights, 0 Magicians, 0 Catapults and 0 peasants in the battle.

And an angry message about how i ruined your kingdoms chances by burning down your mine....

which i never burned lol 

16:53:24 Apr 25th 16 - Duke Chade The Macho Thing:

@Sesugh - I now understand why you have quit for so many were honor-less player back in the days and thats why you quit, cause no one was gonna take you in.

and chade I was around those days , many tried and failed to kill me for KD quitting lol

Obviously I haven't

@chade so did you guys not attack me first?

Not US....just ME! And I OOPed H&S not you, personally.

16:58:15 Apr 25th 16 - Mr. Elijah The Hallburner:

No chade i am talking about AFTER I LEFT and told your kingdom i was going after titans and then your kingdom attacked me.....

and I've been in pretty much every kingdom you've been in and have been kicked from none of em mate 

17:03:10 Apr 25th 16 - Duke Chade The Macho Thing:

hmmmm ... any previous nicknames? If i have made wrong judgement about your past and i know you, i will apologise. But based on what i have seen, you did leave your kd mid-era. Being one from the old times - you understand why i react this way.

also in terms of us attacking you, let me show you our logic:

1. i attack H&S OOP
2. We agree CF and me pulling my army
3. I reluctantly agreed
4. Once i moved my army away, you leave H&S and attack my cities (one of which was built by you, but taken, fought over and retained by MY city).
5. After you took both my cities you go closer to our core as an untagged and ask us to move freely about?

Mate, apologise if i sound rude but this is proper bollocks!

17:17:09 Apr 25th 16 - Mr. Elijah The Hallburner:

logic from my point of view 

1.My girlfriend is pregnant and her due date is a month away 
2.I announced to H&S before you attacked whilst in protection i would be quitting 
3.I have a pre standing dislike for ajax /vivi 
4.You attack OOP , i hold the two H&S blockers and am on the front so agree to stay until you leave the core.
4.CF is signed , you leave the core , i believed we was supposed to retake those cities , so did so , whilst still in H&S. spoke to the leader and confirmed i was leaving , left and headed for titans as i had a negative income from spamming level ones to keep you at bay , as i had not been online regularly. 
5.I MESSAGE MR LAZY BEFORE REACHING YOU WITH MY INTENTIONS , BYPASS TWO OF YOUR CITIES I COULD OF TOOK , then attack TITANS and head north , a direction which leads OUT of your core and AWAY from your cities. 
6.Mr Lazy throws a hissy fit because titans burned his city , takes it from me , attacks me and is generally rude and offensive. 
7.I kamikaze my second smaller army on his city....

how am i a traitor?

17:21:09 Apr 25th 16 - Erica (Mr. Musika):

Get off VU and take care of your woman you fiend! :6

17:29:36 Apr 25th 16 - Mr. Elijah The Hallburner:

:P I resettled and started playing for the last 3 days as she is with her parents for the week 

17:36:01 Apr 25th 16 - Prince Chade:

18:21:09 Apr 25th 16 - Erica (Mr. Musika):

Get off VU and take care of your woman you fiend! :6



still didnt answer my question - whats your past nicknames

17:48:52 Apr 25th 16 - Tyrin (Mr. Longer Rulername):

This was sent to Stormy when you left the KD to take back your stuff, doesnt quite line up with your story

Mr. Bigfield The Farmer (4/14/2016 8:22:47 PM)GOODBAD
Elijah Went Rogue, left our Kingdom, and violated the NAP.

He is being targetted from within our kingdom, but we have messaged Chade to turn his army around to defend his cities near our core.

Also Shizzle still had buildings when you started prepping it, (meaning it couldnt have been wrecked by Poly since he didnt bother bouncing you. You cant destroy buildings when youre being prepped) and this is not to mention he never wasted gp on wrecking the GTs unlike you :P

17:49:27 Apr 25th 16 - Mr. Bigfield The Farmer:

To the tune of We didnt Start the Fire

Kingdom of Heavaen, Hammer Shield, sore feelings don't seem to heal;
The Titans move on neutral parties, Benin Empire stays on sidelines;
kingdom quitters all around, SOLOPLAYERS WARPATH BOUND,

WE didnt start the FIRE! Valhalla all was burning before players were turning!

18:25:02 Apr 25th 16 - Mr. Elijah The Hallburner:

why not respond to none of my questions ? 

and bigfield did you not know i was leaving?

18:25:02 Apr 25th 16 - Mr. Elijah The Hallburner:

why not respond to none of my questions ? 

and bigfield did you not know i was leaving?

18:25:22 Apr 25th 16 - Mr. Elijah The Hallburner:

and no , the buildings disappear tick by tick idioso 

18:25:38 Apr 25th 16 - Mr. Elijah The Hallburner:

why not ask the guy i took it from ?

18:28:16 Apr 25th 16 - Mr. Bigfield The Farmer:

We knew you were leaving. I thought you were going to just sort of phasr out or leave defenses in your cities.

What transpired actually helped us in the long run. No harm on us.

18:33:30 Apr 25th 16 - Prince Sesugh Son of Ogun:

I barely done anything , took a wrecked city and kamikazed one army lol , you would of thought i ravaged there whole core 

19:12:22 Apr 25th 16 - Prince Chade:

@Bigfield - mate what you have done is cover up facts for the sake of protecting your own skin and without thought about dignity or honor. You knew Elijah/Sesugh was leaving and this is like a VERY important fact you DEFINITELY mention on any relations negotiaion (citing the timeframe when me and you negotiated the CF between H&S and KH). Had we known the fact, do you think we would have accepted and me intentionally moving away No 1 HoH army from your core? We tried to, honorably, give you peace because we all know what would have happened otherwise. So have this in mind next time we meet on the battlefield and cant help but think why I reject your next peace offer.

@Sesugh - I apologize for calling you backstabber, but i stand by my opinion about you as a kingdom-hopper. When my wife was pregnant, I chose to take leave of absence rather than do stuff like that...keeps honor all intact, you know. Can I have some previous nicks now? PM me if you dont want to share it here. I am very curious as I remember all people I've played in a kd with over the years.

19:33:51 Apr 25th 16 - Mr. Elijah The Hallburner:

PM'd you in game chade and don't blame bigfield too much , neither of us knew you'd attack me , so he had no reason to know it would effect you.

20:05:25 Apr 25th 16 - Mr. Uwer:

Why do you discuss with Sesugh?

I play this for 3 eras and I saw him in more than 5 different kingdoms and he LEFT all those kingdoms.

He is solo lunatic. Will die every era and whine at he forums.

20:51:51 Apr 25th 16 - Prince Sesugh Son of Ogun:

just so you know uwer i have killed you twice , i hav sonly even died on a world your on once....

21:09:01 Apr 25th 16 - Mr. Pestilence:

Killed me twice? Lol!!!

I never restarted in this game. You are nuts. It is really a waste of time talking with you...

So, when you kill me, please do take a screenshot, right?

I will be waiting.

21:10:15 Apr 25th 16 - Mr. Pestilence:

Btw, you were crushed in Good vs Evil by Cloutier solo.

Speak less. Play more.

21:15:43 Apr 25th 16 - Mr. Sesughter The Warg:

cloutier never crushed anyone....He attacked me with two friends when i had one city and was inactive lmao 

21:15:59 Apr 25th 16 - Mr. Sesughter The Warg:

Fearsome victory that was 

21:16:27 Apr 25th 16 - Mr. Sesughter The Warg:

I took all your cities and killed all your armies and you fled like a bitch...

same thing isn't it ?

21:29:52 Apr 25th 16 - Mr. Bigfield The Farmer:

@Chade: Sesugh told me that he was "quitting the game" because he had a child on the way.

I thought that meant that he would be quitting the game, not rage quitting. After his rage quit he told us his cities were vacant but attacked and destroyed small armiea sent to take what we thought were vacant cities.

He had announced to us he was quitting. After the fact we cease fired. I did not know, nor could I have known, that he was going to go awol. He acted on his own accord. Furthermore, we alerted you immediately after he went awol.

If anything, this should clear up to the Titans that KoH and HnS didnt have some secret collusion to bring them down.

21:33:16 Apr 25th 16 - Mr. Uwer:

You are always innactive when you lose, Sesugh,

Bring a new excuse.

21:37:51 Apr 25th 16 - Prince Sesugh Son of Ogun:

Not really uwer , when i died the era you are was there MAD simply outfought me , i just dislike you adding your name to it , you and cloutier got your asses kicked , ran away , joined your enemy and stayed WELL AWAY from your core , except one army cloutier sent which i SLAUGHTERED. 

Then you bragged on the forums about killing me , Yawn , but MAD had ALL you guys cities , you never got ONE back. I effectively killed both of you , you had no cities and one scout. 

Also , Bigfield is right he did not know i would fight KoH. 

21:46:21 Apr 25th 16 - Mr. Uwer:

Joined the enemy? Lol. You kicked me from your kingdom and took my cities overnight.

Why then you were saying that I left my blockers open? If you had all my cities under your control, you wouldnt be whining about a blocker that Ive opened for MAD.

Why do I argue with you? Jesus Christ...

How can a person be so stupid? You have selective memory. You are the scum of the world.

21:56:03 Apr 25th 16 - Prince Sesugh Son of Ogun:

You left your blockers open for the enemy , i kicked you , you attacked me , i killed you and took your southern cities , MAD took your blockers regardless of the fact they was open , which means you had 0 cities....

21:56:34 Apr 25th 16 - Prince Sesugh Son of Ogun:

Says a guy who write an entire RP story in response to me killing him about how heroic he was and how he never expected to win , you've changed your tune mate 

22:15:39 Apr 25th 16 - Mr. Uwer:

You are a waste, dude. 

I will never relate your name on my posts again, neither answer you.

Like I've said. You have selective memory. You are a total lunatic. For real, dude. 

And that is sad. Just sad.


22:39:34 Apr 25th 16 - Mr. Elijah The Hallburner:

so what did happen uwer enlighten us ? did i or did i not take all your southern cities and did MAD or did they not take your blockers? 

04:11:49 Apr 26th 16 - The Real Josh (Prince Sladen):

Chadeypoo: Previous names = Kathandarion

I didnt know this flame war had grown so intense , Continue gentlemen I enjoy watching from the sidelines

08:47:38 Apr 26th 16 - Prince Chade:

05:11:49 Apr 26th 16 - The Real Josh (Prince Sladen):

Chadeypoo: Previous names = Kathandarion


yeah i figured it was kath already matey :) I should've figured it out from the start - no one in the history of VU has been so delusional like kath/sesugh/whatever he is calling himself these days :D

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