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Forums / In game politics / Fantasia 41

Fantasia 41
19:04:30 Jun 10th 16 - Sir Albatross:

He's doing a classic Switzerland. Stay neutral with everyone and hope the Germans don't invade. 

There is merit in that strategy, Moggs is making himself a little bit of an anomaly in strategy on Fantasia.... no one can build up quickly enough to be in that area and most people can't take him on. 

14:50:50 Jun 11th 16 - Sir Albatross:

I think I've witnessed Chade and Moggs initiate a cease fire lol

15:01:04 Jun 11th 16 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Jesus Left Toe):

No, no, no! You have to start it with "I heard a rumour that" makes it 10 times more believable. 

09:17:11 Jun 12th 16 - Sir Albatross:

Ahh, I see...

I heard a rumour that Moggs is willing to do anything to get into the kingdom SF... certain 'favours' have been considered. 

21:16:11 Jun 12th 16 - Prince Chade:

as always rumours are incorrect..

Fanta VS SF VS Moggs

22:08:29 Jun 12th 16 - Prince Tega Sesughter Son of Iron:

but aren't sf & moggs part of fantastic?

The Alliance of Fantasia will overcome SF

09:05:32 Jun 13th 16 - Prince Chade:

that will definitely come to happen one day :) we were just lucky - no skill involved, just luck :)

10:21:12 Jun 13th 16 - Sir Albatross:

and don't forget money... lots of money was poured into that campaign ;)

If you want to spare us until the end, make us the cherry on the top, that'd be appreciated ;) haha

17:04:40 Jun 13th 16 - Sir Albatross:

I heard a rumour that Moggs is buying Bonus Turns and A LOT OF THEM.

09:20:34 Jun 16th 16 - Mr. Moggs:

I heard a rumor that Moggs bought the wrong science and died.

Rumor has it that he makes up for what he lacks in AOTD with surplus lumber.

09:53:21 Jun 16th 16 - Mr. Moggs:

It's not letting me repair my Catapults. Game is bugged!? Please help!

   In city:0

10:07:30 Jun 16th 16 - Princess Aisha:

You researched forestry so your Catapults get fixed? :-D

10:40:17 Jun 16th 16 - Mr. Moggs:

I don't think Medicine is going to help them because they're made of wood and 'Army of the Dead' didnt seem helpful because wood doesnt die, so it seemed reasonable to level wood science.

I'm currently at wood science 3 and I still can't repair them, pretty lame to die because of a bug -_-

11:07:33 Jun 16th 16 - Tyrin (Mr. Tyrin):

Nah man, the medi science allows you to have bigger band aids. These are repurposed to mend the splintered wood.

Of course you need to upgrade mining as well though. Clearly youre not going to be able to fix them without the ore for the tools and the metal bits.

11:14:26 Jun 16th 16 - Prince Chade:

and while you are at it, you need to up your farming didnt think those bands, metal bits and splintered woods will just "fix themselves", now did you?

You will need the ale for the workers. Ale comes from fruits and barley...Helloooooo!!!

11:54:46 Jun 16th 16 - Mr. Moggs:

I thought you were sensitive people!? You broke my catapults and stole my castle! My sciences were well-rounded, my former city a lovely rainbow. In spite of my highly advanced Forestry, Medical, and Mining sciences my catapults are now beyond repair.

If only I were able to repair my broken catapults! I will heed your advice and use it in eras to come.

12:29:29 Jun 16th 16 - Tyrin (Mr. Tyrin):

Perhaps next time summon a friendly cloud of locust to help you reassemble them. It is my understanding that they wouldve made a lot more repairs possible and even cheerfully sing as they worked like some sort of disney movie.

Inn the meantime keep spreading rumors! A strong propaganda campaign increases the chance that your castle will revolt back to your benevolent leadership :)

12:46:20 Jun 16th 16 - Mr. Moggs:

Sound advice, one might argue that given the troops and resources at my disposal I should have been able to slay many more troops than a mere quarter million and that my Hidey Hole should have held for many days.

Rumor has it that my people fear the locust, and it so happens that my researchers were not able to comprehend Magic Science 6.

I will bide my time as king in exile and await revolt. Rumor has it that my conquerors have a terrible body odor so foul that it's scent alone incites revolt.

13:44:15 Jun 16th 16 - Mr. Littlefield:

Lol. I love you guys.

I know I'm not a famous player, certainly not the best. I've enjoyed my season getting back into VU after years of being away.

I'm going to be reducing my active characters from 5 to 2, as my wife (and myself) are unsatisfied with the time committment that it takes.

Fantasia has been fun. I went from not thinking I could compete to surviving and being a contributing force/impediment to Chade's advances :)

After this Era, I think I will play only on Mantrax (Where time seems to move slower) and Valhalla (where time stops). Thats a pace that I can afford at this point.

I'll play my other characters until they die. On Good v Evil, it was more boredom and a manufactured need to survive. It's been fun, and it isnt' over yet.

On Zetamania I have had a ton of fun with Death Dealers. I think I've had my best performing character there as a Hobbit making well over 2.5 million. Great Kingdom, and many players I hope to see on Mantrax and Vallhala still.

On Fantasia, it feels more like how Good v Evil was supposed to be. Truly a ton of fun, but I simply can't dedicate the time needed without being a dead weight on my kingdom mates. You all have provided a fun outlet from frustration and such during a hard time for me.

On Valhalla, I have my Kingdom that I am still trying to see if it will work, and on Mantrax, I have played for a decade. I think I will continue with those.

Thanks for the fun few months, everyone!

14:13:44 Jun 16th 16 - Princess Aisha:

Time moves slower on Mantrax? Have you played this era on Mantrax at all, time does not move slower at all... not sure what you mean?
Take on the entire world and you will see the time does not move slower :)

14:57:23 Jun 16th 16 - Mr. Perilous:

Time hasn't stopped on Mantrax in my experience, but I think he means to say it is less demanding than Fantasia.

15:11:50 Jun 16th 16 - Princess Aisha:

Two worlds are pretty similar actually, its Sensitive Fellas vs the rest on Fantasia
and Collective vs the rest on Mantrax... On both worlds "the rest" seems to be losing.
In Fantasia we have a veteran team, while on Mantrax its a lot of newish players, but the team in Mantrax is closer to winning the world than on Fantasia, it might be more demanding on Fantasia cause many in Mantrax already gave up.

16:46:42 Jun 16th 16 - Mr. Littlefield:

I didn't mean to offend. I've enjoyed playing on all of the worlds. I just enjoy the pace a bit better on the smaller worlds as there aer simply less active players. 

You guys have done awesome on Mantrax, Aisha. Please don't get me wrong there. 

14:35:52 Jun 17th 16 - Prince Chade:

ZeTa, could we have an updated version?

17:23:16 May 23rd 16 - ZeTa (VU Admin):


22:13:44 Jun 19th 16 - Mr. Littlefield:

A development is unfolding.

Prince Tega Sesughter Son of Iron (6/19/2016 11:39:25 AM)GOODBAD
*A band of hammer throwers mounted on stallions approach Giantminez, The halfling city ruled by Sir mountain, arrayed in mithrill armour , weapons hanging loosely at there sides , they ride under a Khalfout flag of chaos. The closest rider raises a horn that was attached to his saddle. He waves a message & proclaims*

"We come bearing a message for you , false lords of Cease Exist."

*As the gates of return are opening for a rider to be despatched to treat with them beyond the walls, the small band ride in through the gates...With violence in there stride. The Ambassador is struck down , and the roar of a nazgul is heard in the skies*

I think he sent this to many 

00:06:59 Jun 20th 16 - Prince Tega Sesughter Son of Iron:

only important people got one :P

13:39:21 Jun 20th 16 - Sir Albatross:

I think that we have been well and truly screwed over by SF - there is no come back from this. 

Maybe someone can end the era early and then when Jesus and Cao Cao decide to merge their kingdoms with Albatross under a new name that would be great... haha

17:55:30 Jun 21st 16 - Mr. Aziand The Corothian:

There is usually a point in the era, when a kingdom goes on an invasion spree, and takes over a core..or two cores..and nearing a third core. If the same 2-3 people are in control of the armies taking these cores. Those 2-3 people of SF will become encumbered with all those cities they have taken. Their economy at that point will be totally F###$%d. Their funds to upkeep their army will also be possibly F#$#$D due to this mismanaged state of accrued cities.

It appears that it may be about time for this F##$D point of time for SF. It thus..would be a good time for the Fantasias remaining kingdoms to make their attack.

Burning Legion made a pact with everyone against SF...such a time to put this pact into motion seems to be here.

20:55:00 Jun 21st 16 - Stormy (Lord Chades Bff):

mass naps ftw

movie the hunger games great thumbs up comeback

22:02:15 Jun 21st 16 - Binh (Mr. Hnib Evitisnes The Dwarf):

I remember playing a game called "Slay" (google it, maybe even play it. It's free now) when I was a kid. A bunch of weak level troops can kill a small number of elite troops by just outcapturing land. Without "direct confrontation", I was able to kill all their income and the elite troops die on it's own from not being able to supply the require upkeep.

You guys still have a chance, just got to use your "numbers" to your advantage :)

00:42:53 Jun 22nd 16 - Mr. Littlefield:

Zerg Rush Countdown initiated...

08:51:07 Jun 22nd 16 - Mr. Kasakasz The Retreat:

we need more overlords?

11:18:53 Jun 22nd 16 - Prince Chade:

01:42:53 Jun 22nd 16 - Mr. Littlefield:

Zerg Rush Countdown initiated...


OMG!!! i cant believe someone still plays Brood War!!! :D

16:08:39 Jun 22nd 16 - Mr. Bigfield The Executive:

It's a classic.

I'm uncertain on the efficacy of the tactic here.

If the Fant Against SF alliance all immediately put everything into training level 2 troops, the op/dp cost would make sense, but it would have to see battle within 25 ticks or the whole alliance would be bankrupt.

03:32:06 Jun 23rd 16 - Mr. Aziand The Corothian:

were not all putting everything into lvl 2've been ill informed.

10:29:21 Jun 23rd 16 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Jesus Left Toe):

I am ^^^^

01:35:41 Jun 26th 16 - Arkantos (Lord Ajax):

Gooo cao cao!!

00:31:14 Jun 28th 16 - Mr. Aziand The Corothian:

For all those without hope, know that jasmines horde...has been sent back to it's homelands. And the kinky women leading it are now hanging from the walls of "West Hold"

May the terror of Fred seep into SFs' will to attack it's walls again..

11:04:25 Jun 28th 16 - Sir Albatross:

Fancy taking care of the other horde in our core...? 

15:37:48 Jun 28th 16 - Prince Kathandrion The Warrior:

The Native Troll Tribes have launched an insurgency against the babylonian empire of SF 

15:38:01 Jun 28th 16 - Prince Kathandrion The Warrior:

I am Judas Maccabe !!!!!! lol 

19:11:13 Jun 28th 16 - Sir Albatross:

"Vote Leave" - I'm campaigning for the Brexit of this era on Fant. 

04:48:20 Jun 29th 16 - Mr. Aziand The Corothian:

ahh..albatross was doing a nice job taking SF cities I figured they shoulda been able to hold their own ground too.

04:48:20 Jun 29th 16 - Mr. Aziand The Corothian:

ahh..albatross was doing a nice job taking SF cities I figured they shoulda been able to hold their own ground too.

08:16:04 Jun 29th 16 - Sir Albatross:

Only so much you can do against bonus turns ;)

09:24:52 Jun 29th 16 - Prince Chade:

well you can look sexy and hawt, and even BTs wont help ;)

00:30:37 Jul 2nd 16 - Mr. Aziand The Corothian:

So what's going on with SF? THey take over 3 cores and can't finish everyone off with all that income? Still got half of the map to go. I was expecting them to be the next super power on fantasia. So disappointing.

01:20:04 Jul 2nd 16 - Dark Spawn (Sir Dominion):

After making an alliance of 52 people (minus the inactives in each kingdom) to fight one kingdom, I would hide behind a rock and shut up till the end of the era.

Mad and Dangerous11Sir Aloysius LXXII36
Cease Exist16Lord Cao Cao23
Albatross15Sir Albatross21
Ferox3Lord Jesus Left Toe15
Planet Hollywood7Mr. Hollywood3

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