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Forums / In game politics / Fantasia Era of Hanky Panky 82

Fantasia Era of Hanky Panky 82
03:44:01 Jan 1st 22 - Mr. Aloysius:

I have time to be warrior behind the keyboard. It’s New Years day, so what can you expect from bad leader. Hahaha. 

03:47:57 Jan 1st 22 - Mr. Aloysius:

Now I confirmed that Imperium means business hahaha. 


(reposting this so no one misses this gem of a post; please feel free to go back a page for the full context ;) )
This is what you call "defenses"? 500 GTs or 2k or so Ghosts? 


Notice how Aloy was so brave and bold responding with false claims every 2m, and yet the moment there is proof of why one player ran over his KD there are only cricket noises? Yea. The silence is pretty deafening.

I also want to leave this gem here:

My favorite part? How he calls Cyrone a "mediocre" player and brags about his "100+ eras consecutively", while telling Cyrone to "get better, poor boy". Guess Cyrone took your advice?

04:02:16 Jan 1st 22 - Mr. Aloysius:

Nope. You can’t get advice from a bad leader. He just got better poor boy!

04:32:00 Jan 1st 22 - Miyamoto Musashi (Mr. Daijo Tenno):


everyone 's a hypocrite here. You should know the true meaning of that.

04:53:03 Jan 1st 22 - Mr. Aloysius:

^ Except them. Don’t twist the truth, they are the righteous ones. 

07:35:12 Jan 1st 22 - Mr. Friendly Cyrone:

I basically mapped out what I've done every turn in Discord (as I've done them) from the start of the era so it's extremely obvious to everyone in my KD I didn't buy BTs. It's basically all logged exactly how this actually happened. I used my 3 BT's at the start of the era to take out Northkrill and that's it. Just stop embarrassing yourselves with the BT narrative; it makes you guys look so bad but it is hilarious watching the cope.

Can we talk about how you guys defended your north core? No blocker (Trusted Blcoker lol). Running 15k units in 3 different instances (between two different players) into 2k knights for them to die at 100% (probably thought they were "BTing magic" swordsmen). No GTs (also no GT's at the first core lol). Panicked and wasted movement of armies. Does anyone know what razing is by the way? If you're about to lose a city and you are aware enough that you pull your units back, why wouldn't you raze it? I suspected so much more from kingdom traitor Fred! He seems like a great addition to your roster.

Keep on coping though because it's pretty hilarious. 

07:42:38 Jan 1st 22 - Kobuskan (Sir Kobuskan):

Hail pay to win Imperium

13:32:33 Jan 1st 22 - Konspyre (Captain Hindsight):

any defense would be better than "we dont understand so it must be pay to win", and since you've already convinced yourself that that's the case you just shut your brain down and keep repeating the same excuse.
Keep using your imagination to protect your pride guys!

Happy 2022 and stay safe everyone!

14:07:28 Jan 1st 22 - Kobuskan (Sir Kobuskan):

Stupid idiot

17:57:45 Jan 1st 22 - Mr. Friendly Cyrone:

Looks like Aloysius the Time Wizard is using his magic again! How he got from Ston to Dream at 8:52AM with 9k units is beyond my imagination! What a skilled Time Wizard he is! I'm sure if it was one of his original 3 BT's, he surely wouldn't waste it for something so trivial! Thus, it must be Time Magic!

19:19:13 Jan 1st 22 - Mr. Aloysius:

Don’t worry. I can say here that I bought BTs unlike the likes of you. I need to understand this BT mechanic. That’s one feature in this game I don’t really have personal experience. I will try custom title too. 

Just kinda svcks that I bought it late. I will try to buy at the era start next time.. and run some tests. 


19:48:46 Jan 1st 22 - Konstant (The Ancient Eternal Question):

I love that Aloy just admitted he's not good enough to keep up with us.

Watch him still lose.

20:01:24 Jan 1st 22 - Mr. Aloysius:

You win I lose!  Next era you win I lose. Happy now? 

20:17:57 Jan 1st 22 - Mr. Ronnie Flex:

If everyone is so bad, why don't Imperium just split down the middle in two pieces and fight each other. There should be plenty of well rested attackers since Conspyre been doing all the fighting so far!

We have 7 active members atm, so we should split into 2 KDs of 3? Also fight each other so that we can weaken ourselves and let zerks/mad win instead? 

I didn't see anyone talking like this when mad/zerk alliance won 6/8 eras with 20+ members between them.

Also give Cyrus his due here, Jasper has done a great job, but overlooking Cyrus is just plain rude.

Lastly, I don't mean to imply all of mad "sucks". A KD frequently is as good as its leader. Of course there are limitations, but generally it's true. I have no issues with the rest of mad's membership, yes even Kob and Ryan (kisses).

mad = aloy, aloy = mad at this point.

20:29:11 Jan 1st 22 - Konspyre (Captain Hindsight):

Cyrus > me so far haha

20:32:09 Jan 1st 22 - Kobuskan (Sir Kobuskan):

I talked to Johan and he is about 100 euro short for a new back up battery to keep the game running, maybe pay to win imperium can buy some more bts.

Bitcoin will also be accepted.
Also dont forget to send a message to admin so that you get your bts in time.

You know I don't understand the salt about bought bts.

Where were you Kob when Hanky was bt-spamming? You know where Imperium was? Unconcerned. You know why? Because if someone is buying BTs, let them; it supports the game that you play for free.

Cyrus didn't buy any, but if he, or anyone else does, good for them. Look at Ice both on Mantrax and Valhalla these two eras. Very clearly bt-spammed, but no one said anything because he's supporting the game.

In some ways, bt buying should be encouraged, not looked down upon. Maybe it would give Zeta enough motivation to get back to paying more attention to VU. At the end of the era buying bts typically won't get you very far. It's an early advantage sure, but not an insurmountable one.

09:25:07 Jan 2nd 22 - Mr. Aloysius:

All Hail Pay2Whiners!!!

12:16:32 Jan 2nd 22 - Dark Spawn (Lord Dark Spawn):

Admin should ban discussion about buying bonus turns, that is a way he makes money from the game, and if people stop buying because of players complaining like Ice did, just hurts the game owner and game itself. 

12:35:47 Jan 2nd 22 - Mr. Uuu:

Love seeing people are still cranky in this game.

15:08:48 Jan 2nd 22 - Mr. Aloysius:

Yeah. I agree we should ban those complaining especially those that don’t belong to their elite group of thinkers.

15:26:53 Jan 2nd 22 - Dark Spawn (Lord Dark Spawn):

You are just being foolish now

I am not part of that kingdom

20:53:14 Jan 2nd 22 - fred (Mr. Fred The Terrorist):

You guys really love to write !!!

Get a life it was new year
Congrats for this era
See u next one

00:21:40 Jan 3rd 22 - Jarl The Bearded One:

Yeah new year new VU

04:57:10 Jan 3rd 22 - Miyamoto Musashi (Mr. Daijo Tenno):

Just dont understand why the need to dictate who buying BTs? Z needs fund and since there is willing party. 

I wanna whine too... Kon plot telling us there will be no aggression before mad is taken out but thing turned out different after oop. Righteous :)  

You (12/29/2021 9:41:26 PM)
So you guys are aware, Imperium most likely won't have any relations with TB this era simply due to zerks being drastically weakened/cut down in size compared to previous eras.

We more than likely won't be attacking before mad is taken care of (assuming we win), but it would probably be prudent of you to prepare for an eventual conflict with Imperium.

We just wanted to warn you guys ahead of time so that there's no surprise down the line. We just want to avoid outnumbering the map like mad/zerks did before, so that we can have more fun with the map, and vice versa.
Mr. Daijo Tenno (12/29/2021 9:46:38 PM)GOODBAD

I dont see any relations in Fant as every kingdom is out for blood. But it a good news to assume a non aggression till mad is out. We are also targeting to do some damage to them for past era bs between them and Bzerk.

It a war game so no hard feeling on "surprises". Have fun Mate.

You (12/29/2021 9:52:01 PM)
MAD is in the center of the map and zerks are in the SW corner.

Bling is down by you guys and you should assume him hostile; part of the reason why I wanted to make sure and let you guys know about our non-relations this era.


I know it's a war game, but one of Imperium's goals is to bring "life" back to Fantasia. Imperium wants to be a counter weight to the mad/zerk alliance to allow other KDs/players a chance to enjoy the game as well.

In the process, Imperium doesn't want to become the same tyrants as mad/zerks are/were.
Mr. Daijo Tenno (12/30/2021 3:49:26 AM)GOODBAD
We are happy that a kingdom is here to tilt the imbalance on the long term mad/bzerks coordination.

Will beef up for defend and attack fast. Thanks for the heads up and hope to see Fant back to the old world action again.

Mr. Daijo Tenno (12/31/2021 8:19:05 AM)GOODBAD
Seem with a orc down here. I get the meaning of taking mad out first.

Guess the "bring life back" to this game means you guys take out smaller kingdom, feed on our cities and rule like bzerks.

Well, that really deter us from playing here actively. I would rather have mad/bzerk rule this world as we prefer less hypocrisy. Just move in to attack than to tell us stories about balancing between big kingdom.

Anyway, good plot.


TB was given a 2 day warning.

You replied not 5h later to the warning saying that you will "beef up and defend and attack fast". At the time of the warning, Bling had a 200 building city near your core.

You only took your current stance after Bling took a city.

You assumed "non-aggression", which I quickly corrected by telling you in the very next message that Bling would be hostile just 6 minutes after your assumption.


By the time Bling attacked, mad was already down to 65% of Imperium's strength. While mad wasn't dead yet, I would consider that as "taken out" especially after half of their KD has either died or lost their main econ cities.

None of this was formal; it was a friendly warning in advance, much more than you would otherwise ever receive from any KD. 

05:38:41 Jan 3rd 22 - Mr. Buttseks:

only NAP i take is, is when its sleepy time.

06:41:55 Jan 3rd 22 - Mr. Aloysius:

Imperium need no explanation anymore of their intent here in Fantasia. 

The tyranny of MAD and Berzerkers are over. There is a new one on the rise but more righteous! hahaha

All hail Pay2Whiners!

13:19:13 Jan 1st 22 - Mr. Aloysius:

Don’t worry. I can say here that I bought BTs unlike the likes of you. I need to understand this BT mechanic. That’s one feature in this game I don’t really have personal experience. I will try custom title too. 

The only player who has bought BTs is actually...well...Aloy...

The only player whining is...well...Aloy...

Really shows Aloy's character. Instead of adapting over the last three eras to meet a new challenge, he has instead resorted to petty name calling. 

23:40:37 Jan 3rd 22 - Mr. Buttseks:

did i wins yet?

23:45:42 Jan 3rd 22 - Konspyre (Captain Hindsight):


23:47:44 Jan 3rd 22 - Mr. Buttseks:

mkay thanks bye

07:41:48 Jan 4th 22 - fred (Mr. Fred The Terrorist):

Mr. Friendly Cyrone 

how many ticks u used to take a city in 2 ticks?

07:50:30 Jan 4th 22 - Mr. Friendly Cyrone:

Mr. Fred The Terrorist

00 | 06% |
01 | 33% | 
02 | 68% | 
03 | 86% |

Build a single wall in your city so next time it won't take 3 turns to cap.

08:39:30 Jan 4th 22 - fred (Mr. Fred The Terrorist):

heheh how old r u ?

05:07:19 Jan 18th 22 - Matthew (Chief Mathew):

Does Imperium offer it's players free coaching on how to land-drop without the mining bonus?

The Ancient Myrddin of Camelot (1/17/2022 3:17:04 AM)GOODBAD
Hey, unsure if you're trying to land drop here, but land drop is 6399 > 30k.

The 10k > 30k is for Elves and Dwarves.

If you're not, then avoid my face.

0% chance you guys are good enough at the game to build your 6399s as 3200homes/3200x then float 30-50% excess peasants in an army to fill the 5k homes your 30ks would have

Youre better off not doing that in the first place on a word where tree is below the native cost.

Feel free to use this improved strategy to get better at the game.
Don't offer me unsolicited gameplay mechanics advice.

05:10:12 Jan 18th 22 - Matthew (Chief Mathew):

im 99% sure you guys are building 6399s as 1067/5332s without the full mining bonus then land-dropping your 30ks at low productivity because you guys were all so awful at the game 10 years ago that you needed land-dropping itself explained to you in the first place after they changed the land mechanics when anyone with a brain would have figured it out themselves immediately

I'll be polite again now but stop being disrespectful.

14:24:29 Jan 18th 22 - Percy (Mr. Percy The Range Test Officer):

I can’t speak for all of Imperium’s actual gameplay, but that’s not how we teach it. Anyone who builds out there 6399 as a 1:5 is asking for trouble :)

Our guides show a 1:2 approach for the 6399 assuming you’re doing a “traditional” land drop of very small/nonstarter city. If you have a starter city and such, I skew that to 1:1 or even 2:1 since you don’t need those resources quite as much as the pez. 

That said, you’re removing the main benefit to land drop going to 10k instead of 6399. The stone and wood costs are 1/3 less, on top of the fact you have 3400 fewer buildings, which for a land drop that early could easily be 10% of your total land, driving down all resource costs further. We try to drive home this tier should be 10k homes 20k econ for PG.

The final step for me is always 20k/70k, but I think most do 15k/75k. I prefer housing troops for static defense and MUs for static magic defense :)

14:35:36 Jan 18th 22 - Mr. Ice Blizzard:

Wait, is Bling playing vu again! OMG! Welcome back Bling <3<3 Let's restart "Feckers" next era in fant mate n burn them all, what you say? Was outstanding to play with Feckers at the very beginning when it was made.

Please don't be disrespectful towards mighty Mathew (The Great Mattathia!) whoever you are.

17:07:25 Jan 18th 22 - Jarl Eivor:


im 99% sure you guys are building 6399s as 1067/5332s without the full mining bonus then land-dropping your 30ks at low productivity because you guys were all so awful at the game 10 years ago that you needed land-dropping itself explained to you in the first place after they changed the land mechanics when anyone with a brain would have figured it out themselves immediately

I'll be polite again now but stop being disrespectful.

Lol mind your ignorance

18:58:41 Jan 18th 22 - Mr. Ghostface:

How important is to actually land drop the cities?

What kind of difference does it make comparing someone who drops buildings and someone who does not? How much more expensive and faster (or slower) is it to landdrop?

19:08:34 Jan 18th 22 - Mr. Ice Blizzard:

It makes comparibily "huge" difference.

19:34:59 Jan 18th 22 - Princess Aisha:

It really does not. Is it better to landdrop? Sure, its better.

If you don't, are you really that far behind? 
No, not really.

I have been playing +15 years and I very rarely land drop.
And I am never that far behind. 
Sure, those who land drop are slightly faster with higher economy earlier in era
But never so that I can't keep up. 

19:39:35 Jan 18th 22 - Mr. Ice Blizzard:

It depend on player's grade, not how many years you playing. If i land-drop where you don't at same phase, i'm def gonna kill you badly even tho there're peeps behind you n i dont.

19:45:46 Jan 18th 22 - Princess Aisha:

Landdropping is about building your cities most cost efficient 

Using less resources to build the same amount of buildings 
Requires a lot of saving up resources and waiting for resources to stockpile.

Person who does not save up, but builds little by little will reach the same buildings
But will spend more resources because as you have more land, its more expensive to build, that is the whole thing.

You killing me or not does not have anything to do with land dropping 
If you buy lots of bonus turns and kill someone oop, it does not really matter if they land drop or not. 
I usually play Troll, so if I am alive at mid era, I will kill you no matter how many bonus turns you bought in the era. Does not matter if you land drop or not, the result will be the same.

19:48:45 Jan 18th 22 - Mr. Ice Blizzard:

You'll kill me mid era only if you have peeps behind your @ss to AoTD chain you. Or else you still get no chance whether its mid or late.

19:53:05 Jan 18th 22 - Princess Aisha:

Thats like saying You can only beat me if you're halfer if you have half building cost and faster building, and if your Ponies are cheap 800 gold each. People play Orcs, Trolls and Elves because there is army of the dead, without if those races would never be able to compare with Halfers or Dwarfs. 

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