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Forums / In game politics / Fantasia age 6

Fantasia age 6
04:26:09 Mar 4th 11 - Mr. Pride:

ok people i am looking for a kd I am a vet havent played in like 3 years but some of my names were Thoth of abydos and during the age of drakien i ended as Wind Magican King of broken Mirror and i'm tired of being untagged i am used to fighting alone i have always been on my own but like to have some back up and the view is alway nice. Don't make me beg

04:33:04 Mar 4th 11 - Puppy Bunny Guard:

Boredom and it keeps the others away from each others' personal fronts. lol :P

14:57:20 Mar 4th 11 - Mr. Richard Dawkins:

Vrag is definately a bloody idiot and forever to be on my Kill On Sight. What a waster. Does he actually think he's any good?

15:27:06 Mar 4th 11 - Mr. Pocho:

idk, but he wasnt that "fighting alone 1v5", since he was helped by Warlock (and me)....

18:44:20 Mar 4th 11 - Puppy Smurf:

I don't think he realized the difference in caliber of player plus situation we were dealing with when he wrote that message. lol

We were facing Binh with magic support after we had a shoddy, late, and disorganized drop. lol

He was facing a scrub kingdom that was getting hit on all sides....

19:16:48 Mar 4th 11 - Mr. Pocho:

hey! now mine is a scrub kingdom that is getting hit on all sides! more respect! (?)

16:03:14 Mar 10th 11 - Mr. Ogrim Doomhammer:

Yah! Arma again!!!! Lol... at least this time I survived, unless its that control arma thing again, didn't look for the city...

16:22:01 Mar 10th 11 - Puppy Smurf:

Top left section of the mapz0rs. lol You know who. :P

17:17:22 Mar 10th 11 - Mr. Nooooobhammer:

Ahhh okay, thanks :)

21:39:51 Mar 10th 11 - Mr. Binh The Hunter:

Just so everyone know, we plan 1 arma recast before actually ending the era. Feel free to request otherwise if you want 0 or 2 recast instead :P

22:05:47 Mar 10th 11 - General Who:

Can i request for you to end the current one, let someone else cast it. Then they stop it and i make the world it magically.

22:22:15 Mar 10th 11 - I am Hopeless:

No you can't request that Zond...

Can't you just cancel it when it says: Armageddon will end the world of Fantasia in -1 days unless the city of Douche is destroyed.
That would be great.

10:31:54 Mar 12th 11 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

why control it?

11:03:22 Mar 12th 11 - Mr. Corollin of Acre:

yeah im back so...

09:28:24 Mar 14th 11 - Mr. Lick Yah:

any KDs recruiting for next era? or whatever yu call this restart after arma

16:11:21 Mar 14th 11 - Mr. Horus Left Testicle:

you'll have to Lick Yah titties first. You know, standard procedure and all. Gotta make sure your sexy enough!

00:25:30 Mar 15th 11 - Mr. Dimez:

<Lick yah ... igots a name change, but i'll lick mines and i'll lick yurs too(; lol

02:35:14 Mar 15th 11 - Mr. Panic X:

should i come to fant? i have two chars with worlds ending soon...


12:24:25 Mar 15th 11 - Judge Kobuskan:

Carefull Horus, your left testicle is still stuck on Arma, but be patient i will soon castrate it for you.

14:15:11 Mar 16th 11 - Mr. Ford Prefect:

thats not me

bah, horus and horus left testicle are not the same person

its just a tribute :)

16:00:39 Mar 16th 11 - Mr. Dwarf of Time:

I find it funny how dark side's 'full time mage' thinks a OOP player on fant should be able to fight off a 50 000 strong halfling army oop alone , with orc re enforcement en route. 

Good strategy.

19:30:39 Mar 16th 11 - Mr. Wittyusername:

Mr. Ford Prefect


23:15:11 Mar 16th 11 thats not me

bah, horus and horus left testicle are not the same person

its just a tribute :)

Oh geez people still think that???

00:14:51 Mar 17th 11 - Sir Ryan The Archion IX:

@ Hex, Thanks for the 60m+ stone for .6. Love you guys.

02:09:09 Mar 17th 11 - Ms. Bluelight:

13:39:51 Mar 10th 11 - Mr. Binh The Hunter:

Just so everyone know, we plan 1 arma recast before actually ending the era. Feel free to request otherwise if you want 0 or 2 recast instead :P

one recast is enough. 2 will make the era too long and not recasting it will leave fant with no clear winner. lots of KD are still strong.

03:07:02 Mar 17th 11 - Mr. Pride:

just end it already

05:38:10 Mar 17th 11 - Mr. Smurfinator:

i see 5 decent kds and we all got some good wars kicking so why this again? leave it at one recast

18:45:07 Mar 19th 11 - Mr. Nebula:

Which selffish freaking asshole cancelled arma ?

20:05:22 Mar 19th 11 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

You have to be kidding me -.- why the heck did DS cancel it...its not like any other kd will have a chance against mad and DS, especially after they have taken our cities.

02:47:48 Mar 20th 11 - Puppy Smurf:

They did it last era..... not like it's a surprise? lol

08:34:38 Mar 20th 11 - Judge Kobuskan:

Maybe they consider it normal behaviour and they can't think like normal people.

20:33:11 Mar 21st 11 - Sir Mcmax The Magic Warrior:

Not that VU have many members left (even if we include all 3 characters a player can have) - but this will surely reduce the number (again)

21:23:23 Mar 21st 11 - Puppy Smurf:

I thought you quit already? lol

07:08:21 Mar 22nd 11 - Sir Mcmax The Magic Warrior:

I choosed to be inactive this age on both Mantrax and Fantasia to see, if behaviour among certain players would change after last eras massive mis-use of the gameplay-glitches and if that misuse would come to an end.

It look so on Mantrax. Armageddon have been casted will probably be allowed to end the world as supposed to (though there still is 17 hours lelft of the age, so.....). And Mantrax did manage to "grow up" in age before Armageddon was casted.

Here on Fantasia Dark Side still tries to ruin this part of the game by holding Armageddon as "hostage" instead of giving it free OR end that world.


A few good things are:

  • None has been science-robbed (not yet anyway or not in a degree where he/she have complained about it in public).
  • No halfers exp-feeding (at least no-one have noticed).
  • No AotD misuse.
  • And best of all - Admin have (re)started to make comments in some threads, so all hope might not be lost afterall.

08:16:19 Mar 22nd 11 - Puppy Fracker:

I don't see how steal science is even a grey area. It's effects are spelled out clearly. Overpowered or too much? Maybe. 

08:43:33 Mar 22nd 11 - Sir Mcmax The Magic Warrior:

Clearly overpowered I say. And maybe also too cheap. And I'm not so sure it's effect have been that clear, else we would have seen it used much more in the latest ages. Last age was actually the first time I really saw it used - and in my eyes, also misused.


A solution might be, that you should only be able to steal what you could use yourself i.e. you should only be able to steal a military science level as long as you yourself have a lower level or the same level of that science (if you manage to steal a level, your own will rise with that one level).

08:54:15 Mar 22nd 11 - Puppy Smurf:

It's already expensive as hell, if the one being casted on has any magic defense at all..... it takes ALL of your magic defense into account, not just what's being casted on, and it can cost quite a bit. lol

09:45:36 Mar 22nd 11 - Ms. Crazy Homo Magics:

I think you'll find there is always AoTD misuse, no matter where you look Mcmax...

11:43:02 Mar 22nd 11 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

Yep, MAD survived on fant purely trough that, they had only one really strong army and just kept aotding it every time it lost a lot of troops...

14:37:35 Mar 22nd 11 - Mr. Glasses III:

A solution might be, that you should only be able to steal what you could use yourself i.e. you should only be able to steal a military science level as long as you yourself have a lower level or the same level of that science (if you manage to steal a level, your own will rise with that one level).

That is how it works. Any science that is <= your own simply disappears like it would with the old Amnesia.


You have to be kidding me -.- why the heck did DS cancel it...its not like any other kd will have a chance against mad and DS, especially after they have taken our cities.


Just so everyone know, we plan 1 arma recast before actually ending the era. Feel free to request otherwise if you want 0 or 2 recast instead :P

15:44:27 Mar 22nd 11 - Mr. Ogrim Doomhammer:

yeah, like Glasses said, they gave everyone a ton of advance warning... lol

18:14:52 Mar 22nd 11 - General Who:

I had my science stolen..and it actually helped because i had to OOP war, then when i was almost killed i farmed and got mining lvl 10..

And on mantrax ive stolen a lot of sciences.

19:57:18 Mar 22nd 11 - Sir Mcmax The Magic Warrior:

Oh no Mr. Glasses III (who-ever you are).

That is NOT the way it's working. Just look at this (my last age on Mantrax) or take a look on the public forum of Fantasia from lastest age.


Tuesday - 49 days ago
Our magic level got drained by magic!
Our military science got drained by magic!
Our military science got drained by magic!
Our magic level got drained by magic!
Our magic level got drained by magic!
Our magic level got drained by magic!
Our magic level got drained by magic!
Our magic level got drained by magic!
Our mining science got drained by magic!
Our military science got drained by magic!
Our magic level got drained by magic!
Our military science got drained by magic!


I had magic level 7 and in that case the one who casted the spell should have -7 in level......

Even if he/she had only level 1, I should only have lost 3 levels. Not all 7.

That is, IF the spell did work as I thought it did.


But if you "say" the caster could continue to "drain" the target and that was intended you are right. And to that I say "Change it!"

20:02:26 Mar 22nd 11 - Mr. Glasses III:

That is, IF the spell did work as I thought it did.

Perhaps you should learn how the spells actually work before you spout nonsense on the forums. Go back and re-read what I wrote.

20:32:09 Mar 22nd 11 - Sir Mcmax The Magic Warrior:

I'm not gonna discuss with you Glasses (who-ever you are) as you obvious do not understood what's on stake here.

It's the survival of VU. Nothing less, nothing more.


That spell was not been designed for that use with purpose. Else it would have been used many-many-many times before back in previous ages by (many other) powerful mages. But it have not.

Therefore I say the recent use of it is purely mis-use. Only allowed due to the fact that Admin have had his eyes and attention on somewhat else lately.

21:40:11 Mar 22nd 11 - Mr. Binh The Raider:

Mcmax, have you ever tried the spell? If not stop talking. No one ever used it before because no one really knew how it really work until 2 era previously on fantasia when Yarlin did an epic steal science on one of Evul's member. Before yarlin made that epic cast, I myself thought it only have "potential" of stealing one science per cast at an extreme cost which isn't very profitable in most cases.

The spell doesn't always steal your science. The message you received in your news are just you losing the sciences. Whether they "gain" it or not is another matter. Look up the meaning of "drain" in the dictionary. It isn't synonymous to "Steal".

07:50:57 Mar 23rd 11 - Sir Mcmax The Magic Warrior:

No one ever used it before because no one really knew how it really work

Exactly Bihn. Had anyone known the full strength of that spell  - and used it - while Zeta was active with updates, it would have been changed the very next age. Latest. I'm in no doubt about that.

The way it has used by Yarlin and others after him is nothing but pure game-spoiling, that makes players to leave.

And that is not exactly what we need to keep VU alive.

11:50:52 Mar 23rd 11 - Mr. Looks Interesting:

Just a small point of correction. Yarlin was not the first to use it extensively because it was used a few eras previous to that on a lower world. Thats when it was discovered how powerful it really was.

23:29:49 Mar 31st 11 - Mr. Rahatamatata:

i = nooboid.

anyone seek nooboid to increase their ranking of shitness?

i spawned on fant and i intend to be a prik and annoy peeps with lil troll brigades and plunder all their tasty goodness...if i'm ever around.

23:30:33 Mar 31st 11 - Mr. Rahatamatata:

^ msg me in game if yer kd wants untagged dude..dont read ghey forum

23:34:58 Mar 31st 11 - Mr. Rahatamatata:

mr who...i see your post. i think you gheylord of bhumholes.

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