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Forums / In game politics / Fantasia era 49 Karac

Fantasia era 49 Karac
16:13:04 Aug 15th 10 - Dr. Dill Pickle:

Venomz, what is your name on Mant?  hmmmm  :P

19:54:47 Aug 15th 10 - Grumpy old Ray of Sunshine:

Hm, that guy still crying over not taking #1? Sheesh, talk about a little pecker tucked in somewhere. Dude, get a life, seriously. 

Want to tell us something - go to Fant and find us there, waiting patiently. Perhaps for a change you wont hide behind 47 naps and XY weeks of farming while others bleed for you. Until then, why don't you just do what you said you'd do and... well... go away? :)

I'm pretty sure there are other games awaiting the greatness that is you, let us - the pathetic fools we are - wallow in our own misery caused by your absence. 

If you want i can always sing a ballad to you, involving mothers, dogs, great parties... and ofc the miracle that is called birth. But then again, you already knew something special must have happened when you were spawned, right? As long as you don't bark, it's alright mate, i heard it was quite the party. Crazy 70's and all that jazz.

And in case you aren't the greatness that once was TBL (considering everyone feels the need to hide behind oh-so-ingenious nicknames slandering someone else these days) , the same applies to you, oh great unknown warrior of the FEAR Path. 

May your living days remain as bitter and obsessed about DOA/DB/Juicy/you-name-it-as-long-as-it-involves-us as they were until the point when you've "quit". And yep, we are young, we are good looking, we are eloquent, we are well hung and we get laid rather regularly. And yes, we are arrogant cocks, yet people still love us for a reason you will never fathom. It's called style fyi, but then again you wouldn't know that, even if it hit you in the forehead. Now, i know it's everything you've ever dreamed to be, but gods ways can be mysterious when  he sets out to throw some fertilizer down to this little ball we like to call "Earth". So instead of coming back here, with posts resembling the ramblings of someone's retarded cousins second son, how about you fulfill your ultimate mission in life and... well... hmm... is there a gentle way to put it? Ermmm... cough... fertilize zee soil already?

Please accept this hug and kiss as a token of appreciation for services rendered -> *hug & kiss (with added tongue)* and now for the love of god just fcuk off already?

20:08:15 Aug 15th 10 - Mr. Unreal:

LOL.... that was funny.

20:10:19 Aug 15th 10 - Lady Quietone:

lol very =)

20:30:48 Aug 15th 10 - Mr. Slade:


20:44:53 Aug 15th 10 - Mr. Slade:

21:42:38 Aug 15th 10 - Loser Quiet Wilberfool One Nicompoop:

Finally... with the level of competition so low in Fantasia, with the best players in the game not giving a rats ass anymore about the game.... will we finally see an era of Wilberfail? An era of Lady Quiet Nincompoop? Or will the epic failure known as Raistlin finally be able to farm his way safely to victory?

Wilberfail?? Lady Quiet Nincompoop?? do you have a 2 year old telling you what to say now TBL, i mean your standard of insults have gone from unwity and retarted to just plain pathetic. If you were going to insult Q or wilbernooob try and put some effort into it, i mean i know it means less time you get to waste your life beating off to Penguins photos and leading your merry band of Night elf druids in world of warcraft and.. erm... umm well im sure i just planned out your whole week right there. as for the Raist comment i LOL'ED so hard, as if im not mistken he currntly has the most era's won, now i know what your going to say, granted he won a few farming.. thats the way shit is done of late, but that still leaves a few to think about, So i always LOL at you and your stupidity. Your cry for attentiopn is getting sader by the second TBl... tsk tsk.

00:41:30 Aug 16th 10 - Mr. Vencrow:

If only ZeTa would allow me to spawn on Fantasia i would've taken you all on just for the fun of it. and bang that ego out of Db ghey's

08:11:40 Aug 16th 10 - Loser Quiet Wilberfool One Nicompoop:

Waa waa Grandfather Turd :) Of course I am still crying! I mean, winning the era is so important to me that I am willing to camp in my 200K city, kick an inactive, feed on him, and totally not contribute to the kingdom.... oh wait, that was you two eras ago wasn't it? :P

Let me enlighten you of my personal / kingdom goal last era :)

There were only two. They are:

1) Don't let DOA win.

2) Give DOA a good old clobbering.

Guess what.... as George Dubya Bush would say: mission accomplished! *thumbs up*

Also, I am crying at the sheer hilarity that is DB / Juicy / DB's resilience. I have to give you guys full credit. You guys get bitchslapped over and over and over again, you guys get made my bitch over and over and over again, yet, you guys were able to outlast me at playing this game. I bow to your never-give-up-even-though-we-are-bitches-of-VU attitude, I take my hats off to your amazing no life-ness to play this game, and I hope to emulate your stubbornness at failing to recognise what sheer failures you guys are :) Indeed, you have my greatest of respect, Grandfather Turd, Lady Nincompoop, and the rest of DOA / whateverthehellyouguysarecallednow.

That is why I am totally on your side this era. Since the people who are used to bitchslapping you guys left right and center are now gone from the game, this will now be DOA's era :) I have all my money and the houses (yes, plural) on you guys winning the era :) Don't let me down yeah :)

P.S. I do have a life, Grandfather Turd :) Only a failure like you would like to give yourself reassurance by describing your betters as lacking a life :)

And no, I won't fark off :P I enjoy logging in once a day to take my daily piss on my favourite piece of turd patch :) Arf arf <3

08:20:28 Aug 16th 10 - Loser Quiet Wilberfool One Nicompoop:

BTW, Ipwn (who chose that name, LOL!), as one of the key tacticians who engineered the complete and utter raping of Juicy / DOA, allow me to offer my consummate advice as to how DOA should win this era :) You can trust that my advice will guarantee you the win.... my strategies have made you my bitch every era anyway :)

The key steps for an Ipwn victory this era:

1) You guys need to NAP:

i) MAD

ii) Relentless; and

iii) PKS

2) You guys need to organize a 4 way gangbang on BBMMB so that Ipwn can farm them out.

3) About 2 weeks before the era end, get your designated era winner (either Wilberfool, Quiet Nincompoop or Grandfather Turd the Raistlin) to feed on your allies. Snacking on the cities and incomes of 20 players from MAD should bring your chosen era winner closer to the win.

4) Finally, about 1 week before the era end, the other 38 kingdomates of the Ipwn designated winner should "contribute" to his win by leaving Ipwn and letting the designated era winner eat up their cities and income :) Make sure to make a lot of farmers and MUs so that the designated era winner gets most fearsome as well - the win needs to look "legitimate" :P

Era win guaranteed! *thumbs up*

BTW, I would like to credit the inspiration for this glorious strategy. Guess who it is? None other than Ipwn's very own Raistlin :) He was the pioneer behind this era winning strategy, though he wasn't successful when I was playing :) I merely perfected it now for Ipwn's use <3

No need to thank me :)

08:26:21 Aug 16th 10 - Mr. Jack The Inactive:

lol well as much as i dislike you i think i dislike raist more and thumbs up on ripping him a new one

14:30:20 Aug 16th 10 - Grumpy old Ray of Sunshine:


TBL, you are like a duracell bunny, but it seems like your batteries are running out.

First of all, whatever nonsense you can come up with, we have said it before at least a million times, turned it into flesh a thousand time, and chuckled over it endlessly. 

Second of all, you of all people in this game can't really speak about nap's and wins and blablabla. Its like pot calling the kettle black. With the small exception that i've actually went on and did it one too many times (hence the long list of my aliases on the Hoh) whereas you are just full of big words and very little to back those up. I know it must irk you beyond redemption, but hey, life sucks. Accept it. I did everything you strived to do, only better and with more gusto. :)

Third of all, you keep mentioning names of KD's long dead (altho this time you sort of failed to incorporate DB into the deal which sort of strikes me as odd - is that supposed to be a subtle hint that you are realizing how utterly and absolutely moronic your posts sound? Pray tell...) that have absolutely nothing to do with anything. If nothing else, i find myself in KDs with people who were on all sides of the fence during the "good old times", along with people who i have absolutely no former ties with. So whats with the "let's bring up something from the past back?", especially considering you have zero knowledge of named times, except for perhaps lines fed to you by people who most likely enjoy treating you as their crash test dummy.

And fourth, and perhaps the most important thing: You keep whining, bitching, crying, etc etc about DOA/Juicy/DB/whatever-name-you-associate-with-the-objects of-sheer-terror-and-debasement but guess what? You are still here, and still want our acknowledgment. You reek of a desperate cry for attention from the one "group" that you as-if resent, but deep inside you know you cannot be part of it, because sweetie... you are just sub-par. 

I can imagine having the mental age of a 14 year old boy can be strenuous at best, but i don't think you can keep using it as an excuse for much longer. This is one candy bar thats outside your reach, no matter how much you show mummy that you can drive your bike without hands...

Run along lil'' one...  run along...

14:30:34 Aug 16th 10 - Grumpy old Ray of Sunshine:

JD: Yes, i feel like that. i really do. (/sarcasm) But then again it took you far less to feel like that, right dear lad? Especially when you were confronted with the utter uselessness of your so-called-KD. Man were you fast to pop a vein. Poor little hummingbird. Go tweet your love-song to someone else.

15:22:05 Aug 16th 10 - Loser Quiet Wilberfool One Nicompoop:

20:30:20 Aug 16th 10 - Grumpy old Ray of Sunshine:


TBL, you are like a duracell bunny, but it seems like your batteries are running out.

Well, as I have mentioned in my posts above, Grandfather Turd, there is no way I can compete against the sheer force of resilient nature that is DOA. Kill them once, kill them twice, kill them three times, they ALWAYS come back again. So yeah, you are right, I give up, LOL!

20:30:20 Aug 16th 10 - Grumpy old Ray of Sunshine:

First of all, whatever nonsense you can come up with, we have said it before at least a million times, turned it into flesh a thousand time, and chuckled over it endlessly.

My nonsense is mine to come up with and to repeat as I see fit :) Do I like to remind the players of VU of how much trashing I have given real trash like you? You're damn right I do :) And yeah, I enjoy chuckling over it ^_^

20:30:20 Aug 16th 10 - Grumpy old Ray of Sunshine:

Second of all, you of all people in this game can't really speak about nap's and wins and blablabla. Its like pot calling the kettle black. With the small exception that i've actually went on and did it one too many times (hence the long list of my aliases on the Hoh) whereas you are just full of big words and very little to back those up. I know it must irk you beyond redemption, but hey, life sucks. Accept it. I did everything you strived to do, only better and with more gusto. :)

Didn't see you performing as you claimed then in the past two eras :) You tried farming and feeding for the win. You failed. You tried, to your credit, attacking. You failed even more (against a multitude of Fear players, no less). I engineered 3 eras of bashing on you and your brethren. I don't see anything that happened to me :) So yeah, if you meant you strived to get your kingdom and yourself killed with more gusto than me, than I humbly concede ^_^

20:30:20 Aug 16th 10 - Grumpy old Ray of Sunshine:except for ...perhaps lines fed to you by people who most likely enjoy treating you as their crash test dummy.

I'm a crash test dummy while you are my turd patch. We love calling each other names don't we :) And we can go on and on all day :)

20:30:20 Aug 16th 10 - Grumpy old Ray of Sunshine:

And fourth, and perhaps the most important thing: You keep whining, bitching, crying, etc etc about DOA/Juicy/DB/whatever-name-you-associate-with-the-objects of-sheer-terror-and-debasement but guess what? You are still here, and still want our acknowledgment. You reek of a desperate cry for attention from the one "group" that you as-if resent, but deep inside you know you cannot be part of it, because sweetie... you are just sub-par.


You know.... your point "almost" caught me there.... except I don't give a twat what you and your brethren think about me :P I am just enjoying my time trolling the forums, and dropping little hints here and there about how I stomped on you guys like a cigarette butt on the sidewalk.... and you guys couldn't do anything to me in return ^_^ Results count, Grumpy Old Turd, not words. And in the results scoreboard, I have the numbers, and you have to be old 0.

20:30:20 Aug 16th 10 - Grumpy old Ray of Sunshine:

I can imagine having the mental age of a 14 year old boy can be strenuous at best, but i don't think you can keep using it as an excuse for much longer. This is one candy bar thats outside your reach, no matter how much you show mummy that you can drive your bike without hands...

No worries, I have never felt a deeper sense of belonging with you and your bunch then. You know retards like us like to beat each other up :)

20:30:20 Aug 16th 10 - Grumpy old Ray of Sunshine:

Run along lil'' one...  run along...

*runs along and takes a pee on the turd patch that is DOA*

OK, marked my territory for today. Off I go.

*trots along*

15:53:39 Aug 16th 10 - Mr. Darkmoore:

Mmmm.. i wonder how many sleepless hours you had to come up with that, i must say i will take a bow to you TBL you really are showing that "turdbag"(almost as lame as Quite nincomppop and wilberfail) who is boss, i mean you really did stomp DOA into the ground, but while you are at it i might flame them to and take a page out of your book(saying i did everything and leaving no credit to my KD mates who probs did most the work) era 28 when i was in mad i pwned LGC and DB, hell i may of taken two citys BUT IT WAS ME! WHO BEAT THEM!

Now i have had my flame on them lets get back to the all mighty fail troll who is yourself, you say you stomped DoA/Juicy/DB all by yourself.. well congrats... wait... were where you when they were owning fant with 1 or 2 allies, you were still suckaling on your mothers tit, i found it funny how you can say you stopped them three times but in all honestly im sure you KD mates played a much bigger role then you.

It also strikes me to think that you still gling to the fact that you are better then Raist or Q or wilber, but im still to see the era of TBL, all the greatness you have claimed to yourself has come from the kingdoms you have been in. Dont get me wrong, you are a great player, but then again anyone could be if they had no life and sat infront of a comp all day. As for those houses you bet with, WHO T FUCK WANTS SECOND LIFE HOUSES! you need to do the following things:

Get yourself a life and stop TRYING to troll on the DB guys(we all know it gives you a hard on when you see Raist post)
Come up with some insults that arnt from a two year old child.

and lastly stop preaching to everyone and trying to convince them that you stomped DB/DoA/Juicy all by yourself, because the fact of the matter is im sure as HELL you wouldnt stand a chance if you fought them all by your self like you say you "did"

16:01:03 Aug 16th 10 - Loser Quiet Wilberfool One Nicompoop:

No clue who you are Darkmoore, so your words have no weight in my books :)

16:23:05 Aug 16th 10 - Mr. Real Rocknrolla:

I cant help but think that you've seen The Man with the Golden Gun one too many times TBL.

Your like Scaramanga but instead of trying for the clean kill, a 1 vs 1 with any of the KDs you claim are DB reincarnates, you've seen what happens too much, you know our sexy Roger Moore ass anniahilates you and so. You always have Nick Nack come do the heavy lifting for you.

*clearly watched this yesterday*
lol :)

If I come back after this era, hopefully not, I'll be intrigued to see if you are willing to engage in the one true sport of gentlemen.

Ok...ill stop watching day time tv...i swear =P

16:25:22 Aug 16th 10 - Loser Quiet Wilberfool One Nicompoop:

One true sport of gentlemen?

Pray, enlighten me what it is. I r no gentlemen, only a loser, so I have no clue what you are talking about :P

16:26:36 Aug 16th 10 - Mr. Darkmoore:

TBL, i thought you the all knowing toss pot would know me, im your good friend Slade... come on you know.

16:28:21 Aug 16th 10 - Loser Quiet Wilberfool One Nicompoop:

Oh, it's you Slade.

Yeah, your words DEFINITELY have no weight in my books :P

16:46:20 Aug 16th 10 - Mr. Darkmoore:

Ah very funny, and im sorry if my words dont weight in your books, maybe if i left you stomp me to the gro..... LMFAO sorry i cant finish that, as a noob like you wouldnt have a chance, for the simple fact everyone is starting to realize what an arrogant cunt you are so you cant hide behind kingdoms anymore.

20:05:35 Aug 16th 10 - Mr. Cxc:

As usually Grumpies posts are the most funiest ones :b.

And TBL and Wilber, stop the lame insulting, that low level juunk flaming is not worth my time reading it.
Be more creative pls or stick to the topic !

20:39:20 Aug 16th 10 - Ms. Marissa Miller:

It also strikes me to think that you still gling to the fact that you are better then Raist or Q or wilber, but im still to see the era of TBL, all the greatness you have claimed to yourself has come from the kingdoms you have been in. 

WTF do you think Magneto was? :P

04:48:02 Aug 17th 10 - Mr. Sexy Bling:

i'll make it fair. how about the dB bitches get themselves 10 players, and TBL and I come back and pawn ur asses on one of the maps.

12:12:38 Aug 17th 10 - Mr. Gorak of Torian:

Must say i was amused by Relentless' sense of honor. I'd say there actions speaks volume's for why new people don't Join VU and its dieing if there are more people who play like them.

I pm there leader and two viceroy's asking if i can join them , they all say yes , however i cant get on for the rest of the day. The next day , when i turn OOP (this is less then 6 ticks after) relentless attack me. When i ask the member why he is attacking he replies his leader ordered him to take my cities and i should speak to them. 

Personally i find this pretty lame but , whatever floats your boat .

14:11:39 Aug 17th 10 - Mr. Cxc:

04:48:02 Aug 17th 10 - Mr. Sexy Bling:

i'll make it fair. how about the dB bitches get themselves 10 players, and TBL and I come back and pawn ur asses on one of the maps.

Must be the map of talking nonsense, so I doubt you will find 10 volunteers who wants to face TBL there ^^

16:17:11 Aug 17th 10 - Mr. Instinct:

Its interesting then Gorak. How you contacted me under the username Bluelight then. After that all your cities are then eaten by MAD members as well. I was instructed to feel free to eat any kdless that i wished to. So i am doing just that. You just so happened to be beaten by MAD players. (Ironic isnt it ;/.)


As for MAD. i informed you blokes that i would continue to be hostile until word was given to me by my direct kd leader to cease. I have not gotten those words so please refrain from your sense "dishonor".

You did not once mention who you were and i was not contacted by anyone about anything. So feel free to complain about how the event was handled. However you are at fault.

17:07:23 Aug 17th 10 - Mr. Gorak of Torian:

Instinct im not bluelight...look through my history....I've never been anyone but Gorak Of Torian....

17:18:09 Aug 17th 10 - Mr. Instinct:

very well then let me ask you this then.


You Gorak of Torian complain about a response i gave Ms. Bluelight, observe


You (8/17/2010 11:02:39 AM)
Ms. Bluelights (8/16/2010 12:45:38 AM)
your KD is attacking MAD. are we at war?
You (8/16/2010 6:48:44 PM)
I was told so my lady. my King ordered me to exterminate any MAD after i asked him about you guys discussing a cf. No one from MAD has even contacted us once. I personally dont mind fighting or having a NAP so long as we dont NAP whore. Its up to sprout though, speak with him My Lady. until i have been given word from sprout please consider me hostile.

message i was Given from Ms. Bluelight, now notice how GORRAK complains.

06:12:38 Aug 17th 10 - Mr. Gorak of Torian:
Must say i was amused by Relentless' sense of honor. I'd say there actions speaks volume's for why new people don't Join VU and its dieing if there are more people who play like them.

I pm there leader and two viceroy's asking if i can join them , they all say yes , however i cant get on for the rest of the day. The next day , when i turn OOP (this is less then 6 ticks after) relentless attack me. When i ask the member why he is attacking he replies his leader ordered him to take my cities and i should speak to them.

Personally i find this pretty lame but , whatever floats your boat .

Judge for yourself.

17:18:59 Aug 17th 10 - Mr. Instinct:

Post above was between myself and someone else that showed some curiosity about the situation. i however will not expose that individual.


Notice how i tell Ms. Bluelight i was told to attack and now it was Gorak who complained in the forums.

Not to mention Half Man of Mad just so happened to get all of Goraks cities minus the one i took.

If you are not Ms. Bluelight then please share how you had knowledge of my conversation with Ms. Bluelight.

17:30:07 Aug 17th 10 - Mr. Half Man:

Instinct, your idem doesn't work fine...

17:30:44 Aug 17th 10 - Grumpy old Ray of Sunshine:

TBL still around? you really don't take a hint, do you? :->

Shees, i have to admit i have not ready through your white and pink post, as i know all your past, present and future posts by heart (yep, drivel is drivel, no matter when you post it).

But i was under the impression that my thoughts were pretty well organized and laid out for you to read. Do you have trouble understanding written words? I can try to dumbify everything i type, as to perhaps bring it closer to your spectrum of perception? 

Let's try it. You dweeb. We cool. You no be friends with We. You wavy wavy byebye. We wavy wavy byebye back. We stay in place. We play. You come back if you find small oval objects between legs. You no touchy those objects on cam. You see big blue room every now and then. You no talky talky to us. 


I hope this was closer to what you understand, as otherwise i am at a loss. I can try emulate single-cell organism communication for you, but i'm afraid i will fail due to developed intellect and all that comes with it. 

To summ it up: The world vs TBL 12103 : -34 (yes, you are running a negative, some of your rebuttals are just plain simply retarded.

Come, flame again, i command you oh slave!

20:14:54 Aug 17th 10 - Mr. Mcmax The Tester:

Geeee, it's hard enough to cope with Zeta's last changes, keeping up the mood.

But why the heck doesn't TBL, Grumpy and others make their own thread, where they can insult each others as much as they like instead of using the current gaming-thread for Fantasia???????

20:41:19 Aug 17th 10 - Duke Guy Vexille of Astarac:

Instinct...what are you on not blue light , read my history , im gorak of torian , the person you attacked remember...

20:54:20 Aug 17th 10 - Grumpy old Ray of Sunshine:

Mcmax: I'm terribly sorry, we would cease and desist, but we cannot let TBL sit alone in the dark. He gets scared since he lost his blanket *cough* KD *cough*... :->

21:24:37 Aug 17th 10 - Mr. Instinct:

not at all. i just think its convenient how Gorak knew about my conversation with Bluelight. Please explain how you know this knowledge.

21:49:01 Aug 17th 10 - Mr. Eddo:

you know it sems like a coincidence. Bluelight asked you about why you atatcking mad. And gorak was complaining that you attacked him. I don't see a connection there.

22:47:09 Aug 17th 10 - Mr. Sprout:


 Relentless has decided To NOT Nap or have any relation this era.  Considering the changes we will Just have fun all era warring who ever and hope the era is fun for all.  This is a bit of a stride but we gonna try. Other options would make it unfair for too many others.
  I wish all the best of Luck!

23:55:04 Aug 17th 10 - Toaster Struddle:

Mcmax you dont understand flaming used to be interesting and people would go back and forth in the forums for era's about small details.  Grudges were held back then and if someone screwed you over or if you hated someone you didnt ally them you fought them to the death even if it caused your own demise.  Now people who fight one era are just as capable as turning around and napping the following era.  There are no grudges there are no real flames anymore.  So watching Raisty and TBL go at it brings back fond memories when this game was fun and somewhat had meaningful relationships hateful or helpful.

As far as grudges go as I said there really arent any except for the old grudges from era's past are pretty much all gone.  The last big rivalries that I was a part of died out about 10 era's ago when the game made some massive changes.........  Unfortunately there just arent that many kingdoms spread out through the worlds anymore.  Looking back there were nearly 150+ players on Fant 90+ players on Mant and like 120+ players on Zeta.  There arent even that many players playing the game anymore.......  Back then there were like 12 kingdoms that had at least 20+ players and around 10 kingdoms that had about 10+ players and it was fun.

So watching them go back and forth reminds me of the fun times even though they were shortlived.

01:11:22 Aug 18th 10 - Mr. Instinct:

Eddo the fact that he knew about my conversation with bluelight is what bugs me. Not the fact that he is complaining so much. it bugs me a bit hes calling Relent dishonorable for just playing the game and making an assumption, however other than that its the fact he knew about the convo.

01:12:17 Aug 18th 10 - Mr. Long John:

I loled at this whole thread. Good stuff and I think this thread should have its own drama like Days of our Lives only its Days of our VU Lives.

08:45:21 Aug 18th 10 - Mr. Ecky Thumps Sprog:

How could he possibly be a MOD? HE quit at the end of last era. HE made a massive deal about it in the forums and even made a 40 man kingdom to commemorate his retirement..

Its just not possible..  ;)

08:58:13 Aug 18th 10 - Loser Quiet Wilberfool One Nicompoop:

Yeah, I never penciled him in as mod. But I got a confirmation message awhile ago :)

Thus apparently, he (Zondervan) isn't really quitting VU. And Zeta once again confirms he (Zeta himself) isn't the sharpest tool in the shed if this is the type of people he appoints as mods :)

14:46:17 Aug 18th 10 - Mr. Instinct:

Zond reminds me of brett farve that way. Im quitting, then oops, well i had a "change of heart".

14:53:49 Aug 18th 10 - General Farming:

I have quit, I dont log nearly as much anymore. You have a different view of quitting is all.

and its okay to flame me :) Just keep is VU related.

17:19:33 Aug 18th 10 - Mr. Vuggster:

Lol it's funneh to watch Zondy farm in his corner. :)

17:40:00 Aug 18th 10 - Mr. Banned:

Knight cannot be trusted. he joined Relentless farmed up some troops then put them on our cities and left the KD. if i had to guess i'd have to say it's one of MAD's multi's. they are famous for that. Whoever did it though is a d-bag and is next to Kath as being the lowest form of scum playing this game and shall pay dearly

17:42:06 Aug 18th 10 - Mr. Vuggster:

Lulz. That's what happens... xD

20:12:04 Aug 18th 10 - Mr. Sexy Bling:

Have no fear... he will dance with me soon then get ass whooped so bad he be the laughing joke of VU for era's to come

00:46:25 Aug 19th 10 - Mr. Instinct:

ya, waht a d bag indeed. I like how the facker asked me to help him against a mad assualt then all of a sudden he disbands and pops my army i sent to help the fvcker. Though i do recall seeing a mr. knight in the past. im not entierly sure he is a mad multi. Like the gorak who i still am waiting for a response.

03:12:44 Aug 19th 10 - Mr. Gorak of Torian:

there is no response , im not a mad multi. I am Duke Vexille Of Astarac / nnandiel of something in honest john. I have no idea what your talking about with blue light , as i have no knowledge of a convo with you. 

the fact that you AND mad killed me and that mad are STILL fighting me negates these claims that i am a MAD multi.

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