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Good Vs Evil Rnd 5 sign up
13:20:00 Apr 28th 15 - shyers (Mr. Shyersinaleaguewithsatan):

Wait, am I one of the better players?

13:29:56 Apr 28th 15 - Bran (Mr. Bran):

better looking!

14:51:02 Apr 28th 15 - Prince Chade:

12:20:00 Apr 28th 15 - shyers (Mr. Shyersinaleaguewithsatan):

Wait, am I one of the better players?


Not only that - you are sexy too...

18:55:02 Apr 28th 15 - Stewie Griffin (Mr. Stewie Griffindor):

"Last era Evil had a few players that joined a day or two late who didnt put their name down at the start (Stew you were suppose to join good!) this all put it out of balance so we really need to consider this (Just look at how much damage stew did to us!)"

Haha yeah my bad mate. I was too eager to land so I just clicked on the random kingdom option and it put me into Evil. Just a luck of the draw I suppose.

21:24:53 Apr 28th 15 - Mr. Soccer Wnoallies:

oh, ya..... soccer is playing :)

23:45:21 Apr 28th 15 - Ryan the Archion (Duke Ryan The Aspirant):

Is the sorting of teams done? Just place me to the Good side please. :D

23:52:54 Apr 28th 15 - Stephen Ben (Mr. Aight):

Go back 1 page. Teams are there, you are on Good

01:28:02 Apr 29th 15 - Ryan the Archion (Duke Ryan The Aspirant):

I was kick out from Good.

01:45:32 Apr 29th 15 - Binh (Mr. Meep Meep Meep):

Zoe switch the team name around (good = evil, evil = good) so most of the players don't have to move around much.

So ryan you are actually in evil :D

02:05:32 Apr 29th 15 - Ryan the Archion (Lord Arc):

No!!! I'm a good guy right? I was put in Evil? LoL!

06:56:49 Apr 30th 15 - Mr. Sorra The Locker:

So06:33:32 Apr 27th 15 - Mr. Bundle of Sticks:

1. Pure

2. Bran
3. Chade
4. shyers
5. Binh
6. Nefarious
7. Ice
8. Von Darkmoor
9. Aight
10. Stewie
11. Slade
12. Zoe!
13. JD
14. Stormy
15. Xerxes
16. Barny
17. Rhyno
18. Bling
19, Edd
20. Ryan
21. Oromis Black
22. Cheesy
23. Architect
25. Davinitas
26. ERRORness
27. Briefcase 
29. Random (not very active though)
30. Bundle of Sticks

07:20:51 Apr 30th 15 - Ms. Magic Dwarf:

Sorra, you can join good.  Apply to join the kingdom before you spawn so you can spawn into the area where they already are.

14:24:11 May 8th 15 - Ms. Pillsbury Doughboy:

So Ill use this thread as the era discussion to avoid making another.

How many inactives have you guys got? Its says 26 players but you guys looks like youre incredibly lacking numbers judging solely on area consumed.

14:36:13 May 8th 15 - Zephyr (Marquess Hartmut):

we should prolly start a new sign-ups thread.

15:04:27 May 8th 15 - Bran (Mr. Bran):

we have roughly 5 people who have contributed in some way

15:47:51 May 8th 15 - Binh (Mr. Binh The Warrior):

"we have roughly 5 people who have contributed in some way"

And we have roughly 7. But I don't think that is the point Pure is trying to make. He is trying to compare the number of actives on each kd.

How those actives decided to "contribute or not" during oop is just a matter of strategy.

Our kd have 1 inactive. Don't know about you guys.

16:24:30 May 8th 15 - Bran (Mr. Presumptuous Parrot):

i didnt mean we had 5 designated oop fighters, im saying we had roughly 5 people contribute in any way. we have 6 members who never landed. at this time of the ppl who landed, i think zoe is only one who is afk, the rest have just been unresponsive so they have farmed despite being instructed to make blockers and armouries etc

16:53:38 May 8th 15 - Ms. Pillsbury Doughboy:

Thanks Binh for clearing it up.

Ahh so it is true Zoe cant run with the big boys.  (Ps Zoe, how do you like this for me only playing aotd orc?)

17:28:46 May 8th 15 - Lord Iceworks:

1. Pure

2. Bran
3. Chade
4. shyers
5. Binh
6. Nefarious
7. Ice
8. Von Darkmoor
9. Aight
10. Stewie
11. Slade
12. Zoe!
13. JD
14. Stormy
15. Xerxes
16. Barny
17. Rhyno
18. Bling
19, Edd
20. Ryan
21. Oromis Black
22. Cheesy
23. Architect
25. Davinitas
26. ERRORness
27. Briefcase 
29. Random (not very active though)
30. Bundle of Sticks

17:42:47 May 8th 15 - Mr. Soccer Sniffs Gooch:

somehow single digit nazz armies are able to take all our miners...... i think people login, build mines, log out and don't look at the map.

no gts, no troops, just lots of mines for good to take :P

19:07:42 May 8th 15 - Mr. Pimp:

what they don't realize is that people put time and effort in, and are let down by others who cant be arsed and should never have put their names down if they werent going to contribute

19:47:57 May 8th 15 - Ms. Pillsbury Doughboy:

To be honest bling I would only say Bran, cheesy and yourself are the only ones that fall into that category for you. I killed ery to quick for him to make an impact however so I dont fault him there and errorness has seemed to be sound defensively.

Ryan does look he is doing something now but a bit too late and swords really aren't sustainable for him to attack with.

But I guess it doesnt help when your poster girl and "leader" rage quits just a few days into the era. Really doesn't help with co ordination and team morale, thanks Zoe, u da reel mvp. And I would then bet bran was the only one a degree.

21:15:15 May 8th 15 - Stephen Ben (Mr. Unemployed):

I agree with Pimp, why are people signing up if they aren't going to be part of the team?

I say moving forward that it be considered acceptable for non contributing members to be kicked and eaten, at least then they can be of some benefit to their their own side. Although 50% will probably prevent complete removal and feeding everyone to one player would remain unacceptable. What other option a are there to stop these people signing up?

Maybe after one or two eras of being kicked and eaten those people will start playing as part of the team or stop signing up and we can have more balanced teams.

It sucks for all those who really threw themselves into the OOP fighting and spent a lot of time for the whole era to be pretty much over in such a short time.

22:26:28 May 8th 15 - Bran (Mr. Norm Macdonald):

theres a problem with kicking players mid era and thats that it is hard to know who are not paying attention and who are simply farming for mid-late era, which is a legit strategy providing there are enough oop fighters

im saying theres no way to know who to kick and who not to kick when theyre logging in once a day, which was the case for most of our members this era

01:37:16 May 9th 15 - Mr. Barny:

VU is a game where 80% of the players have no impact and 10% of players decide the era, it's been that way for a while and it's something you have to plan around. 

Evil had no real leadership and a higher amount of non-contributors whilst Good had higher impact players. I won't throw out any names of 'players guilty of being useless' aside from my own here, but when 3 Orcs can decisively impact the era as much as they did with as little as they did there is an issue.

As far as Evil leadership goes we had myself, Darkmoor, Zoe, and Bran. I was busy/afk up until a few hours ago, Darkmoor generally keeps communication to pertinent military stuff, Zoe seems to have quit, and that left Bran as the only one around to do stuff. I just now promoted Ryan to Vice after getting back.

I didn't involve myself with OOP or do kingdom leader things (thus 0 impact on the era) and at a glance it seems like Evil's most impactful players have been Ryan, Nefarious, Errorness, and Pimp. Good's highest impact player so far is Pure and there are about 5 or 6 other people on Good doing things.

There is also the issue of players who signed up but didn't spawn onto the map. Here are some possible solutions:

1. We select active leaders for both teams based on activity and merit before the round starts, I can think of at least 10 players this round (some on Good) that would have made better leaders for Evil than the current leaders. I'd prefer not to be the King.

2. Split players like Binh and Pure that consistently have a high impact onto opposite teams. It's important to consider playstlyes too- it wouldn't make sense to put Eddy and Anonymous on the same team as they both almost always play for the lategame. Random, Hanky, and Stewie are players that consistently play races like Halfling and Dwarf and if it isn't an OOP era they angle for day 7-19 timings. Shyers plays mage a lot. Stuff like that.

3. I thought about this at the start of this era- signups are necessary but also have issues if you balance everything around them and then someone doesnt actually end up playing. The solution? Have a few players who are 'unassigned' up until just before the settle time.

tl;dr Good is 3/4 on high/mid impact players for a total of 7 with at least 2 people that will field units. Evil has maybe 5 players impacting the era.

It's more the fault of the players (and leaders) than the team shuffle, but the best GvE rounds are the ones where the teams are balanced the best.

01:51:50 May 9th 15 - Mr. Pimp:

The era scores should determine the next era.
So we can still do odds and evens, but it is totally based on era final scores, that way the it self balances.
So based on current HoH

Ms. Pillsbury Doughboy
Good would stay good

Mr. Binh The Warrior
Good turns Evil

Mr. Hanky
Good stays Good

Mr. Learner
Good turns Evil

Mr. Good Random
Good stays Good

Duke Ryan The Archion XXVIII
Evil turns Evil


01:54:54 May 9th 15 - Bran (Mr. Norm Macdonald):

era scores are heavily skewed by which race everyone chose. an inactive halfer could well outscore an active troll

01:55:46 May 9th 15 - Mr. Pimp:

Its better than a 5 man kd. At least it sets up activity closer to what it is now.

01:56:29 May 9th 15 - Mr. Soccer Sniffs Gooch:

nice pimp, and it will split teams up......good will have the top 20ish spots and will be separated.

only thing is that final scores don't account for lot a player can do to help the team

01:58:00 May 9th 15 - Bran (Mr. Norm Macdonald):

what if we change the signups so that we only ask those who intend to be really active put their name down, then we divide them up evenly and everyone else can simply tag onto whichever kd is smallest

02:10:29 May 9th 15 - Mr. Barny:

This round would have been hard to balance because players who were expected to do things didn't do things and players who weren't expected to have the impact that they had (on Evil) ended up being the most valuable players.

If someone would have taken the same proposed team rosters and then said 'I think we should move Random and Hanky to Evil' it wouldn't have seemed very balanced at a glance. Player activity looked reasonably equal for a while too along with power%, but as Pure points out the area consumed on the map by both teams is a pretty good indicator of differences in the teams. To answer Pure's question Evil has 7 inactives and 2 people built outside of the general core.

Binh is right when he says that how active players decide to contribute or not is a matter of strategy, assuming two kingdoms or players were equally active the one that was more impactful or contributed more to the map would just be the better player or kingdom.

This round isn't over but it's looking very favorable for Good. I assume Binh is angled for AOTD since he has 0 military science and I assume that Pure is non-AOTD Orc and picked up mining science early, but that's still 2 fed Orcs that are skilled enough players to know how to use such a substantial advantage.

I'd be willing to step up and put the time in to balance the teams like Horus did in the past. I'd prefer to do this sooner than later as I'm bouncing between being extremely busy and having infinite free time at the moment, ideally I'd draft something up after midnight tonight and then send it to Binh/Pure. I imagine this era still has some time left in it but I'd rather get the work out of the way ASAP.

I'd rather not be a king for either KD in the coming rounds. I'd hope Pure will still lead one of the KDs at least for another era just so that we only need to get one new leader for now.

02:24:42 May 9th 15 - Mr. Danny Boy The Girly Orc:

Rather boring era, Evil  with less than 6 players on the field doing anything is rather... well? Disappointing but surely not surprised. Things like these are bound to happen.

This era is over. Lets move onto the next with better set up.

02:29:31 May 9th 15 - Mr. Barny:

I'd say that a reasonable way to go about this would be to just message the 30 people on GvE right now and get the information that we need from them (predicted activity, preferred alignment, ideal role) and then balance the round around that combined with what we know from the previous round(s). I'd be willing to do this tonight if we found it to be agreeable.

I've noticed that some people have a strong preference for one alignment over the other for flavor reasons, it wouldn't be that hard to accommodate these players if it would make them enjoy the round more as well.

The most logical way to start balancing the teams would be to put both kings on opposite sides- put Pure on Evil (switch sides for leaders each round to keep it fresh for the players) and then someone like Binh, Random, Bran, Bling, Ryan, etc on Good. As far as leadership goes activity and willingness to lead are more important than anything else. From there I could look through the list of players and place players who strongly prefer one alignment over the other on the appropriate teams.

At that point we'd fill in the blanks for each team's roster based on activity, expected impact, and playstyle. In this way the teams would end up pretty balanced, the people who prefer one alignment could play that alignment, and the rest of the players get varied teams and a balanced round.

If I were to message everyone tonight it would probably take 24-48 hours before I got enough responses to draw up a rough draft of the teams which is fine because there are at least 48-96 more hours left in this era and it would give time for a respected community member like Binh to review the potential draft.

02:38:13 May 9th 15 - Mr. Barny:

17:24:42 May 8th 15 - Mr. Danny Boy The Girly Orc:

Rather boring era, Evil  with less than 6 players on the field doing anything is rather... well? Disappointing but surely not surprised. Things like these are bound to happen.

This era is over. Lets move onto the next with better set up.

Indeed, this era the teams were quickly drafted up after the last round ended and the new round had already begun. Compared to the relatively even and competitive round where Horus took the time to hand-balance the teams this one isn't as good, but the lesson has been learned:

We should take our time and start balancing the teams for the next round based on a number of factors before the current round ends, not after.

Ultimately a 1v1 world like GvE is most interesting and exciting when it is the most even and balanced.

07:50:53 May 9th 15 - Mr. Barny:

The round isn't over and I'd like to see it played out to the finish, but unless there are any objections I'm going to start messaging people sooner than later. I think the team balancing should be done before Arma is cast.

I've had 2 people message me about wanting to lead one of the Kingdoms next era. Both players are reasonably good candidates, but it's going to be better if we wait to hear from everyone first.

If you are playing next round and want to lead one of the kingdoms shoot me a message, or let me know when I message you. I'll need to make sure Pure is still willing to lead one of the kingdoms, and I think that instead of having myself or someone else chose the king we could balance the teams and then, assuming that there are actually people willing to take on the responsibility. have the players on the team opposite of Pure chose their king from the pool of willing candidates 

15:01:15 May 9th 15 - The Real Josh (Archangel Avacyn):

It's funny that you bring it up now barny but last era when evil demolished Good you said nothing!!

15:19:48 May 9th 15 - Zephyr (Marquess Hartmut):

when Good is overwhelmed and eventually loses no-one bats an eye, Evil gets rammed, everyone loses their shit. Barney stop complaining, the fact that half your team quit and even your leader is not really Good's fault, we in Good almost always have less players, very few active people and very few people that do something, and always people in our team people quit before the first 4 days.

Hell, even when we somehow end up with more players we send them to Evil, has Evil EVER done something like this? No.

22:39:54 May 9th 15 - Mr. Pimp:

I figured I would play human this era, as I usually gear up for total OOP warfare and play orc for that purpose. I figured with so many players in a kd, there wouldnt be all that much fighting. Hell, I havent stopped and using humans to OOP with is useless, considering I can do a short OOP with 3 times the fighting power than I could this era.
So now I know peeps dont bother showing up, Im just going back to orc and b&d the map next era... fuck it, play for myself.

23:16:52 May 9th 15 - Mr. Barny:

One kingdom is always going to be advantaged and there will always be a winner and a loser, it's just a matter of making sure that rounds are even enough that either team can win. I don't have any particular attachment to Evil as a KD, I'd play on any team if it made the rounds more enjoyable for everyone. I'd like to see the concept of GvE work, but I figured GvE would probably get stale after enough time.

Pointing out that Good was disadvantaged in the past is a valid point (as is the rest of what you said) but it shouldn't keep us from doing whatever we have to do to make the next round a good one.

07:01:49 May 10th 15 - Stewie Griffin (Mr. Stewie Griffindor):

This era would have been a lot more interesting if I was able to be more active. I was unfortunately restricted to only 1-2 logins per day and couldn't contribute much other than building/holding the west blocker.

I really like Bran's point about dividing the active players into the teams first and then the less active players can just tag along.

Also, a big thank you to Barny for putting in all the work and attempting to make the next era more even and more fun (hopefully).

07:51:58 May 10th 15 - Mr. Barny:

I also ended up being much less active than I thought I would be, but next era I should be very active. Bran's idea of dividing up the active players is pretty solid foundation to balance the teams around.

Last night I began messaging people asking for input on the next round and a few other things, I'll mass message (the manual way) a message to everyone on the map soon. So far I've only messaged a handful of people who messaged me first, but I've already heard a couple of good suggestions and a lot of feedback.

One thing I've heard 2 different people bring up is the idea of switching the theme from GvE to something else after the next round. I like this idea, but I haven't heard anyone suggest an alternate theme yet. I thought about 3 man Kingdoms but Pure and someone else pointed out that mass NAPs and webbed alliances would almost certainly be an issue.

09:44:52 May 10th 15 - The Real Josh (Archangel Avacyn):

Just have first place and second place lead and do a Draft, probably the easiest way Imo. 

05:03:16 May 11th 15 - Mr. Barnyyy:

Just a reminder that this round probably still has 72-125+ ticks left in it at least, it's still quite a bit too early to call it even if one side has a large lead.

I thought this era will be over by 7-10 RL days due to progress of Good. I almost give up playing. Yet, Evil is still alive and fighting even with a lot of its players doesn't respawn at all and those who respawn almost all are not active enough to caught the pace of Pure (that was a pretty good Orc playing that killed numbers of our players). We all put ourselves into defensive and haven't had a chance to attack (except with my attempt that failed.)

I just wanna say that I'm enjoying the current era no matter what the outcome is (although it is at most 30-70 odds for us). It's really nice to comeback after almost a year I'm out of the game.

01:35:21 May 30th 15 - Mr. Anonymous of Starta:

Has the round started yet? If not, then I may play a round (will know for sure in a few days). 

02:24:15 May 30th 15 - Mr. Tony Montana:

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