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Forums / In game politics / Good vs Evil round 7

Good vs Evil round 7
02:23:35 Jun 17th 15 - Stephen Ben (Mr. Aligreat):

If we get 5 or 6 of the main people to approve this then lets go ahead with these; same as before but I split Ignis and the last 5 signups

1. Horus
3. Bling
6. Ali
8. Anon
15. Pringle
16. Kobuskan
17. Ruthless
18. Von Darkmoor
14. Shyers
4. Ignis
21. Raziel

2. Binh
5. Todd L Fondler
9. Slade
7. Zond
10. Stormy
11. Venomz
12. TBL
13. Iceworks 
19. Davinitas
20. Oromis
22. Edd
24. Hanky

02:32:56 Jun 17th 15 - TheBornLoser (Sir The Dung Beetle):

Team's are more or less balanced, but it would also be dependent on whether Noa (Frank Einstein) is playing. If she is playing, which team would she be on.

02:40:06 Jun 17th 15 - Stephen Ben (Mr. Pedro Alb):

Working with what I've been given. If big impact players like Noa resurface then I think we just have to call it on a player by player basis to attempt to rebalance.

If we go ahead with this and one side ends up having a bunch (or 1 key) player(s) who end up not being active / not landing (Blings fave type of people) then we would send those players that way to rebalance.

It will always be hard to balance but the closer we get, the more fun it should be.

My concern is the inactive big players who havent posted who will just log in and reland with what KD they are currently in. 

Ideally we should be kicking anyone not on the list and if people get assigned to the KD that kicked them then they make a new character and reapply.

02:46:08 Jun 17th 15 - TheBornLoser (Sir The Dung Beetle):

OK, I understand what you mean Ali.

Then from my point of view, I say we roll with what you have drawn up. Unless anyone else has a suggestion.

Binh, what do you think?

02:58:17 Jun 17th 15 - Mr. Bling:

If a player gets kicked say from Evil, and then gets put onto the evil list, they cant rejoin the kd.
We need new good and evil kds v2 to do kicking etc.

02:59:50 Jun 17th 15 - Mr. Bling:

Think a general agreement should be set not to restart before say Thursday 6pm GMT or something to ensure players are on the right side, either with current GVE kds, or newly formed GVE V2 kd's

03:06:43 Jun 17th 15 - Stephen Ben (Mr. Pedro Alb):

had a caveat for that Bling;

"d if people get assigned to the KD that kicked them then they make a new character and reapply."

03:10:37 Jun 17th 15 - HorusPanic (Lord Horus):

I approve for what it's quiet. Ill help vice evil too

03:16:22 Jun 17th 15 - Mr. Very Evil Bad Dude:

MKAYYY... if you're a good twat, get out of my kd you homoghey traitor bastards... today. you're making the kd forum smelly!!!

03:36:15 Jun 17th 15 - SFD (Duke Hybrid):

can i come back and be really inactive again and play haha ??

04:14:09 Jun 17th 15 - shyers (Grandmaster Doctor Shyers):

I'm shyers and I approve of Ali's message. 

Not sure if I'm a "key" player but I always have 2 cents to share

Seems balanced for the most part!

05:30:36 Jun 17th 15 - TheBornLoser (Sir The Dung Beetle):

Ali, I've booted (whoops :P) Kobu, Von, Ery (Raziel) and Ruthless from Good and messaged them to join Evil. Can you do the same for your side too? Thankee.

05:37:48 Jun 17th 15 - TheBornLoser (Sir The Dung Beetle):

Anyone who is planning to play and has not signed up, please sign up ASAP so that we can allocate the teams accordingly and balance it. Do not simply be a hero and drop without telling anyone and not only mess up the balance of the teams, but also your kingdom's plans (both Good OR Evil) and piss off your team-mates. I think the era ended a bit too early, but let's get things organized so that both sides can have an enjoyable era.

07:45:37 Jun 17th 15 - Woodeh (Mr. Wooodddeeehh):

Im playing, currently in good.

10:35:18 Jun 17th 15 - Mr. Thaiboylover:

I'll give this one a miss so bling has a chance of victory ;)

10:42:57 Jun 17th 15 - Princess Aisha:

Is there a reason why GvE is always  on shatteredworlds map? I can not open that map on my phone so can't play, and I really wanted to join. Annoying.

10:46:41 Jun 17th 15 - TheBornLoser (Sir The Dung Beetle):

Zeta has not ironed out the kinks, as usual.

11:02:38 Jun 17th 15 - Prince Ofthe Dragons:

Yes but why is it always on shatteredworlds and doesnt rotate, one of the reasons why im not playing this era.

11:31:47 Jun 17th 15 - TheBornLoser (Sir The Dung Beetle):

There was one point in Fantasia where the map was Mogrox for 5 eras in a row. We had to bring it to Zeta's attention in order for him to finally make the map properly random.

(Beo won 4 of those in a row though :P :P)

18:24:44 Jun 17th 15 - TheBornLoser (Sir The Dung Beetle):

Ali, for now, Woody will be on team Good, OK?

20:50:02 Jun 17th 15 - Mr. Bling:

And there goes Osi, running away again. Funny how I always see the back of him... and I was still very much alive at the end of the last era, kicking ass and taking names

23:18:48 Jun 17th 15 - Mr. Thaiboylover:

its ok bling i play one skip one play one. ill be back to see you fail next era :P didnt look like you were kicking ass at the end of last era tho :D

23:43:41 Jun 17th 15 - Mr. Tony Montana:

your pathetic army stood no chance. and avacyn got spanked by me.. so not sure where u think i was loosing. all my land was intact. only person to get one over on me was kobus. spank you next era.... lets call era 7 now. evil wins, good looses, ali takes the era win. right... lets start on era 8

23:46:42 Jun 17th 15 - Mr. Tony Montana:

This was what happened when Osi found out I was on the same map as him. rofl

People of Trollzor

Army Info
Commander:Mr. TrollzorKingdom Banner
Kingdom:*No Kingdom*
Size:Platoon (20-50)

We have not attacked them and they have not attacked us.

We own more than three times as much land as this ruler.

This army has not heard from it's ruler in a very long time!

03:14:04 Jun 18th 15 - The Real Josh (Archangel Avacyn):

Mr. Tony Montana:

your pathetic army stood no chance. and avacyn got spanked by me.. so not sure where u think i was loosing. all my land was intact. only person to get one over on me was kobus. spank you next era.... lets call era 7 now. evil wins, good looses, ali takes the era win. right... lets start on era 8

Haha no I didn't. .. you captured two cities but my army prepping on you wad left untouched.

If your gonna trash talk try to be at least truthful as you look like a twat right now

03:35:48 Jun 18th 15 - Mr. Very Evil Bad Dude:

lol, i had 70 % on that army, with another army on the way. was an easy kill.

04:07:36 Jun 18th 15 - Mr. Very Evil Bad Dude:

Our people celebrate your victory over Archangel Avacyn at Cooperton all across our land.
Our people celebrate your victory over Archangel Avacyn at Stilltrying all across our land.
Eddy of Good bought 1368000 tree for 2597401 gold from you on the market.
Eddy of Good bought 900000 food for 2020500 gold from you on the market.
Archangel Avacyn attempted to cast a spell upon us.
Coming From Beh won a battle against Crimson Lance from Archangel Avacyn. We lost 761 Gaia, 1390 Hammerthrowers, 39 Ogres, 0 Shamans, 8 Nazguls and 0 peasants in the battle and 1798 of our soldiers got injured.
Coming From Beh won a battle against Crimson Lance from Archangel Avacyn. We lost 1735 Gaia, 3168 Hammerthrowers, 89 Ogres, 0 Shamans, 19 Nazguls and 0 peasants in the battle and 4100 of our soldiers got injured.
Coming From Beh won a battle against Crimson Lance from Archangel Avacyn. We lost 2975 Gaia, 5433 Hammerthrowers, 153 Ogres, 0 Shamans, 33 Nazguls and 0 peasants in the battle and 7031 of our soldiers got injured.

When I suicided my singers on your army great job you are so 1337!!!!

Haha I'm sure you had 70%

05:16:21 Jun 18th 15 - Mr. Very Evil Bad Dude:

well, you lost cities to me, got bounced once by me, lost two armies to me, and then think you were gonna take a farmed nazz army with a few ponies. no fear, there is always a new round and a new incarnation of meh :D

I lost one army(which I did to get rid  of it 22k slingers were useless) never got bounce... you returned 2 wreaked cities so I don't know why you are making such a huge deal....

08:18:05 Jun 18th 15 - Mr. Osi Twat:

nope, i kept the cities for myself. players dont login, they dont get cities liberated. simples

09:22:16 Jun 18th 15 - Mr. Thaiboylover:

Looks like you have some hero worship going on bling. It's good that you worship me. And bling Montana tard... who is trollzor? It sure isn't me

10:47:35 Jun 18th 15 - TheBornLoser (Sir The Dung Beetle):

God damned clusterfuck.....

10:51:36 Jun 18th 15 - Mr. Osi Twat:

well, looks like zeta wants this era over quick so i will oblige. good will be done in a week :P

11:43:05 Jun 18th 15 - Duke Iceworks:

i love your confidence.. :D

12:45:24 Jun 18th 15 - The Real Josh (Archangel Avacyn):

You said that last era aswel noob. .. stop talking your making even more of a joke of yourself

16:57:15 Jun 18th 15 - Mr. Golliwog The Black:

Bling chirp down and go back to the shadows, you had no chance. If I could have been fucked playing the era out (presuming you actually posed a threat at all) I would have trained the 350mill resources I had into naz to add onto the 5k I already had built. That and with aotd you had no chance.

19:02:29 Jun 18th 15 - Mr. Osi Twat:

and yet there i was, still alive and kicking, and making a nuisance of myself, smacking what armies got sent at me.... coulda shoulda woulda osi...

19:13:49 Jun 18th 15 - Mr. Thaiboylover:

Bling you know not everyone in here is me :P or do you love me so much you see me in the faces of everyone?

Still I guess it's my fault for being so utterly glorious that you find me too fascinating to think about anything else.

19:48:58 Jun 18th 15 - Mr. Osi Twat:

I see dead osi's

09:16:39 Jun 19th 15 - Mr. Thaiboylover:

That comeback!

Good men do not shoot unarmed men, this also applies to us because in the battle of wits you sir are unarmed. It would be akin to hitting a child to continue this bling. I assume we will meet on the field of battle next era.

09:34:12 Jun 19th 15 - Mr. Osi Twat:

If you made an ass out of yourself, there will always be someone to ride you. You are living proof that man can live without a brain. I'm sure you're not as stupid as you look, nobody could be. If I wanted to hear from an asshole I'd fart. You are the strongest argument yet against cloning. Till you show your face on the battle field, feel free to shove it back up your own ass, because your own ego is already there.

I like turtles.

16:41:03 Jun 19th 15 - Zond (General of Vus Tactics):

I should be. but its a while away..

Plus im taking Gokken, Chade, and Shyers when the days come for it. So they will all be afk also :P

14:13:12 Jun 12th 15 - TheBornLoser (Sir The Dung Beetle):

Zondy, go get ready for your wedding instead of coming back to play VU man!


01:44:28 Jun 20th 15 - shyers (Mr. Shyers):

Lol, and ms. Shyers.

I'm a bit worried, last time I was king of evil we crashed and burned :-(

08:07:34 Jun 21st 15 - Prince Chade:

yeah mrs. chade is also gonna be present as well as chade jnr :D

02:28:48 Jun 24th 15 - Mr. Johnny Comelately:

can I just drop in evil now?

12:01:39 Jun 24th 15 - Ms. Sjw:

Drop with good for balance.

12:24:17 Jun 24th 15 - TheBornLoser (Sir Big Flying Chockroach):

I think whatever balance that could have or should have been had is already way too out of whack anyway :P

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