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Forums / In game politics / Mantrax 56

Mantrax 56
01:21:32 Feb 25th 18 - Mr. Bane:

Magin I killed Elsins naz army that was causing trouble.

The other cities were Kaths cities when he went rogue and Pesti did what we vowed to do and hunted him down. I believe he was still with AoA at the time, and we made it clear we would burn that entire area to get at Kath. 

And what does this show? I see RoC 500kers, AoA 500kers and Pesti 500ker. Plus FW invisible cities. FW ones who joined up with the alliance seem to only be Mr.Grags and Highwitz

01:25:10 Feb 25th 18 - Mr. Bane:

So you screenshotting FW's old core that you took, and I marched into and spanked you clowns and gave you the run around. No my fault you cant defend a core. I've sat most of the week and done nothing, let everyones kill count climb a bit so i dont look like a complete psycho.

Defend yourself however you please, it does not matter. The screen shots were to show the alliance and nothing else. 

01:30:22 Feb 25th 18 - Mr. Bane:

Only thing I believe all kd's including your own agreed on... is you're a twat.

haha :) Baney poo

15:52:02 Feb 25th 18 - Lord Koala Machete:

Bane please smoke less crack, or listen less Black Sabbath, you are paranoid enough already.

Mei (troll) killed the first dragon after it pillaged a while and posted on the KD forum the success screen: the only reward was exp. This was posted on our forum so I asked if there was any gold, I remembered you could get quite a reward for killing a dragon. Then Avreon (elf) killed the second one and again got no gold. That's why he posted on the forum. By the way you've been around 15 years? Good job at helping the community and answering a new guy question. That post got 56 views and no reply, you clearly read it.

But your contribution to the community is showing this utterly overpowered cheat we diabolically exploited! Hopefully the results come in and you can point us these "mad sciences". Will you be as quick to apologize as you have been at making these false accusations? Probably not, as you are a troll both in game and on the forums

16:37:32 Feb 25th 18 - Mr. Blah Blah The Brutal:

"I see RoC 500kers, AoA 500kers and Pesti 500ker. Plus FW invisible cities."

When did you begin seeing invisible cities?
Do they ever say anything to you?
Are they here with us now?

19:31:04 Feb 25th 18 - Mr. Bane:

lol.... i see dead people

16:21:33 Feb 27th 18 - Sable (Marquess Sable The Black):

Man, I almost forgot how full of whiny twats this game was. 

1. Utilizing game mechanics that exist and are intentional (Killing dragosn for xp) = not cheating. 

2. Yeah, actually that's all I'm gonna say. I hopw you can enjoy being actively miserable for the rest of your life or whatever while you choose to bash the ways other play a game.

This is a strategy game. Some people like to war immediately. Other people like to hedge their bets and rely on their ability to gain the upper hand building and playing the market. 

The fact that you're so upset about getting beat is sad. Winners don't make excuses. You get beat, you got beat. Doesn't matter how. Get over it and get good.

16:49:34 Feb 27th 18 - Mr. Santa Bling:

I can also run a script insert that will diminish your troop numbers by 5% a tick, because I know how to exploit vulnerabilities in the script. I can also loop your kd conversations using a well documented flaw in the forums scripting. Just because I can exploit the mechanics, doesnt mean I should.

Raising your own dragon to kill it, and XP farming with another kd are two methods that are highly frowned upon by the community. 

16:59:51 Feb 27th 18 - Sable (Marquess Sable The Black):

Running scripts to alter a game's code is not exploiting a mechanic. Summoning a dragon and killing it is. I'm starting to think part of the reason this game hasn't grown, in addition to the insane amount of neglect it's received in terms of updates is that the people in the community who have stuck around are some of the most annoying, unwelcoming fucks I've ever had the pleasure of not meeting.

17:05:05 Feb 27th 18 - Mr. Santa Bling:

we dont like cowards who think it takes 3 kds to beat one because you too concerned with magic and not enough with tactics. Not a single tactic has been attempted apart from your silly two man attacks, to fake moves and silly city drops. Those are all nub tactics. When you see a player like TBL put a tactic together, versus what you lot did with depending on shear weight of numbers to take their toll... hell even Penguins mad plans worked some of the time.

Whats the point of the game when 3 kds get together, and rush a 4th, then cast arma????????????????????????????????

17:37:52 Feb 27th 18 - Sable (Marquess Sable The Black):

You're right. There is no point just quit. Bye =)

Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

17:42:44 Feb 27th 18 - Mr. Blah Blah The Brutal:

"we dont like cowards who think it takes 3 kds to beat one"

I agree completely. It's horrible the way AoA, Pestilence & RoC worked together to gang up on FW, with Mormont piling on too. NAP crap should stop! ^^

17:50:08 Feb 27th 18 - Mr. Bane:

lol by Pesti you mean me. I didnt gang up on anybody. I killed green and blue twats and didnt discriminate between either. I also killed an AoA twat.  And I think I may have attacked a white twat, but so tired they all blurring into each other.

18:24:45 Feb 27th 18 - Sable (Marquess Sable The Black):

Yeah pretty sure we've been fighting literally everyone. But you know, details.

18:29:06 Feb 27th 18 - Mr. Blah Blah The Brutal:

"I didnt gang up on anybody."

You and Opressed took FW towns and towns from someone who was asked to leave AoA (to appease pestilence), while skillfully avoiding all the AoA and RoC towns you passed.

AoA went out of their way to ignore you as your farmed up zerk army passed through the center of their core, hitting the towns FW had taken from AoA and bailing them out, before turning north and heading straight to FW core.

Once you arrived in FW core (and everyone thought my army was dead) AoA and ROC sent armies to back you up, and once again you all skill fully avoided hitting each other inside FW core.

You can spin till you fall on your arse, but that's the definition of "gang up" :D


"Yeah pretty sure we've been fighting literally everyone. But you know, details."

Didn't say you weren't. But you know, details. :)

21:28:12 Feb 27th 18 - Mr. Bane:

21:28:12 Feb 27th 18 - Mr. Bane:

nuff said....

  1. Mr. Bane has won 54 battles, captured 33 cities and killed a total of 1705613 men and women.
  2. Mr. Blah Blah The Brutal has won 20 battles, captured 23 cities and killed a total of 593104 men and women.
  3. King Burninglegion The Wrathful has won 24 battles, captured 21 cities and killed a total of 549435 men and women.
  4. Mr. Grags has won 40 battles, captured 20 cities and killed a total of 1182789 men and women.
  5. Prince Anonymous has won 27 battles, captured 20 cities and killed a total of 1012254 men and women.
  6. Marquess Sable The Black has won 25 battles, captured 20 cities and killed a total of 384299 men and women.

21:33:22 Feb 27th 18 - Runelord Arkan (Runelord Arkan):

VU salt mines are still open for business then?

21:37:25 Feb 27th 18 - Mr. Bane:

I've been attacked by ROC, FW & greentwats. 3 of 4 kds have attacked me so shut up bishes

01:39:50 Feb 28th 18 - Sable (Marquess Sable The Black):

Blah Blah, I was responding to Bane who seems to think that we MAPed our way into an alliance with everyone against FW when we've literally been fighting everyone.

09:42:29 Mar 9th 18 - Mr. Blah Blah The Brutal:

Pretty big comeback. From last place and no core to first place with 4 players :)

Forgotten Warriors16Mr. Blah Blah The Brutal100
House Mormont12King Burninglegion The Wrathful84
Pestilence6The Oppressed27
Army of Anubis8Prince Anonymous1
Royal Order of Claidhmore11Lord Horus C1

Four horsemen of the Apocalypse? ;)

11:13:31 Mar 9th 18 - Mr. Bane:

not really, more the epic fail of AoA gifting you there core because they inactive twats, and mormon and fw gang banging a 3 man kd. no big win. next era i just remove AoA as I should have first time.

13:29:20 Mar 9th 18 - Mr. Blah Blah The Brutal:

"not really, more the epic fail of AoA gifting you there core because they inactive twats, and mormon and fw gang banging a 3 man kd. no big win. next era i just remove AoA as I should have first time."

Yeh It must have been some unholy alliance between Mormont and FW :)

It couldn't have been an epic fail by Bane who lost his farmed up zerk army to someone that he thought he killed, and who had less than 1/3rd of his econ ;)

It definitely wasn't an epic fail by Pestilence and their NAP partners, losing their armies and all their gains to four players who they thought were dead and who had less than 1/3rd their econ ;)

And it absolutely wasn't because Bane and his NAP partners we're just outmaneuvered by some puny people with a plan ;)

Go on. You know it's true :)

13:49:41 Mar 9th 18 - Mr. Bane:

nope, AoA gifted u a second shot. fact

14:07:34 Mar 9th 18 - McMax (Battlemage Mcmax The Eye):

Though it - shortly - could look like he helped Mormont by attacking AoA and RoC instead of Mormont, I'm pretty sure he didn't spend many thoughts on that subject.

Blah did a brilliant job the latest days of February and early March. His attack on us and AoA came out of nowhere - even though we should have known/remembered/guessed, that he still was "somewhere" close to us.

He did what he was supposed to do. Fighting for FW only.

14:08:35 Mar 9th 18 - HorusPanic (Lord Horus C):

FW played their balls off

I have to say despite the dwindling population of player. Despite the perceived lack of talent (although we're all several years experienced) - that was one of the most  cunning comebacks I've seen.

Hats off to you FW - that was a pleasure to watch. I don't enjoy losing (though we do that a lot in ROC) but really didn't see that coming. I know how you did it too - but never would have guess anyone in this game would have the perseverance (anymore) to pull it off.

You deserve this era win by far and no amount of relations or 'gifts' should diminish that. Well earned and well deserved.

14:10:53 Mar 9th 18 - Mr. Bane:

We diverted our strongest attack to dealing with Kath. We did that.

Then we had magic cast on us from FW, so smacked them around. Including sending Blah running.
Then we kept a couple FW players from running into Mormont hordes they were being chased by.
Then AoA gifted their core without putting up any fight or defence.
So yeah, next era we just kill you all and be done with. Jumped up noboddy's

14:12:56 Mar 9th 18 - Mr. Bane:

Hit Roxy oop and FW fall apart, again. No substance to the kd besides casting some invisible cities. Nothing fancy about that. I pointed them out to AoA but they did nothing. Couldnt even hold a blocker against 9k nazz.

14:25:03 Mar 9th 18 - HorusPanic (Ms. Glitter):

dude, you are not helping your cause with all this bitching

14:28:26 Mar 9th 18 - Mr. Bane:

Not bitching, just prepare for total war next era. FW will go down first, Mormont second, RoC third.

17:26:30 Mar 9th 18 - Mr. Blah Blah The Brutal:

Eeeeh... Looks like his feelings got hurt :(

AoA couldn't defend against 20k naz. Their decent army was busy escorting you into our core.

"just prepare for total war next era. FW will go down first, Mormont second, RoC third."

And NAP AoA? ^^

Call all your friends and get them to come back for an era? Gaia spam oop? (If you don't do it, someone else will)

"Total war" is exactly what we push for every era, live or die. Mantrax would be a better place if we had total war every era.

As long as you don't NAP again, you can make all the vendettas you like :D

17:35:01 Mar 9th 18 - Strawberry (Ms. Mei San):

I had 99% chance of killing a 16k nazgul + 200k ogre army from Pestilence, i wonder why Aoa doesnt even have the power to defend against a 20k nazgul army...

17:35:09 Mar 9th 18 - Mr. Bane:

AoA from what i was told are disbanding next era.

18:23:28 Mar 9th 18 - HorusPanic (Lord Horus C):

ROC has dibs on all AOA players

FW earned their victory. I don't believe anyone else could have done what they did.

We all know how dangerous FW can be if left unchecked, House Mormont could have put an end to FW but the realm was rallied against us by Bane. 

Regardless of that, it was a great era of wars and I look forward to another great era in Mantrax.

00:45:05 Mar 13th 18 - Mr. Ignis Farmville:

How long intill someone cast Arma?

09:33:25 Mar 13th 18 - heroix (Mr. Nephalem):

I could try in about 24h if FW and Mormonts agrees not to take Nephalem and Nephalem II until cast is made (for MUs training).

12:05:00 Mar 13th 18 - Dragon Prophet Theophilus:

I feel like a game mechanic that makes everyone stop playing is generally speaking not good for the game.

I think Plague should be costlier to cast, be more potent and deadlier, spread farther, and not last longer than 24 hours on a perfect cast, and 12 on a normal one. 

13:21:40 Mar 13th 18 - Mr. Blah Blah The Brutal:

Why does Mormont cast plague so often if they hate it? :)

I think if infected cities where slightly discolored would be a big improvement, its nearly impossible to track when you have 50 cities close together.

20:58:27 Mar 13th 18 - HorusPanic (Lord Horus C):

can we aArma now?

Kingdoms in Mantrax
Forgotten Warriors16Mr. Blah Blah The Brutal364657
House Mormont12King Burninglegion The Wrathful179422
Pestilence5The Oppressed50685
Army of Anubis9Prince Anonymous288
Royal Order of Claidhmore11Lord Horus C100
Kingdom of Stupid Warriors7Sir Muscle7

21:16:34 Mar 13th 18 - Venomz (High Warlord Venz):

Just cause you're dead doesn't mean we can't have some fun with those still left alive.. I mean I trained an army for a reason!

And what Elsin said, why cast plague atleast twice on us if you can't handle it yourself? (:

21:50:54 Mar 13th 18 - heroix (Mr. Nephalem):

By the time arma goes in action all those still alive will be dead anyway. It's just to speed up the process. Or is the countdown gone? I have not been playing for several years, so it's genuine question.

22:28:30 Mar 13th 18 - HorusPanic (Sir You Betta Feckin Panic):

FW is taking a huge shit on Morm... its 10 days to cast arma... just do it

03:52:08 Mar 14th 18 - Dragon Prophet Theophilus:

Its alright. I have to chaperone a field trip for several days. I'm out till next week probably. 

gives me time to recharge :)

02:14:15 Mar 15th 18 - Strawberry (Ms. Mei San):

When you have double the raw power of the halfling army but he picked up tons of military science...feels bad man...

07:24:32 Mar 15th 18 - Venomz (High Warlord Venz):

Don't forget the xp that adds % ;)

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