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Forums / In game politics / Starta Era 10

Starta Era 10
00:59:16 Oct 24th 11 - Mr. Takin The Urine:

A halfling can beat a gaia spamming orc come OOP..

01:01:35 Oct 24th 11 - Mr. Manowar:

Just Gaia, not all troops. :P

01:18:10 Oct 24th 11 - Zond (Mr. Hysteria):

Halfling can beat any race OOP. If you play it right and know what ur doing.. always that factor.

02:51:05 Oct 24th 11 - Mr. Secular Sunbeds Rock:


06:46:56 Oct 24th 11 - Polydeuces (Mr. Valkyros IX):

Any race can beat any race at OOP if you play right and know what you're doing... a little bit of luck/activity helps too.

06:54:04 Oct 24th 11 - Mr. Manowar:

no, you can't. It's pretty obvious. Put an orc and a anything else beside each other, drop in at the same time, build a city at the same time, and the Orc will win OOP due to Gaia not needing Pesents to train.

06:59:49 Oct 24th 11 - Zond (Sir Suck):

Dude, i kill orcs every era OOP as halfling...

07:08:16 Oct 24th 11 - Mr. Manowar:

Well, I'm Human, so you can see why I'm complaining. :P He's spamming out 2000 gaia a tick, I can only train 200 anything cos I only have 200 pesents growth in my city per tick. :P

07:10:36 Oct 24th 11 - Zond (Sir Suck):

Human, halfling, elf, dwarf, pez growth is pez growth. U must master the art of knowing how to get more and use them, then you can beat an orc OOP young grasshopper.

07:22:05 Oct 24th 11 - Mr. Manowar:

even if i had more, the training times are longer. Plus theres the travel distance, and then there's the Prep time. It takes 9 days to get to full prep, each tick he gets 2000 more gaia, even if I sent more troops after I train them the prep time is halved which gives him more time to spam gaia. But it's too strong to take without adding more troops to the army. Everyone should know it's impossible and unfair. Just look at what Binh does every era. :P

it's dumb to attack an orc first if you can sit there spam out there econ will crash or you'll eventually be able to kill the orc because you'll have better troops then he does

20:04:54 Oct 25th 11 - Mr. Uther Pendragon:

It's getting serious up in here. :P

20:25:20 Oct 25th 11 - HorusPanic (Sir Horus XVIII):

OOP: halfer > orc > everything else

22:29:47 Oct 25th 11 - Polydeuces (Mr. Try Harder):

In Nirvana one era, I beat an orc gaia spammer using warlords coming OOP..

22:39:57 Oct 25th 11 - Mr. Eddie:

he obviously had no clue what he was doing

Well, ironic how when I choose not to use the name Fortune, my only undefeated char name, I get oop killed by people just waiting for me. Also a bug was exploited in my death, he moved his army past my blocker which had its gates open when I didn't have LoS on his army. When I saw it I closed my gates and he went right past.. Meh.

03:11:45 Oct 26th 11 - Mr. Eddie:

thats no bug u didnt build gts and once u set path u can go over closed gates

I had plenty of GT's and as much as I could under construction. It is actually a bug :P   I also could not see his army so I had no clue that he was coming and my gates were open so people wouldnt find us.

03:22:20 Oct 26th 11 - Ms. Bloodrayne:

It is a bug, but a known bug that was like that for many years and will not change, it can be considered a tactic, cause when you CW a city you sent path with an army and even if the walls are up again you'll still pass...
Like it says in the "Bugs" section of the forum, known bugs:

Known bugs 03:37:54 Dec 25th 08 - VU Admin:

  • If the army path is set before the gates are closed, the army will move over the gates.

ps. GTs have nothing to do with this Eddie

03:33:28 Oct 26th 11 - Mr. Psychopath:

Uhm, Eddie mentioned GT because the person he replied to mentioned LoS.  Therefore implying the LoS was probably short...

Either way, known bug.  Its just another stumbling block for the new people.  There really is no way to fix it either.

I love the Gaia spammers. Easy kills when all I have been doing is hammering them to the ground lol

06:41:40 Oct 27th 11 - Mr. Uther Pendragon:


It's my favorite part of the era.
Though i hate loosing on a high roll. Sun Warrior look at the battle log on the kingdom forums and tell me thats not BS. lol

I know I was like wtf what happened lol

19:02:13 Nov 4th 11 - Endless (Ms. Memento Mori):

Ding Dong! The Welp is dead. Which old Welp? The Wicked Welp! 
Ding Dong! The Wicked Welp is dead.
Wake up - sleepy head, rub your eyes, get out of bed.
Wake up, the Wicked Welp is dead. He's gone where the goblins go,
Below - below - below. Yo-ho, let's open up and sing and ring the bells out.
Ding Dong' the merry-oh, sing it high, sing it low.
Let them know 
The Wicked Welp is dead!

As Mayor of the VU City, In the County of the Land of Starta, I welcome you most regally. 

But we've got to verify it legally, to see

To see?

If he

If he?

Is morally, ethic'lly

Father No.1
Spiritually, physically

Father No. 2
Positively, absolutely

Undeniably and reliably Dead

As Coroner I must avow, I thoroughly examined him. 
And he's not only merely dead, he's really most sincerely dead.

Then this is a day of Independence For all the Startans and their descendants

If any.

Yes, let the joyous news be spread The wicked Old Welp at last is dead!

Kingdoms in Starta
PETA10Ms. Memento Mori100
The Federation10Mr. Uther Pendragon79
Kingdom Hearts10Sir Sorra77
Odins last stand7Mr. Dragon III54
Bomber Brothers5Mr. Wolfsbane44
METAL7Mr. Manowar2
Optimus Consilium8Mr. Ein1 soon to be 0

19:51:57 Nov 4th 11 - Tyrin (Mr. One Eyed Willie):

Well done

04:39:19 Nov 5th 11 - Mr. Uther Pendragon:

Nice work, They had a nice little nook in the south west that sure enough will have PETA stamped all over as of this day!

15:10:32 Nov 5th 11 - Mr. Come Tome Sexys:

Was it a good old fashioned gangbang or more of a 1vs1? Just curious..

15:54:59 Nov 5th 11 - Ms. Bloodrayne:

PETA vs Optimus Consilium
1 vs 1 of course :)
But when you have Binh in your ranks if kinda feels you have three times more people :)
<3 Binh
Everyone else did awesome job too :) Great teamwork guys
Farming all era yey :)

12:30:53 Nov 6th 11 - Mr. Caprophagic Dog:

OK, we kinda have a bit of a problem.

It would seem that we were able to finish off Starta's top kingdom of the previous 2 eras abit too quickly (in a one on one war too, how sad...). So right now, I have a bunch of lustful.... I mean, blood-lusted players tugging at their leashes, and I need to point them at a target before they turn on me.

So I have a couple of little declarations to make here:

1. Dear Kat of Kingdom Hearts,

It was a mistake for you to spawn on this map. It was also a mistake for you to boast so openly about your skills. Mostly, it was a mistake for you to continue playing VU.

There are a couple of players in my kingdom who would like to... pay their respects to you. But one of them especially, would like to bestow his felicitations onto you in a very personal way. Path intends to say hi to you very soon, and I hope you will enjoy the pleasure of his company and come out of it a much better, if not a wholly reformed man.He and I recall, with vivid memory, your kind and welcoming hospitality to us when we first started this game, and we hope to pay you back in kind for your most wonderful treatment of us those many eras ago :)

2. Dear Slade of The Federation,

A little bird from Skype tells me it is your birthday. So Happy Birthday :)

And since it is a big day for you, and since my kingdom is a very giving kingdom, we will give you an opportunity to make your wish come true.

Yes Slade, Binh and I will be giving you the opportunity to kill the both of us, as you so promised to me on Skype several weeks ago :) We do not want to deprive you of a one in a million chance to achieve your life's dream. Therefore, Binh and I will be waiting for you (or, if you cannot wait, Binh can come to you instead; I'm pretty stuck chasing Kat :P) Consider this a birthday wish granted with our warmest, most heartfelt sincerity <3 We look forward to getting killed by you :P

Cheers lads, and have a good time :)

With best regards to my two pals above,


15:30:48 Nov 6th 11 - Mr. Reject II:

Slade still lives!?!  0/o

16:02:17 Nov 6th 11 - Mr. Eddie:

I thought no one knew was name was Kat, Why did I ever choose that name is a mystery to me =). And this declaration is useless as there was no clearly no other way it was gonna go down and was totally expected. Nonetheless aince you mention path my nemesis who blames me for angels I'll make sure to say hi =)

16:56:17 Nov 6th 11 - Tyrin (Mr. Tyrin):

"OK, we kinda have a bit of a problem.

It would seem that we were able to finish off Starta's top kingdom of the previous 2 eras abit too quickly (in a one on one war too, how sad...)"

3 eras, AT was OC before we decided to settle on a name.

BB warred Abad for basically the first 10 days essentially pinning down one of our 7 players (Kor didnt land) I doubt even had Wilb not landed late and been inactive during the crucial starting times, that it wouldve made up for our racial disadvantage at such a range

Im not saying we didnt play poorly, was a horrid learning experience, but for someone who accuses others of "lack of foresight" when you assembled a team of such experience (kudos on getting Kai to join a kd with Endless in it, I never thought I would see that lol) Forgetting sheer amount of hours logged in accumulated amongst the ten of you, you shouldve been able to see this problem a mile away based on caliber alone. Heck, Binh alone left starta when he was bored of ruling it with only 5 others. I can only imagine why he would think is was worthy to return with a group of 9 lol
So sad? A poor performance,yes, but Im pretty sure after that post I know where I would put the "sad" label myself.

18:35:35 Nov 6th 11 - Mr. Caprophagic Dog:

Excuses, excuses, excuses :) Weren't you and Puppy supposed to be kick-ass players at all stages of the game, including OOP? Maybe we grossly overestimated your capabilities, LOL!

Random dropped as late (if not later than) as Wilberforce. Path had inactivity issues for the first few days and basically sat back to build up. Other members of ours also had their activity or build issues every now and then. Binh has his reasons for playing with us this era :)

And BTW, Path, Random and myself (and probably Penguin too) had only just returned to the game recently, so they had a lot of catching up to do with the game mechanics, etc. (heck, I may have clocked abit more recent game experience than them, but there are still a lot of things I do not know and have yet to catch up on).

The only credit I will give to you is that you didn't hide behind some silly excuse like "we all picked races to mess with this era" and what not. That prevents me from being able to use my usual accusation against you :)

Hopefully, this experience has taught you and Puppy some humility :) Wilberforce however, is beyond redemption, LOL!

18:35:42 Nov 6th 11 - Ms. Bloodrayne:

Wow you take the expression bad loser to a completelly new level.
Excuses, excuses, excuses, thats what you're been doing for last two eras :)
You lost, we won, deal with it.
There are two types of players in this game, farmers and attackers... You guys need half era to farm to do something in the era, but I must say you have the best group of farmers this game ever had. Kudos to that, you sure know how to farm.
Dont put numbers here, we did not send entire Kd to you, most people did not even make it in time to attack you because you died surprisingly fast. Heck I even asked to test out some farming techniques since there was really no need to go there :)
I dont understand why you just dont accept the fact you are a farmer and unless you farm half era you die. Simple as that.

18:36:29 Nov 6th 11 - Endless (Ms. Memento Mori):

Tyrin, your vu character has a) no sense of humour and b) no ability to accept defeat with grace and c) a Barney complex.

When all you wrote was "well done" when I posted previously I was thinking you might have a) and b) but now you've proved me wrong again.  

18:48:06 Nov 6th 11 - Tyrin (Mr. Tyrin Failsalot):

lol I dont get how responding to being called "sad" is being a bad loser. . . . . But how ever you want to read it.

And you guys can use the "excuses" argument all you want, but it defeats your own. Its a paradox to suggest that any success we may have is due to situation, yet any failure cannot be attributed to it. Look at Nirv, where you did not accept our excuse, but the four of us who choose to restart 24 days into the era with someone more serious race choice (although still treating less serious then general) and we are still alive and holding our own. Sort of destroys that fallacy in logic you have built.

Endless, lord knows I have to have a sense of humour to even bother posting in here. 

Aisha, I do perfer to farm if time allows it, economy is what normally wins out in the end, but like before all we ever said is that we have done well in the past fighting from oop. Its not like we can get consistently lucky in always landing near people who dont train. . . . . some people hog all that luck.

So yeah, I dont know where you guys get your scale for judging what a bad winner and bad loser is, but bragging ti was a 1v1 when it wasnt and calling the whole ordeal sad doesnt seem very sportsmanlike to me :)

18:55:51 Nov 6th 11 - Endless (Ms. Memento Mori):

You forget, this is a grudge match born from last era.  Our mission was to kill Tyrin and Puppy and we did it.  We don't have to be sportsmanlike, we get to do the nah  nah na nah nah dance ;)  

You could  take it on the chin (that quite often works on dampening feuds) but it's good to see that you can be childish too :)

18:57:35 Nov 6th 11 - Mr. Caprophagic Dog:

Yawn, paint it however you want to, Tyrin, doesn't bother me in the least regard.

If we aren't very sportsmanlike this era, perhaps now you can understand how we felt when you weren't very allylike last era.

But oh wait, we don't even have an agreement to be sportsmanlike (or even decent) with you right? OK, time for me to descend to the very depths of uncivility, barbarism and uncouthness when it comes to responding to you then ^_^

P.S. For being "pinned down", Abaddon being able to build 6 cities is quite something... (no disrespect to him, I know the calibre of player he is having played with him on Zetamania...).

19:03:09 Nov 6th 11 - Tyrin (Mr. Tyrin Failsalot):

I really dont see hwo I was being childish. I flat out said the any of that which held us back would likely not make up for the sheer caliber of players you assembled lol Did you even read my post, or did you have these prewritten for anything I would say? ><

You guys did nothing short of what I would expect, which was damn good. I never said anything to the contrary, and in fact I said we played horridly. Both are true. What more do you want? A formal letter of surrender? :D

04:06:17 Nov 7th 11 - Mr. Eddie:

It was a mistake for you to spawn on this map. It was also a mistake for you to boast so openly about your skills. Mostly, it was a mistake for you to continue playing VU.

I love that part it makes me lol =)

04:08:18 Nov 7th 11 - Mr. Scratching That Itch:

lol.. TBL does have a flare for the dramatic.. :)

04:18:41 Nov 7th 11 - Zond (Mr. Hostility):

04:19:18 Nov 7th 11 - Mr. Eddo:

I have no idea how he even kows me. I only know path cause he constantly blamed me forever about the past.oh and binh just for being bihn i held my on that one era i faced him though. stopped his advance.

06:13:15 Nov 7th 11 - Mr. Uther Pendragon:

most who play this game has some sort of twisted version of these:

Thanks Zond for psoting, you made me laugh for the first time in awhile.

Hearing the crazies babble on in this forum is going to make me want to become bulimic.

and the hubris... this place smells of 7th grade locker room and reminds me of the chubby large kind with freckles who would pick on others because of his self esteem instabilities.

I would just like to see some civilized talk going on.

Now that i'm done with that personality...
All of you are a bunch of noobs. You don't amount to the fempto-scale scum on the bottom of my boot. You dreams and aspirations in life amount to what flush down the toilet a couple times a day. You're lives are pitiful existences and in all reality i am actually talking about myself right now but want to put off on you because you all seem to be easy targets as of the moment!


So i haven't been around in forever... It's nice to be around this douche bag atmosphere again!



no seriously, i missed you guys.

06:21:47 Nov 7th 11 - Mr. Uther Pendragon:

Also i have always wondered why you can't build a city with all houses, post and army in there and enslave those you attracted to the city. Slave production cities sounds like a beautiful thing to me! (says the libertarian) rofl

06:36:36 Nov 7th 11 - Mr. Caprophagic Dog:

10:06:17 Nov 7th 11 - Mr. Eddie:

It was a mistake for you to spawn on this map. It was also a mistake for you to boast so openly about your skills. Mostly, it was a mistake for you to continue playing VU.

I love that part it makes me lol =)

I specialise in destroying time, effort and investment put into VU :) Imagine all the hard work and activity put into it and having nothing to show for it at the end of the day ^_^ I think that's you, Kat, getting destroyed round after round after round despite all your hard work. Kinda makes you wanna give up doesn't it.... except you are as persistent as a leech (probably your only decent point).

10:08:18 Nov 7th 11 - Mr. Scratching That Itch:

lol.. TBL does have a flare for the dramatic.. :)

Just trying to perfect my self-indulgent oratory skills, Sean. You know I live for the glory, the drama, and the pleasure of being called an asshole generally :P

12:13:15 Nov 7th 11 - Mr. Uther Pendragon:
most who play this game has some sort of twisted version of these:

The internet frees us up to be who we really are, Uther. I get to do things here that I can never do in real life, you know.... sssshhhhh........ :P

But yeah, a bit of drama injects some colour into what can be very dull (albeit civilized) rounds of gameplay though.

Where's Slade? I am still waiting for his response to me :P

06:41:23 Nov 7th 11 - Mr. Uther Pendragon:

He's Australian... He comes around when he deems it necessary. Who would blame him with this lot? :P

I was alittle afraid to post here myself. this is a tough crowd. Especially that kingdom hearts bunch. Their name is misleading, they're a bunch of heartless monsters!
You better watch out because they would drown your children in your blood in front of you wives given the opportunity!

13:25:41 Nov 9th 11 - Penguin (Mr. Thebornloser):

Bitches, please stop talking, everyone of you is going down. if you want to play come to the Odins Last Stand core. i will gladly show that you are just pussies who can only do ze bitchy talk. i will slap the shit out of everyone

16:30:48 Nov 9th 11 - Mr. Eddo:

The more you brag the sweeter our victory will be =)

16:44:45 Nov 9th 11 - Mr. Caprophagic Dog:

Yeah, Pingu, don't brag. I mean, we're facing the mighty Edd / Kat for goodness sakes. He's a guy who has knocked Binh back!!! :O Its a big mistake to be his enemy :( We're so screwed :(

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