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Forums / In game politics / The Recruitment Centre

The Recruitment Centre
22:07:06 May 2nd 14 - HorusPanic (Mr. Recrutefornextera):

Candlewax is recruiting on Nirvana - likely to be a small kingdom with a big impact..

PM me plz

11:55:02 May 3rd 14 - Princess Aisha:

Looking for a Kd on Fantasia. PM me please if anyone is interested.

12:04:53 May 3rd 14 - Bran (Mr. Shaolin Bran):

join MAD/poodles if you enjoy farming

12:13:41 May 3rd 14 - Konspyre (Captain Konspyre):

join Zeon/Poof if you don't enjoy farming

15:28:55 May 5th 14 - The Real Josh (Prince Nikol Bolas):

Dont join Zeon Aisha, The king is a liar and backstabber! Not to be trusted!!

11:26:31 May 6th 14 - Sir Asterix:

which fant kingdom is kobu playing atm? thinking of joining my old beo teammate for an era..

20:18:07 May 6th 14 - Ms. Jerks Are Jer:

kobus like in zeon or something

20:38:02 May 6th 14 - Bran (Mr. Shaolin Bran):

you can follow the process of elimination by reading his ramblings in the forums about any kd he disagrees with

22:50:25 May 6th 14 - Sir Trolled:

Kobu aka Zwapper is currently in MAD

20:38:09 May 15th 14 - Mr. Falconer:

Trolls are open for apps on Zeta

Only requirement is that you play Troll :-)

18:34:23 May 18th 14 - Bran (Mr. Brannigan The Irritating):

looking for a kd on fant for next era, needs to be underdog and communicative and willing to put up with me.
i can play any race or role

03:22:16 May 22nd 14 - Ms. Jerks Are Jer:

Poodles From Hell

Kingdom Banner

Name: Poodles From Hell
Members: 15
Created: 4/21/2013 7:08:23 AM
Leader: Sheriff Timur

Compare kingdom


Poodles. The French once conquered many a nation with these brutal companions by their side. But the French, soon became naive, and claimed the victory their own. The poodles were cast aside, betrayed and beaten by their once loyal friends.

But now their back, crawling from the depths of hell with a vengeance. Their horrid skin wilting, their bark sends chills down enemies spines. The Poodles from hell will claim their retribution.. On the battlefield.

The poodles are a group of players wanting to improve their skills, and make friends with their kingdom mates. We teach as much as we learn, and at the end of the day. Once a poodle. Always a Poodle.

Message a leader for admittance. Must be able to get on at least 3 times /day.

Any of our current three leaders has authority to agree to or decline diplomatic agreements.

18:41:11 Jun 5th 14 - Sir Isaac:

Currently accepting new Applicants. Please submit with your application your name, age, time zone, and a brief bio about yourself and how frequently you may be on visual utopia. If applicable, please state how long you have been playing as well and your last kingdom.

We currently have slots for newbie"s who are willing to learn and partake in daily matters in the Kingdom and are determined to make a difference.

Please inform us whether you are a defender or attacker, so that we have a better understanding your main role in the kingdom.

We are looking mainly for active members, who are willing to be dedicated to the Kingdom. All members of Mirror are welcome to join. Its that time again.

ALERT: You will be kicked if you go 7 days inactive without informing leadership

19:40:59 Jun 5th 14 - Sir Isaac:

Leon Nemeios

Kingdom Banner

Name: Leon Nemeios
Members: 2
Created: 5/16/2012 11:41:25 PM
Leader: Sir Isaac

Compare kingdom


Currently accepting new Applicants. Please submit with your application your name, age, time zone, and a brief bio about yourself and how frequently you may be on visual utopia. If applicable, please state how long you have been playing as well and your last kingdom.

We currently have slots for newbie"s who are willing to learn and partake in daily matters in the Kingdom and are determined to make a difference.

Please inform us whether you are a defender or attacker, so that we have a better understanding your main role in the kingdom.

We are looking mainly for active members, who are willing to be dedicated to the Kingdom. All members of Mirror are welcome to join. Its that time again.

ALERT: You will be kicked if you go 7 days inactive without informing leadership

20:46:58 Jun 19th 14 - Mr. Theon The Trustworthy:


Kingdom Banner

Name: Bolton
Members: 2
Created: 6/19/2014 8:22:28 PM
Leader: Mr. Theon The Trustworthy

"Our Blades Are Sharp"


Please state your experience. I'm happy to advise new young rulers.

17:59:29 Jun 22nd 14 - Teirdel (Saint Yensid):

Tiger Generals

Kingdom Banner

Name: Tiger Generals
Members: 8
Created: 4/28/2014 1:20:11 AM
Leader: Saint Yensid

On Valhalla

Looking for new members. Have some in actives and would like to cycle them out with some fresh players. Doesn't matter if you are new or not just be active once per day!

04:59:40 Jun 29th 14 - Mr. Chief Executive Officer:

Recruiting on Fantasia, we will gladly squeeze every last drip of use out of you before casting you aside.

The Corporation

Kingdom Banner

Name: The Corporation
Members: 1
Created: 6/29/2014 4:16:27 AM
Leader: Mr. Chief Executive Officer

Compare kingdom


The Corporation-

Driven by greed and profit. Our only purpose is to consume all we can for our own needs, without regard for anyone else. Lining our pockets on the backs of the working man. We create cheaper, less reliable goods, while still charging top dollar. If there is a corner to cut we will find it. We take what is already free and sell it to you in a nice pretty package. We will choke the life out the the economy and then ask for a hand out. We will inflate the housing market and create debt, then crash the market, when things fall apart the banks are there to take all your problems away. We will create fear and panic when it suits our needs. We will turn a blind eye to the hungry, turn our backs on those in need, and turn our guns on those who have what we desire. We will employ you at a rate you can't live on. Overcharge you for things you dont even need. There by trapping everyone into debt. Locking them into servitude for the rest of their lives. All the while thinking that they are living in freedom, when actually they live in a giant maze where all paths lead back to The Corporation.


16:05:50 Jun 29th 14 - Mr. Trojan:



new active players are welcome

looking for the FF:

16:47:52 Jul 10th 14 - Arkantos (Mr. Landry):

Wardens of Wisdom recruiting for Nirvana,

22:07:14 Jul 11th 14 - Mr. Ranginui:

Organization XIII

Kingdom Banner

Name: Organization XIII
Members: 1
Created: 6/27/2014 8:13:22 PM
Leader: Mr. Ranginui

Compare kingdom


I am 'Heartless' ... I am 'Nobody'
I am Organization

Nirvana new and old players welcome 
Nemesis - Kingdom Hearts Nirvana 

09:55:42 Jul 15th 14 - Sir Isaac:

Leon Nemeios

Kingdom Banner

Name: Leon Nemeios
Members: 3
Created: 5/16/2012 11:41:25 PM
Leader: Sir Isaac

Compare kingdom


Currently accepting new Applicants. Please submit with your application your name, age, time zone, and a brief bio about yourself and how frequently you may be on visual utopia. If applicable, please state how long you have been playing as well and your last kingdom.

We currently have slots for newbie"s who are willing to learn and partake in daily matters in the Kingdom and are determined to make a difference.

Please inform us whether you are a defender or attacker, so that we have a better understanding your main role in the kingdom.

We are looking mainly for active members, who are willing to be dedicated to the Kingdom. All members of Mirror are welcome to join. Its that time again.

ALERT: You will be kicked if you go 7 days inactive without informing leadership

04:06:03 Jul 24th 14 - Ms. Ghost Maker:

im kingdomless and very inactive.. i log on once every 12-14 hours.. message me if you want a true pro in your kingdom. 

05:08:05 Jul 26th 14 - Teirdel (Saint Dragon Blood):

Kingdom Hearts

Kingdom Banner

Name: Kingdom Hearts
Members: 6
Created: 11/19/2010 5:00:33 AM
Leader: Saint Dragon Blood


Kingdom Hearts Recruiting for Mantrax! All are welcome who are here to enjoy the game! We are currently small but are looking to expand! Please apply anytime and just tell me a little about yourself.




01:48:12 Aug 1st 14 - Mr. Insane Ambrose II:


Kingdom Banner

Name: Cloaked
Members: 4
Created: 6/20/2014 9:57:07 PM
Leader: Mr. Insane Ambrose II

We are recruiting on Valhalla...Everyone welcomed

21:09:41 Aug 13th 14 - Cao Cao (Mr. Spoook):


Kingdom Banner

Name: Boo
Members: 3
Created: 8/11/2014 1:30:32 AM
Leader: Mr. Spoook

Compare kingdom



Boo is recruiting on Zetamania. Looking for a few active players to join the team.

17:51:34 Aug 20th 14 - Bran (Mr. Brannigans Law):

Shaolin Monks

Kingdom Banner

Name: Shaolin Monks
Members: 2
Created: 8/20/2014 5:47:22 PM
Leader: Mr. Brannigans Law

on fant this era! are interested in nubs in all shapes and sizes and even some vets too if they cba to play properly

looking to knock MAD off their f'cking perch!

23:39:50 Aug 20th 14 - Mr. Chief Executive Officer:

3 more spots remain, Looking for active players, Let me know your recent activity level, and recent characters. ive talked to a few people who havent applied yet, get your app in soon.

The Corporation

Kingdom Banner

Name: The Corporation
Members: 7
Created: 6/29/2014 4:16:27 AM
Leader: Mr. Chief Executive Officer

Compare kingdom


The Corporation-

Driven by greed and profit. Our only purpose is to consume all we can for our own needs, without regard for anyone else. Building our wealth on the backs of the working man. We create cheaper, less reliable goods, while still charging top dollar. If there is a corner to cut we will find it. We take what is already free and sell it to you in a nice pretty package. We will choke the life out the the economy and then ask for a hand out. We will inflate the housing market and create debt, then crash the market, when things fall apart the banks are there to take all your problems away. We will produce food unfit for consumption, and overcharge for food grown the way it is supposed to be. We will influence elections and governments. We will create fear and panic to allow the taking of liberties, and call for military protection. We will produce vast amounts of weapons. We will turn a blind eye to corruption, turn our backs on those in need, and turn our weapons on those who have what we desire. We will employ you at a rate you can't live on. Overcharge you for things that distract you from the real problems. There by trapping everyone into debt. Locking them into servitude for the rest of their lives. All the while thinking that they are living in freedom, when actually they live in a giant maze where all paths lead to.... The Corporation.

Willing to teach those willing to learn. Long term strategies, Building strategy, Market strategy, OOP strats(gaia spam, halflingmage etc), Orc Mage specialist. Just ask!


00:08:19 Sep 17th 14 - Struddles (Toaster Struddle):

Well I'm back I can't promise for how long and I'm not sure which world I want to play on but if anyone is up for giving me a shot I can play.

00:08:20 Sep 17th 14 - Struddles (Toaster Struddle):

Well I'm back I can't promise for how long and I'm not sure which world I want to play on but if anyone is up for giving me a shot I can play.

00:13:23 Sep 17th 14 - Bran (Mr. Brannigans Law):

pls make a new kd, there arent enough, especially as it looks like corp could be collapsing. maybe you could take their players on the rebound and remake an old kd for the nostalgia?

00:15:00 Sep 17th 14 - Struddles (Toaster Struddle):

I haven't made a kingdom and I'm not close to active enough to lead on Bran plus it's not like I can really call old favors in anymore been gone to long don't know whose still left.

00:17:47 Sep 17th 14 - Bran (Mr. Brannigans Law):

well imo you dont need to turn to anyone to recriut, just open up shop and the recriuts come to you. and like i said, corp could break up so you should get the pick fo the bunch since my kd is unlikely to be accepting many more players (unless they autojoined)

am looking to make a kd where new players can get into the game. would be a good thing for vu if you could do the same

00:21:05 Sep 17th 14 - Struddles (Toaster Struddle):

What do you think should I go for a fant kingdom then? And which one of my kingdoms should I bring back I did lead two for a fair amount of time. Between Dynasty and Anarchy I guess.

00:30:54 Sep 17th 14 - Bran (Mr. Brannigans Law):

Tbh i dont remember those. Personally my recollection is always of you being in a kd that i happen to be in... or Gotf i think

00:33:21 Sep 17th 14 - Struddles (Toaster Struddle):

I know right well bot of those were my smaller kingdoms so I think I'll go with Anarchy just need someone to help me make it

01:13:50 Sep 17th 14 - Bran (Mr. Brannigans Law):

i know hankys kicking about, kinda inactive but you might be able to persuade him to help you. not sure i can think of anyone else


Kingdom Banner

Name: Forsaken
Members: 2
Created: 8/30/2012 5:24:52 PM
Leader: Dragonlord Jack Daniels Knight of Death

Compare kingdom


were just a KD lookin for a good time feel free to send in an app and join us in our goal of conquering the world of zeta


just looking for some people to join me on zeta

12:50:19 Oct 11th 14 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Jesus Left Toe):

Ladies, Gentlemen, Others,

Vincimus has arrived on Fantasia, looking for recruits, new or old. 

All applications will be given due consideration, then accepted.


15:06:41 Oct 11th 14 - Cao Cao (Lord Cao Cao II):

Cease Exist

Kingdom Banner

Name: Cease Exist
Members: 8
Created: 9/26/2014 11:24:01 PM
Leader: Lord Cao Cao II


Cease to exist has returned. Welcoming old friends and newcomers alike. Now recruiting on Fant.


12:32:52 Oct 16th 14 - Orin (Mr. Orin):

New Kingdom In Valhalla
Looking for Recruits

New Age

Kingdom Banner

Name: New Age
Members: 5
Created: 10/5/2014 12:13:44 PM
Leader: Mr. Orin

Compare kingdom


Peace and Love to All

“You are one thing only. You are a Divine Being. An all-powerful Creator. You are a Deity in jeans and a t-shirt, and within you dwells the infinite wisdom of the ages and the sacred creative force of All that is, will be and ever was.”
― Anthon St. Maarten, Divine Living: The Essential Guide To Your True Destiny


23:50:35 Oct 16th 14 - Death Dealer (Mr. Anonymous Death God):

The Visual Utopia Empire

Kingdom Banner

Name: The Visual Utopia Empire
Members: 2
Created: 10/16/2014 10:23:05 AM
Leader: Mr. Anonymous Death God

Compare kingdom



Players needed, we will be on Fant. I will Also change the banner before the age starts.

11:57:45 Oct 23rd 14 - Jdzelhorst (Mr. Raven Black):

Looking for new players on Valhalla!

You Know

Kingdom Banner

Name: You Know
Members: 2
Created: 10/6/2014 11:13:15 PM
Leader: Mr. Thoak Blackaxe

Compare kingdom


We do not know!


11:01:22 Nov 3rd 14 - Orin (Mr. Orin):

New Age

Kingdom Banner

Name: New Age
Members: 6
Created: 10/5/2014 12:13:44 PM
Leader: Mr. Orin

Compare kingdom


“I believe in God, but not as one thing, not as an old man in the sky. I believe that what people call God is something in all of us. I believe that what Jesus and Mohammed and Buddha and all the rest said was right. It's just that the translations have gone wrong.”
― John Lennon

We are looking for new and old players, willing to teach the fundamentals of Visual Utopia and make you into a strong player.


18:54:42 Nov 7th 14 - Sir Isaac:

We are currently located on Talent after our glorious victory last era. 

Leon Nemeios

Kingdom Banner

Name: Leon Nemeios
Members: 6
Created: 5/16/2012 11:41:25 PM
Leader: Sir Isaac



Currently accepting new Applicants. Please submit with your application your name, age, time zone, and a brief bio about yourself and how frequently you may be on visual utopia. If applicable, please state how long you have been playing as well and your last kingdom.

We currently have slots for newbie"s who are willing to learn and partake in daily matters in the Kingdom and are determined to make a difference.

Please inform us whether you are a defender or attacker, so that we have a better understanding your main role in the kingdom.

We are looking mainly for active members, who are willing to be dedicated to the Kingdom. All members of Mirror are welcome to join. Its that time again.

ALERT: You will be kicked if you go 7 days inactive without informing leadership

02:40:23 Nov 11th 14 - Mr. Sidodis:

Greetings old and young just stopping in to see how things been rolling ... Play a age or two .

ody my man send an app to one of the kds on zeta 

23:56:35 Nov 20th 14 - Bran (Mr. Bran):

Shaolin Monks

Kingdom Banner

Name: Shaolin Monks
Members: 15
Created: 8/20/2014 5:47:22 PM
Leader: Mr. Bran

need to recruit for next era cos loads of ppl are leaving.

19:37:44 Nov 28th 14 - Mr. Ghostofvupast:

Past Experience over 6 years, will work on any realm, just message me.

20:54:10 Nov 28th 14 - LukeTheDuke (Mr. Paracelzus IV):

Could use you in the in The Legion. Come to Arma.

06:40:51 Dec 1st 14 - Mr. Draygon:

im on starta is there anybody playing this game anymore there in like nobody on my map I love to play but would like some action

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