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Fant 25
00:32:50 May 2nd 14 - shyers (Grandmaster Baiter):

Does this mean I can attack black flag now?

00:51:30 May 2nd 14 - Valar (Dreadlord Valarion):

22:01:42 May 1st 14 - Teirdel (Saint Lodak):

Well welcome back Hamish. As far as VU is concerned a lot of honor and respect has disappeared over the course of yours and others absence.

You are best off just dealing with those you know for a fact thatll be happy to uphold a deal.

You have no knowledge of the situation so implying people are dishonorable is a little uncalled for.

00:55:06 May 2nd 14 - Valar (Dreadlord Valarion):

Hamish, both our KD's settled thge particular area you are refering to at about the same time. My own towns had been there for quite a while before you declared a "border" that suddenly put them in your supposed territory. If you expect me to vacate those towns, be prepared to offer monetary reparations.

I will also second Augh's opinion, Zeon and Poof are your meatshields at the moment on virtually every front. I strongly urge you to NOT forget that.

01:00:09 May 2nd 14 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

If people have LOS up north you can clearly see Black Flag spreading into our core not the other way round, we had cities all in this area when black flag was only a few cities.

Poofs have done nothing unhonorable and if anything went above and beyond in previous actions to Black Flag, you'd do well to remember that Hamish.

02:46:21 May 2nd 14 - shyers (Mr. Shyers The Monkey):

05:32:50 May 2nd 14 - shyers (Grandmaster Baiter):

Does this mean I can attack black flag now?

05:20:41 May 2nd 14 - Teirdel (Saint Avarice of The Black):

Val. Hamish made a mention about honor. I informed him on my personal assessment of vu atm. It wasn't really my intention to as some say "attack" w.e kd he is disputing with. However hamish's comment about lack of honor is a observation as a whole that I agree with. If you take offense that is fine. Not my intention but now that I said that whether one feels insulted is a problem on their end alone.

11:09:01 May 2nd 14 - Mr. Hamish The Third:

Honor is a currency and VU seems to be currently poor, its also a medium to long term messer of the effectiveness of a kingdom. As can be seen for the HOH the kingdoms am having issues with are losing and will lose faster as there dishonorable actions pile on top of each other. Its simple if you want good allies you behave in good ways. And the opposite is true, you reap what you sow.

11:19:11 May 2nd 14 - Bran (Mr. Whatamidoinghere):

Black Flag5Mr. Hamish The Third18

"will lose faster as there dishonorable actions pile on top of each other."

11:19:15 May 2nd 14 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

Hamiush due to your dishonrable actions of expanding rapidly into POOF core and refusing to join the worlds fight i demand you either wreck the cities in my land or allow me to B&D them. The cities in question are Beer, Edtroil, Serenlios, Penstros, and Dark Cave

11:32:19 May 2nd 14 - Mr. Morningmonster:

Hamish, the real lack of honor in this story is you refusing your allies to settle up north when our core is overrun by the enemy and there is plenty of space up there.

It doesnt actually cost you anything to let us settle some mines there - on the contrary you actually gain on it since it means we can protect that same core better if we can have some more economy. Not allowing us to settle some mines there however means some of our players are out of the game since they lost their econ. Being honorable doesnt mean you have to be stupid. But sure, if you have a deathwish lets be honorable and stop helping eachother.

12:25:17 May 2nd 14 - Valar (Dreadlord Valarion):

11:09:01 May 2nd 14 - Mr. Hamish The Third:

Honor is a currency and VU seems to be currently poor, its also a medium to long term messer of the effectiveness of a kingdom. As can be seen for the HOH the kingdoms am having issues with are losing and will lose faster as there dishonorable actions pile on top of each other. Its simple if you want good allies you behave in good ways. And the opposite is true, you reap what you sow.

Poof and Zeon fought since oop, of course we are at a disadvantage now that MAD and Poodles join the fight after building rather peacefully. I hope you will be satisfied with what you reap in eras to come if you continue along this path.

16:51:59 May 2nd 14 - Ms. Jerks Are Jer:

Hamish and Black Flag have been playing on Fant forever, he has never really cared about survivability, but has always been honorable to me, I dont think its out of the realm of good relations to have secure borders, for example Mad and Poodles have maintained "for the most part" a good separation of core, Never been more happy with a nap partner :P

18:07:12 May 2nd 14 - Valar (Mr. Val Arion):

Mr Jerk, there is a quite clear line in the area in question. It is a mountain we, Poof, have settled around and conquered towns around. There is one city that could be judged "out of bounds" but the city in question is not being built in. There really is no reason to imply Poof lack honor, especially since Black Flag did not make their intentions clear until after said towns where taken/built.

As mentioned before, there is a war going on across the entire map and Black Flag are currently safe behind both Zeon and us. Tell me mr Jerk, would you begrudge your ally a few towns if they needed a safe place to fall back on?

18:19:51 May 2nd 14 - Ms. Jerks Are Jer:

It doesnt come down to begrudging or what should be fair in the grand scheme of things, its about the relation between 2-3 kingdoms and what is agreed upon, I think thats what hamish is having in issue with, of course I dont have all the facts and I am not trying to claim any one kingdom is "honorable" or another "Un-honorable" it seems like certain players are trying to take refuge so to speak in another kingdoms core, and that later kingdom doesnt want those refugees in his kingdom. 

I hope you guys can work this out so we can get back to focusing on the fighting :P

18:48:28 May 2nd 14 - Mr. Bad Bell Mate:

Hamish's English skills have vastly improved since he was leading BF to back to back victories against LGC.

Sadly, POOF's warring skills haven't. They blow. In more ways than one.

18:58:53 May 2nd 14 - Valar (Dreadlord Valarion):

Sadly, POOF's warring skills haven't. They blow. In more ways than one.

Less so now that you're no longer here to provide your expert services. 

18:59:13 May 2nd 14 - Dark Spawn (Lord Dark Spawn):

Isn't Hamish known to kick out his members and take their cities over night, claming later they were inactive?

19:09:51 May 2nd 14 - Ms. Jerks Are Jer:

Poofs has only been a kingdom for about 2 era's, there warring skills last era was excellent as they fought two kingdoms at once OOP, And i believe until the Zeon/Poofs Nap they were doing quite well vs Zeon Also. 

Bad Bell Mate Why dont you play on Fant to show your "skills" rather then desperately trying to find something to troll about.

19:12:19 May 2nd 14 - Valar (Mr. Val Arion):

Swifty has always prefered the pen over the sword. It used to be entertaining, now it just comes across as bitter.

19:15:24 May 2nd 14 - Legend (I am Legend):

I like cookies!

19:18:30 May 2nd 14 - Mr. Bad Bell Mate:

I am Legend


18:15:24 May 2nd 14
I like cookies!

Val likes cocks.

Hence why he keeps biting. :DDD

20:16:12 May 2nd 14 - Kobuskan (Sir Gigger):

wtf who let that litlle parasite into Zeon

03:25:01 May 3rd 14 - shyers (Mr. Shyers The Monkey):

00:15:24 May 3rd 14 - Legend (I am Legend):

I like cookies!

cookies are the she it!!!! i miss you leg

10:38:19 May 3rd 14 - Kobuskan (Mr. Zwapper):

Seems Zeon is not getting any help from Poof while there core is being eaten from the south

11:05:28 May 3rd 14 - Ms. Jerks Are Jer:

Yeah...Zeon what happened? you guys were so strong early on.. never thought this.. would have happened, I would like to formally take back my application to Zeon.. 

11:33:39 May 3rd 14 - Valar (Dreadlord Valarion):

We wore eachother down in a long oop war, what did you think would happen? Escpecially since you spent that time farming peacefully. ^^

11:44:33 May 3rd 14 - Bran (Mr. Shaolin Bran):

maybe zeta should think about making war more profitable, that way kds like poodles and MAD will think twice before trying to farm their way to a win. its not good for the game when kds play like that, i dont think anyone is find this fun.

11:52:58 May 3rd 14 - Dark Spawn (Lord Dark Spawn):

Battles won: 73
Battles lost: 41

Battles won: 65
Battles lost: 40

Battles won: 108
Battles lost: 125

Battles won: 88
Battles lost: 93

War is profitable, who said its not.
And who is actually farming?

11:55:44 May 3rd 14 - Valar (Mr. Elan Morin Tedronai):

Wonder what the above looked like before MAD and Poodles joined the fight ;)

12:04:01 May 3rd 14 - Bran (Mr. Shaolin Bran):

how are those statistics evidence that war is profitable? zeon and poofs were fighting long before MAD and poodles began fighting and we are clearly utterly mismatched in both economy and army size.

its unanimously accepted that farming is favourable to farming in this game so im not sure why youre trying to argue against that

12:16:47 May 3rd 14 - Dark Spawn (Lord Dark Spawn):

You made a suggestion that war should be more profitable. So I made a comment in general, that VU wars are profitable, as when you defeat your enemy you take war spoils and grow that way.

12:21:09 May 3rd 14 - Bran (Mr. Shaolin Bran):

you receive slaves, which have been almost worthless since GWs were removed. You get the mines of the enemy, but they, like you, didnt have time to farm so their mines are still far weaker than those who farmed.

its also too easy to wreck everything 1 tick before losing. Maybe wreckages should be salvagable when taking over a town. Until of course, the wreckages disappear.

If slaves had more value then maybe so would warring from OOP

12:35:01 May 3rd 14 - Kobuskan (Mr. Zwapper):

Fact is that Poof is not helping Zeon down south, maybe they are busy farming in the BF core

12:52:53 May 3rd 14 - Valar (Mr. Elan Morin Tedronai):

It will be a pleasure to destroy you next era. One farmed up win and an ego the size of a small country. *tsk*

Lets forgett the farmed up army that got bounced by somebody who had to restart a week into the era. *cough*

13:10:28 May 3rd 14 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

Seems Zeon is not getting any help from Poof while there core is being eaten from the south

you expect Poofs to cover Zeons ass down south and fight up north? out of all 4 KDs Poofs were in the weakest position

clueless kobu as usual, keep to what youre good at, exploiting and crying on the forums.

13:11:35 May 3rd 14 - Bran (Mr. Shaolin Bran):

thats what he was doing

13:44:00 May 3rd 14 - Valar (Dreadlord Valarion):

He's just angry that I kept my army at home to bounce him instead of running south and opening the way for easy gains. ^^

14:54:49 May 3rd 14 - Binh (Mr. Binh The Wacko):

War can be both profitable and unprofitable. A profitable war usually occurs when one kingdom or player overrun another. Unprofitable war are when two kd or players are the exact match for each other (none manage to gain/lose much while losing money in army upkeep and unable to farm (much) to increase income)

15:04:52 May 3rd 14 - Bran (Mr. Shaolin Bran):

whenever you devote resources to the training and upkeep of troops, you will very rarely capture enough land to make up for the land you could have built had you not trained those troops. this is when even though you may have stomped your enemy oop, the kd sitting a tile away farming up will always have an upper hand on you.

this is neither good or bad, it depends how you feel the game should be played, and i feel it should be more about fighting and less about farming. eras drag on because of farming and ppl get bored and quit

15:17:05 May 3rd 14 - Binh (Mr. Binh The Big Bad Wolf):

hmmm, i have an interesting idea. Maybe place a limit on # of cities above 25k you can settle (max 1?) All other town you settle after this limit has been reach will be max 25k only. This force people to go out and conquer large towns if they want superior econs.

15:32:59 May 3rd 14 - Bran (Mr. Shaolin Bran):

that could potentially fix the problem, but im not certain its the best solution as it restricts gameplay and removes ppls freedom to farm if they still want to.
I think what the game needs is to simply incentivise fighting by making it more profitable.

a suggestion would be to reinvent the use of slaves so that they become much more valuable to the point where they could sell on the market above what anyone would gain from farming. and as you know, slaves can only be obtained by fighting or purchasing them from someone who has been fighting.

im not sure how you could make slaves valuable without introducing GWs. great walls can slow an era down in their own way though so im not sure theyre a good option. perhaps make them into a currency for buying sciences? even farmers need to buy sciences. look at how mili and magic sciences effect the tree market, even for dwarfs

15:49:27 May 3rd 14 - Binh (Mr. Binh The Wacko):

ooh why not do slave labor? Instead of paying gold to build buildings, we only need to pay the tree/stone price and let the slaves do the work for free. The more slaves involved in this slave labor, the faster they can build whatever you set them to build at no cost in gold. The formula will need to be worked out though :P

15:58:16 May 3rd 14 - Bran (Mr. Shaolin Bran):

would the slaves be expended or would they be reusable?

15:59:54 May 3rd 14 - Binh (Mr. Binh The Wacko):

I would say a random % die in the process through slave labor :P

16:04:35 May 3rd 14 - Bran (Mr. Shaolin Bran):

the same die process that led to me losing 9 consecutive anger casts on you between 50-59% each? nah i think ill pass :d

16:23:53 May 3rd 14 - Legend (I am Legend):


21:57:38 May 3rd 14 - Mr. Uncle Daddy:

you know, every era after era its the same thing, someone complaining about someone farming. This is an economy based war game. Even when a kingdom known for oop wars ends up in good position to farm farm up, they are crucified.

The people currently discussing how to stop farming have been in the kingdoms doing the farming, but this era they are not in the kingdom doing it. Its a double standard, and not worth the endless debate and complaints. If a drastic change was made to this game to force wars, then more changes need to be made, some races are better off in war then others, how is that going to affect things? the amount of halflings and orcs would be ridiculous.

we all play this game because of the unique entity that it is. why would you want to ruin it?

22:13:02 May 3rd 14 - Teirdel (Mr. Fearz):

Well said uncle daddy. 

22:18:33 May 3rd 14 - Kobuskan (Mr. Zwapper):

Does not change the fact that you still don't see any army going south to help Zeon

22:30:27 May 3rd 14 - Mr. Morningmonster:

Farming is a good strategy, nothing wrong with it. If I would say anything negative about our enemy it would be that their alliance is a tad large. Spawning and directly allying toghether almost half the map.
If we had known it would play out like that the other half would have done the same and our armies would've been of equal size. Next time we will be sure to get more intel about rest of map before deciding our own war-targets.

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