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Forums / In game politics / Fantasia 39

Fantasia 39
20:40:37 Mar 4th 16 - Arkantos (Sir Ajax):

I take it your losing again.

00:41:09 Mar 5th 16 - Mr. Elelijahsesugh The Flamebringe:

im finding being 'slaughtered' quite leisurely , although i can see what happened and , i still dont know how the hell he should be able to get his army across the river , but kudos to him for figuring it out , i wouldnt of even thought you could squeeze 100 000 - 500 000 men through that small ford 

00:45:45 Mar 5th 16 - Arkantos (Sir Ajax):

you thought wrong lol

00:48:22 Mar 5th 16 - Mr. Elelijahsesugh The Flamebringe:

Alas , there attack on me and burninglegion is destined to fail , and if me and burninglegion have any say in it , there attacks on CP will come to nothing also 

00:48:48 Mar 5th 16 - Mr. Elelijahsesugh The Flamebringe:

No one is beaten yet , which is pretty embarrasing for MAD :P not a single solid win so far 

18:32:02 Mar 5th 16 - Sir Aloysius LXX:

what the hell. Can someone make this guy ^ busy.

Wait for his cities to get big then take over it, but left something for him to recover somewhere. Then repeat. Hahaha

20:32:09 Mar 5th 16 - Mr. Uwer:

You are embarassing, Sesugh.

Children's Playground also (going for 2 cores but cant hold even half of one).

21:27:04 Mar 5th 16 - Ms. Fillifjonkan:

Fu Uwer, we we're 3 semi active players and relient on our blockers to block. Can't help that Zeta's too lazy to render the maps neatly.

21:59:37 Mar 5th 16 - Mr. Pestilence:

Pretty much respect for Jennaside, though.

13:46:54 Mar 9th 16 - Mr. Spoon:

Yo whats this. In most powerful rulers.

The Native People
No kingdom

20:43:01 Mar 9th 16 - Mr. Spoon:

Seriously, fuck this game. If you fight like this, you're not just killing the enemy, you're killing the game. I'm looking at you, Kobu & Cloutier.

21:06:35 Mar 9th 16 - Hentai Liberty:

What did they do? :o

22:37:57 Mar 9th 16 - Mr. Uwer:

I agree with Mr. Spoon. It makes all strategy useless.

Anyway, I wouldnt build near the rivers to prevent this exploit since you know it wont be fixed for this era.

04:44:46 Mar 10th 16 - Mr. Torroth:

River jumpings been part of the game for a decade now. If you got newbies building by one, it's your job as someone who knows about it to tell them to stop building that city. I saw one of your newbies build one early in the era and told him about it, and even taught him how to go about destroying buildings cause he didn't know how to do that either.
I felt kinda bad for underdogs not being the sort to train newbies about something like that.

07:00:26 Mar 10th 16 - Duke Sesughter Kumasson of The Hunt:

Especially with a leader thats a guide.

14:28:27 Mar 10th 16 - Mr. Uwer:

Yet, I think this is a major bug.

Many castles were defended by rivers in medieval times. What kind of people never saw a castle with a deploying gate/bridge?

If the bug is going to continue, it should boost defense and raising attack preparations. It is the bare minimum.

Or you can punish who exploits it.

15:05:25 Mar 10th 16 - Mr. Torroth:

Its just this particular map, and maybe one other. I'm not sure how many maps there are that you can jump on. Could just..get rid of this map..cant even block on the sides of it.

15:21:22 Mar 10th 16 - Mr. Spoon:

Those who abused exploits got punished before. I don't see why this shouldn't be punished.

And Torroth, go stub your toe or do something that has more use than blaming those who got fucked by a bug. Abusing glitches and bugs can't be excused by blaming those who are the victim of it.

16:08:52 Mar 10th 16 - Ms. Fillifjonkan:

There is a simple maxim for deciding if it should be allowed or not: does it work as its intended to? If not: don't do it. 

21:58:19 Mar 10th 16 - Kobuskan (Mr. Kobu):

Only using game dinamics, every body knows that you should not build near a river.

and didn,t i see you try to jump river with armies merging, mr Spoon

02:23:24 Mar 11th 16 - Arkantos (Sir Ajax):

That was not spoons armies you seen, That was Stelius. He is a new player...who is trying to do bad things because you guys showed him. MAD is a bad influence :P

11:11:57 Mar 11th 16 - Kobuskan (Mr. Kobu):


You (3/3/2016 8:46:54 PM)
Eigenwijs en toch proberen, alleen bij prepp kan je jumpen
Mr. Spoon (3/3/2016 9:00:07 PM)
Alles toch even opnieuw uitvogelen :-)

12:47:12 Mar 11th 16 - Arkantos (Mr. Arkantos The Ardvark):

je ne comprende pas

19:14:38 Mar 11th 16 - Mr. Spoon:

Yeah, I tried, the pot calling the kettle, I know. But I didn't fuck up an entire kingdom by failing, and even if I succeeded, I wouldn't have. My point remains, you're not just killing your enemies, you're killing the game.

19:55:04 Mar 11th 16 - Jdzelhorst (Mr. Raven Black):

Dutch powerrrrr

02:26:52 Mar 12th 16 - Mr. Torroth:

There really aren't that many glitches like river jumping that could be taken advantage of to quit the game over. I personally feel bad that we wiped out underdogs as we did. This is a war game though.
Fantasia is for the vets who've been around for 10+ years etc.They seem to have their own unwritten rules that they've been using and exploiting for about that long of a period of time. There any really good kingdoms on lower maps that can be moved onto fantasia next era? Cp needs a replacement if it's not back to par next era.

18:28:50 Mar 12th 16 - Jenna (Mr. Jack Frost):

Is that old Kob-O-Lantern still being bad :D  he did show me a few tricks and we also used them a time or two :P   war is war to all their own :)  just have fun  love Jenna

23:23:21 Mar 12th 16 - Mr. Dreddjudge:

I would like to thank the players I have played against in the few Eras I have played I just so happened to spawn on this map by mistake.

And Meh MAD took full advantage when my cities gained a little Income to enforce me to leave the game.

Fairdo to Underdogs they offered the standard Nap as they seen I had spawned on the wrong world.
I am no one special to the game and wont be missed regardless but i seek a better fairer game.
Even applying to the MAD kingdom wasnt enough to spare my Era Farmout but owwell.

Enjoy players of VU its a good game.

Message from Mr. Torroth


Mr. Torroth (3/12/2016 4:37:34 AM)GOODBAD
-A dwarven rider approaches the gates to your city, A white banner whips in the wind as his gallop comes to a halt before the gates guards, if there are guards there. Otherwise..he delivers a scroll that'll reach your hands. it'll read thus::

Hail stranger, 

This letter is to inform you ahead of time that your cities are about to be taken over by one of many of the waves of Madmen that are headed through these mountains in coming days. Some you can perhaps see even now. 
A word of advice, if you haven't done so already. Train as many 1st/2nd level troops as you can, and do nothing but. Othewise, I hope you'll make your way to Valhalla.

You (3/12/2016 11:17:53 PM)
Your kingdom is shamefull that is all i have to say Im gonna post the forum then leave the game its my 3rd Era playing and being bullied my an apposing kingdom when i have messaged the leaders saying i spawned on the wrong map and Just want to farm the Era out.
I guess MAD is a cowardly word used for making people leave the game judos and bravo Mad strike again.

02:47:19 Mar 13th 16 - Arkantos (Mr. Vivi):

point proven Zeta...

04:20:18 Mar 13th 16 - Mr. Torroth:

We should make a map just for farming..that would make them happy indeed.

quick..everyone click the thumbs up in the suggestions thread I posted up..

04:41:44 Mar 13th 16 - Sir Aloysius LXX:

That happens when someone wants to join a kingdom in the middle of the era and was declined. We have too many kingdom applications that we declined. And if we ever accepted them like last era, other kingdoms will shout out that we mass recruited. Tsk Tsk. Can't please everyone.

And besides, if he spawned on the wrong map, I find it lame to read that he then just want to farm in Fantasia. If you want to farm while untagged, dont go in Fantasia. sigh.

12:36:46 Mar 13th 16 - Arkantos (Sir Ajax):

well I guess i'll try again next era :P

12:42:47 Mar 13th 16 - Mr. Uwer:

What a weak Judge Dredd...

I expected more from a nickname like yours.

"spawned on the wrong map" -  Now I helped you, buddy. You can spawn on the right map now.

12:43:21 Mar 13th 16 - Arkantos (Mr. Sub Zero):


11:36:52 Mar 14th 16 - Arkantos (Sir Ajax):

Ferox quick, Cast arma!

18:03:39 Mar 14th 16 - Mr. Elelijahsesugh The Flamebringe:

just to take us back to an earlier point.

so Ark is this your idea of winning?

18:12:41 Mar 14th 16 - Arkantos (Sir Ajax):

nope, it's yours. Which point did I make stating that this was winning?

22:20:48 Mar 14th 16 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Jesus Left Toe):

I don't want it to look like we followed Ajax's instructions. So I'll just put a disclaimer here; "I ordered the cast of Armageddon before that Ajax post." 

Either way, what are MAD gonna do about it?

22:22:47 Mar 14th 16 - Arkantos (Sir Ajax):


00:06:37 Mar 15th 16 - Mr. Uwer:

Doomsday is coming. Yay!

00:07:17 Mar 15th 16 - Mr. Uwer:

Will you judge us all, Jesus?

00:11:25 Mar 15th 16 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Jesus Left Toe):

You have been judged, you are all unworthy, that is why we will purge this world of it's filth; by any means necessary.

02:15:53 Mar 15th 16 - Arkantos (Sir Ajax):

Decided to turn on that checkbox to accept new players into the kingdom for the rest of the era because we have obviously been defeated and I figure might as well bulk up while the experienced players teach the newer ones since theres no more pressure.But at this rate my kingdom will be near 100 members :P (assuming not all that join will actually play/stay)  his is within 24 hours of turning it on.

Mr. Andalor has joined your kingdom!
We received a message from Sir Ajax of Underdogs.
We received a message from Mr. Rags.
We received a message from Mr. Burninglegion The Slave Trader.
We received a message from High Warden Stelius II.
We received a message from Mr. Littlefield of Underdogs.
Mr. Morgentau has joined your kingdom!
Sunday - 1 days ago
We received a message from Mr. Karek.
We received a message from Mr. Trump.
Mr. Trump has joined your kingdom!
We received a message from Mr. Littlefield of Underdogs.
We received a message from Mr. Littlefield of Underdogs.
Mr. Mellowyellowi has joined your kingdom!
Mr. Karek has joined your kingdom!
We received a message from Mr. Littlefield of Underdogs.

02:32:29 Mar 15th 16 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Jesus Left Toe):

I think about 80%, of the ones who joined Ferox, never built a city. Though I messaged each and every one of them.
It's sad.

03:22:01 Mar 15th 16 - Mr. Uwer:

Seems like the Elf Oracles foreseen another destiny...

 There are no buildings left in Armagedinoutaha. The city now lies in ruins!

03:56:39 Mar 15th 16 - Arkantos (Sir Ajax):

I think about 80%, of the ones who joined Ferox, never built a city. Though I messaged each and every one of them.
It's sad.

I message them all too. 2 have replied, 3 have moved armies, 2 have settled and 2 have built.

Seems like the Elf Oracles foreseen another destiny...

 There are no buildings left in Armagedinoutaha. The city now lies in ruins!

Does this game really need another overkill? couldn't you just have let it happen? within 240 hours you could of eaten most of their cities and they wouldn't even be angry and rage quit because it would be time for the new era. 

06:03:10 Mar 15th 16 - Sir Aloysius LXX:

Plain and simple. I want the top5 players to be all of MAD members.

06:27:23 Mar 15th 16 - Arkantos (Sir Ajax):

You don't think they could achieve that in 240 hours?

09:17:49 Mar 15th 16 - Sir Aloysius LXX:

well, like you said, this era is ours now, why stress my members to have limited time. greedisgood. :)

10:10:22 Mar 15th 16 - Mr. Sesughter The Warg:

suprised underdogs didnt try to NAP mad lol

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