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Forums / In game politics / Fantasia 41

Fantasia 41
02:23:19 Jul 2nd 16 - Binh (Mr. Hnib Evitisnes The Dwarf):

after a certain point, more cities dont give more income. ive hit that point lol. a bloody 200k town gave me a dazzling 100k extra income!!!

03:32:28 Jul 2nd 16 - Mr. Uwer:

Buying extra turns: That is something to be proud of.

We just want to disgrace your pay to win tactics.

03:43:44 Jul 2nd 16 - Tyrin (Mr. Tyrin):

That really the best excuse you got?  Even if something preposterous like all of us buying them and using them every turn we could was true and no one else on teh map used any, that would still be a 25 percent max tick increase for us. You guys had 3x our numbers lined up against us from the start.   So you do the math, even if your excuse was true, it would be a pretty poor one. 

The reality of why we arma'd is RL obligations of several of us, or else we would be happy to carry on (or most of us would as far as I know). With as few as we are, every player counts so we may as well end it on our terms :P

03:57:27 Jul 2nd 16 - Stormy (Ms. Jamie Alexander): guys figured it out. not only did EVERY member of sf use bt's we also gave ourselves other advantages. Bihn's troops were given 1 billion xp, darkmoor has 1 million zerks, and i personally was given boats by zeta himself...MOTHERFUKING BOATS

04:17:26 Jul 2nd 16 - Mr. Hollywood:

Dont lump my kd into the mix. We showed up so late in the era we could never do damage to any of the top 4, and the kd basically consists of me. So shhh.. and shame on you zeta for giving them boats !!!

04:25:11 Jul 2nd 16 - Mr. Annunaki:

WTF no boats for me...

07:40:04 Jul 2nd 16 - Mr. Aziand The Corothian:

they finally gave us boats? good to see the game progressing.

09:41:33 Jul 2nd 16 - Tyrin (Mr. Tyrin):

"we could never do damage to the top 4"

  1. Mr. Hollywood has won 36 battles, captured 80 cities and killed a total of 341077 men and women.

Not sure why that puts a "one" near your name when I paste, but my point is youve actually been more annoying than most :D

09:56:15 Jul 2nd 16 - Mr. Hollywood:

That just makes me an annoying fecker, not a threat :P

And the one... well Zeta has standards off course, recognizing the bestest


Mr. Hnib Evitisnes The Dwarf (6/30/2016 8:20:37 PM)GOODBAD
I'm tired of fighting you Bling. :D
You (6/30/2016 8:21:59 PM)
aw :( I only just started :'(
You (6/30/2016 9:25:32 PM)
You could always surrender to me. Get some sleep, enjoy the summer :)

14:27:12 Jul 2nd 16 - Mr. Splat:

 started 10-12 days late, only thing i had going for me was our kd is in the far corner (away from the wars).. mostly sat back and farmed only just started to attack.. been a boring era for me... sat back watched sf roll thru everyone.. been interesting though we did not have much los..

15:07:02 Jul 2nd 16 - Mr. Mog:

I heard a rumor that SF only decided to cast Armageddon because they ran out of money to buy BTs with.

16:07:28 Jul 2nd 16 - Lord Nitral Sesugh of The Khalfout:

Just to say this whole map vs you thing was bs , at the beginning you was fighting pretty much just MAD , you overcome them in the oop war , making you stronger then everyone else (who were not allied and were fighting each other) , the strength you got from taking MAD and some SMALL amount of CE cities (you was barely even at war with them at the point you overcome MAD in the SE , meant at the point everyone else ganged up it was because YOU was the dominant force already..

SF played Really well and i enjoyed the banter with chade and jasmine :P although they probably enjoyed it well , good era on everyones behalf but , i think it is a bit cheap for CE to talk about BT's when CE's leader Cao Cao was using BT's against me earlier in the era , as where other CE members. 

17:54:03 Jul 2nd 16 - Mr. Mog:

There really was a Fantasia-wide alliance against SF, but it was formed after SF had become an overpowering force and not at the onset of the era. MAD and CE didn't appear to work together very much initially despite SF being the preeminent threat in the SW corner of the map, and MAD eventually withdrew to the topmost portion of the map in which they were isolated from the war up until Aziand The Corothian bounced an incoming army.

Accusations of BT buying are as old as the game itself and can be very hard to confirm.

From what I've seen I'd say that SF played their position rather well. Outside of SF it looks like Bling, JLT, and some MAD/CE players did a good job as well. Albatross performed nicely despite having a lot of new players.

Ultimately SF gained momentum early on and were able to carry that into conquering more than half of the map. If the era were to last another 10 days I suspect that SF would gain some ground in some areas and lose it in others, but they control enough of the map to cast an Armageddon that is unlikely to be interrupted.

19:56:23 Jul 2nd 16 - Lord Nitral Sesugh of The Khalfout:

I pretty much agree with Mog except to point out , i don't think he could see but , most of the KD's who later joined together in alliance were at war until after SF was by far the dominant force. 

So it was not SF vs the world , 

It was everyone vs everyone except , i think MAD and CE who seemed to have a NAP or CF but weren't actually working together. 

SF actually only fought the whole map for the V end of the era , as they have only been in contact with all the kingdoms on the map for a few days now , a week max 

20:07:45 Jul 2nd 16 - Mr. Uwer:

Lol, Tyrin.

Easy to say that when you are the biggest mage of the era because you bought turns.

In the early game, buying turns really make quite a difference.

And you know that active players beats numbers.

20:12:31 Jul 2nd 16 - Mr. Israel Dambal The Snake:

Uwer excuses really are very boring , SF won because they are the most experienced KD on this Map , they actually , contrary to popular opinion , have not been outnumbered for most of the era. 

They spent OOP and mid era fighting pretty much just MAD , with some clashes with CE , however they were fighting around half of MAD and only a few of CE , so around the same number as there KD. after killing MAD and taking those CE cities T

They then moved on CE and me and the MAD cities in the mid section. once again , not fighting MASS numbers at this point , but fighting a few members of MAD and CE and me , I was OOP though , with a few of there members. By the time they was outnumbered in members , they far outnumbered the rest of the map in troops and cities. 

20:14:28 Jul 2nd 16 - Mr. Israel Dambal The Snake:

There activity is irrelevant , and although BT's can win battles , I don't personally think they win wars. They can make one side more likely to win but , not by the amount Uwer seems to think. 

And as members of the Alliance against SF also used BT's , which Cao Cao and a few others admitted to me , so there is no need to prove it. 

20:17:18 Jul 2nd 16 - Mr. Uwer:

STFU Sesugh

20:17:34 Jul 2nd 16 - Mr. Hollywood:

I think they a bunch of trannies

21:16:07 Jul 2nd 16 - Sir Tumatauenga:

Geezz ... you bought this you got that.. hell face facts SF won because in this era they where better .. i see no point in trying to find excuses unless its that normal 'trolling' thing most here like to do . 

22:38:46 Jul 2nd 16 - Mr. Uwer:

Its called pay to win. Used worldwide.

And SF cant win the era full 100% so they bomb it as their wave lasts its final moments. Clever, 

Tyrin even retreated Zhuge Liang to preserve the Arma city.

22:40:17 Jul 2nd 16 - Lord Nitral Sesugh of The Khalfout:

arma is a spell and not a community decision , mages cast spells for there kingdom's benefit not the maps

00:38:43 Jul 3rd 16 - Sir Albatross:

I miss the good old days when kingdom politics use to be volitile and petty - I miss the backstabbings, the player swaps and the 'brexits' from alliances. 

03:47:41 Jul 3rd 16 - Tyrin (Mr. Tyrin):

You can tell you havent been on the game very long Uwer. MADs rep for the BS early arma was so prevalent I was actually surprised they didnt pull it the past two eras. 

Big difference though, it wasnt like this one being being defeated early and trying to hide in a corner and farm behind a huge alliance. Instead  in almost every era 5 through 10 they would nap Hex (including several eras where they napped before the era even started when both of them were more numerous in player to DS/Legacy), one of them would then arma without fighting us at all after their ally would fall.  Seriously, Im not sure is DS ever had to be the one to arma with that load of BS.  

Yet you think we arnt good enough when there is less than 1/3 of us going against pretty much the same numbers and that we are supposed to kill you twice? That youre somehow the better players because after we took your first 90k, you time to build another sitting behind Hanky, Albatross, and Chrome? Do you realize how bad youre making yourself look right now?

And of course my early maging prowess was all BTs, it certainly has nothing to do with you guys letting me be the first to setup STG even though you already had people running for safety right off the bat. Also had nothing to do with that lovely dwarf mine with the bonus you guys let me take since you did pretty much nothing to contribute to your allies oop? Seriously, other than Aloy,  the most anyone else did was make 3 spread out towns like a dumbass as oop elf and then complain to Zeta earlier in this very thread that its his fault he doesnt know what to do with his race oop.

03:51:37 Jul 3rd 16 - Mr. Aziand The Corothian:

the last 2-3 eras have been unfair due to a handful of kingdoms starting oop in the same exact area. There's a huge map, and were all in one quadrant of it OOP.
We were warned that the eras would begin to start that way to see who was best at winning OOP wars. I haven't been told how long we'll continue to start in each others backyards, but this suddenly new kingdom "SF" has won this supposed OOP war.
Of course, kingdoms change names and members change names, someone and some people liably know who these same people are under other names and kingdoms. But I am still new, and they're all still strangers to me. Thus any football favorite like teams aren't really something to cheer for. of course there are a few people who are identifiable no matter what they change their name or kingdom sesugh..can't misplace who that is.

04:15:37 Jul 3rd 16 - Mr. Hollywood:



12:25:30 Jul 3rd 16 - Prince Chade:

finally this thread has come alive :))

thanks to all who understand that our power did not come from BTs (majority of us, like me, did not buy/use any BTs), but from a successful OOP war VS two very badly coordinated kds (MAD + CE). If they came together and actually helped each other OOP it would've been much harder for us.

thanks to all who understand what correct team-play means. All of you who understand that closely coordinating with your mates is what it takes sometimes. It is always better to send one, two or three smaller armies but at the same time, rather than having someone send one big army and hope he will kill. JLT can testify earlier that me, Von and Dom hit him and lost battles but weakened him for someone else to finish him off. This is what team play means - sometimes you need to sacrifice your army in order for the kd to win. Many MAD and CE players did not want to sacrifice armies for their kdmates.

For me, personally was a very entertaining era. Sadly several members of our kd members (including me) have very busy RL schedules up ahead in the coming months, and this was the main reason we casted arma.

12:46:09 Jul 3rd 16 - Mr. Splat:

jlt hit the wrong button therefore losing his army the time you guys got him.. we sent him down to try slow your advance.. you guys were rolling thru the cease area really fast.. he got his revenge though killing stormy's army off.. we nearly had you too and were going to try kill dominion at the same time.. but did not happen..  as you said though teamwork is crucial..

13:19:09 Jul 3rd 16 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Jesus Left Toe):

I think I've lost a few too many armies this era, probably responsible for 50% of chades kill count. :P

I'll pay the SF teamwork both in the south and in the middle, Kept me from breaking loose and killing you all. (That and ridiculous ~60 ticks of prep.) When my army was slaughtered at Gers I was trying to use my phone to check hit % and accidentally hit with 35%. But I don't think I would have got through even with more prep as support was coming.

16:37:36 Jul 3rd 16 - Prince Chade:

well credit to you too guys :) you will have you revenge on me soon, due to RL stuff happening real fast for me and as you have seen went almost completely awol in the past 6 days...not complaining from boredom at all this era :) Overall I think us 10-ish friends coming together, literally to see how we roll proved a complete success. I honestly have not seen a single KD VS entire map on fanta in a long time (but this is probably cause i was in a long brake then came to play valhalla only :)) )

And it has really been a good banter with Kath....the bloody knobhead

19:14:33 Jul 3rd 16 - Mr. Uwer:

Tyrin, when you reach 10% of Fred, then call yourself a good player.

MAD did casted early arma last-last era (after the JLT one that I used ownage). But, I took over the city to extend the bloodbath, Because I wanted.

And people cried here at the forums. 

I just cant call it full victory, Tyrin. I'm sorry.

And I never said you "aint good enough". Only said Im not proud of BTs.
That is stuff from your head.

Next era, Tyrin, we are gonna have deep romance. :D

20:19:19 Jul 3rd 16 - Tyrin (Mr. Tyrin):

Scorewhoring while always being in the biggest kd and/or the biggest diplo gangbang doesnt make you a good player. The hoh is seriously a joke bro, it does nothing to denote who actually did what in terms of actual impact made to the era. If stuff like that or sitting in the corner not contributing while your alliance gets eaten and getting your sciences stolen because you dont have the foresight  to train mu for proper SS resistance (AM count as normal troops)is skill, I wouldnt want to be 1% of that. Or did he not tell you how terribly I wrecked his science? Guessing by the way he let you run around with slingers and Az try to play elf rider warrior thing, he doesnt tell you guys much.

Lucky for you Im not going to be here next era :P

21:47:06 Jul 3rd 16 - Mr. Hollywood:

You all a bunch of homogheys. OOP I would chew you up and spit all you farmers out.

03:48:49 Jul 4th 16 - Mr. Mog:

I've never had an OOP where I didn't kill all enemies around me, but I suppose that until this era I'd never lost a 200k in less than 24 hours either.

04:45:30 Jul 4th 16 - Mr. Aziand The Corothian:

06:32:16 Jul 4th 16 - Mr. Uwer:

Hhaha...the slingers! My idea totally and you still talking about it! Hahaha!

Dude, you were coming up north. The only way to stop was turning peasants to slingers and it worked, it slowed you down.  Plus, I dont give cities for free anyway. Slingers costs nothing and it has better DP ratio than Ponies. It is not a good marching troop, of course, but has better DP and is a quick way to build up some defense early mid IMO.

06:33:53 Jul 4th 16 - Mr. Uwer:

So are you running away, Tyrin? Win one era with BTs and runz?

07:45:41 Jul 4th 16 - Tyrin (Mr. Other Character Isa Porche):

Yes, I planned my changing jobs and moving halfway across the country entirely around this game, you got me. Cant single handedly keep the servers running after I blew my life savings fighting the glorious mad who of course have totally won eras without being the biggest kd or making crazy amounts of diplo.

 So honor. Very skill. Much talent. Wow

And considering at the time you actually had a formidable (for that part of the era) pony army, all the slings did was rob you of pez and wreck your eco. With all the delay it took us going back and fourth figuring out what to do with Hanky when he tried to bail you out, you wouldve likely ended up having a much stronger army had you stuck with the high tier. We actually took our time killing you once we eits and saw such noobery since you were no longer a threat and had no future in offense taking that route. 

09:23:43 Jul 4th 16 - Mr. Uwer:

Of course, after more than a week for sure it was "just slingers"...

I could move for a brief period even the slingers south with the ponies, win and then just use them to populate the new aquired cities.

But when you froze Hanky, that ended the match. You were the dominant mage and had earthquake pretty soon. When Kobu were starting to be able to support, the knob invaded his cities (and the knob asked to join MAD some days before to destroy SF. He actually helped on this case).

Its not about your life savings. Try playing without paying, maybe you will understand.

09:49:34 Jul 4th 16 - Sir Tumatauenga:

your constant moaning about 'pay to play' is getting old .. if you really think that is the only reason SF won then damn you are actually more deluded then i thought .. If you look over the past eras the empires that dominated them are ones where the members have one goal and work together to achieve it not bt's ...teamwork . Hell even MAD in its day acheived this. 

10:37:23 Jul 4th 16 - Lord Nitral Sesugh of The Khalfout:

funny tho that for a few eras in a row whenever i question aisha she tells me how high she has scored and yet here is Tyrin telling us scorewhoring while in the biggest kd (in the world she is talking about she was) means nada 

16:36:54 Jul 4th 16 - Princess Aisha:

I really thought people were joking and trolling about the buying of BTs, who would do that in a game that has 30 active players tops? Does anyone actually do that any more? If so, it would be good to give some income to the admin, it would help us with updates and stuff, but I doubt it...

I think Uwer might be the only person that actually believes anyone would buy BTs to win, when its possible to do so well in this game if you just put time and little bit effort.

Regarding Kath, I kept receiving messages from Kath when I was fighting Fred and others up north, something like this:

Prince Nitral The Flamebearer (6/28/2016 5:43:46 PM)

Soon you'll be making moves independently and all sorts , Just believe in yourself :)

He was taking some small cities I took at beginning of the era, and I liberated and killed his lame armies, but he kept talking even if I would not reply.. so I pretty much told him what I thought of his VU career

You (6/28/2016 6:20:49 PM) Sorry did not pay much attention to you cause I am fighting Fred and other guys that actually deserve attention. Playing that many years you would think you turned out into a good player, but you never grew into anything more then annoyance and never any real threat.

Prince Nitral The Flamebearer (6/28/2016 6:25:57 PM)

I've won eras young J , you on the other hand are green as grass.

Your KD only managed to kill me oop , after over a week , while i fought 4 other MAD members and two members of CE and a member of Holywood , even with you only getting into my area by deceit.


Prince Nitral The Flamebearer (6/28/2016 9:55:39 PM)


I have won fant , remember I played the game long before you even started , I am playing from my phone so can't c+p but check the histories with my past names on my old accounts.

You comparing my success as a single player fighting the whole Map to yours as a kingdom is funny though.

next era drop alone and see if you survive fighting the map , which I do most eras with 2/3 of my characters. I came top 10 with death dealers last era , every time I have played with a kd I have ended top 15 on the map.

He kept going on about winning Fantasia and stuff like that, probably before my time because I do not remember ever seeing Kath win Fantasia... But I might be wrong. Since he said I am green as grass, I thought he maybe thinks I am newbie, so I just referred to him that I have been around and managed to take down good kingdoms like Forgotten Warriors or Baratheons on Mantrax, just to point out I am not as green as he states... And for the record my kingdom has never been the largest on the map and we always fight the entire map, so odds are usually always against us when it comes to numbers.

16:50:23 Jul 4th 16 - Lord Nitral Sesugh of The Khalfout:

you meant after I died twice in oop wars I was fight in against far greater odds then your kd? obviously when I have restarted 40 days into an era you will kill me lol

18:31:01 Jul 4th 16 - Stormy (Ms. Jamie Alexander):

lol kingdom names will change, flames ALWAYS remain the same....i mean at least come up with something unique and "you smell like celery" or "you look like a penis wrinkle" or for you nerds out there "you're mom's so fat her patronus is a chocolate cake!'

anways....about certain of you

hd attention butthurt

19:45:50 Jul 4th 16 - Prince Nitral The Flamebearer:

Anyway the world has ended , why not take me up on my offer and fight me one on one ?

20:25:41 Jul 4th 16 - Mr. Uwer:

Gimme BTs and you will never win me.

Never. Its math. I have more turns and I will stay ahead of you.

When a group of people uses BTs, their growth will ride in a geometrical progression (x3, x4....) compared to another group that did not used BTs.

Its math and if you are dumb I cannot do anything about it. Still, you have to know how to play of course.

Gimme 30 turns at the very early era and see what I can do.

This game has what I call TURNING POINTS. Using BTs on day one is stupid...

But using BTs near the time people get EitS and you have Freeze spell already is quite an advantage, for example.

Venomz used BTs on me at the early era. For like 10 ticks or so, you would be screwed by a troop marching to Hnib at the era start (who was farming). I was 2 ticks ahead with my move and I would capture a city from Fred and then spam from there (at early stages GTs and walls can really slow down). But he used BTs, merged troops, arrived earlier and destroyed me.

If you still cant see that, go study math.

20:53:03 Jul 4th 16 - Mr. Splat:

 Uwer you get 3 bts at the start of the era right? maybe sf did not want to let you take the city and spam in it... as you said its a turning point... sometimes you need to use all your bts to stop someone.. its part of the game, using them at the start can be crucial.. depends on the situation, but YOU could have used yours to get to whichever city venoms got to first.. you have to factor in bts in your plans while warring.. its part of basic strategy in this game..

20:56:00 Jul 4th 16 - Mr. Uwer:

Oh, thanks great Splat for enlightening me about strategy in this game. 

21:22:27 Jul 4th 16 - Mr. Splat:

well i dont know who you are uwer but i know most of sf and im pretty sure they would not purchase bts just to win this game.. simple co ordination and planning will do it.. as for strategy in this game its the only thing that interests me..

21:42:03 Jul 4th 16 - Mr. Uwer:

Early OOP fights against C2E and MAD = victory.

Yes, it was just simple co ordination and planning.


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