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Forums / In game politics / Fantasia 59

Fantasia 59
19:53:41 Dec 5th 18 - Venomz (High Warlord Hirohito):

The older you get, the more susceptible you are to diseases  mcMax

20:09:12 Dec 5th 18 - Osiris (Dark Lord Demandred):

its because McMaxs tavern wenches dont wash

08:37:26 Dec 13th 18 - Random (Duke Random):

Mad and Dangerous7Sir Aloysius XC83

what happened to MAD? did all their multi's get banned or something? :((

10:29:08 Dec 13th 18 - The Real Josh (Mr. Chade The Ghey Boi):


Mad and Dangerous7Sir Aloysius XC83

what happened to MAD? did all their multi's get banned or something? :((

Thats exactly what happen!

12:06:04 Dec 13th 18 - Sir Aloysius XC:

Relax.. I control all seven players there. 

12:43:58 Dec 13th 18 - Mr. Uwer:

Aloy here

14:09:24 Dec 13th 18 - Phat (Grand Moff Phat):

But really, what happened? All the armies walking keeping upkeep so no income while the rest of the map grows?

09:59:19 Dec 14th 18 - Mr. Feckerd:

Sad state of affairs when kingdoms have to nap now days on Fant. I get 10 years ago when the map had 100 odd players on it, but its a mockery that MAD and Aby need relations nowadays, when most of the map is nubs and tired old farts. Sad state of affairs, Zeta should just shut the servers down for good.

14:43:09 Dec 14th 18 - Mr. Uwer:

We love to see you crying, Bling.

14:43:09 Dec 14th 18 - Mr. Uwer:

We love to see you crying, Bling.

14:44:48 Dec 14th 18 - Mr. Feckerd:

Not crying dude. If that's the way the game needs to progress, so be it.

All I know is that 8 of us are moving to another game, and VU can carry on in its death throws until there is nothing left.

14:48:36 Dec 14th 18 - Osiris (Dark Lord Demandred):

You and alba not fighting each other is totally different to us and mad formally not fighting each other while we were fighting alba and feckers ^^ plz make good on your word to leave this time though :D

14:51:50 Dec 14th 18 - Mr. Feckerd:

Horus and Ignis attacked Alba, what you talking about??

16:15:48 Dec 14th 18 - Lord Jellybean (Mr. Jellybean Angel):

Hardly, ignis never attacked us and horud only attacked once we were overran by aby. This era is actually quite interesting, stop whining and use your massive kd to win. It's still all to play for..

17:03:34 Dec 14th 18 - Mr. Feckerd:

Our "massive kd" is 6 players moron. Half of it are people who joined and not started, like who I think will probably be a halfer.

17:17:55 Dec 14th 18 - Osiris (Dark Lord Demandred):

Sucks that your the only kd with inactives. 

17:35:22 Dec 14th 18 - Mr. Feckerd:

sucks to be the once mighty Abydos that now needs to nap other kd's to survive.

18:01:53 Dec 14th 18 - Sir Great Observer:

Rofl, Abydos had only sent a max of 4 players (Roxbury, Osiris, Bogdan, and myself) to fight Feckers and you're whining about losing because in reality, Abydos only had 5 or so active members until Ignis quit. MAD has like a handful of members really fighting as well. Just so happens, that we're targeting the same opponent. Still an "equal" fight, your 10 or 11 members vs. 2 kingdoms totaling of attackers of 10 to 11 members. Not much of a gangbang like any other era where numbers equated double and sometimes triple. Try whining when you died with that many against you all at once. Then at least it is verified that you could whine about something like that.

18:16:11 Dec 14th 18 - Mr. Feckerd:

10 or 11. You having a laugh right.

Just the fact we are fighting 2 kingdoms on different fronts, not a common front makes the balance shift against us.
Then Alba giving away their core to Aby borders on feeding they are so bad at fighting. Aby's saving grace was when Ignis found out about the nap and quit. So you can carry on napping, because the games lost 8 players this era. Soon, it will be Aloy and Osi staring at each other on an empty map wondering WTF happened, because all the players have left to a new version that works.

18:37:25 Dec 14th 18 - Princess Aisha:

VU is a game of war and diplomacy, we are just bad at diplomacy.
I wanted us to do what FW does, but we are just not that active I guess
So once you want to fight everyone, expect to lose many times
So we accept our defeat.

Funny how you say it just happens to be that Aby and MAD fight us
When we knew from 8th that you are NAPed...
And like I stated back then, it was already over then

  • 11:47:29 Dec 8th 18 - Princess Aisha:
  • It is quite a shame, but I believe the era has already been decided
  • I doubt we can come up with a win here...
  • Considering Mad and Aby are NAPed...
  • And Bogdan already has too much exp and lots of sciences, its already his era...
  • We will fight till every man
  • But I think its decided...

If Bogdan did not misclick and lose his army, it would already been over. You guys would hold half of our core now (you are gonna have it soon but still...)
Thumbs up for him and rest of Aby guys for taking down Albatross quickly, and thumbs up for Rox doing the EQs on our cities like crazy. We did all we could, but to be honest this era you were better.

I think its a shame you guys NAP every era, would make the era more fun, or maybe I am just saying from our perspective, you guys make the win easier for you, and there is nothing wrong with that... But fact is when ever you guys NAP and we do no NAPs we will lose in most cases

  • 18:41:11 Dec 11th 18 - Princess Aisha:
  • Its a shame that these fools are allied, in 1 vs 1 vs 1 we would have a decent chance to win this... There are just too many strong enemy armies still 
  • Even with Bogdan army gone, there are just too many.
  • Uwer has close to 100k Berserkers as well...

We did not want to give up like many kingdoms do when you know you are gone, we are fighting and will fight till the very last soldier, but its kinda annoying to spend weeks knowing you will lose.
I was gonna quit last era, but I owed to Feckers one more era for what they did for me in my time of need, but after this I am going to end it, as I am not enjoying the game as much as I did before. Might return some day, when I have more time, but for now, this would be a goodbye from me.

18:40:29 Dec 14th 18 - Sir Great Observer:

Abydos is fighting two kingdoms, you see us saying boohoo *I'm a little crybaby*

Albatross and Feckers on two different fronts against Abydos. A handful facing Feckers, and a handful fighting Albatross. C'mon, you feel like the "balance shifted against you". Obviously, your tunnel vision shows the type of player you are.

Ignis rage quit because you guys sucked. MAD and Abydos didn't have a NAP until we had beaten the Eastern Core of Albatross. Ignis quit because Feckers didn't do anything. Cao couldn't make the cut, and no one in your team cared to participate. He quit because he was tired of being active, and needed a break right now. Pretty much you need your other members to carry your figurehead around to be "relevant". If you want to quit, we're not stopping you from doing so, but your reasons for doing so is more lame than Zondervan or any other troll that had played before.

18:45:11 Dec 14th 18 - Osiris (Dark Lord Demandred):

You lot talk some shit, 

So you are now saying that ignis quit because Abydos (who were and are fighting on two different fronts just like you) quit because we napped mad, despite the fact the first diplomacy talks between ourselves and mad happened after ignis quit. 

So it's cool for you to not fight Alba (as alba stated you barely touched them) but it's not cool and killing the game for us to not fight the kd we are least near rofl.

Stop being fucking cry babies. We almost lost our core after you walked peacefully past alba, we would have lost if you didn't abandon ignis, we finally fight our way back and use 3-4 players to push alba then feckers and the rest are either dead or fighting in the west vs alba. We wouldn't be attacking mad even without a nap because we don't have any players left to attack with. 

Our nap with MAD has no effect on you losing, suck it up sunshine you can't win every era

18:51:13 Dec 14th 18 - Sir Great Observer:

Aisha, i felt that if you were more aggressive like last era, even with lessened activity. Feckers would have won the war all down the Eastern side of the map. Then the entire Fantasia would have had another Feckers win. Albatross couldn't commit fighting you or a weakened Abydos, they chose to defend you than getting rid of us. So Albatross made a fatal error and they lose their core because of it. It assisted us in rebuilding to fight Feckers.

Your armies all surpass any other besides Bogdan in strength. Unfortunately, with not so active mages around. It is tough to fight invaders that guns for your magic from the get go.

We'll be sad to people go, but best of luck in the real world Aisha =)

18:53:38 Dec 14th 18 - Mr. Feckerd:

Sure, if that's what you need to tell yourselves.

Fact is, for the first 2 weeks of every era, I am probably the most active player on the game. As for us sucking, era wins say otherwise.

And I walked past Alba because they are really not worth my time, they are that bad a kd. Mad can be thankful I didnt play orc from the start, because they lose their entire core when I do. For now you can share the spoils of war, but you lost 8 players. That leaves 20 active players for fant. Take care.

18:59:05 Dec 14th 18 - Osiris (Dark Lord Demandred):

Okay bling, plz tell me how our nap with MAD made you lose, inform us with your wisdom of how us fighting on two fronts is different to you fighting on two fronts. We can perhaps learn from your amazing insight.

 I am still perplexed at how ignis quit over relations we didn't have yet. If you track down the source of this precognition please ask them for the lottery numbers 

19:05:08 Dec 14th 18 - Mr. Feckerd:

Fuck off Osi, if you cant work out that its easier to defend one front than it is 2, then you need to go back to preschool and get a fucking education cunt.

We started off the era with half the numbers we have now. 5 fighters and 2 mages. With that, we fought 2 fronts. Most of the other players like Augh and so on joined mid era. We started with less fighters than Alba, and even had to get a mage to join the fight we were that stretched. Then add a map that doesn't block and its a pointless exercise.
There isnt a single MAD, Alba or Aby player that can stop Ignis or myself OOP as orc, so happily take the game and shove it. The player base left the game because of Aby and their endless nap's. You just a bunch of has beens.

19:06:04 Dec 14th 18 - Osiris (Dark Lord Demandred):

Also if the price of keeping 8 players is to never do well against you then good riddens ^^

19:08:20 Dec 14th 18 - Mr. Feckerd:

No, the players are leaving because they expect Fant to be the top level, where its total war. The reason I have a kd of so many players is because they all believe the concept of NO NAPS TOTAL war... do you really think they here because of my sparkling personality... no they are here because I will call you and all you fucking loser cunts out and call you chicken shit nap whores who cant fight if your lives depended on it. 

19:11:01 Dec 14th 18 - Sir Great Observer:

Sucked means not just about your history of winning. It also means factually sucked as team members. Doesn't have to be as players with a winning history, it is the individual player(s) on the team. The attitude, whatever it is, must have sucked. The tunnel vision really appears in you that you believe as Feckers being a "sucky" kingdom. Never that i would suggest that a kingdom sucks, but for the other meaning that it sucks, that is what it refers to.

Fact: No one is good not to attack another kingdom regardless of self-entitled status placed among themselves.
Fact: Losing maybe 8 players is not a big deal, it might just be just you and a couple others taking a break. People return, they always seem to do.
Fact: Rage quitting because 10 vs 10 in total is reasonable enough to be considered a gang bang. It is the most laughable excuse.

19:15:13 Dec 14th 18 - Sir Aloysius XC:

Feckers has members who bragged their winning streaks and whines when their losing. Tsk tsk. 

If you guys will quit because you got beat by a bunch of fools. Then QUIT! What are you waiting for?! Go find a game with no option to lose then... You don’t deserve this war game. 

Quit, you bunch of losers. you are mocking this game enough. 

19:15:44 Dec 14th 18 - Osiris (Dark Lord Demandred):

Nap or not bling it wouldn't change the outcome of your era.

There is nowhere on the map where we are close enough to mad to send one of our 5? Total armies to fight. 

There is no possible reason for us to attack mad while fighting two kingdoms on two fronts. 

Any fighting between Mad and Abydos would only have happened if we met in your core.

You as a kd would be dead before Mad and Abydos armies met due to map positioning so try another excuse.

19:16:09 Dec 14th 18 - Venomz (High Warlord Hirohito):

19:20:53 Dec 14th 18 - Venomz (High Warlord Hirohito):

When a mage gets more kills than you, you should indeed quit the game.

Mr. Feckerd has won 8 battles, captured 17 cities and killed a total of 177.700 men and women.

* Only battles fought against armies with more than 5000 OP/DP counts as win/loss.

Your character High Warlord Hirohito has won 11 battles, captured 5 cities and killed a total of 426.793 men and women

19:24:24 Dec 14th 18 - Sir Great Observer:

I wouldn't count like any of the amount of kills or cities. They're all returns of burnt cities and suicides on me. Basically, just inflated numbers that shouldn't be part of the "Most Fearsome Ruler".

19:26:31 Dec 14th 18 - Mr. Feckerd:

You having a laugh right. I take one era quiet as a troll, and you questioning my kills. I near enough kill as many in an era, as the the whole of Aby combined most era's.

19:28:27 Dec 14th 18 - Venomz (High Warlord Hirohito):

14:48:04 Sep 23rd 18 - Ms. Sexy Fecker:

Caudus is adding another 200k in the next few hours. So add that to the 550k already dead, gives me a 31k kill count per battle, versus your oop temper tantrum of 10k. Ergo, 3 times your count per battle

Your character Ms. Sexy Fecker has won 23 battles, captured 17 cities and killed a total of 549833 men and women

Ms. Feckerd  
  • 177.700/8  Results into > 22.212,5 kills per battle.

High Warlord Hirohito 
  • 426.793/11 Results into > 38.799,3 kills per battle.

Git gud.

19:29:54 Dec 14th 18 - Mr. Feckerd:

  1. Mr. Sexy Fecker of The Fecking Feckers (Halfling)
    Had 708,546 land, 1,803,358 troops and 52 science points. Killed 815,210 soldiers, won 28 of 45 battles and captured 23 cities.
  1. Sir Great Observer of Abydos (Troll)
    Had 101 land, 1 troops and 18 science points. Killed 171,909 soldiers, won 3 of 11 battles and captured 1 cities.

19:32:16 Dec 14th 18 - Sir Great Observer:

Let's try this again:

  1. Mr. Sexy Fecker of The Fecking Feckers (Halfling)
    Had 708,546 land, 1,803,358 troops and 52 science points. Killed 815,210 soldiers, won 28 of 45 battles and captured 23 cities.
  1. Mr. Rees Mogg of Abydos (Troll)
    Had 0 land, 6 troops and 15 science points. Killed 1,615,466 soldiers, won 22 of 48 battles and captured 14 cities.

19:32:18 Dec 14th 18 - Osiris (Dark Lord Demandred):

oh wait Bling got big as a halfer :o

I guess I should go and check the thread you made complaining about how op halfers were that era so I don't make the same arguments in a future thread 

19:32:22 Dec 14th 18 - Mr. Feckerd:

  1. Mr. Fecker of The Fecking Feckers (Orc)
    Had 170,363 land, 197,320 troops and 17 science points. Killed 787,603 soldiers, won 32 of 52 battles and captured 17 cities.
  2. High Warlord Venomz of The Fecking Feckers (Halfling)
    Had 156,486 land, 121,083 troops and 24 science points. Killed 0 soldiers, won 0 of 1 battles and captured 0 cities.

19:32:33 Dec 14th 18 - Venomz (High Warlord Hirohito):


  1. High Warlord Venomz of The Fecking Feckers (Human)
    Had 2,908,746 land, 5,930,615 troops and 38 science points. Killed 3,244,051 soldiers, won 96 of 106 battles and captured 86 cities.

  1. Mr. Fecker of The Fecking Feckers (Troll)
    Had 256,792 land, 265,261 troops and 12 science points. Killed 802,158 soldiers, won 46 of 74 battles and captured 21 cities.

19:34:03 Dec 14th 18 - Mr. Feckerd:

Yeah, you won that era because the rest of us feckers let you farm your armies.

19:34:54 Dec 14th 18 - Venomz (High Warlord Hirohito):

19:39:22 Dec 14th 18 - Sir Great Observer:

Era 56 Fant:

  1. Mr. Ishikawa Goemon of Abydos (Elf)
    Had 230,341 land, 469,468 troops and 28 science points. Killed 545,910 soldiers, won 17 of 42 battles and captured 6 cities
  2. Mr. Fecker of The Fecking Feckers (Orc)
    Had 95,590 land, 29,885 troops and 13 science points. Killed 47 soldiers, won 0 of 0 battles and captured 0 cities.

19:40:01 Dec 14th 18 - Mr. Feckerd:

Lord Primate Death of Dorian Empire
Total land: 2.3 Million Battles won: 623 Cities captured: 390
Total killed: 4.4 Million Science lvls: 34 Total troops: 780590

end of pissing contest

19:40:54 Dec 14th 18 - Venomz (High Warlord Hirohito):

Oh my, what a mighty orc! 

19:41:37 Dec 14th 18 - Venomz (High Warlord Hirohito):

  1. High Warlord Venz of Forgotten Warriors (Halfling)
    Had 1,417,580 land, 6,077,777 troops and 91 science points. Killed 6,477,053 soldiers, won 65 of 81 battles and captured 35 cities.

19:44:45 Dec 14th 18 - Sir Aloysius XC:

There isnt a single MAD, Alba or Aby player that can stop Ignis or myself OOP as orc, so happily take the game and shove it. The player base left the game because of Aby and their endless nap's. You just a bunch of has beens.”

In the first days of OOP, I expected Ignis to win already and choose the path to be an Ownage Orc player to defend my semi-active and weak kingdom. But then he quit. It’s sad to say that I was more prepared to beat that overpowered Orc and I can stop Ignis with the element of surprise Ownage spells. But he quit. Sad la!

If it’s one on one Orc battle.. without purchased BT’s. I can give any other Orc player a good game. 

19:51:37 Dec 14th 18 - Mr. Feckerd:

6 million halfers... farm much as usual ven. Can you actually be in a kd where you dont have to farm for 3 weeks before launching an attack, then tell everyone how great you played all era because you moved a giant army around for 2 weeks in a 3 month cycle???

19:51:55 Dec 14th 18 - The Real Josh (Archangel Avacyn):

Sir Aloysius XC:

"It’s sad to say that I was more prepared to beat that overpowered Orc and I can stop Ignis with the element of surprise Ownage spells. But he quit. Sad la!

Can confirm, Suprise tactics are real!

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