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Forums / In game politics / Fantasia 73

Fantasia 73
16:22:33 Jan 20th 21 - Penguin (Mr. Penguin The Whatever):

Warriors of zeta sounds ghey. We had zeon for that. 

23:49:45 Jan 25th 21 - Captain Redneck Joe:

So are the zerkers and the Gods Inn still fighting?

19:55:32 Jan 26th 21 - Jack Daniels The drunk (Dragonlord Zifnab):

gods inn is fighting every one on the map holy and dragons are the only ones who have not joined in the fighting with us so far

16:45:30 Jan 27th 21 - Lord Caedus:

Dragons have been defending from Glads, Holy, Bezerkers and Gods War Inn - not been in a position to join a large scale map offensive. 

03:30:09 Jan 28th 21 - Mr. Dunk:

Yeah the little kingdoms are a bunch of numb skulls, literally can't figure out the most simple game theory out there. Holy, Glads, literally no brain ape. Can rest easy knowing you will be eaten by a real kingdom. See ya next era nerds.

05:27:34 Jan 28th 21 - Exalted Farmer Sal:

06:51:31 Jan 28th 21 - Mr. Dunk:

learn to post images 

10:18:51 Jan 28th 21 - Lord Jellybean (Mr. Crixus Prime):

Yay more friendly players joining the vu community :) welcome back

13:50:28 Jan 28th 21 - Penguin (Mr. Roxbery):

Holy is good for nothing. After penguin left them they went to sh1t

14:16:42 Jan 28th 21 - Captain Redneck Joe:

Rough. 🤣 that’s a lot of talk let’s see some action. Got some orca that are about to lose whole armies around here. Maybe I can get dunk to join so he can get 100% too🤷🏼‍♂️

14:18:40 Jan 28th 21 - Captain Joes Rugged Rub:

Lmao didn’t I just kill you dunk 🤣

19:22:10 Jan 28th 21 - Mr. Dunk:

Can't kill something that never dies. 

21:59:50 Jan 28th 21 - Jack Daniels The drunk (Dragonlord Zifnab):

he's not wrong cockroaches dont die

02:51:37 Jan 29th 21 - Konstant (The Ancient Flavius Belisarius):

Come on guys, give Dunk a break.

It's not easy to be part of the Dragons.

11:40:00 Jan 29th 21 - Lord Caedus:

Why do people hate Dragons so much? I feel like any KD I'm in is unilaterally hated... maybe I'm the problem!! haha

13:17:40 Jan 29th 21 - Edi (Mr. Saladin The Victorious):

Nobody hates Dragons as a kingdom

People mostly dislake the way Theo (Dragons leader) plays, messing with market for the sake of messing with players, not for his own profit. As well as constantly building cities that have weak defences, so they get taken quickly. Messes up the dynamic as it gives large advantage to kingdom getting the cities.

We were in Albatross together and doubt anyone hated us, but we were considered a weak kingdom, which we were. We would give best we could back then, so nobody hated us I hope. With the gained experience if we would get the same team now, we would be better. We were young and unecperienced back then.

17:27:43 Jan 29th 21 - Lord Caedus:

Don't worry, I've not taken anything personally - was just a funny observation. Playing in Alba together was fun! <3

13:32:27 Feb 1st 21 - Bigfield (Dragon Prophet Theophilus):

It's a little hard to build defenses when I'm targeted OOP by kingdoms three times my size reliably, especially if I'm attempting magic research.

You create a self fulfilling prophecy.

And I sell goods to make a profit. With few exceptions, all my goods always get sold.

14:55:55 Feb 1st 21 - Edi (Mr. Saladin The Victorious):

You just have to adjust

If enemy is close, don’t drop 10 cities
If its dangerous I usually do 1 income and 1 arms city
If you are in danger, don’t do magic science if military science would be more benefitial. 

I like what Penguin said, if new city costs 150k to build, do not settle that until you make 150k pet hour. 

You do not sell to make profit but to mess with market. Seen it I think last era; I even talked to you when some resource went for 3 each, you kept selling for 2 each to crash market, so people would buy from you and resell at 3 each. You could say you are making twice for it, but when you can easily tripple it, it means you are losing that portion of the profit.

15:57:52 Feb 1st 21 - Konstant (The Ancient Glenfiddich):

Theo, the issue is trust at this point. I think most KDs now look at the Dragons as a KD that isn't serious, and that is there to only feed either their KD or the oppositions. I think if you began signaling that the Dragons are here to play ball, you could maybe get some alliances, and begin making a real difference in the world.

I also question the Dragon's strategic choices. I have yet to see the Kingdom have a proper core with blockers, defenses, and coordination. Those are the signals other KDs would be looking for to see that the Dragons are here to try and win, rather than to just mess around.

17:44:44 Feb 1st 21 - Bigfield (Dragon Prophet Theophilus):

For most eras, it has only been me. Thus until a few eras ago, a proper core was impossible.

We had the start of a core but had an early OOP with berserkers and held for several real life days, but we eventually fell. Some chased us down with Nazgul and we struggled to get a foothold.

We did invade the corner and we're doing well against another kingdom until Holy and Gladiators joined forces against us.

We fought a significant amount of the early battles and had several members on the most fearsome list. Until I died I had thirteen victories buy few city captures, so I didn't rank as well as Dunk.

Dunk joined later on, as a tagless player, and has more than held his own.

All told, I'm not disappointed with how we did this era with literally the whole map against us at one point or another. Caedus was out IRL for a bit early on.

As nomads, we did as well as we could.

You can be bitter about buying my goods cheaper or not. That's up to you. 

If I priced my goods at the same price as a competitor, the competitor's goods, not mine, get purchased. If I can sell my goods higher than a competitor, their goods, not mine, get purchased.

If I sell my goods at native prices, then I am netting less than what I could make for selling them for a higher price. On economics of scale, a larger kingdom can do fine with nativing as they have enough collective players to balance out their economies.

It is market sense for me to price it as high as I can that people will purchase my goods first.

18:24:38 Feb 1st 21 - Konstant (The Ancient Glenfiddich):

I personally have no problem with your market practices =)

19:23:28 Feb 1st 21 - Bigfield (Dragon Prophet Theophilus):

Not do I have a problem with assuring a portion of my enemies GDP funded my exploits. That is a strategic choice.

05:30:44 Feb 2nd 21 - Sir Aloysius XCV:

You don’t need to win an era. You only need to win major battles against known players, until then, you are free cities in our eyes. 

08:31:43 Feb 2nd 21 - Lord Caedus:

I think the aim is to cast dragons but we are always on the backfoot. The reality is we are a neutral kingdom unless boxed into a corner

11:00:23 Feb 2nd 21 - Edi (Mr. Saladin The Victorious):

When something is on market for 3 each, place for 2.9 and yours will go first. You put at 2 and Konstant buys it and resells at 3 each cause iz sells quickly. 

Don’t get me wrong, when I have negative food income I am happy you are around cause I buy cheap stuff. 

The point is you don’t make the profit you could, thats all. But I did see you say goal of your kingdom is not to win but play with market and be a neutral kingdom or something like that

11:07:17 Feb 2nd 21 - Penguin (Mr. Roxbery):

If you need gold fast, whats wrong with undercutting the price to 2 gold? He is assured that when his resources will show up on the market it will be bought asap and not by bits in a long time.

11:55:21 Feb 2nd 21 - Edi (Mr. Saladin The Victorious):

I was referring to a specific era, when there was a massive need for tree, people would look for tree for rl days, there were none on the market. Few people put for 3 each, it sold instantly. Konstant then got the price up to 3.5 and that would sell too. It lasted until people were done with their sciences and then demand stopped and prices went down.

15:57:38 Feb 2nd 21 - Ms. Librarian:


If you need gold fast, whats wrong with undercutting the price to 2 gold? He is assured that when his resources will show up on the market it will be bought asap and not by bits in a long time.

he isn't selling to get the gold fast. he is selling to mess with the market. 

23:19:59 Feb 2nd 21 - Bigfield (Dragon Prophet Theophilus):

I have a feeling some of the players here would have sided with Wall Street vs Reddit over cries of market manipulation when market behavior is not what is expected.

I want more than native prices for my good. I want my goods sold faster than anyone elses.

I've found an induced demand whereby some kingdoms rely on a 'clear market' to execute their strategies via mass nativing of resources to then feed players that are selling a mass of goods at a higher price. 

This is more common in larger kingdoms. Cumulatively, they have the gdp to do what they need. 

We cumulatively don't. We can, however, siphon off a small amount via forcing average priced goods to be bought first by those kingdoms. Consider it a tariff. 

And yes, some will declare war over it. That's fine. That happens IRL too. 

Maybe be as active as Konstant and take advantage of the goods or adapt your strategy to not be reliant on nativing goods.

In this game you are rewarded for timely Oppurtunities and for having cash on hand. You can win both the market battle and the field battles by doing that. 

Just because the battle is asymmetric to what you've previously experienced doesn't make it any less valid. And in the grand scheme of things, Dragons vs anyone is asymmetric.  

We have a default policy of non-aggression until provoked via encroachment or outright hostile action, with several layers of communication on top of it. 

You can kill as off in short term as an NPC, and we will respawn. Again. And again. And again. And again.

Or you can ignore us, benefit from cheaper goods, and appreciate the off chance chaotic elements to the game that can be introduced.

We mean no I'll will.

06:19:25 Feb 3rd 21 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Jesus Left Toe):

I'm just bitter cause you reported my boats to Zeta, and he fixed them before I could retreat back over the seas. Cost me my Armoury; and all I got was cities with 10k taverns. :'(

13:24:23 Feb 3rd 21 - Bigfield (Dragon Prophet Theophilus):

Be honest. You knew what you were getting when you stumbled upon my party city.

21:59:57 Feb 3rd 21 - Captain Redneck Joe:

Lmao party city 🤣🤣

08:31:38 Feb 10th 21 - Lord Caedus:

Is there a prediction on how long the era will last? 

My prediction is "a while".

07:55:38 Feb 13th 21 - Princess Joan of Arc:

Koops, ex member of Gladiators, probably wanting to quit the game or something, has decided to train 5k Naz and give them to Exponents

Owner:Mr. KoopsKingdom Banner
Size:11981 building(s).
Kingdom:*No Kingdom*

Even made an army called "Free Nazguls" lols...

Free Nazguls from Mr. Exponentz

Its a pretty obvious case of feeding. 
My main question about this is WHY.
Why tarnish such a good and impressive era from you guys?

There were talks about you guys cheating in several eras prior, and this era was quite exciting and interesting, without any sight of cheating, and then this crap happens.

Why does this have to happen every era, when you guys do something foolish?
Sure, the guy probably suggested it himself, but still its a clear case of feeding.

Quite a shame...

08:38:59 Feb 13th 21 - Stewie Griffin (Mr. Napoleon Bonaparte):

Bercheaterz caught cheating again!? OMG!! I AM SHOCKED! /s

14:50:22 Feb 13th 21 - Konstant (The Ancient Flavius Belisarius):

Clearly this was planned because he sent an army of almost pure MUs to ownage/protect the naz.

Kiss from Mr. Exponentz

19:58:17 Feb 13th 21 - Lord Jellybean (Mr. Crixus Prime):

"Why tarnish such a good and impressive era from you guys?"

Are you suggesting the action of one player, would possibly apply to all of us after we already left and formed a new kingdom? I'm confused.. no idea what happened here btw I can't even see that part of the map anymore

I think she was talking about Zerks, not your guys. You guys didn't have either a good nor an impressive era.

02:24:59 Feb 14th 21 - Lord Jellybean (Mr. Crixus Prime):

Fair enough, it was a fun era for me so I found it good even if we lost lol

My mistake feeling us being called out like that

14:34:03 Feb 14th 21 - Konstant (The Ancient Flavius Belisarius):

Seriously Zeta? They're mocking the game now...


Army Info
Commander:Mr. KoolKingdom Banner
Size:Scout (1-5)

22:06:51 Feb 14th 21 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Jesus Left Toe):

I would have thought starting wars was the game... Then again, look at this army.... nothing dodgy here. ;)

Free Nazgul II

Army Info
Commander:Mr. Eugene Francis of SavoyKingdom Banner
Kingdom:The War Gods Inn
Size:Section (8-12)
Status:Camping (frozen)

00:55:16 Feb 15th 21 - Konstant (The Ancient Flavius Belisarius):

You mean these you troll?

00:58:39 Feb 15th 21 - Konstant (The Ancient Flavius Belisarius):

I would have thought starting wars was the game... Then again, look at this army.... nothing dodgy here. ;)

War is the name of the game, but Exponentz has been caught being fed red handed. There is utterly no way you can deny the feeding at this point. You may be "having fun" now, but you have made a relentless enemy at this point. You have now proved Holy and GLADs right. While Holy's accusations were more difficult to prove, and Glad's were circumstantial, you have gone out of your way to cheat in a game, and then mock everyone for calling out the cheating.

Zeta, seriously? Is this what you personally stand for now? Allowing direct nazgul feeding without any sort of consequences? 

01:22:32 Feb 15th 21 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Jesus Left Toe):

The real question is why he was fed. Could it perhaps be the final desperate act of a player who's death was inevitable,  who's army was guaranteed to by ownaged, to name it as such, just to invoke the inevitable "someone is cheating" response from you?

Maybe the only one being played here is you, and poor Exponentz' name is being dragged through the mud because someone with an ill informed view has decided he's cheating?

But at least you'll keep fit with all the exercise you're doing Jumping to conclusions.

02:35:24 Feb 15th 21 - Konstant (The Ancient Flavius Belisarius):

That doesn't even make sense.

Why would he make an army called "free Naz"?

Why would that army have 5k Naz and no MUs?

Why wouldn't he just wait for exponentz to come in and be slaughtered?

Why would he send that army out right as Exponentz was coming in?

Why would Exponentz send an army that has 140k+ MUs, and almost no other units?

This was coordinated. This is blatant cheating. 

You have confirmed all of Holy's allegations, and all of Glad's allegations. You have now proved to all of VU that you can't play this game without cheating. Who knows what else you guys do at this point.

03:03:34 Feb 15th 21 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Jesus Left Toe):

I can answer all these questions.

He knew what was going to happen to them.

He had no pezzies to train Mu's.

He knew Exponentz wasn't going to slaughter his army. 

It made no real difference whether he ran or stayed, but running gives him a chance.

2k nazgul is plenty to take most of the cities down there.

You give us too much credit.

You might have confirmed all of Holy's allegations, and all of Glads allegations in your twisted version of events; but we still deny any wrong doing. I too look forward to seeing what you wish to complain about next... my vote is that it is that I cast MP 22 seconds after you cast dispel magic. ;)

07:18:21 Feb 15th 21 - Konstant (The Ancient Flavius Belisarius):

So in your "strategic" reasoning, his city, which has sat there for 3-4 RL days had no pez to train MUs, so he decided to run from an MU only army, which he can slaughter, with 5k Naz by camping directly on that MU army?

Do you even hear yourself? That's full of contradictions. 

The only things that you said up there that makes sense is, "he knew what was going to happen to them". As in, the 5k Naz would get ownaged.

What do you mean it made no diff whether he stayed or ran? He could easily slaughter that MU army.

Why would anyone send an MU army at this city knowing that his MUs will get slaughtered easily?

See here's the thing "JLT". Your buddies got caught red-handed. Now you're trying to confuse the matter (poorly) and shift blame (on people who have undeniable proof of zerks cheating ways).

You. PDC. and Exp. are cheaters. You can't play the game without cheating, and when you can't cheat (like last era) you get your ass handed to you. 

Come on Zeta, they were caught red-handed last era with known multis in their KD, and now they're doing this. You seriously allowing this behavior to go unchecked? At this point what stops anyone from getting 2 Orcs to farm in a little corner, and then one ownaging the other for 20k Naz? The zerks are cheating in the wide open, why can't anyone do the same thing at this point? We can all just pretend that, that Orc forgot to train MUs, and just got ownaged. I mean if anyone buys their poor excuses, then what I say makes as much asense as anything else.

07:28:57 Feb 15th 21 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Jesus Left Toe):

I wasn't paying any real attention to what was happening down there, but if he only had 1 city, then perhaps he needed his pedants to make him money. 

If he had no Mu's he'd have no idea what was in that XXXXX army headed his way; it would have looked scary. ;)

Either way, I couldn't give two ships if they benefitted from his suicide. The fact of the matter is, as soon as you start losing a fight, you accuse your opposition of cheating. To suggest that your opposition are scheming to cheat you out of the era says more about you than us.


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