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Forums / In game politics / Fantasia Age 5

Fantasia Age 5
22:24:56 Jan 14th 11 - Mr. Heliostratos:

Just bought a suit to whoreship your greatness

22:31:43 Jan 14th 11 - Mr. Arthur Wellesley:

Well no one from any kingdom seems interested in agreeing to any type of Armageddon terms, so I suppose that it is a game of "who casts it first" from now on.
I will agree to simple Terms. Arma may be cast when we are top :D

01:20:40 Jan 15th 11 - Duke Some Fcked Dude:

YESSSSS i can now post RAWR <3

09:54:00 Jan 15th 11 - Ms. Dirt Devil:

perhaps your casting Arma took the fight out of them?

09:57:59 Jan 15th 11 - Mr. Insomniac Was Here:

Arma doesn't mean stop fighting though... 

10:04:09 Jan 15th 11 - Pirate Lewatha:

22:14:42 Jan 14th 11 - Mr. Barny:

Most VU players are.

Well no one from any kingdom seems interested in agreeing to any type of Armageddon terms, so I suppose that it is a game of "who casts it first" from now on.

Also, it seems the standards for the fearsome HoH are pathetically low. Is anyone really fighting this era?

Why fight if you're just going to ressurect the armies we beat? Only thing we can do is sit in our blocker.

11:15:13 Jan 15th 11 - Mr. Francis Drake:

Why fight if you're just going to ressurect the armies we beat? Only thing we can do is sit in our blocker.


i do believe thata your guys lousy tactic

12:40:22 Jan 15th 11 - Fire Lord Crazy II:

Is darkside Doing it cause there winning ?(casted Arma)

 Just a random qstion ...

20:35:27 Jan 15th 11 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

10:15:13 Jan 15th 11 - Mr. Francis Drake:

Why fight if you're just going to ressurect the armies we beat? Only thing we can do is sit in our blocker.


i do believe thata your guys lousy tactic


lol didnt see it was a post from lew, thought it was barny

<3 lew

04:15:20 Jan 16th 11 - Mr. Godzilla:

Who cast plague?

18:34:24 Jan 16th 11 - Mr. Farciaz The Brave:

evil person >:o

19:53:20 Jan 17th 11 - Mr. Magic Warrior:

No. I more see it as a person who wanted to implement just a little fun in this dark and dull age of Fantasia.

88 hours left - and right now I give a sh.t about it. It's the last time I'm playing on this world as long as some wise players think casting Armageddon that early should be needed.

07:53:19 Jan 18th 11 - Mr. Xanatos The Conquerer:

aha sorry barney i just found this while i was looking for a lost topic lol dont hate on me for it or hold some kind of grudge :P


Mr. Barny


03:24:15 Feb 2nd 09
Hey guys. My kingdom says to make my first city a "mine" so I built a bunch of mines in my first city, and its not giving me any income! WHY?!

Also, they say that my mine should be in a mountain. I though you could only make cities on beaches and forests!? What am I doing wrong?
not making effort to troll properly

12:48:59 Jan 18th 11 - Mr. Barny:

Obvious sarcasm, so don't worry about it. It's not like you are embarrassing me :P

What thread is that from?

19:23:12 Jan 18th 11 - Ms. Tress Mayhem:

I should make one


Hey guys. My prep report says I have a 95% chance of winning! And I lost because the dice said 99%  WHY?! What am I doing wrong?


Twice now lol, man I hate this game today :)

07:11:29 Jan 21st 11 - Mr. Looks Interesting:

Don't be surprised if the Arma doesn't run its course. 

IT could be being used as a tactic to force the other kingdoms to do some end of era pumping prematurely.

07:51:25 Jan 21st 11 - Mr. Nooooobish Hammer:

But, if they did that, it'd be just mean.... and that wouldn't be nice. So no, there's no way they did that.... lol :P

09:20:46 Jan 21st 11 - Ms. Tress Mayhem:

they are more mean for recasting it actually!

boring era :p

Armageddon will end the world of Fantasia in 240 days unless the city of End Near is destroyed!!

09:28:38 Jan 21st 11 - Mr. Victor:

Canceled at t-2....

09:32:26 Jan 21st 11 - Ms. Alter Ego:


09:55:07 Jan 21st 11 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

Armageddon will end the world of Fantasia in 240 days unless the city of End Near is destroyed!!


10:14:03 Jan 21st 11 - Mr. Barny:

Oh now, now I don't win the era!

Curse you Bogdan! I hath been betrayed! Who could have seen it coming!?

10:49:33 Jan 21st 11 - Mr. Bogdan:

I had a feeling this might happen, it seems I was right:d.

12:28:28 Jan 21st 11 - Dark Prince Stirlin:


12:41:39 Jan 21st 11 - Mr. Insomniac:

People complained when arma was casted, people complain when arma is cancelled... can never win? :D

13:10:41 Jan 21st 11 - Mr. Brick:

People complain about cheating

13:16:20 Jan 21st 11 - Mr. Insomniac:

And what kind of cheating are you talking about?

13:53:13 Jan 21st 11 - Mr. Fordius The Stalker:

The Fearsome list is mainly based on cities taken.
There is ofc a few guys that kills actual armies aswell.
Problem with the city takers is that most of the time they take undefended towns :)

09:49:03 Jan 23rd 11 - Pirate Lewatha:

04:27:33 - Our military science got drained by magic!
04:27:33 - Our military science got drained by magic!
04:27:33 - Our military science got drained by magic!
04:27:33 - Our military science got drained by magic!
04:27:33 - Our mining science got drained by magic!
04:27:33 - Our medicine level got drained by magic!
04:27:33 - Our military science got drained by magic!
04:27:33 - Our mining science got drained by magic!
04:27:33 - Our medicine level got drained by magic!
04:27:33 - Our medicine level got drained by magic!

09:51:09 Jan 23rd 11 - Lady Pink Femmes Fatales:

 that spell is way overpowered

10:43:38 Jan 23rd 11 - Mr. Forum Warrior:

It is the most costly spell in the entire game to cast on a player.

10:50:33 Jan 23rd 11 - Puppy Puppylicious:

but is it really as costly as all of those sciences? lol

11:02:17 Jan 23rd 11 - Mr. Ironfist:

Painful for sure, but anyone who has the magic sci, the towers, and the MUs can cast it?

11:05:46 Jan 23rd 11 - Mr. Hanky Spanky:

VU Admin (10/6/2010 10:55:36 PM)GOODBAD
Steal science takes into account all magic defense in all cities and armies owned by that ruler.
Ownage only takes the defense from the target you select.

Maybe next time more mu's? 
Everybody can cast it if they have sci for it. But this kind of steal has to do with that the caster had 700k+ MP

11:47:21 Jan 23rd 11 - Sir Dont Look Down:

Looks like someone had fun. (chuckle)

12:01:25 Jan 23rd 11 - Pirate Lewatha:

dawg hanky, I only have one city with 0 buildings left. That's easy to steal sci from.


12:02:48 Jan 23rd 11 - Mr. Hanky Spanky:

Make a suggestion then...

12:14:32 Jan 23rd 11 - Mr. Pro Player:

I hear Freddy lost all of his sciences, but that is just because he is a bad player. You should have seen the science levels that he had, what a joke!

14:58:02 Jan 23rd 11 - Judge Kobuskan:

Ne idea just popped up, what about science feeding

15:03:25 Jan 23rd 11 - Mr. Fordius:

Insomniac let's not pretend. 

I'm not going to talk about cheating or whateva. But it's wrong usage of the game mechanics. Cause some stuff aren't build propper doesn't mean you should be taking advantage off it. 

Armageddon control isn't ment that way cause once 1 person cast arma another can't cancel that out making the kingdom that cated in control and they decide when they want to end I doubt arma is ment to be used that way. ( this is just sort of a way of respecting ur battles on a normal way )  ( look up the older times there was more respect against eachother warring wise but in the forums it was less respectfull but that was the good part of the game ) 

Exp feeding it's there but doesn't mean it should be taken advantage off if you get my drift. I won't call those things cheating it's just something you choose to do or not.
It's more a matter of respecting the game mechanics and your fellow gamers really. 

But maybe you won't understand much of those things.
Than jsut ignore it :) 

02:51:00 Jan 24th 11 - Mr. Ultimit Solider:

Stele since is 2 over power !!! plz remove stele since from game !!! pepple like kobskin wil aboos it !!!

xoxo ultimit solider

01:22:43 Jan 25th 11 - Mr. Infiltraitor:

Do not trust Dark Side , or Forgotten Warriors or whatever they call themselves for suggestions. They are for their benefit and not for the community's benefit.

04:43:55 Jan 12th 11 - Mr. Aloysius:

that's the plan.

Message From Mr. Barny
Your kingdom

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You (1/11/2011 9:39:32 PM)

you guys casted Armageddon. Congratulations to both our kingdoms for a smooth era. I say, let us control arma to crush those 4kingdoms that seems to unite against us. We are gaining ground against Relentless in the northwest and so far repelled all Hex advances. Let me know if you guys have plans to cancel arma before it expires and recast it.

Mr. Barny (1/11/2011 10:15:43 PM)    GOOD    BAD
Sorry, I just got home. The first thing I had intended to do was to let you know what was going on with that, but I got carried away in in-game actions and forum discussions.

The main reason we have cast the spell is to simply get control over Armageddon. Right now we are 95% sure that the we will end up canceling the spell, we have plenty of enemies left to fight. We are at the blockers of Abydos on all sides, and we certainly don't want the era to end. On the west end I already burnt the Abydos armories and blockers before they were defended, so I will certainly breach their core on that side and others will breach them on the east. Once Abydos falls, we have Hex to kill. Once Hex falls, we can kill the enemies that you are fighting- if there are any left.

How are your wars progressing? I noticed some huge armies headed up to fight Nomination.

Guy's, dont let anyone outside our kingdom know it. ok.

03:49:37 Jan 25th 11 - Mr. Barny:

"Infiltrator", you have just proven yourself to be an idiot on so many different levels.

Let's look at the way that you open up your argument. You are posting anonymously, thus you have no credibility. On top of that, you further sully your character by registering a multiple account (since I am sure that on your real account you have a Fantasia character already) and snuck it into MAD just so you could leak a message between me and Aloysius, which Aloysius explicitly states not to let anyone outside of your kingdom know of. I can already tell that you are a trustworthy and ethical guy.

The icing on the cake is that the message log does nothing to show that myself or Dark Side are making suggestions that serve our own interests at the cost of the community, in fact; it shows just the opposite. I am a vice of Dark Side, and Aloysius is the leader of MAD, our NAP partner. I acknowledge that the current Armageddon mechanic is broken and imbalanced, and that the only way to stop an era from ending prematurely (like what is happening now on Mantrax) is to control the spell. Like a good ally, we are keeping MAD informed and alerting them to the fact that we intend to cancel the spell, something that benefits both of our kingdoms and Fantasia as a whole. If players in Dark Side wanted to make suggestions that benefited ourselves, we would all agree that Armageddon is perfectly fine and balanced and that nothing needs to be changed; because in it's current state the spells seems to be working in our favor.

I'll give you a 3/10 for effort though. It was a novel attempt and it looks like you put a lot of time and effort into trying to slur me and the kingdoms that I am a part of. I am sure that if you try a bit harder next time you will be able to construct a rational post that doesn't make you look like a complete retard.

07:04:29 Jan 25th 11 - Mr. Aloysius:

Ouch! I'll be paranoid now that my kindness to accept new players in my kingdom is abused. :)

And so, Mr.Infiltrator...Congrats on doing that. Even though its a bit late to point that out..everybody knows we intend to control the Arma spell. I think, it just means you have some friend/s from one of our enemies or maybe one of our enemies need to spy on us to get even. :))

I like to ask, what kingdom are you from?

07:50:01 Jan 25th 11 - Puppy Puppylicious:

What you you expect with that kinda name, Aloy?! lol 

10:34:02 Jan 25th 11 - Mr. Aloysius:

I have no member named Mr.Infiltrator. :) He probably using another character for that name. :D

11:16:51 Jan 25th 11 - Mr. Hanky Spanky:

Well you got someone in your kd that published that msg.

12:44:30 Jan 25th 11 - Mr. Ironfist:

The contents of the leaked message are hardly news? It might be that the purpose of the leak is to try to sow the seeds of dissent, whatever...

00:54:05 Jan 26th 11 - Mr. Aloysius:

hehe. Its not a big deal actually. At least it just means I need to check the loyalty of my members from time to time, especially those new recruits. :))

06:38:02 Jan 28th 11 - Ms. Tress Mayhem:

21:29:45 - Fire rains from the sky on our Lets Just Fcuk army! 24070 troops burned to death.    

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