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Forums / In game politics / Fantasia Era 60

Fantasia Era 60
18:34:12 Feb 2nd 19 - McMax (Mr. Mcmax The Farmer):


And right now I have checked the worlds I'm playing on (3 of them). And there isn't any real horrible accounts here as far as I can see.

But last summer we had some funny players on Valhalla like: "Buy Billys Autos", "No Interest", "Cheap Loans Here" etc. etc.

Zeta wrote back in those days, that it was due to "robots", that somehow made accounts here and were able to put down a starting-force. Or something like that, I'm not totally sure how it was.

I'll try to find the old thread and make a link to it.

13:56:29 Feb 3rd 19 - Captain of That One Mountain:

That one stubborn old man stayed behind...

21:08:41 - Clean II lead by Mr. Bogdan attacked and took over Site Visit. They also took 0 gold, 0 stone, 0 tree, 0 food and 0 slaves from us! And 1 of the peasants in the city where taken as slaves! We lost 0 Swordsmen, 0 Hammerthrowers, 0 Axemen, 0 Runemasters, 0 Cavemasters and 1 peasants in the battle.

17:50:20 Feb 4th 19 - Mr. Edi:

Congrats to Aby on well fought war and deserved victory

Battles won: 28
Battles lost: 50

Battles won: 26
Battles lost: 16

Looks like the war vs Feckers hurt us more than we wanted.
The number of battles shows that all Abydos really did was farm to fight us
We did our best but it was just a matter of time till they break us.

Thumbs up for very inactive Alba for making sure our blockers stood strong
And without your mages coming and settling those mage towns near us, you would never break us. In the end there were just way too many of your armies vs many of us that really did not have an army to compete with you guys.

Good luck to everyone!

17:50:21 Feb 4th 19 - Mr. Edi:

... double post ...

18:43:59 Feb 4th 19 - McMax (Battlemage Digitus Tertius IV):

Hanky hasn't won yet. But it's close.............

Problem here is, that Aby doesn't have a strong leader, that can order Hanky to participate in hot wars.....

21:48:33 Feb 4th 19 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

I get my ass moving eventually, I play like I'm making a stew

11:56:39 Feb 5th 19 - Sir Swamp Drainer:

The problem is MAD and Abys aparent perma-NAP. Makes the game boring for atleast half of the players when the two strongest kingdoms won't fight eachother. If we want the community to grow we need to act differently.

12:05:31 Feb 5th 19 - Lord Caedus:

Well done Aby - well fought war! It was quite enjoyable but yeah, activity has been difficult. 

12:07:45 Feb 5th 19 - Venomz (High Warlord Grags Doppelganger):

Definitely, they need to stop! Make this game great again, Fecking Fecker's need to win again to allow this game to grow! Always fun when the underdog wins right? I hereby grant u 1 ticket to victory. 

12:08:07 Feb 5th 19 - Mr. Bogdan:

Aby and Mad have no perma-NAP, not even a NAP, the only kd's having relations this era are Alba and your kd. This era at least for me I was more or less mostly inactive so I farmed, same as most of Aby members I think (a tactic your kd as widely used most of the eras it played, including this one after the very short oop war), so if you consider this is not a good tactic try to convince your kd mates because they are the one's heavily trying to promote this game style, otherwise telling others not to use the tactics you (as a kingdom) are using is just hypocrisy. 

12:09:00 Feb 5th 19 - The Real Josh (Peasant Sladen):

Sir Swamp Drainer:

The problem is MAD and Abys aparent perma-NAP. Makes the game boring for atleast half of the players when the two strongest kingdoms won't fight eachother. If we want the community to grow we need to act differently.

Alba is closer and are easily the weakest, they were the obvious target, Thank feckers for not following threw and choose to retrun to the farms.

12:10:08 Feb 5th 19 - Venomz (High Warlord Grags Doppelganger):

Don't deny our map wide NAP with kingdoms Bogdan, we don't fight we farm, that's all we do! Now tell them you're sorry you hurt their feelings cause you're a superior player.

13:44:52 Feb 5th 19 - Mr. Uwer:

The very first attacks from this era were MAD vs Abydos...

Ive made an Orc city inside their core.

Stop saying bullsh1t.

13:47:43 Feb 5th 19 - Mr. Fecker:

Enough said

The Fecking FeckersAbydos

Battles won: 69
Battles lost: 50

Players: 20
Duke Cao Cao
Dragonlord Jackdaniels Fecked
Battlemage Digitus Tertius IV
Sir Bidi
Mr. Fecker
Sir Swamp Drainer
Mr. Woodeh
Mr. Ichigo
Sir Horus LXVIII
Mr. Marcus Attilius
Mr. Beenawhile
Mr. Gravemind
Mr. Shinto
Ms. Tinkerbell
Mr. Eazye
Mr. Silveror
Mr. Satasis
Mr. Bayareascientist
Mr. Paradise
Mr. Draxx

Battles won: 38
Battles lost: 20

Players: 13
Pirate Lewatha
The Stoned
Prince Pesterd
Duke Random
Lord Stormcrowe
Mr. Hanky Panky
Sir Great Observer
Peasant Sladen
High Warlord Corporate Banker
Mr. Andlof Hintler
Mr. Bogdan
Mr. Carl XVI Gustaf
Dark Lord Osiris

14:08:34 Feb 5th 19 - The Real Josh (Ms. Chade The Ghey):

You look at the same point in the last 4eras the roles would very much be reversed.

1 era v 4 eras, Get over it.

14:25:36 Feb 5th 19 - The Stoned:

I haven't even moved one army or killed even one peas or troop :(

I keep hoping maybe someone will come at me so I can start training soon :P  at min offer the attacker a large plunder, be a real game changer :)

14:28:21 Feb 5th 19 - The Stoned:

dang I must be stoned .... I lied I killed some of mad oop.....

Your character The Stoned has won 0 battles, captured 0 cities and killed a total of 4751 men and women

15:43:36 Feb 5th 19 - Pirate Lewatha:

Well fought Alba. I am still not certain why you opened gates for Bogdan and I. You probably could have held that blocker.

MAD has no formal relations with Abydos this era, we simply chose to attack alba after farming. Mostly because of me since I built my armory closer to Alba and I was the first person to have troops after farming so I whined until everyone agreed to attack Alba so quit your bitching.

Also: Feckers has about as many members as MaD and Abydos combined so maybe we should NAP MaD?

16:04:06 Feb 5th 19 - Mr. Edi:

I am not 100% sure about this, but I think we got word from someone that had access to MAD forums about their offer of a NAP. I do not remember who, but I know for sure we knew about the offer. Confirmation information if NAP happened we never got. 

You (1/15/2019 1:23:55 PM)
Hey Bling
Looks like Aby and Mad are naped again
We are gonna get outnumbered and killed again. Ruins the game.
Mr. Fecker (1/15/2019 5:26:07 PM)GOODBAD
What makes you say that?
You (1/15/2019 6:56:03 PM)
Saw in Mad forums they sent word to Aby
Did not see comfirmation
But I guess you will figure out soon if Mad is focusing on you or on you and Aby

That is when we were having our heavy war, and we reached sort of a stalemate, I was being pushy then got spanked, got me some exp that helped me stay strong for Aby armies :) 

And little bit after, MAD starts attack on Feckers, little bit later, Aby comes too.
But sure, you did not agree to anything.

Mr. Fecker (1/17/2019 6:25:52 PM)GOODBAD
expect abydos to attack soon. Mad starting their move

So then we do the normal thing that we can do, CF Feckers so we can welcome Aby. Of course, I really do not know how people deal with Bling, how do you guys make diplomacy with him? 

Mr. Fecker (1/17/2019 9:36:05 PM)GOODBAD
we wont fight till era ends, but by holding onto seated, the moment I feel your guys aren't actually doing any real fighting, I come burn a few cities for motivation.
You (1/17/2019 9:39:34 PM)
In that case you get to break the CF when you feel like it?
Then forget about it.
Deal is off.

But yeah, in the end we did sign peace so we can focus on the alliance in the east, no matter how much you refuse to admit, everyone knows you start nap talks at start of era.

We would do much better if Strawberry did not rage quit and we did some silly mistakes through the era.
We left gates of one of our blockers open for you guys, owner did not even know it, I had to tell him to close when it was too late.

Opening later on was also a mistake, as the guy thought he needs to click close gates when they get crushed, which then gives the message "you can't close gates without walls, gates are not open" and since he was under attack, he could not close them.  We all learn new things every era, and its always a new experience, he will know for future eras.

There are at least 5 active people leaving Albatross at era end (myself included), so you guys will be left with 3 large kingdoms. So good luck in another 2 vs 1 next era, it sure helps the game grow and gets interesting.

17:53:12 Feb 5th 19 - Osiris (Dark Lord Osiris):

You guys are working on some faulty info then. We were fighting a mad orc in our core oop and I've had no msgs from anyone in mad about relations. 

18:18:26 Feb 5th 19 - Mr. Edi:

If you were having an oop war you would actually have fights.

Beginning of this thread shows you guys only had a few battles
Which is not really a war.

Noticed few people talking trash mentioning my name.

  • 22:12:46 Jan 12th 19 - Osiris (Dark Lord Osiris):

    Learn to read before you look like you don't know what your talking about 

Welcomed your weak Axemen and slaughtered you
You claimed dice was high on all 3 attempts... Thats weak Osi.

Then this fool comes talking trash

  • 06:28:24 Jan 13th 19 - The Real Josh (Peasant Sladen):

    Edi if i wanted the opinions of trash i would ask trash, But i dont so sit down!

So I meet his Archmages and slaughted him.
You guys should stop talking trash and actually do something ingame.
Or you're only forum warriors?

Or maybe you will say I am making things up now again.

18:20:53 Feb 5th 19 - Venomz (High Warlord Corporate Banker):

When u whine about enemies getting relations without real proof and then use it as an excuse to make relations yourself. Well played. 

19:14:47 Feb 5th 19 - Osiris (Dark Lord Osiris):

First i said fighting, not  war. Secondly I beat your army the first time then lost twice with 60% shit happens.

No one was talking trash apart from you and bling with your conspiracy ideas. 

(Not even sure why you started going full bling when as far as I can see people said well fought alba?)

19:57:49 Feb 5th 19 - heroix (Conqueror Heroix):

I mean it's obvious, that even if you don't have 'official' NAP you are as much at war as South is with North Korea. Allowing each other to farm, while Feckers vs Alba fight, and then conveniently attacking them both at almost the same time, with your whole-era-farmed forces, meanwhile not touching each other a bit. Well good luck with this charade. Fanta soon will be as much populated as Zetamania. Current power/player balance is almost as Zeta were few eras ago.

19:59:52 Feb 5th 19 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

I’ve been reliably informed that both aloy and osi have a secret handshake 

20:04:33 Feb 5th 19 - Mr. Fecker:

MAD and Abycunts are one kingdom. Just treat them as such and alls good.

As for members, we accept players and I do try train noobs when I get a chance.
Half the kd hasnt logged in for 2 months, but houseworks not really my, thing, I leave that to the bitch Josh.

20:09:31 Feb 5th 19 - Mr. Dont Kill Plz:

after all these years, all the same people, all the same arguments. Nothing has changed one bit 

20:34:11 Feb 5th 19 - Osiris (Dark Lord Osiris):

I mean it's not hard to understand lol.

Step 1: We found a nice corner to farm in.

Step 2: We attacked the nearest kd after farming (me and lew sent out armies to try to grab ez land because rest of the kd was still farming and mad was a good 2-3 day longer walk)

Step 3: kill everyone???

Sorry if we dont attack kds in an order that suits feckers)

20:55:16 Feb 5th 19 - Venomz (High Warlord Corporate Banker):


21:06:27 Feb 5th 19 - Random (Duke Random):

Are you all really that dumb?

How can we fight anyone early when we're 3 screens away on the worst map to navigate with an army.

Anything we send from our core is outdated by the time we get close enough to fight anyone. So after dealing with uwer in our core OOP, we farmed up and went to alba who're closest.

MAD already getting their shit kicked in by feckers at this point, and feckers/alba NAP on some chinese whispers about aby/mad NAP, even though we fought OOP.

Why would we backdoor MAD and let alba/feckers win the era? it makes 0 sense.

21:11:23 Feb 5th 19 - Sir Swamp Drainer:

I really don't understand why you guys try to hide your crush. Let us whine and then tell us to just deal with it. Or admit you where just too scared of Feckers now that I'm with them.

22:15:41 Feb 5th 19 - The Real Josh (Ms. Chade The Ghey):

 List of players who quit aby because they farm to much

List of players who left because Feckers farm to much
  1. Ignis
  2. Jasmine

There are more but i don't spend my.lift on the KD V KD screen choke jerking myself ovee the KDs w/l... so helo me out blong.

The AMs sent to protect my MC? :O you did such wow edi.. whose a big boy!!
"So I meet his Archmages and slaughted him.
You guys should stop talking trash and actually do something ingame."

01:21:54 Feb 6th 19 - Sir Aloysius XCI:

Is Osi here? I want to cancel our year long NAP agreements. Hahaha

01:27:23 Feb 6th 19 - The Real Josh (Ms. Chade The Ghey):

Sir Aloysius XCI:

Is Osi here? I want to cancel our year long NAP agreements. Hahaha

Nah mate, None of that dodgy shit.
As agreed, 4 eras notice must be given upon breaking the Yearly nap.

02:19:35 Feb 6th 19 - Mr. Fecker:

Number of Fecks given.... 0

Abycunts are just a sub par kingdom and Aloy couldn't lead his way out of a paper bag.

02:56:45 Feb 6th 19 - The Real Josh (Ms. Chade The Ghey):

Abycunts are just a sub par kingdom and Aloy couldn't lead his way out of a paper bag.

Subpar? We have some of the oldest and most respect players, A prefered warring playstyle and more era wins this Feckers could dream of.
The only thing letting aby down is Osi.. #Roxyforpresident
And in saying that therea a reason Mad is the oldest KD, Players far and wide flock to Aloy because he is a grear leader.
That and hes half the new players flocking :p

Literally the only decent thing about feckers is you have Cao. He ignis and Jas  LITTERALY have carried your pathetic little kingdom since i return

04:51:23 Feb 6th 19 - Mr. Fecker:

Considering both of them are my multi's, thanks.

As for Abydos.... without Bogdan or Roxy you are nothing.

16:02:19 Feb 6th 19 - Mr. Edi:

Who ever casted plague in our core, thumbs up!

Nice goodbye gift to Abydos :-)

16:22:23 Feb 6th 19 - Mr. Uwer:

Bling cries EVERY era.

17:01:52 Feb 6th 19 - Mr. Fecker:

I aint crying. Just form on kd already and be done with. You all useless anyway

17:05:27 Feb 6th 19 - Pirate Lewatha:

Even if we merge kingdoms we'd still have +/- the same amount of members as Feckers does.

17:09:11 Feb 6th 19 - Mr. Fecker:

most of ours players havent logged in for weeks. just havent kicked them out. plus we take on the new players too, which you scumbags dont because you lot actually give nothing to the game.

23:50:13 Feb 6th 19 - The Real Josh (Peasant Sladen):

Mr. Fecker:

most of ours players havent logged in for weeks. just havent kicked them out. plus we take on the new players too, which you scumbags dont because you lot actually give nothing to the game.

You fucking what?
You may playing with children and and the noobs but we help the less fortunate, Like the Austisics and downies, You think the likes of bran or myself could make it anywhere else?
No Roxbury to watch over us when sleep, No Bogdan to carry all our shit, No Osi making sure we have the greatest of tactics and combat models.

Nah mate, So aby does downies like bran a favor so dont you ever fucking say we dont contribute to VU, When the greatest thing you have added is thousands of dollars over your throng of accounts.

23:52:47 Feb 6th 19 - Mr. Fecker:

We take in homeless players not basketcases... looney bins there for that, and Abycunts.

00:43:37 Feb 7th 19 - The Real Josh (Prince Venomz Snr):

Yea nah mate

Batcases = Schizophrenia, Bi-Polar, Alien "Abductees" and trump supporters

What aby assembles is the ruffians.

09:58:24 Feb 7th 19 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

What’s Rox doing in aby? Is he lost?

13:41:30 Feb 7th 19 - Mr. Uwer:

I'm the one playing with Jennaside. So, you can continue to cry, Bling.

Woody, will you take the Forsaken flag next era?

13:47:29 Feb 7th 19 - Mr. Fecker:

Jenna will tell you I'm her first and only true love <3

14:03:00 Feb 7th 19 - Woody (Lord Woody):

I certainly will uwer, sweetheart.

19:51:38 Feb 7th 19 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

Woody isn’t allowed to have the forsaken tag, that’s my utopia kd

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