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Forums / In game politics / Fantasia era 53

Fantasia era 53
08:07:12 Feb 22nd 18 - Mr. Uwer:

Wise words, Bling.

Strawberry, let me explain one thing:

Yes, you all should be dead by now if we didnt have innactives. This is how amateur you all are.

Do I really need to give the names? Im sure Im among the most actives this era, so I should know right? Who played and who was innactive.

Do you want the list in order to prove my point? From ALL kingdoms.

Gimme a break, you have even mages working together. Its far beyond pathetic, that a farmer from Abydos will win.

Abydos leeched well. I will congratulate for that, plus Hanzo, Lewatha played well and were pretty active.

Ascension in my opinion is the one that loses with this era. Because its the most powerful kingdom after MAD and we couldnt measure our forces.

Albatross' hate for MAD is another stuff, coz they would never play with us.

So thats it. End this and let Hanky win.

10:20:08 Feb 22nd 18 - Bran (Mr. Santa Bran):

bling has a bad memory. fant has been this way for like a decade. cant you remember the legacy vs carnage merge wars?

10:38:42 Feb 22nd 18 - Mr. Santa Bling:

We have had a few classic eras since that, but they have gotten progressively duller.

right now, its hit rock bottom

10:39:32 Feb 22nd 18 - Mr. Uwer:

Btw, Bran why do you always typing but never playing?

I was the one who destroyed your lame towns this era.

11:21:58 Feb 22nd 18 - Bran (Mr. Santa Bran):

in the same post Uwer, you claimed that i never play, and admitted that i played last era
you also answered your own question - you killed me

11:37:22 Feb 22nd 18 - Sir Aloysius LXXXIV:

Wait!? Bug exploits?! And you guys are fine with it?


05:57:05 Feb 23rd 18 - SockHer (Soccer Sockher Face):

I wish I could like aloy's post like on facebook. haha, love it

06:38:40 Feb 24th 18 - Mr. Uwer:

Alba "Fair Play" Tross

Im glad Edi left. That shame he wont have to bear.

15:40:55 Feb 24th 18 - Sir Edi The Inactive:

Do I need to come back to investigate what happened?

15:43:55 Feb 24th 18 - Mr. Santa Bling:

nothing to nvestigate. ur a phag and ur kd are chickenshiit homophags.

09:00:38 Feb 25th 18 - Lord Caedus:

What shame? Stop crying Uwer. 

09:04:25 Feb 25th 18 - Lord Caedus:

Also Bling  - just buy more bonus turns next time or go play an EA game where you can buy the game. 

If you talk about quitting - make sure you actually do otherwise you’ll just look like a sore loser. :)

09:15:50 Feb 25th 18 - Mr. Santa Bling:

I may just offer zeta 10 grand to delete all you knobs for shits and giggles.

09:29:08 Feb 25th 18 - Mr. Santa Bling:

whats worse is Stormy and his lot even considered ruining a game like this. As vets, You lot should seriously be ashamed.

10:40:38 Feb 25th 18 - Mr. Vladimir I:

Next era Bling will be known as the Crying Baby Bling, CBB.

Thats my gift to you.

10:51:22 Feb 25th 18 - Mr. Santa Bling:

dont think there will be a next era. i know 7 players quitting. and growing. 

So feel free to play with yourselves. Rest of us are done with this game.

11:52:36 Feb 25th 18 - Mr. Uwer:

Edi wouldnt teleport a city with an foreign army preparing.

A city with 100 buildings, no defense.

The city gets teleported. The army prepping that city is teleported aswell.

The army is able to pass our blockers this way, ending a 3vs1 era.

Thats the facts, Caedus. Be a grown up.

11:56:07 Feb 25th 18 - King Justainius Fontainius XXXIIX:

Lol I love watching everybody moan and argue, I personally had a great era. This is probably been one of the best for me since I got back. I got to fight many players, all highly skilled. We didn't outnumber them in anyway pretty much a fair fight so it was all good. 

12:33:15 Feb 25th 18 - Mr. Santa Bling:

you've had two battles, 1 more than you normally do in an era

12:36:53 Feb 25th 18 - Mr. Santa Bling:

Mad and DangerousAbydos

Battles won: 340
Battles lost: 299

Players: 13
Mr. Acreon
Sir Kobuskan
The Hostile
Sir Aloysius LXXXIV
Lord Reddragon Unlimited
Mr. Death Farmer
Mr. Fred The Terrorist
Mr. Ryan The Archblade XI
Sir Robert Black
Mr. Santa Bling
High Warlord Venomz
Sir Pan The Icky Mage
Mr. Uwer

Battles won: 87
Battles lost: 65

Players: 7
Pirate Lewatha
Mr. Hanky Panky
Sir Great Observer
Battlemage Mcmax And His Horse
Mr. Santa Bran
Mr. Hattori Hanzo
Dark Lord Demandred

Mad and DangerousAlbatross

Battles won: 340
Battles lost: 299

Players: 13
Mr. Acreon
Sir Kobuskan
The Hostile
Sir Aloysius LXXXIV
Lord Reddragon Unlimited
Mr. Death Farmer
Mr. Fred The Terrorist
Mr. Ryan The Archblade XI
Sir Robert Black
Mr. Santa Bling
High Warlord Venomz
Sir Pan The Icky Mage
Mr. Uwer

Battles won: 188
Battles lost: 238

Players: 16
Admiral Krum
Lord Water Bender
Mr. Kasakasz The Later One
Sir Istar
Mr. Vladimir I
Mr. Caradevergado
Mr. Yamato Tenno
Mr. Kross
Mr. Bedbud
Mr. Skim
Ms. Strawberry
Mr. Kinder Bueno
Lord Caedus
Mr. Chronos
Mr. Caimar
Mr. Theojohnys The Terrorizer

Mad and DangerousAscension

Battles won: 340
Battles lost: 299

Players: 13
Mr. Acreon
Sir Kobuskan
The Hostile
Sir Aloysius LXXXIV
Lord Reddragon Unlimited
Mr. Death Farmer
Mr. Fred The Terrorist
Mr. Ryan The Archblade XI
Sir Robert Black
Mr. Santa Bling
High Warlord Venomz
Sir Pan The Icky Mage
Mr. Uwer

Battles won: 119
Battles lost: 77

Players: 17
Mahatma Gandhi
Lord Stormcrowe
Duke Cao Cao
King Justainius Fontainius XXXIIX
Mr. Von Darkmor
Sir Bidi
High King Xerxes The Godly
Ms. Ella II
Ms. Cruunak Bloodsmear
Mr. Evans
Mr. Vegeta
Mr. Knigh
Mr. Schepp The Risen
Mr. Ignis Far
Mr. Monologue
Mr. Pandamits
Ms. Carol Anne

16:43:02 Feb 25th 18 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

not just me that reads this and wishes i could like posts then. 

I can't believe i'm nothing but a farmer this era and I get fluffy cakes for it. 

It took me over a week after the era had started to get the motivation to land. 

If i landed at the start and had full motivation I would have kicked your behind's

Now all of you shut up winging and take it out on each other next era..

I'm going to try recruit some new players next era, I doubt i'll succeed but this game die's I die. 

16:56:56 Feb 25th 18 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

Not a farmer

Your character 
Mr. Hanky Panky has won 1 battles, captured 1 cities and killed a total of 94979 men and women

18:28:31 Feb 25th 18 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

Hanky's on this shit….

I've got possibly two new players ^^

13:51:11 Feb 26th 18 - Mr. Hattori Hanzo:

Abydos takes no claim of an era win by a farmer that didn't lift a finger to help the kingdom when it was under attack.

14:32:27 Feb 26th 18 - King Justainius Fontainius XXXIIX:

Just for the record I can see in the last 5 era's we have both played you have never once had more kills, maybe you have a lot more battles and do a lot of gaia spamming. Anyone can go and see for themselves that this is the obvious truth by checking the previous era. Plus lets put it in context who did you fight this era anyone worth mentioning? I took on Bluelight, Fred and I still am engaging Death Farmer. While your era has been crap, mine has been great with all the battles I have had. Sour Bling, there is no need to be a sore loser there will always be next era for you guys.

Its a rotten shame that it looks like Hanky will win this era, it is undeserved, cowardly and disappointing. He hasnt fought any battles, we basically saved his ass and he hasnt contributed anything to anything. I am glad I have his city however and would thank the sheer stupidity of Uwer, who also forgot that I took it from him. He must have mistaken me for being from a kingdom like MAD that actually breaks agreements by blatantly attacking allied kingdoms. They also moan when people do other shady stuff and act all righteous. 

MAD does have the best player base currently but if you think about it your kingdom has broken agreements with half the players on the map. Basically imagine Kath but a kingdom called Kath. It is not surprising that everyone will attack you guys every time they see you guys. But yet you call it ganging up on you. 

11:33:15 Feb 25th 18 - Mr. Santa Bling:

you've had two battles, 1 more than you normally do in an era

  1. King Justainius Fontainius XXXIIX has won 39 battles, captured 26 cities and killed a total of 2149255 men and women.

14:38:46 Feb 26th 18 - Mr. Santa Bling:

Mad and DangerousAscension

Battles won: 360
Battles lost: 321

Players: 13
Mr. Acreon
Sir Kobuskan
The Hostile
Sir Aloysius LXXXIV
Lord Reddragon Unlimited
Mr. Death Farmer
Mr. Fred The Terrorist
Mr. Ryan The Archblade XI
Sir Robert Black
Mr. Santa Bling
High Warlord Venomz
Sir Pan The Icky Mage
Mr. Uwer

Battles won: 125
Battles lost: 78

Players: 17
Mahatma Gandhi
Lord Stormcrowe
Duke Cao Cao
King Justainius Fontainius XXXIIX
Mr. Von Darkmor
Sir Bidi
High King Xerxes The Godly
Ms. Ella II
Ms. Cruunak Bloodsmear
Mr. Evans
Mr. Vegeta
Mr. Knigh
Mr. Schepp The Risen
Mr. Ignis Far
Mr. Monologue
Mr. Pandamits
Ms. Carol Anne

14:42:37 Feb 26th 18 - Mr. Santa Bling:

Mr. Santa Bling has won 90 battles

King Justainius Fontainius XXXIIX has won 39 battles

14:50:34 Feb 26th 18 - Mr. Santa Bling:

blue stopped playing halfway through the era.

if i had 5 players who fought as aggressively as I do, not a single one of you clowns would have time to farm your silly armies that you so proud of.

15:19:24 Feb 26th 18 - King Justainius Fontainius XXXIIX:

Blue escaped me many times because I was asleep, you gonna make the same excuses for Fred, or Anon? Wow you fought 90 battles, against some new players from Alba. Lets count all your gaia kills and put them against my Am and knight kills. Yeah.... thought so. 

King Justainius Fontainius XXXIIX
 has won 39 battles, captured 26 cities and killed a total of 2149255 men and women.

Mr. Santa Bling has won 90 battles, captured 38 cities and killed a total of 1270887 men and women.

15:26:26 Feb 26th 18 - Mr. Santa Bling:

biggest army on the map got taken out by me. you got shit on me. in fact the biggest AM army you havent seen yet, but you will.

20:54:19 Feb 26th 18 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

I couldn't get prepared any quicker. I landed over a week late by the time MAD got to us I was only just getting organised and able 

i won't train until i can provide an army that can match the enemies, 

if i started training any earlier than i did it would have crippled me

There was absolutely no point in me training any earlier with the distance the enemie was from us. I wasn't needed.

I got lucky 

Justain, you do deserve the win but i'm not handing it over lol 

20:56:00 Feb 26th 18 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

Wait i was triggeredly, shut ya winging cowardly, it's pure luck, stop making un warranted attacks lol 

02:22:19 Feb 28th 18 - Sir Aloysius LXXXIV:

All is justified, guys. Nothing can be wrong unless its against their opinion.

Bug exploits! cough! Bug exploits!

05:20:41 Feb 28th 18 - Mr. Uwer:

Just imagine Aloy teleporting a city (from Meatwall) past Panda's blockers (Ascension).  Imagine it arriving side by side with Ella's city, while Ella is at the blockers (with Final Stand).

Superb victory!

05:20:41 Feb 28th 18 - Mr. Uwer:

Will you guys dispute the victory?

07:11:31 Feb 28th 18 - Ella (Ms. Ella II):

In this game, its sort of expected that the losing side will always make excuses and give (made up or actual) proof of foul play. In the past few eras I have seen Mad break NAPs, make numerious enemies on the map, that leads to eras like this, when people gang up on you guys. You had it coming. I feel some eras people even say You crushed walls and walked over while walls were back on. Even thought I do not fully understand how teleport and armies flying to other part of the map work, feels like something admin might want to fix?

Hell my first era in this game I somehow joined Mad. Was very close to quitting the game with the way you ran things in there, lucky I joined RoC on another world where some good people helped me learn how to play and I stayed in the game. That bad experience pretty much made me want to kill Mad every era, and I will always try to do that, you guys will not make many friends the way you're doing your diplomacy or treating people. 

Fact is also that you are now the group with most active and skilled people, so that alone will make you a main target for everyone on the map. So the attitude you give to everyone is just a bonus.

This era was very exciting for me, managed to experience series of cool things this game has to offer. Had my first horde fielded, a decent one, did some fighting, which eventually lead to my horde getting killed completely. But while fighting I managed to train and house another horde so by the time my first one died, I was able to field the second horde almost immediately, which was very fun for me. 

Your character Ms. Ella II has won 10 battles, captured 6 cities and killed a total of 746662 men and women

I did not take many towns, to be honest I had to walk around the map for a very long time, that is one of the drawbacks of this alliance, the allies taking all the spoils without much sharing, but that was to be expected.

Still I believe the diplomatic relations we did were smart and well done, only later Albatross turned out to be large as they picked up all the tagless on the east part of the map I guess? I hope you guys stay as a group so we get another large kingdom on this map.

And coming close to the end of the era I was able to experience another nice aspect of the game, the gaining experience on my army, and finding all those sciences and events. That was pretty cool, event log giving me over four finds a day, getting my military above level 10, quite fun. 

07:25:24 Feb 28th 18 - Mr. Santa Bling:

Not sure where you get this "mad breaks naps" shit from, because contrary to the bullshit, MAD never broke a nap.

When my kd merged to MAD, the other 2 kd's made it very clear that they would continue attacking the players. This is typical when two kd's merge mid era. So mad never broke a nap, the war just continued between me and the morons who thought it was a good idea to attack me and died in the process, then crying because MAD broke a NAP.

Secondly, not sure when you joined MAD, but I have probably personally trained maybe 10% of the players currently playing, whether you know it or not. So if you needed help, anyone of the players would have offered.

As to the games tactics and methods of building... you can go with the outdated bullshit drop a city, build 1:5 then train and yada yada yada.  You all do it, and every era I come oop and hand people their asses on map after map. So yes, you doing it wrong.

As to the exploit that was used. The teleport exploit works like this. You take 2 kds, A and B.  KD A will do the teleport, KD B will do the exploit. So KD A drops a city, with no defences. KD B then sends an army to prep the city. Whilst B preps the city, A teleports the city away. Now the army from KD B is still technically prepping on the city, even though the city is no longer there, but on another part of the map. When KD B attacks the city, the attacking army is transported to the point where the city was teleported to, thus being almost like a wormhole effect. Most kds stopped using this exploit about 5 years ago, but trust me, now that Alba and Asc have shown that they are willing to break convention, I can assure you fully loaded armouries will be dropping out of the sky, with the skills of the mages in MAD.

08:32:35 Feb 28th 18 - Strawberry (Ms. Yellow Kitty):

So what's a bug exploit: if it doesnt conform with "reality" that the game is trying to portray. So in theory these things should all be bug exploit, but everyone is just doing them casually.

1. Armies walking over cities where walls were previously crushed and rebuilt.
 Reality: An army can't walk past a city with walls rebuilt.

2. Walking at the edge and almost outside the map to go around a blocker.
Reality: An army cant walk outside the map because VU is flat.

3. Teleporting a city with the army prepping it.
Reality: The city will just disappear and the army will be left prepping nothing.

4. River and wall jumping.
Reality: Rivers are deep AF and there are no boats in VU. Somehow troops cant help other troops outside the walls to climb to the other side.

5. Force marching a big merge with an orc scout leader.
Reality: Seriously, does this need an explanation...

6. Merging a frozen army to another army, usually scout to advance slowly each tick.
Reality: What's freeze anyway, are troops encased in ice or something? If that's the case then how can a scout move them from their location.

Cmon guys this list will go on and on, say 70% of the game is a bug exploit, hell even land dropping is a bug exploit, and unless everyone decides to avoid doing them which i doubt they would, we just have to take what we are given and play.

08:34:08 Feb 28th 18 - Mr. Nostalgia:

Wooooo worlds gonna end. I can finally get off this merge army world of Zetamania.

08:35:26 Feb 28th 18 - Mr. Santa Bling:

MAD will.

I have detailed all 35 known exploits for them to use. Then its up to Aloy to use them or not.

12:25:58 Feb 28th 18 - Mr. Vladimir I:

That was fast ending....

12:38:44 Feb 28th 18 - Mr. Nostalgia:

Did the world just explode or do all kingdoms have a 0 power rating during Armageddon?

12:45:46 Feb 28th 18 - Bran (Mr. Santa Bran):

Reasonably, I don't see how anyone can say that any kingdom other than Abydos is the victor. after all, who is the most powerful ruler, and which kingdom does he belong?

14:02:34 Feb 28th 18 - ZeTa (VU Admin):

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