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Good vs Evil
10:30:38 Dec 9th 14 - Mr. Barny:

God damn it Bran you ruined it for everyone good job, reported.

11:10:48 Dec 9th 14 - ZeTa (Mr. Evil Wizard II):

Leave your current kingdom before joining GvE!

11:20:47 Dec 9th 14 - ZeTa (VU Admin):

Please post all of the debug messages if something goes wrong. Like "Changed world to # because your kingdom is located there"

You do not get this on mobile, so use the pc version.

13:04:45 Dec 9th 14 - Mr. Afk:

I spawned on map using settings

"spawn on map"
"join a kingdom automatically"

and I ended up in the kingdom of "smash bros"

admin, could you please delete this character and make a post of the recommended settings we should be using to successfully get on this world?

13:06:22 Dec 9th 14 - Mr. Afk:

I'm also curious how the "leaders" and "vices" were selected...

13:22:33 Dec 9th 14 - Mr. Pure The Good:

I think the smash bros kingdom was formed because learner left the good kingdom and then make his own. Can people just try and make this work without throwing curveballs

13:24:32 Dec 9th 14 - Legend (I am Legendary):

13:04:45 Dec 9th 14 - Mr. Afk:

I spawned on map using settings

"spawn on map"
"join a kingdom automatically"

and I ended up in the kingdom of "smash bros"

Same story only I ended in End of Existence.

13:30:10 Dec 9th 14 - Bran (Mr. Bran):

zeta you need to block any kds from being formed by any character on this map. they need to be blocked from leaving their kd and you need to be blocked from landing on the map if you already exist in any kd other than good or evil. when you choose to restart, the option of joining without autojoin should be removed for this map

14:41:53 Dec 9th 14 - Woodeh (Mr. Endgame):

Zeta, can you move my kingdom, end of Existence to nirvana please, I tried to join with my 3rd char but my nirvana char brought my kd to gve....

14:56:28 Dec 9th 14 - Mr. Maui:

ditto 'Joined smash Bros'

15:09:04 Dec 9th 14 - Penguin (Mr. Pussy Monsta):

fix it my beloved zeta ! joined some shitty kd, restart the world, block new kds, kd jumps, kd leavings and so on. FIX IT OR BBMMB WILL OWN THE WORLD MUAHAHAHAHAH,

Your beloved, 
Clown Penguin

15:14:16 Dec 9th 14 - HorusPanic (Mr. Panic):

kinda defeats the purpose

06:55:36 - XXXX has left your kingdom!

16:33:42 Dec 9th 14 - Jdzelhorst (Mr. Mandred Black):

So yea, I forgot to leave my kd on nirvana. It said :Changed world to # because your kingdom is located there. 

What now?

16:40:54 Dec 9th 14 - Mr. Vonn Darkmoor:

I have ended up in a KD called smash brothers !!!!

Do i just apply to whichever of the others have less players or can it be reset ?

16:44:25 Dec 9th 14 - Mr. Barny:

I think that the current bug that is preventing people from joining Good or Evil and spawning is the 10 man kingdom limit interfering with Good vs Evil.

02:20:47 Dec 9th 14 - ZeTa (VU Admin):

Please post all of the debug messages if something goes wrong. Like "Changed world to # because your kingdom is located there"

I will post the debug messages here in screenshot form because the wording of the 2nd debug message contains the expression '0 equals zero' and it might help you if we are specific about the wording of the messages.

16:48:52 Dec 9th 14 - Mr. Barnabas:

There is also a bug related to clicking flashing kingdom crown for Evil that I've had happen twice in which you get an error rather than your KD forums for clicking the crown but someone will need to post in the Evil forums for me to reproduce the bug and post a debug message or screenshot for you.

17:32:29 Dec 9th 14 - Zephyr (Marquess Esmeralda):

is it safe to land and/or join a kingdom?

17:57:57 Dec 9th 14 - HorusPanic (Mr. Polymer):

there is so much time left before settling that i'd wait for Zeta to say its a good time to try

18:50:38 Dec 9th 14 - ZeTa (VU Admin):

Thanks Barny. That's helpful.

I will need to implement some of the restrictions discussed in this thread. Then I'll make another kingdom shuffle. There will most likely be a final shuffle just before the round starts too. 

If you want to join right now:

1) When creating a new character: Select "do not spawn"

2) Uncheck, "join kingdom" when restarting.  Make sure you are not in a kingdom! And choose "Good vs Evil" as world.

If you are not in a kingdom, don't worry, you will be placed in either good or evil during the shuffle.

18:54:23 Dec 9th 14 - ZeTa (VU Admin):

If you accidentally moved your kingdom to GvE world, you have to disband and re-create the kingdom on the world you want to play on!

20:36:18 Dec 9th 14 - HorusPanic (Mr. Polymer):

44 people made it so far? or 45% of 44?

Good vs EvilOpen

22:08:52 Dec 9th 14 - Zephyr (Marquess Esmeralda):

my guess would be that not all of the characters in GvE have spawned hence the % thingy.

01:00:20 Dec 10th 14 - Mr. Learner:

Hehe no lad Learner didnt create any kingdoms :D

14:16:40 Dec 10th 14 - Alrisaia (Ms. Alrisaia The Pure):

Looks like I made it. Cool... How do I join the proper kingdom now?

14:51:01 Dec 10th 14 - Zephyr (Marquess Esmeralda):

You are not able to join a kingdom yet, the 10-man rule is still in effect, ZeTa is working on implementing the different mechanics.

15:48:02 Dec 10th 14 - Mr. Hanky The Long of Gingers:

And as long as you're on the world you will get shuffles into either team. Zeta said there will be atleast one more shuffle if not two 

19:06:39 Dec 10th 14 - Kobuskan (Mr. Zapper):

Kingdom Stats

Compare different kingdom against each others.


Battles won: 0
Battles lost: 0

Players: 12
Sir Moon Knight
Mr. Goldsmith
Mr. Ryzen
Mr. Galaxar
Mr. Pure The Good
Mr. Taxmannn
Ms. Jasmina
Mr. Dlmickael
Mr. Evil Wizard II
Ms. Marion
Mr. Panic
Mr. Binh The Angry Hornet

Battles won: 0
Battles lost: 0

Players: 13
Mr. Don Kichotas
Mr. Ozymandias II
Mr. Malamor
Heavenly Crystaal
Mr. Jackdaniels
Mr. Aloysius
Mr. Bran
Mr. Hakk X Core
Mr. Ghatak
Mr. Barnabas
Mr. Gmc
Ms. Jennacide
Mr. Sevax

00:18:11 Dec 11th 14 - Mr. Learner:

I resigned from that kd i was put  in and relanded and am single player.So look out Good & Evil i'm coming :)

00:40:32 Dec 11th 14 - Sir Moon Knight:

I think you need to scrap people attempting to be a neutral or other party Zeta. 

09:26:56 Dec 11th 14 - Prince Chade:

so when should we expect the first re-shuffling?

11:20:15 Dec 11th 14 - ZeTa (VU Admin):

I've now made it so that you can not create a kingdom in GvE and fixed some issues with the spawn.

I'll wait with the re-shuffle to see if more problems comes up, and fix them first.

14:58:36 Dec 11th 14 - HorusPanic (Mr. Panic):

Debug: Set world to 1 because thats where you where last time.
Debug: SELECT, K.accept, K.size, AS leader, W.closed, AS world FROM kingdoms K LEFT JOIN accounts L ON L.kingdomID = AND (kingdomAdmin = 1 OR K.king = AND (unix_timestamp(Now()) - unix_timestamp(L.lastLogin)) < 129600 INNER JOIN accounts M ON M.kingdomID = INNER JOIN worlds W ON = M.defaultWorld GROUP BY HAVING K.accept = 1 AND Count( < K.size AND NOT IS NULL AND W.closed = 0 AND NOT = 3 AND NOT = 2 AND NOT = 5 ORDER BY DESC, Rand()
Debug: Changed world to 13 because your kingdom is located there.

15:41:54 Dec 11th 14 - Mr. Maui:

Does 'reshuffle' mean all players on the world (even those that dropped into other empires) will be placed into 'Good and evil empires? . 

Also do we get a 'restart' as i'm down to 500 peseants .

22:00:36 Dec 11th 14 - Mr. Chade The Absentee:

yeah i wanna know this as well, since i've already spawned on the map

22:07:19 Dec 11th 14 - HorusPanic (Mr. Polymer):

i assume yes, everyone will re-drop and re-shuffle

22:57:31 Dec 11th 14 - Dakarta (Duke Dekarta):

Attention all you pimps and playas.. I'm here y'all.

02:37:31 Dec 12th 14 - HorusPanic (Lord Horus):


17:48:07 Dec 12th 14 - Dragon (Duke Elron The Great):

Ok it took me a while, been busy in real life.... But I am definitely on board with this

I do not have the time to read all 84 messages so can someone give me a run down as to where we are at.

What special rules/mechanics there are or will be.  this is very exciting.

17:49:39 Dec 12th 14 - HorusPanic (Mr. Polymer):

dragon, create a character, and join one of the kingdoms or drop on the GvE world... zeta will take care of teh rest..

probably a few days away from settling still (longer than the time would indicate i think)

18:31:12 Dec 12th 14 - Dragon (Lord Kellaine):

ok thanks

Already done that.

Hey Zeta how about giving people the choice of good or evil when they spawn?

18:34:36 Dec 12th 14 - HorusPanic (Mr. Panic):

We decided to randomize teams

20:30:41 Dec 12th 14 - Dragon (Lord Ragnar The Great):

oh ok

sounds like fun

17:45:31 Dec 13th 14 - Mr. Ignis Malik:

Can I get some of the action :)

18:23:40 Dec 13th 14 - Dragon (Lord Mighty Dragon):

sure. the more the better.

01:43:36 Dec 14th 14 - Dragon (Duke Elron The Great):

I tried to join a Kingdom nnow that the option is there and got

  • The kingdom you are applying to is already full!

I tried both kingdoms and got the same answer

02:01:32 Dec 14th 14 - Mr. Ignis Malik:

Same here but is only when I try joining Good ....and here I thought some was telling me something :)

02:18:44 Dec 14th 14 - Dragon (Lord Mighty Dragon):

ya I was able to finally get through to evil as well.

02:18:44 Dec 14th 14 - Dragon (Lord Mighty Dragon):

ya I was able to finally get through to evil as well.

11:21:51 Dec 15th 14 - Mr. Barney:

Any word on what's going on? I think it's past the settle time so there might be some confusion if nothing gets cleared up.

12:43:47 Dec 15th 14 - Bran (Mr. Bran):

theres also very unbalanced teams and alot of tagless players. we cant start like this

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