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Forums / In game politics / Kingdoms Scores

Kingdoms Scores
04:56:15 Jan 22nd 10 - Mr. Canucks:

Here is your top 10 Windu.

Fate34Sir Feanor The Lazy154
Hot Inactive Veterans30Sir Binh The Elven War106
Domination30Pirate Candybeard101
Music27Sir Kobuskan100
Mad Against Drugs22Mr. Aloysius91
Revelation29Mr. Fordius85
Gladiators16Mr. Gladiatorul72
Kingdom Berserk18Mr. Arch Shade70
Fight Club25Sir Cadmus The Noble66
The Federation16Lord Uther Pendragon57

12:59:52 Jan 22nd 10 - Mr. Sable The Black Blade:

That's hot. ^_^ Lol

17:57:52 Jan 23rd 10 - Sir Ryan The Archtroll:

  1. Fate34Sir Feanor The Lazy164
  2. Hot Inactive Veterans30Sir Binh The Elven War114
  3. Domination30Pirate Candybeard106
  4. Mad Against Drugs22Mr. Aloysius100
  5. Music27Sir Kobuskan94
  6. Revelation29Mr. Fordius85
  7. Gladiators15Mr. Gladiatorul71
  8. Fight Club24Sir Cadmus The Noble68
  9. The Federation16Lord Uther Pendragon61
  10. Kingdom Berserk18Mr. Arch Shade61
Yey! We are 4th now! :D

I think we will be 3rd or 2nd in 1 week time or less. *just my thought* @.@

01:59:52 Jan 24th 10 - Sir Chee Cat:

ya third def. We be a crumblin :/.

19:44:21 Jan 26th 10 - Princess Aisha:


Fate33Sir Feanor The Lazy138

Hot Inactive Veterans31Sir Binh The Elven War100

Mad Against Drugs23Mr. Aloysius84

Domination30Pirate Candybeard73

Music29Sir Kobuskan65

19:45:48 Jan 26th 10 - Junior Guildmaster Shmeh:

Aww... but we're finally back in the top 10 :(

19:54:46 Jan 26th 10 - Princess Aisha:

I wanted to point out how some Kingdoms have lost a huge amount of percentage from Jan 23th till Jan 26th. Some cores have been breached :)
Congrats MAD on great placement on HoH :)
Also great job Fate and HiV, top two

20:41:02 Jan 26th 10 - Sir Ryan The Archtroll:

Thanks Aisha.

I just think our climb for top 3 was a result of Dom's mistake. They brought war on us instead of NAPing us. We offered them the NAP but eventually they took the cities of one of our member outside our core. So I began to marched my troops towards them. They started the war but haven't send any reinforcements for their army. Maybe they look down to us, thinking that we are not that capable of defeating them.

Soon they realize that they have done a mistake when Lew told me that she has not been wise and offer a CF with us. Which I consider too late for them and continue my forward to Starta.

I'm upset that it ended to a war with them which at first my first NAP partner in mind this era which I constantly said at our forum. Still, I think it's inevitable now.

So I think it's bad for any KD to have as many open war during early in the era if they cannot support all of their fronts.

All of this is just from my point of view.

†Sir Ryan†

20:55:21 Jan 26th 10 - Mr. Super Saiyan:

I agree 100% with you Ryan...

I would have much rather seen our kgdms have  NAP or CF with you guys. But we didnt underestimate you guys, we knew what you guys are capable of, it is unfortunte or strategy wasnt the best :), but may it was good, but yours was better dunno... in the end you guys did a great job...

tell ms bluelight she has enough AM.. she doesnt need anymore hehehe


21:27:02 Jan 26th 10 - Sir Ryan The Archtroll:

I can't tell her that. She still have AMs on training, got a target to surpass last era.

I still surprised that she had before 3 armies on HoH. Now 2. :P

02:57:04 Jan 27th 10 - Ms. Console:

Mr. Seijim has won 42 battles, captured 32 cities and killed a total of 1323035 men and women.


Ms. Bluelight has won 108 battles, captured 66 cities and killed a total of 1102278 men and women.

This is what I want to know.. :P

02:57:47 Jan 27th 10 - General Maximus Decimus Meridius:

he goes for the big kills as you can see :P

03:23:57 Jan 27th 10 - Sir Ryan The Archtroll:

Really great work for Seijim. Let's see what he has when he entered FATE core at Mant.

03:55:43 Jan 27th 10 - General Maximus Decimus Meridius:

its him fighting all of mant alone. so guessing its not much against those odds.

03:56:15 Jan 27th 10 - Endless Spankings The Naughty:

@ Console - I expect his numbers will change, he's taking a lot of undefended FC cities atm

03:59:31 Jan 27th 10 - General Maximus Decimus Meridius:

thats because their block on fant doesnt block lol free passage into their core :D so he went for it

04:09:05 Jan 27th 10 - Sir Ryan The Archtroll:

Like some of your blockers at Starta Zond? Well, we got a way through but Blue insisted to take your blocker first before pouring our troops.

07:21:05 Jan 27th 10 - Sir Chee Cat:

Then Blue is a smart individual. if i recall it was a strong armory as well ;p.

07:35:10 Jan 27th 10 - Ms. Console:

@Endless,so that's how he get that?

I just want to know who will have the most number of killed troops at the end of the era.. That is why I am watching these two.. :P

10:40:29 Jan 27th 10 - Endless Spankings The Naughty:

@Console, not all were easy ;)

Check out all the Most Fearsome lists (some were sent to lower worlds but fought on higher ones), thought I saw some people who are closing in on them

Sir Muzzy has won 81 battles, captured 56 cities and killed a total of 970767 men and women.

10:44:23 Jan 27th 10 - Chancellor Ademo The Hellbunny:

Aint Nothin Toit

Army Info
Commander:Mr. SeijimKingdom Banner
Size:Group of Armies (Around 500,000)
Status:Moving East (frozen)

Don't think he'll be entering our core anytime soon. Sorry to disappoint :)

10:50:29 Jan 27th 10 - Mr. Dalak The Dodgy Gynaecologist:

23:05:18 Jan 27th 10 - General Maximus Decimus Meridius:

Sir Ryan The Archtroll


21:09:05 Jan 26th 10
Like some of your blockers at Starta Zond? Well, we got a way through but Blue insisted to take your blocker first before pouring our troops.
 cant blame me for that, wasnt my job :P i was told my job and was thinking everyone would do theirs. but things dont always go as planned :)

00:15:46 Jan 29th 10 - Master Windu:

Can someone please update???

01:53:18 Jan 29th 10 - Sir Miles:


Fate33Sir Feanor The Lazy317

Hot Inactive Veterans31Sir Binh The Elven War244

Mad Against Drugs23Mr. Aloysius218

Gladiators14Mr. Gladiatorul152

Domination28Pirate Candybeard131

Music28Sir Kobuskan126

The Federation17Lord Uther Pendragon122

Fight Club21Sir Cadmus The Noble112

Guild of the Fallen22Toaster Struddle100

Revelation28Mr. Fordius91

03:17:57 Jan 29th 10 - Master Windu:

Okay thank you!!!!

14:31:56 Jan 29th 10 - Duke Random:


17:15:31 Jan 29th 10 - Mr. Vapor The Bloodthirsty:

Yes they Do!

21:07:36 Jan 29th 10 - Mr. Sable The Black Blade:

Fate34Sir Feanor The Lazy280
Hot Inactive Veterans31Sir Binh The Elven War215
Mad Against Drugs24Mr. Aloysius181
Gladiators14Mr. Gladiatorul133
The Federation17Lord Uther Pendragon100
Domination28Pirate Candybeard100

21:16:36 Jan 29th 10 - Mr. Kearn:

gladiators crush u noobs ololol

08:49:19 Jan 30th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

Kearn, learn to grow a brain instead of a pair. You apparently need both but it seems you need the latter of the two less.


(This is if you were only referring to crushing us) If not then we coo'


17:44:45 Jan 30th 10 - Mr. Acerf:

heh uther kearn just meant to say "look, we're placed 4th now :D" no disrespect intended ^_^

19:40:21 Jan 30th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

yeah i know


good job out there guys


15:35:07 Feb 3rd 10 - Mzz Mzzery The Mzzchievous:


Fate34Sir Feanor The Lazy100


Hot Inactive Veterans30Sir Binh The Elven War78


Mad Against Drugs27Mr. Aloysius73


Gladiators15Mr. Gladiatorul49


The Federation16Lord Uther Pendragon33


Fight Club16Flame Lord Phoenix28


Guild of the Fallen22Toaster Struddle26


Music22Lord Gilth25


Relentless20Mr. Low Rider22


Randum Teh Pokemon12Duke Random20

16:28:45 Feb 3rd 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

Good job everyone


23:22:50 Feb 3rd 10 - Judge Kobuskan:

What happend with Fight Club ???

23:27:11 Feb 3rd 10 - Junior Guildmaster Shmeh:

Exactly what i was going to ask :S.

23:37:12 Feb 3rd 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

They bent

Idk the exact reasons as to why they buckled but we've moved into Mant and have started attack BoW and people started leaving FC and scattering and next thing i knew the kd was disbanded.

For all i know they could have gotten scared (JK)

but i did hear something of the sorts that the usual leader was not running the kingdom anymore and that was causing some internal stuff

00:34:06 Feb 4th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

^^^ not really though

there were internal things going on but Flamelord is making another kd

Flamelords Legion

15:41:55 Feb 4th 10 - Mr. Legendhero:

There were some internal issue's in FC so we disabanded. Havok is a KD were people went to before the disabanding. Flamelords is the new FC.

00:59:31 Feb 5th 10 - Duke Rexar:

TOP 10


Fate34Sir Feanor The Lazy
Hot Inactive Veterans30Sir Binh The Elven War
Mad Against Drugs26Mr. Aloysius
Gladiators16Mr. Gladiatorul
The Federation16Lord Uther Pendragon
Music22Lord Gilth
Guild of the Fallen22Toaster Struddle
Relentless20Mr. Low Rider
Randum Teh Pokemon11Duke Random
Domination28Pirate Candybeard

03:52:45 Feb 5th 10 - Mr. Skinnyvinny II:

GOTF hanging tough at #7 :)

14:05:15 Feb 5th 10 - Duke Random:

uhh yeah, randum teh pokemon making their era winning run now :):):)

16:37:16 Feb 5th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

Nice and GL Random

01:01:57 Feb 6th 10 - Wolflord Karac:


Fate 34 Sir Feanor The Lazy
Hot Inactive Veterans 30 Sir Binh The Elven War
Mad Against Drugs 28 Mr. Aloysius
Gladiators 16 Mr. Gladiatorul
The Federation 16 Lord Uther Pendragon
Guild of the Fallen 22 Toaster Struddle
Music 21 Lord Gilth
Relentless 20 Mr. Low Rider
Brotherhood of the Wolf 20 Mr. Arthur Dent
Randum Teh Pokemon 11 Duke Random

15:53:54 Feb 6th 10 - Duke Rexar:

go BoW, go wolves!!!!


14:16:55 Feb 7th 10 - Duke Random:

gooo unicorns!!!

14:20:37 Feb 7th 10 - Wolflord Karac:

Really Random? You too?

14:27:33 Feb 7th 10 - Duke Random:

hahahahah <3

14:58:08 Feb 7th 10 - Mr. Fafnir:

Fate34Sir Feanor The Lazy415
Hot Inactive Veterans30Sir Binh The Elven War311
Mad Against Drugs28Mr. Aloysius310
Gladiators16Mr. Gladiatorul204
The Federation17Lord Uther Pendragon139
Guild of the Fallen22Toaster Struddle100
Relentless16Mr. Low Rider95
Music21Lord Gilth93
Brotherhood of the Wolf18Mr. Arthur Dent70
Randum Teh Pokemon10Duke Random67

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