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Forums / In game politics / The Recruitment Centre

The Recruitment Centre
06:44:50 Dec 1st 14 - Princess Aisha:

Draygon then you are lucky you do not have anyone around you, if you're a late starter, Starta is a world with no kingdoms, everyone plays for themselves (of course, there are alliances between players, but no kingdoms)

So for recruitments you need to look other worlds, but in Starta I am sure you will get to see others soon. Build guard towers for longer vision, and possibly train troops right away, I am sure it will not be long till you are spotted and attacked.

01:03:29 Dec 2nd 14 - Death Dealer (Mr. Anonymous Reaper):

The Death Dealers

Kingdom Banner

Name: The Death Dealers
Members: 3
Created: 10/10/2012 10:27:12 AM
Leader: Mr. Necro Emporos

Compare kingdom


We slay all who stand against us without fail. It does not matter if our foes are young or old, male or female, peasant or veteran soldier, death is our gift to them as we are The Death Dealers!!!


The Death Dealers will be playing on Zetamania and we are looking for active members. Please do not message the leader as he is inactive and forgot to return the leadership to me before going inactive.

Also, sorry for the stuff above being highlighted. I have no idea why it keeps doing that :(

09:03:32 Dec 7th 14 - Mr. Draygon:

im looking to find a good alliance to join next era im playing on starta now but I like more of the team battles iv played on and off for a long time looking for a good group that likes to play and win and will talk things over amongst the leaders if you have a spot let me know and I will be glad to answer any questions

22:24:28 Dec 9th 14 - Death Dealer (Prince Anonymous):

Army of Anubis

Kingdom Banner

Name: Army of Anubis
Members: 9
Created: 6/28/2010 4:18:38 AM
Leader: Prince Anonymous

Compare kingdom



We are recruiting for Mantrax age 32.

23:58:58 Dec 9th 14 - Death Dealer (Mr. Anonymous of Nirvana):

The Visual Utopia Empire

Kingdom Banner

Name: The Visual Utopia Empire
Members: 5
Created: 11/4/2014 3:04:27 AM
Leader: Mr. Anonymous of Nirvana

Compare kingdom


Home for all those who love VU ^_^


Recruiting for Nirvana age 32.

20:36:28 Dec 24th 14 - HorusPanic (Ms. Kid Friendly):

Accepting applications from vets and on-vets alike. If you are a vet, please explain to me how you will help newer players and not take advantage of being on a lower world.

04:02:00 Dec 26th 14 - Mr. Draygon:


08:42:01 Dec 26th 14 - Ms. Kiodachi:

Merry Christmas!

18:06:31 Dec 26th 14 - Ms. Kiodachi:

The Interview

Kingdom Banner

Name: The Interview
Members: 1
Created: 12/26/2014 5:13:07 AM
Leader: Ms. Kiodachi

Compare kingdom


The Interview will remain a small, but patriotic kingdom.. death to Kim Jong-un

Dave Skylark and producer Aaron Rapoport run the celebrity tabloid show "Skylark Tonight." When they land an interview with a surprise fan, North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un, they are recruited by the CIA to turn their trip to Pyongyang into an assassination mission.


07:24:33 Dec 27th 14 - Mr. Bates:

anyone looking for an experienced but rusty player for the next era?

03:13:38 Jan 6th 15 - Mr. Whopper:

Anyone recruiting for next era on any world

15:55:50 Jan 6th 15 - Mr. Soccerguy:

Bates and Whopper,

The Jester Empire returns on Fantasia next era! You are both welcome to join this ancient kingdom!

09:42:39 Feb 4th 15 - Mr. Kreed:

Relentless will be recruiting for next era for Fantasia. We currently sit at 5 members, but would like a few more. If you want to send messages to the KD, please message 1 of the vices. Pump currently isn't with us.


Kingdom Banner

Name: Relentless
Members: 6
Created: 6/24/2012 1:21:19 AM
Leader: Mr. Xxpumpxx

Compare kingdom


Come on, it will be fun


20:20:44 Feb 10th 15 - Mr. Soccer Balls:

The Jester Empire will be returning on Fantasia. This ancient kingdom is for those that love to play around and have fun......scout art, silly city names, and making fun of carnage members are required.

Stormy smells.

23:41:26 Feb 15th 15 - Mr. Kreed:

Just an FYI, Relentless is recruiting for Fant. We have 6, soon to be 7 active members. Would be nice if we could add another 2-3 players. All roles are still available, including mage. 

04:19:09 Feb 22nd 15 - Mr. Garret Jax:

Coming soon to a neighborhood near be specific..Mantrax this coming era. Brotherhood Of the Wolf is back. 

Our kingdom banner

07:46:29 Feb 22nd 15 - Mr. Soccer Has Nofriends:

BOW? Is drakos or karac playing? come to fant and play with jester like old times!

08:15:05 Feb 22nd 15 - Mr. Garret Jax:

Drakos is already on Fant under a different name already. Been back an era or two. He will be in BoW on Mantrax using one of his other character names. Karac needs more persuasion. 

15:50:41 Feb 26th 15 - Mr. Ishamael:

Wow the guy who made this thread was cool ^^

17:04:18 Feb 26th 15 - Mr. Soccer Has Nofriends:

osi smells

19:27:52 Mar 22nd 15 - Mr. Obiwancanoli:

Hello everyone,

My kingdom, Luna Wolves, is looking for a couple more active members to join us on Nirvana.  The kingdom is small but we work well together as a team and looking to build a mid-sized close-knit group to work together for many eras.  If you are interested send an app.

20:02:55 Jun 16th 15 - Death Dealer (Mr. Anonymous of Starta):

Two Steps From Hell

Kingdom Banner

Name: Two Steps From Hell
Members: 1
Created: 8/20/2012 12:53:06 AM
Leader: Mr. Anonymous of Starta

Compare kingdom



Recruiting for Starta age 36

22:43:04 Jun 16th 15 - Dark Spawn (Lord Dark Spawn):

I think the general idea for Starta is everyone for themselves, no kingdoms. Single players all for themselves on this world

23:04:18 Jun 16th 15 - Death Dealer (Mr. Anonymous of Starta):

That was before the worlds began closing, now you can only get on them through kds.

19:19:28 Jul 26th 15 - Zond (The Good Zond):

Looking for a can't KD next era.

will play mostly from my phone. Semi active. Honestly depends on the kd/style. Can be active. Can farm or some shit

message me

17:10:49 Sep 15th 15 - Ms. Poison Ivy II:

Looking for a kingdom next era on Mantrax.
Active player (most likely halfer attacker)
Semi - experienced (returning player)
Only thing I ask is kingdom use forums and not skype for communication.
Send a private message to me or character named Mia if anyone is interested.

00:08:07 Sep 18th 15 - Random (Mr. Good Random):

gud player LFG.

msg me on skype if you want me to come play xo

13:54:13 Sep 18th 15 - Bran (Mr. Telcontar):

The Dunedain

Kingdom Banner

Name: The Dunedain
Members: 1
Created: 9/17/2015 8:03:49 PM
Leader: Mr. Telcontar

Compare kingdom



new kd playing fant next era. only accepting human members

19:13:15 Sep 18th 15 - Mr. Todd L Fondler:

That rules out shyers(identifies as a cat). And i mostly play as troll.

21:23:08 Sep 18th 15 - Bran (Ms. Branni):

so shyers is like one of them cats from skyrim?

22:07:36 Sep 19th 15 - Death Dealer (Prince Anonymous):

Army of Anubis

Kingdom Banner

Name: Army of Anubis
Members: 7
Created: 6/28/2010 4:18:38 AM
Leader: Prince Anonymous

Compare kingdom



We are recruiting for a new age on Mantrax

All are welcome to join ^_^

16:45:54 Oct 12th 15 - Mr. Ipointbreak:


Kingdom Banner

Members: 2
Created: 10/11/2015 11:24:25 PM
Leader: Mr. Ipointbreak

 Currently Recruiting,

20:49:20 Oct 24th 15 - Mr. Illusionist:


Kingdom Banner

Members: 2
Created: 10/11/2015 11:24:25 PM
Leader: Mr. Ipointbreak

 Currently Recruiting,

Anyone Willing to Join us please do make this Era a memorable one.

21:37:27 Oct 24th 15 - Mr. Todd L Fondler:

What map you at? Come to Fantasia!

22:14:10 Oct 24th 15 - Quirinus (Mr. Quirinus IV):

We can make memories together any day, baby.

22:40:36 Oct 24th 15 - shyers (Mr. Shyzilla):

Nope, you guys come to mant

09:49:13 Nov 2nd 15 - Ryan the Archion (Duke Ryan The Innocent):

Mad and Dangerous

Kingdom Banner

Name: Mad and Dangerous
Members: 5
Created: 6/27/2010 5:32:19 PM
Leader: Sir Aloysius LXVII

We are recruiting, old members are welcome to join back.

00:20:27 Nov 8th 15 - Mr. Friedhelm Hentschel:

Organisation Wehrwolf

Kingdom Banner

Name: Organisation Wehrwolf
Members: 4
Created: 10/2/2015 1:42:26 PM
Leader: Mr. Sumimoto III

Compare kingdom


Org. Wehrwolf is a kd which strives to forward the movement for nationalism, and conservative values. We support national culture, social responsibility, and teamwork. If you need training, or would like to hone your skills at this game, please send us your application. 

Our honor is called loyalty!

NOTE: This kd, its leadership, and members do not support Nazism, Hitlerism, or any ideologies which openly support racist beliefs. 

01:23:24 Nov 8th 15 - Mr. Todd L Fondler:

I have reported something here which i didnt mean to. Think it was the MAD post. Would just line to say im on mt

y phone and it wasnt intentional.

19:41:45 Nov 25th 15 - Duke Sesughte The Lowborn:

Masked Men Of Ogun

Kingdom Banner

Name: Masked Men Of Ogun
Members: 2
Created: 11/14/2015 11:47:13 PM
Leader: Duke Sesughte The Lowborn

Compare kingdom


The Orisha Are Not Dead.


Recruiting new players willing to learn and experienced players willing to teach. 

Currently on fantasia , looking to stay around for the long term and form a training kingdom. 

Message me with any questions 

18:49:39 Dec 8th 15 - Master Cloutier:

outlawz are looking for members to join good vs evil

02:34:19 Dec 9th 15 - Arkantos (Mr. Vivi):

The Titans are recruiting on Valhalla.

05:45:14 Dec 31st 15 - Arkantos (Sir Ajax):


Kingdom Banner

Name: Underdogs
Members: 6
Created: 12/16/2015 12:25:48 AM
Leader: Sir Ajax

Compare kingdom


We are a newly formed kingdom in the realm of Fantasia. We are currently accepting applications so feel free to send yours.


Kingdom Of Ferakin

Kingdom Banner

Name: Kingdom Of Ferakin
Members: 2
Created: 11/20/2012 5:41:14 PM
Leader: King Burninglegion The Ancient

Compare kingdom


The Kingdom Of Ferakin are warriors who seek Justice and live for the thrill of battle

Our Goverment is a Diplomatic Monarchy fueled by the fires of honor

I, King Burninglegion need your help defending the realm of Mantrax from the Barbaric hordes which roam freely under no established Goverment.


13:32:17 Feb 1st 16 - Arkantos (Mr. Vivi):

Greetings, Are you a new player? Have you landed on the world of Valhalla? Are you looking for a kingdom to join? If so I personally invite you to join the Titans, We are a kingdom developed to teach new players about the game and guide them into their future of VU. It might not seem like much but I offer you all of my knowledge, Protection and friendliness and all I ask in return is the willingness to Obey and the respect not to leave your lands leaderless for extended periods of time. So please feel free to send an application all are accepted.

Also have an opening for a Viceroy who is passionate about teaching new players.


01:58:39 Mar 15th 16 - HorusPanic (Lord Horus):

Looking for a Fant and Mant KD

02:01:16 Mar 15th 16 - Arkantos (Sir Ajax):

Horus! long time no see. We lost this era(still going though) but will giving it another go next era!


Kingdom Banner

Name: Underdogs
Members: 14
Created: 12/16/2015 12:25:48 AM
Leader: Sir Ajax

Compare kingdom


We are a newly built kingdom that resides in the realm of Fantasia. Most of our leadership will be glad to train new players personally. We are currently accepting applications, Feel free to apply.


04:16:01 Mar 23rd 16 - Cloutier (Mr. Deathknight):

lol. that's about how many play now. haha

Sir Corollin II of Acre:

i need 10 - 11 People for the Kingdom of Imperium Of Knights lol on Zetamania.

20:10:52 Mar 27th 16 - Mr. Sesughter The Warg:

where did you find that? lol its from a long time ago 

19:59:14 Apr 1st 16 - Mr. Bigfield The Farmer:

Do you seek a slightly less aggressive alternative?

Hammer and Shield

Kingdom Banner

Name: Hammer and Shield
Members: 2
Created: 4/1/2016 7:10:04 PM
Leader: Mr. Bigfield The Farmer


We are a merchant conglomerate that exercises protection of those under our banner, and measured justice against those that choose to offend our territorial integrity.

We do not seek war without first deliberating among all members. We seek peace and prosperity at home, and fraternity and commerce abroad.


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