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Forums / In game politics / The Recruitment Centre

The Recruitment Centre
05:31:28 Jun 4th 16 - Xerxes The Great (Mr. Xerxes The Late):

Looking for a KD on Fant for next era

23:11:07 Jun 5th 16 - Mr. Albatross:

Join Albatross! We're recruiting and up & coming - room to steer and be heavily involved. 

02:58:14 Jun 18th 16 - Mr. Mog:

Looking for a kingdom on Mantrax next era. Possibly interested in Fantasian kingdom offers as well.

Mog you are welcome is House Baratheon

05:27:39 Jun 18th 16 - Mr. Mog:

Offer accepted.

10:29:25 Jun 18th 16 - Mr. Splat:

Thinking of joining mant Kd next era..

20:10:36 Jun 18th 16 - Xerxes The Great (Sir Xerxes The Returned):

I too am looking for Mant. Kingdom. 

20:27:10 Jun 18th 16 - Acerf (Mr. Acerf):

im thinking of making a new one, would you guys be interested in starting a new one?

20:37:08 Jun 18th 16 - Sir Scimitar:

Collective will not play next era, so if its the same situation:
House Baratheon - maybe close to 15 members
Forgotten Warriors - usually 4 to 6 players
Shaolin Monks - previous era 3 players
Hammer and Shield - maybe 3-4 players

I encourage joining one of the existing ones rather than make another 3 man kingdom to fight a 15 members kingdom. You will stand better chance with some numbers.

22:49:01 Jun 18th 16 - Mr. Israel Dambal The Snake:

if your looking for members hit me with a message Acerf

I doubt we will hit 15 players, probably 10-15. 

Actives are always welcome in House Baratheon

01:04:56 Jun 19th 16 - Mr. Edi:

Will be looking to join a kingdom on Mantrax.

06:40:42 Jun 19th 16 - Acerf (Mr. Acerf):

Ok ill be creating a new KD on mantrax, member cap will be 10 though pretty sure it wont even get close to that. Will post more details tomorrow when i have pc access. All are welcome , veterans especially =)

19:20:02 Jun 19th 16 - Acerf (Mr. Acerf Gruk):

White Walkers

Kingdom Banner

Name: White Walkers
Members: 2
Created: 6/19/2016 5:17:51 PM
Leader: Mr. Acerf Gruk

Compare kingdom


All players are welcome to join. Member limit: 10

Playing on Mantrax

More info coming soon...


Alright Ive just made a new KD - White Walkers. haha a little cheesy but im reading the series now and i figured since theres House of Baratheons we might as well start a little Game of Thrones theme =)

If anyone is looking for a KD to play with starting next era on mantrax please consider joining us, thanks!

Awesome im looking forward to it

00:24:03 Jun 24th 16 - Acerf (Mr. Acerf Zul):

~10 hrs until new era of mantrax begins, join before its too late!

White Walkers

Kingdom Banner

Name: White Walkers
Members: 4
Created: 6/19/2016 5:17:51 PM
Leader: Mr. Acerf Zul



All players are welcome to join. Member limit: 10
Playing on Mantrax

First White Walkers were discovered on June 19th of year 2016. 
Sighting of Others confirmed on Mantrax age 45.


17:23:22 Jul 8th 16 - HorusPanic (Lord Horus):

FREE AGENT: Horus, for Fant (next era)

Promise not to quit for the WHOLE ERA!!!!!

20:44:03 Jul 8th 16 - HorusPanic (Lord Horus):

^ recruited, disregard

23:51:56 Jul 8th 16 - Venomz (High Warlord Venomz):

Wondering if I get any offers from kingdoms. Free agent next era also up for new adventures.

00:51:16 Jul 9th 16 - Mr. Richard The Second:

Looking for a kingdom on Fantasia as well, semi active player. Looking for some fun

01:44:08 Jul 10th 16 - Mr. Richard The Second:

Well ok I guess I will start without a kingdom and welcome death at oop time.

For a game thats struggling for members, kinda surprised nobody wants members.

01:52:30 Jul 10th 16 - Bran (Mr. Bran):

i just landed kingdomless. which kds are active?

02:56:55 Jul 10th 16 - Arkantos (Lord Arkantos):

I am also looking for a kingdom on fantasia.

17:22:20 Jul 10th 16 - Mr. Sprout:

Dead Weight is accepting all apps new and old players welcome.

Arkantos join C2E! 

18:39:58 Jul 10th 16 - Woody (Mr. Woodeh):

Albatross is active, mix of new and experianced players, looking for a mage bran ;)

18:46:26 Jul 10th 16 - Bran (Mr. Bran):

i landed as a dwarf woody

15:15:49 Jul 28th 16 - HorusPanic (Mr. Teacher):

CALLING ALL NEW-ISH PLAYERS (assuming you exist)


Black Flag II

Kingdom Banner

Name: Black Flag II
Members: 1
Created: 7/13/2016 9:04:28 PM
Leader: Mr. Teacher

Compare kingdom


Willing to take on one or two disciples.

Black Flag is a small, but effective kingdom of no more than 5 members. We desire to earn respect through hard work, efficient combat, and optimal strategy. Our members MUST be active, there is no exception. We will train those who are willing to learn. If you wish to be a part of this please contact leadership. Experience is preferred, but not required.

As a kingdom, it is our philosophy to engage those who are stronger than us. We will not prey on the weak. We are honest, but we do not disclose information about allies. 

War, that mad game the world so loves to play. ~Jonathan Swift


House Baratheon will be disbanded this era

I encourage my members as well as members from other kingdoms to create smaller GoT Houses.

I will be creating another House soon after disbanding with less members then the current House Baratheon.

Mantrax will be the Game of Thrones inspired world!

16:44:09 Jul 28th 16 - HorusPanic (Sir Panics Stolen Name):

or.... join RoC!!!

The Royal Order is recruiting for next era on Mantrax

Royal Order of Claidhmore

Kingdom Banner

Name: Royal Order of Claidhmore
Members: 1
Created: 7/14/2016 7:08:36 PM
Leader: Sir Panics Stolen Name

Compare kingdom


The Royal Order of Claidhmore was created for fighting our common enemies, chivalry, and loyalty towards those who are our allies. We accomplish this with a fair amount of ruthlessness towards our enemies and whatever other scum we come across.

Now The Royal Order of Claidhmore seeks new members, who will fight for reasons outlined above. Members, who have an offensive attitude, members who wants a reputation based on bravery.

Our goal is to be a kingdom others would prefer more to have friendly relations rather than having us as enemies - no matter what world we might be in.

Rulers who think we suit them are welcome to send in an application. As usual, we - the council of RoC - wants to know more about you, so personal information as previous names used and which kingdoms you have been a member of, are expected in the application.

Leader of The Royal Order of Claidhmore
On own and behalf of our kingdom council
(which has yet to be fully established)

House Lannister is looking for smaller Houses to pledge loyality to help conquer Mantrax together!

House Lannister

Kingdom Banner

Name: House Lannister
Members: 3
Created: 8/3/2016 3:58:03 PM
Leader: King Burninglegion The Lannister

Compare kingdom


House Lannister of Casterly Rock is one of the Great Houses of Westeros, one of its richest and most powerful families and oldest dynasty

"Hear me Roar" is our official House words
"A Lannister always pays his debts" is our unofficial words

-King Burninglegion is the current leader of House Lannister and is looking for smaller Houses to pledge loyalty to help conquer Mantrax.


- close -

19:32:19 Aug 4th 16 - McMax (Mr. Mcmax):

Now I have seen this too.

RoC is still alive?!

20:06:33 Aug 4th 16 - HorusPanic (Sir Panic The Recruiter):

McMax, get your ass over here, its a fucking party up in here

07:46:59 Aug 5th 16 - McMax (Mr. Mcmax):

Have the bugs been corrected since I left? Those were my mainreason to quit.

13:35:22 Aug 5th 16 - HorusPanic (Mr. Polymer):

What bugs? 

20:31:30 Aug 7th 16 - McMax (Mr. Mcmax):

I know this isn't the right forum, but I have to get used to the structure (if I continue) again.

Bugs in general.... there are a section for that.....How many of the old ones have been resolved?

But one special, that might be a bug or a glitch (don't know), was where you could strip a player for all sciences.

No matter, I have to go through the old forums to give a good answer to you of my personal opinion (which will be done personal then).

23:53:36 Aug 7th 16 - Mr. Sprout:

Come on McMax if I can return for a few fun eras surly you can too :P

@McMax, that's not a bug nor glitch. It's a legit magic spell called Steal Science. I just casted that to Burning Legion at Fant.

It was a cold blooded move, i cant sleep at night since ryan violated my sciences

07:34:25 Aug 8th 16 - Acerf (Mr. Acerf):

Seriously the fear is real

Duke Ryan The Archion XXXIII attempted to cast a spell upon us.
I can feel my hair turning gray from the stress

Recruiting in Mantrax!

House Lannister

Kingdom Banner

Name: House Lannister
Members: 3
Created: 8/3/2016 3:58:03 PM
Leader: King Burninglegion The Lannister

Compare kingdom


House Lannister of Casterly Rock is one of the Great Houses of Westeros, one of its richest and most powerful families and oldest dynasty

"Hear me Roar" is our official House words
"A Lannister always pays his debts" is our unofficial words

-King Burninglegion is the current leader of House Lannister and is looking for smaller Houses to pledge loyalty to help conquer Mantrax.


- close -

06:14:00 Aug 10th 16 - Acerf (Mr. Acerf Hupak):

Hello, White Walkers are recruiting more members for Mantrax.

White Walkers

Kingdom Banner

Name: White Walkers
Members: 7
Created: 6/19/2016 5:17:51 PM
Leader: Mr. Acerf Hupak

Compare kingdom


All players are welcome to join. Member limit: 10
Playing on Mantrax

>>First White Walkers were discovered on June 19th of year 2016.
>>Sighting of Others confirmed on Mantrax age 45. Few in numbers the wave of death never gained momentum, remaining, beaten-up forces pulled back into the dark lands,... waiting...
>>Mantrax age 46 - presence of White Walkers confirmed.


06:40:20 Aug 20th 16 - Xerxes The Great (Mr. Xerxes The Atrocious):

What Kindoms are on Fant this era?

10:46:21 Aug 20th 16 - Sir Caedus:

Albatross will be making an appearance - feel free to join us ;) 

04:03:43 Sep 12th 16 - Mr. Ljthegod:

The Undead

Kingdom Banner

Name: The Undead
Members: 4
Created: 9/10/2016 10:11:05 AM
Leader: Mr. Ljthegod


We're on Valhalla and recruiting. Needs to be active and communicate.

21:00:02 Sep 12th 16 - Knigh (Mr. Knigh):

Whos playing zeta this era

01:39:03 Sep 13th 16 - Mr. Necro Emporos:

Death Dealers are, as always. However Zetamania seems to be broken at the moment.

Humans only on Zetamania


Kingdom Banner

Name: Anthropocentrism
Members: 4
Created: 9/12/2016 12:20:41 AM
Leader: Mr. Burninglegion The Silverknight

Compare kingdom


Anthropocentrism is the belief that human beings are the central or most significant species on the planet (in the sense that they are considered to have a moral status or value higher than that of all other organisms).

The Human race is superior to all other races, If you are Human you may contact Lord Theophilus or Lord Burninglegion to discuss relations or treaties.


02:16:14 Sep 15th 16 - Mr. Necro Emporos:

Due to some recent inactivity Death Dealers could do with 2 or 3 new active members. We are located on Zetamania. If you're active and want to join, send in a request.

The Death Dealers

Kingdom Banner

Name: The Death Dealers
Members: 10
Created: 10/10/2012 10:27:12 AM
Leader: Mr. Necro Emporos

Compare kingdom


We slay all who stand against us without fail. It does not matter if our foes are young or old, male or female, peasant or veteran soldier, death is our gift to them as we are The Death Dealers!!!


19:58:15 Sep 15th 16 - McMax (Mr. Mcelf):

Guess I'm "free" on the Zeta-marked.

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