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Forums / In game politics / The Recruitment Centre

The Recruitment Centre
11:20:44 Dec 13th 17 - Dark Spawn (Lord Dark Spawn):

We had about 15 people wanting to play but the condition was that Zeta ends yesterday or two days ago (people having extra free time now) but since its still not over, all that is not happening. Zeta will have the same situation

14:09:41 Dec 13th 17 - Mr. Scimitar The Mad:

This is pretty stup1d...

Its like the game makes sure people don't return to play...

So I've been waiting for a week for a new era
What else is there to do...

Join a running world? All of them are 30-40 days in
So I would just end up getting killed at oop, or they would let me build if I was tagless... and if I wanted to fight, I attack and get killed....what fun is in that?

And all of the worlds are in the same situation

1* FantasiaOpen50002bigsnowmap3624442%
New player worlds (with 50% protection)
Special worlds (Different game mechanics)

It pretty much tell people not to return, cause there is no news when there might be a new world open. Inactive admin does not even close Zeta and people have been waiting for days... 

I was gonna bring back my kingdom, but I gave up now.
You guys need to change lots of things in the game, cause now you're just pushing people that want to play away.

23:53:18 Dec 13th 17 - Ms. Carolann:

I'm looking to play as a kingdom mage on either zetamania OR mantrax when they restart.  I have several ages of past experience, though it's been almost a year.  I won't have the activity level needed for Fantasia. :)

10:13:48 Dec 14th 17 - Death Dealer (Mr. Death Dealer):

Your welcome to join The Death Dealers on Zeta :)

18:07:04 Dec 14th 17 - Ohmly (Mr. Idkwattodo):

Hello VU. Been a long time. Was gonna reboot Beothuk on Zeta. Been a long time since I was active. Any of the old gang wanna join (or still around)?

19:20:17 Dec 14th 17 - HorusPanic (Sir Panic):

i cannot stay off of zeta with anon and beothuck and a new map... shit is gonna be tight

06:54:33 Dec 15th 17 - McMax (Battlemage Mcmax And His Horse):

It's Bigsnowmap Horus. The same as on Fant.

16:54:09 Dec 15th 17 - HorusPanic (Mr. Polymer):


Either way, I'll probably make an appearance again - reluctantly

13:16:10 Dec 16th 17 - Mr. Goodfellow:

Returning player, probably for one era will be pretty  active as its the holidays, looking for a Kingdom on Fant. 

16:01:34 Dec 16th 17 - Death Dealer (Mr. Death Dealer):

The Death Dealers

Kingdom Banner

Name: The Death Dealers
Members: 3
Created: 12/8/2017 5:35:45 PM
Leader: Mr. Death Dealer

Compare kingdom


We slay all who stand against us without fail. It does not matter the foe. Be it young or old, male or female, peasant or veteran soldier, death is our gift to them as we are the Death Dealers!


Looking for more players to join us here on Zeta. At the very least we need one or two more members...

19:00:46 Dec 16th 17 - Sir Scimitar:

I created Azarath kingdom, got friends to join

But we pretty much just decided we will not be playing this era
Talked to Sisters kingdom, they also will not play this era.

It will be 2-3 people in Beothuk vs 2-3 people in Death Dealers

19:09:45 Dec 16th 17 - Ella (Ms. Ella):

Confirmed, we will return one of the next eras in good numbers

19:44:19 Dec 16th 17 - Ms. Carolann:

There's 7 kingdoms on the list, 2 deciding not to play leaves 5, not just 2. :)

20:27:04 Dec 16th 17 - Death Dealer (Mr. Death Dealer):

I'm sure there will be a few kds playing from the looks of it and maybe several players from each that are active enough to play.

Also, when and why did everyone start dog piling on Mant?

21:12:26 Dec 16th 17 - Mr. Merge Pumper:

anonymous is just me this era, nobody else landed :(

19:31:12 Dec 19th 17 - Nayoke the Kid (Mr. Nayoke The Chuunin):

if anyone is looking for another interesting game to play between tics check out hearthstone :3

23:43:32 Dec 25th 17 - Death Dealer (Prince Anonymous):

Army of Anubis

Kingdom Banner

Name: Army of Anubis
Members: 2
Created: 6/28/2010 4:18:38 AM
Leader: Prince Anonymous

Compare kingdom



Recruiting for Mantrax age 56.

18:37:36 Dec 31st 17 - Cao Cao (Mr. Slaughterfest):

Anyone on Mantrax looking for a kd? Royal Order of the Claidhmore is looking for some new members next era.

Royal Order of Claidhmore

Kingdom Banner

Name: Royal Order of Claidhmore
Members: 10
Created: 7/14/2016 7:08:36 PM
Leader: Battlemage Mcmax The Humble

00:38:39 Jan 1st 18 - McMax (Mr. Gubernator Maximus):

True as it is written.

Happy NewYear to all btw.

22:05:30 Jan 1st 18 - Death Dealer (Prince Anonymous):

Army of Anubis

Kingdom Banner

Name: Army of Anubis
Members: 4
Created: 6/28/2010 4:18:38 AM
Leader: Prince Anonymous

Compare kingdom



Looking for more members to play on Mantrax. Just apply or send me a pm.

Taking in two more members

House Mormont

Kingdom Banner

Name: House Mormont
Members: 12
Created: 9/23/2016 6:34:31 PM
Leader: King Burninglegion The Wrathful

Compare kingdom


House Mormont of Bear Island:

"We are not a large House, but we're a proud one. And every man from Bear Island fights with the strength of ten mainlanders!" 

"Here we Stand!" is our battle cry

House Mormont has stood throughout the ages to be one of the oldest Houses in Mantrax and it will continue to stand against all odds.

-King Burninglegion of Bear Island


- close -

01:12:02 Jan 27th 18 - Mr. Jeremybeadlehand:

dark lord ball fluff...i remember him. the gheyest electrician in england

13:42:24 Feb 1st 18 - Death Dealer (Prince Anonymous):

The Death Dealers

Kingdom Banner

Name: The Death Dealers
Members: 3
Created: 12/8/2017 5:35:45 PM
Leader: Mr. Death Dealer

Compare kingdom


We slay all who stand against us without fail. It does not matter the foe. Be it young or old, male or female, peasant or veteran soldier, death is our gift to them as we are the Death Dealers!


The Death Dealers is looking for more active players to join in ruling the realm of Zeta once again. 

We have not landed yet so PM me if you are interested in joining.

Accepting 1 or 2 members

House Mormont

Kingdom Banner

Name: House Mormont
Members: 10
Created: 9/23/2016 6:34:31 PM
Leader: King Burninglegion The Wrathful

Compare kingdom


House Mormont of Bear Island:

"We are not a large House, but we're a proud one. And every man from Bear Island fights with the strength of ten mainlanders!" 

"Here we Stand!" is our battle cry

House Mormont has stood throughout the ages to be one of the oldest Houses in Mantrax and it will continue to stand against all odds.

-King Burninglegion of Bear Island


- close -

18:04:16 Mar 19th 18 - HorusPanic (Lord Horus C):

Also recruiting on Mantrax 

Royal Order of Claidhmore

Kingdom Banner

Name: Royal Order of Claidhmore
Members: 12
Created: 7/14/2016 7:08:36 PM
Leader: Lord Horus C

Compare kingdom


The Royal Order of Claidhmore was created for fighting our common enemies, chivalry, and loyalty towards those who are our allies. We accomplish this with a fair amount of ruthlessness towards our enemies and whatever other scum we come across.

Now The Royal Order of Claidhmore seeks new members, who will fight for reasons outlined above. Members, who have an offensive attitude, members who wants a reputation based on bravery.

Our goal is to be a kingdom others would prefer more to have friendly relations rather than having us as enemies - no matter what world we might be in.

Rulers who think we suit them are welcome to send in an application. As usual, we - the council of RoC - wants to know more about you, so personal information as previous names used and which kingdoms you have been a member of, are expected in the application.

Leader of The Royal Order of Claidhmore
On my own and on behalf of our kingdom council

01:04:22 Jun 5th 18 - Princess Aisha:

Looking to join a kingdom on Fantasia for next era.
Experienced and active player, prefer to play Halfer or Troll
But can play any role needed, would prefer not to play mage.
For full transparency, just returend after being banned in the multi sweep.
Expected any kingdom that would accept me would possibly lose some honor and respect among the more honorable players.

Any questions or more information needed, please IM me.

05:06:46 Jun 5th 18 - Mr. Fecker:

you sound like a fecker

06:14:07 Jun 5th 18 - Captain Charmed:

Will be playing next era, but I'm just a kingdom of one lol

And who cares what others thinks?

The only thing that affects are alliances and...

Alliances exist for the sole purpose of disappointing you when you need them the most and it turns out they're inactive fucks.

19:10:52 Jul 18th 18 - The Real Josh (Peasant Fcuker):

Looking for KD.

I'll exist for the sole purpose of disappointing you when you need me the most and it turns out im an inactive fuck

03:47:26 Aug 14th 18 - General Dalinar Kholin:

The Knights Radiant is in need of members to join its ranks and speak the oaths. These are our ideals.

"Life before death, strength before weakness, journey before destination”

  • Life before death - The Radiant seeks to defend life, always. He never kills unnecessarily, and never risks his own life for frivolous reasons. Living is harder than dying. The Radiant's duty is to live. 
  • Strength before weakness - All men are weak at some time in their lives. The Radiant protects those who are weak, and uses his strength for others. Strength does not make one capable of rule; it makes one capable of service. 
  • Journey before destination - There are always several ways to achieve a goal. Failure is preferable to winning through unjust means. Protecting ten innocents is not worth killing one. In the end, all men die. How you lived will be far more important to the Almighty than what you accomplished.

The Knights Radiant

Kingdom Banner

Name: The Knights Radiant
Members: 4
Created: 8/3/2018 11:22:15 PM
Leader: General Dalinar Kholin



Life before death. Strength before weakness. Journey before destination.


03:54:02 Aug 31st 18 - Ms. Jasmina:

Recruiting on Valhalla for next era
We need one or two more active players

If you are interested please include how many eras you played and what your previous names were. What race and game style you prefer (attacker, defender, mage) and give us as much information as you can so we can make decision easier.

Death Angels

Kingdom Banner

Name: Death Angels
Members: 7
Created: 7/24/2018 8:23:55 PM
Leader: Ms. Jasmina

Compare kingdom



03:55:59 Aug 31st 18 - Mr. Sexy Fecker:

I'll join you on Val. Bring some sexy to Val finally

18:42:40 Sep 1st 18 - The Sidodis:

Greetings o7

19:31:03 Sep 1st 18 - HorusPanic (Mr. Qanic):

SWM seeking partner for one lifetime of zetamania

Ill play elf, you play w/e... we'll make magic together

One night stands only apply

19:32:43 Sep 1st 18 - Mr. Sexy Fecker:

I was looking for something more meaningful :(

20:12:42 Sep 9th 18 - Sir Edi The Great:

Anyone recruiting for Fantasia next era?

20:14:59 Sep 9th 18 - Bran (Mr. Rees Mogg):

abydos will probably take you on, as we need more members to counter blings farming/mass-napping tactics

23:21:58 Sep 9th 18 - Mr. Sexy Fecker:

09:27:50 Sep 10th 18 - Bran (Mr. Rees Mogg):

very good bling, but my country dfeated the germans and im proud of it

11:01:48 Sep 10th 18 - Mr. Sexy Fecker:

Sure, you keep telling yourself that. History doesn't support the facts. Plus you fought the nazi's, of which you are one, so how did you win? 

11:05:55 Sep 10th 18 - Bran (Mr. Rees Mogg):

dont worry about how i won. how did i fight myself? your statement is illogical

11:11:16 Sep 10th 18 - Mr. Sexy Fecker:

No Bran, whats illogical is that in this day and age, anyone could have the racist tendencies and ignorance that you uniquely posses.  You see the world moved on from 1945, except you and whichever history teacher taught you.

The defeat of the nazi's was PURELY down to the Russians. All the Britain did was bomb civilians. Russia fought the hardest battles, killed more and lost more than all the other nations combined. So get off your high horse, because Great Britain became average over a century ago, which is why no one gives a fuck.

11:16:54 Sep 10th 18 - Bran (Mr. Rees Mogg):

how are you accusing me of being a nazi on the one hand, but also youre discrediting me because UK didnt defeat the nazis single handed? what exactly is your point, do you have one or are you just incoherently hurling insults?

11:30:19 Sep 10th 18 - Mr. Sexy Fecker:

Yeah, you're an ignorant racist twat who hasn't got a clue about anything.

20:34:14 Sep 10th 18 - Sir Edi The Great:

Fanta will last for quite time still, right?

21:21:01 Sep 10th 18 - HorusPanic (Sir Panic):

yes, far from over

the current meta is for a 60 day era

21:24:37 Sep 10th 18 - Bran (Mr. Rees Mogg):

send an app, and then PM the vice, as the leader isnt active atm

03:46:49 Sep 11th 18 - Sir Edi The Great:

Bran, month in, would be way too late, I will wait next era, thanx for invite

03:50:57 Sep 11th 18 - HorusPanic (Mr. Qanic):

Just play halfer its easy

15:48:22 Sep 20th 18 - Mr. Jayce:

Im looking for a kingdom in Fant for next era. Im an old returning player but not really good at the game, just enough to carry my weight maybe.

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