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Forums / In game politics / The Recruitment Centre

The Recruitment Centre
18:44:09 Nov 11th 19 - Penguin (Clown Immacumonyourtowns):

Herro. Me new here. Me wanna play. Can me join you? Please

00:53:51 Nov 12th 19 - Mr. Dwagon The Bestest:

youza green? youza grey? then comza joinza Horde

(if your orc or troll join send application to The Horde and your in)

12:54:58 Nov 20th 19 - Lord Caedus:

Albatross are looking to recruit a small band of soldiers that fancy the challenge of Fantasia. 

We're small but looking to recruit good players and a few newbies that wish to be trained up. 

We don't take ourselves too seriously and enjoy the flow of the game. :) 

14:38:06 Nov 20th 19 - Mr. Bling Babe:

None of us take you seriously either ...

16:25:04 Nov 22nd 19 - Lord Caedus:

Bling <3 Love the fact you're still skulking around the forums despite the repeated threats to quit and continued false claims about filing a law suit against Zeta. It's almost like you don't have any friends in RL? 

Don't worry babe - you're more than welcome to join Alba. We're an accepting bunch; we'll be your friend. 

17:11:58 Nov 22nd 19 - Penguin (Clown Thebornloser):

no thanks

08:55:44 Dec 23rd 19 - Exalted Battlemaster Salamon:

We, Holy, are looking for 2 active recruits who is willing to learn and play with a very coordinated team. Skype required. Prefer someone new or still learning.  Valhalla only. Please message me ingame.

23:54:48 Dec 27th 19 - Emperor Wumy Godi:


Kingdom Banner

Name: Poppicorns
Members: 2
Created: 12/27/2019 11:41:09 PM
Leader: Emperor Wumy Godi



Ignorantia juris neminem excusat


13:54:20 Dec 31st 19 - Sir Edi The Great:

Been gone since September

What updates were there in the meanwhile?
Who is looking for new member going active after New Year?

About me:
Very bad in leadership
Bad at oop
Quite bad late era
Not good mid era

Been in several kingdoms but nobody will know me due to my terrible game. 
I am not Eddie from Relentless
People confuse me with him and I get mistaken for a good player. In reality I am trash.

Anyone interested?

06:21:11 Jan 15th 20 - The Real Josh (Ms. Armageddon The Caster):

Damn now that's how to recruit!
Should DEFINITELY add your dislike of working with other.

06:21:54 Jan 15th 20 - The Real Josh (Ms. Armageddon The Caster):

Ooh and your objections to any and all authority figures.

06:23:23 Jan 15th 20 - The Real Josh (Ms. Armageddon The Caster):

Annnd don't forget your complete lack of interest in playing any other race but halter.

06:26:27 Jan 15th 20 - The Real Josh (Ms. Armageddon The Caster):

Actually, Can I get Eddie from Relentless?

14:13:34 Jan 15th 20 - Dakarta (Lord Dacarta):

I love the quadruple post...

15:06:44 Jan 15th 20 - Sir Edi The Great:

Well said Josh

However to correct you
Dislike to work with Abydos scum
All others I am happy to work with.

Objection to authority if those are Aby scum
Played halfer for a long time
However held half Aby back by myself as Troll
Died only when was double teamed and my ally unexpectedly escaped the blocker.

But then, don’t ecpect reason from Aby member
Was able to get in kingdoms quickly, but waiting next era to hopefully run into you in the map.

06:03:55 Jan 16th 20 - The Real Josh (Prince Jurganious Plebious):

Sure Edi. Suure.

Come to mant, Find me there, Maybe Sprout will accept you if he hasn't rage quit by eras end. Or maybe The other KD with ED and chade in it.. what ever their name is!

10:14:27 Jan 27th 20 - Penguin (Clown Water):

oh the great elements are looking for a couple additional players

PM me with your past names if you would like to join us next era. 

12:26:06 Jan 27th 20 - Mr. Skele Tor:

So only experienced veteran players who have past names are welcomed?

15:15:36 Jan 27th 20 - Mr. Colossal Guardian:

Zetamania Recruitment open. Looking for 2 players new/old. Kd cap 3 members. Pm me ASAP.


Kingdom Banner

Name: Dreadnaught
Members: 1
Created: 1/27/2020 2:51:38 PM
Leader: Mr. Tartorus General



Sky hasn't fall, because... i hold it upppp. Is Mother Earth calling me?

KD cap 3. For Recruitment pm Colossal Guardian.


16:25:36 Jan 27th 20 - Mr. Tartorus General:

Edit: *for recruitment pm Tartorus General.

18:22:04 Feb 22nd 20 - McMax (Battlemage Mcmax):

RoC could surely need some players on Mantrax.

Of course Cao and I could make a little party for ourself - but it would become somewhat more funny if we were just a few more...........

A new kingdom is made in Val to challenge top val kds! Anyone interested, can join.

Will run mainly from next era.

Nazguls Playground

Kingdom Banner

Name: Nazguls Playground
Members: 1
Created: 2/23/2020 9:01:03 PM
Leader: Mr. The Banished



Come not between the Nazgul and his prey! Or thou shall be burned to death, where thy flesh shall be devoured, and thy shriveled mind be left naked to the Lidless Eye.

*Open to applications for everyone.


04:59:35 Feb 26th 20 - Emperor Leprechaun:

Who needs an active player on mantrax?

13:22:24 Feb 26th 20 - Cao Cao (Ghostmaster Caos All Alone):

RoC does, join us

13:43:59 Feb 26th 20 - Phat (Mr. Slaughter of Laughter):

We need activity in church!

16:45:03 Feb 26th 20 - Penguin (Clown Rohypnol):

recruit me? 

03:44:25 Feb 27th 20 - Mr. Aussie:

Interesting :)

Message from Mr. Triforce

Kingdom Application

Mr. Triforce (2/17/2020 12:29:21 AM) GOOD BAD
Triforce wants to join your kingdom; Riven. This is his reason to join:
Pls let join.
You (2/17/2020 9:50:53 AM)
Hi. Are you a new or a returning player?
Mr. Triforce (2/17/2020 2:52:07 PM) GOOD BAD
You (2/17/2020 3:31:36 PM)
previous nicknames?
Mr. Triforce (2/18/2020 3:12:19 PM) GOOD BAD

I'd ask more detailed questions till u gave your name. 

Meanwhile that remind me, i did a great fortune as tagless for someone named Aussie (orc, was tagless) in Fant, he said he was thankful for the help n return the favor future if he gets the chance :) many many years ago... 

10:18:46 Mar 2nd 20 - Rajkumar Bala (Mr. The Banished):

Lords, Ladies, Kings and Queens!

Your Highness, we are recruiting in Childrens Playground kingdom!

My Liege, you are welcome to join with us, if you were bored last era!

The Banished
King of Childrens Playground

05:53:11 Mar 3rd 20 - Rajkumar Bala (Mr. The Banished):

Looking for few more players to join us.

Childrens PIayground

Kingdom Banner

Name: Childrens PIayground
Members: 4
Created: 3/2/2020 9:49:22 AM
Leader: Mr. The Banished



Victory is second only to lulz.

Just bunch of childrens wanna hawl your Throne with your Queen. And play with them.


05:56:59 Mar 3rd 20 - Mr. Bling:

Pengy likes playing with children.. just saying.

17:21:47 Mar 3rd 20 - Rajkumar Bala (Mr. The Banished):

Anyone else looking for a val kd or wanna start in Val?

09:28:09 Apr 10th 20 - Exalted Evoker Salamon:

We, Holy, are looking for 1 active recruit who is willing to learn and play with a very coordinated team. Skype required. Prefer someone new or still learning.  Valhalla only. Please message me ingame.

22:37:04 Apr 13th 20 - Dakarta (Lord Dacarta):

Come join the Chronicles of Candlewax!

We're looking for 3 active and communicative players, regardless of skill level.

Chronicles of Candlewax

Kingdom Banner

Name: Chronicles of Candlewax
Members: 7
Created: 11/11/2019 9:48:37 PM
Leader: Lord Dacarta

Compare kingdom


Welcome welcome! Send in an app and let's play!

Only requirements - be active and communicate.


03:28:35 Apr 14th 20 - Ryan the Archion (Lord Arc):

Looking for members!


Kingdom Banner

Name: Valor
Members: 1
Created: 4/7/2020 2:26:33 AM
Leader: Lord Arc

Compare kingdom


For warriors of old and new, Valor remains true.


23:29:03 May 15th 20 - Konspyre (Captain Margherita):

Looking for one more pizza to play next era's Zetamania! Experience is irrelevant but activity is required :)
Pizza name mandatory starting next era.


Kingdom Banner

Name: Pizzeria
Members: 2
Created: 5/14/2020 8:59:03 PM
Leader: Captain Margherita

Compare kingdom


Le pizze sono eccitate e ci eccitiamo.


20:11:21 May 16th 20 - Emperor Ordo Hereticus:

Konspyre:thor">17:29:03 May 15th 20 - Konspyre (Captain Margherita):

Looking for one more pizza to play next era's Zetamania! Experience is irrelevant but activity is required :)
Pizza name mandatory starting next era.


Kingdom Banner

Name: Pizzeria
Members: 2
Created: 5/14/2020 8:59:03 PM
Leader: Captain Margherita

Compare kingdom


Le pizze sono eccitate e ci eccitiamo.


Gross lol

23:11:06 May 16th 20 - HorusPanic (Mr. Score Whorre):


17:06:42 May 27th 20 - Konspyre (Captain Turalyon):

Judgement has 4 more spots for people wanting to play Valhalla. Whether you're young or old, experienced or still learning, tall or short, it doesn't matter.
Only requirements are being active and communicative, and if you're not quite as experienced in VU as some others, to put effort into learning.
(Optional WoW Paladin name theme)


Kingdom Banner

Name: Judgement
Members: 6
Created: 5/26/2020 9:24:45 PM
Leader: Captain Turalyon

Compare kingdom


In all things, paladins must reflect the Light, which supplements our strength. To strive to be divine for one of our kind does not mean we strive for godhood--we strive to be good in all actions. Although called upon to smite evil in these harsh times, you must always remember that it's aiding others that will truly set you apart from the other citizens. Compassion, patience, bravery--these things mean as much to a paladin as strength in battle.


15:38:48 May 28th 20 - heroix (Conqueror Malthael):

Join Conquerors on Valhalla. New players and veterans are both welcome.

14:39:47 May 30th 20 - Exalted Paladin Salamon:

Holy is moving to Fantasia. We will keep only 15 players on an active roster. We are currently looking for 3 more members. We require daily skype communication and login. Please pm me if interested. Thanks.

15:51:43 May 30th 20 - HorusPanic (Darth Qanon):

I'm starting a 3-5 man KD for fantasia... PM for deets

16:09:53 May 30th 20 - Mr. Please Dont Cry:

Berserkers is open for recruitment in fantasia

Active players are welcome

looking for a 3rd body for zeta next era in my Kd forsaken

nvm place is already filled

23:37:23 Jul 8th 20 - Mr. Faker:

LF: New player friendly alliance.

00:05:46 Jul 25th 20 - Konspyre (Captain Liadrin):


Kingdom Banner

Name: Judgement
Members: 8
Created: 5/26/2020 9:24:45 PM
Leader: Captain Liadrin

Compare kingdom


In all things, paladins must reflect the Light, which supplements our strength.

To strive to be divine for one of our kind does not mean we strive for godhood--we strive to be good in all actions.

Although called upon to smite evil in these harsh times, you must always remember that it's aiding others that will truly set you apart from the other citizens.

Compassion, patience, bravery--these things mean as much to a paladin as strength in battle.

We have one spot for next era, preferably either a rusty returning player, or a new player. We have a lot of stocked up guides and members willing to answer every single question (Except shoe size). Skype is mandatory, can't exclude moving to Discord.
Era will probably still last a week or so, but the early bird wins the worm :)

Can i join?

14:09:50 Jul 25th 20 - Konspyre (Captain Liadrin):

Sure. Room for one more after we kicked a baddie.

03:00:42 Jul 28th 20 - Stewie Griffin (Prince Stewie Griffin):

Anyone recruiting on Fantasia?

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