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Forums / In game politics / Fant 25

Fant 25
00:37:00 May 4th 14 - Mr. Uncle Daddy:

the size issue was not there at the beginning of the era, look at the early stats posted on this thread, Mad has grown in bounds % wise compared to the other kingdoms, since the beginning when the alliance was formed. i agree now the alliance looks overpowered but thats not how it started.

01:14:19 May 4th 14 - Mr. Morningmonster:

The issue was there at the beginning of the era, of course their % doesnt go very high becouse they where building mines instead of armies. Troops count for much more points and thus oop-warrers get higher % than the farmers. 

Their % was still low when we realized they had 3k naz at our borders, or when Kobu marched in an army twice the OP of anything we had assembled thus far. But thats becouse they really wherent ready for warring then, if we had been smart we would have NAPed then and there then we would have had a better chance. But, as the saying goes you live and you learn - or more probable in this case you die and you learn.

02:36:52 May 4th 14 - Ms. Jerks Are Jer:

Its a war game, and honestly we waited out your stalemate as long as we could, when it appeared that you napped/cf'ed thats when we attacked. 

02:51:20 May 4th 14 - Konspyre (Captain Konspyre):

When did this become a topic about who can tell the most bullshit instead of a topic that's about what actually happened?

03:18:18 May 4th 14 - Valar (Dreadlord Valarion):

I dont care who farms and who doesnt, its attitudes like Kobus that annoy me. :p

03:22:01 May 4th 14 - Ms. Jerks Are Jer:

From Zeon/Poofs perspective how is this era going?

03:30:34 May 4th 14 - Mr. Insane Warlock:

You can tell from the previous post how the era is going for them lol

05:49:53 May 4th 14 - Sir Aloysius Lvi:

either you farm or whine, that's the theme right now, eh? :D

I was out for 2 weeks of inactivity and I just started building my first 90k city :)

anyway, regarding kingdom ranking, six of our members is on vacation... and I think, we recruited 3-5players this era that help increase our power level. So, I can say MAD is a 16-man kingdom size.

05:52:24 May 4th 14 - Ms. Jerks Are Jer:

thats why you ignored my letters...  :(

10:50:21 May 4th 14 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

Its a war game, and honestly we waited out your stalemate as long as we could, when it appeared that you napped/cf'ed thats when we attacked.

oh really? what explains the attacks on zeon down south? the ownaging of the blocker in the center and the big halfling army? and what about MAD up north taking our rebuilt core

The NAP was formed due to you guys attacking, the whole map knew you was NAPed OOP, we carried on fighting each other in the spirit the game used to be played.

11:58:36 May 4th 14 - Dark Spawn (Lord Dark Spawn):

What I do not understand is why you gave up on the world so easily and so fast, saying its already done and that you lost. Sure, we did get some farming time, but do we have such a great advantage? I do not think so.

Taking into consideration that MAD has some people not playing, we would have around 33 people playing, and your alliance of three kingdoms is also at around the same number. Sure you guys did not get any chance to farm, but giving up so easily is just lame, kills the game for everyone else.

You just need better teamwork and take the advantages that you have in this war. You are far away from us, takes us more than two rl days to get to you, why don't you use that in your advantage? For example, instead of working together between few of your people, while back Stormcrow had an army that could merged up be the strongest on the world at around 1.3 mill op and 1 mill dp, but he was not merged up. So instead of him working with lets say CAptain Konspyre and Left Toe, he went down alone to try to sneak past our armies, and he got killed by our teamwork when I bounced him and Ooops killed him, while MAD took care of the other half army. If they all sent their large armies down there, we would not be able to focus on him completelly and it would be harder to stop him from merging. At that time our armies were 800k and 700k army strengths and his army would clearly cripple us all if he managed to merge up. But you guys kept sending small armies that Oops managed to bounce back every time.

I have more than half of my army still on the way to your core, taking forever to reach there, and we hasically have 2-3 people and MAD has also 2 people I think, and if you did some teamwork you could easily crush us here. But all we see is individual efforts that do not work well for you guys.

Discussing how the game should change now to prevent this situation is pointless, same thing happened last era when PooF and Poodles NAPed and killed everyone else, that was also not very enjoyable as everyone else just gave up. It is just logical to expect that in this game at least one kingdom will have a NAP, its just not realistic to expect everyone will go for themselves. All the people that complain now have been in gang bangs on both sides of it, and it will happen again, its just a matter of luck or how the situation turns if you will be on one end or the other.

12:52:51 May 4th 14 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

same thing happened last era when PooF and Poodles NAPed and killed everyone els

how can you compare last era to this? last era Poof fought immo and phoons oop with heaven and mods attacking 2+ days oop
while Poodles fought MAD up north.
there was no joint farming nor any teaming up. our NAP was how they used to be, your NAP is a MAP

its just a matter of luck or how the situation turns if you will be on one end or the other.

nothing about luck, Zeon and Poofs landed together, they didnt nap

13:04:45 May 4th 14 - Ms. Brienne Oftarth:

actually.. you did nap.. you can talk about fighting like the good old days, but you napped out of necessity same as  us, we were two smaller kingdoms vs 2 super powers... You guys always whine.. I cant say i have ever seen MAD whine about losing... and they do alot.. in the past several era's.. 

13:19:05 May 4th 14 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

out of necessity? what? lol!

give me better excuses than that plz

13:40:22 May 4th 14 - Bran (Mr. Shaolin Bran):

what he means is that they HAD to nap otherwise theyd have been unable to farm?

14:19:52 May 4th 14 - TheBornLoser (Mr. The Dung Beetle):

I go on a tour for 5 days and stay out of VU, and I now return to 80 new posts on the Fantasia board and the same old drama and rubbish being rehashed again.

Really need to find a game for grown ups. Not ones where the likes of Wilber plays.

14:31:52 May 4th 14 - Legend (I am Legend):

TBL go play Call of Duty on xbox. Alot of grown ups there.

17:09:10 May 4th 14 - Stormy (Mr. Stormcrow):

some observations:

@dark spawn: You're right. Our biggest problem in the kingdom is coordination and working together. But you assumed my going south alone implied i wasnt working with anyone or let anyone know or ask for help. I posted in our forums and sent pm's. Chade and I believed a last ditch effort was needed. a good job on your part:P

@tbl: lol you act surprised by this, old friend? arguments stay the same over the years, its only the kingdoms that change. Now one of these days, I'm going to figure out something new and evil to do that would force a new flamefest.

@zeta: when are you going to fix our history system? oh...and boats....and random kingdoms

@valar: stop being sexy.....

It's Friday

19:50:40 May 4th 14 - Mr. Morningmonster:

  • Stormy is always right. 
  • And TBL is always a hot nerdy asian + when can I have threesome with you and your GF?
  • MAD/Poodle NAP out of necessity? Zeon/Poof superpowers? TROLOLOL

We haven't give up just yet but Zeon won't hold for long, we didn't do too shabby for our first era but we do have some serious issues where we need to improve if we are to cut it on fantasia. Since we are almost done for, you can send smaller armies from now on. plxz? Either way: WP

01:33:19 May 5th 14 - Valar (Dreadlord Valarion):

@valar: stop being sexy.....

I get this a lot, cant help it! :P

15:15:18 May 5th 14 - Duke Chade The Dungeon Slave:

00:33:19 May 5th 14 - Valar (Dreadlord Valarion):

@valar: stop being sexy.....

I get this a lot, cant help it! :P


You couldve gotten it even more if you decided to bring your arse down to Nirvana :)


@Stormy - mate I just loooove your gifs :D

15:26:44 May 5th 14 - The Real Josh (Archangel Avacyn):

Lol the mad poodles troll!

Take th era win i wont whine about it but I will say thay mad has become second rate and poodles is nothing more then a KD feeding off what ever KD they nap!

Because as you know when was the last time poodles actually oop warred by choice?? Lol

15:29:15 May 5th 14 - Valar (Mr. Noiralav):

WHo says im not on NIrvana right now? :P

15:34:39 May 5th 14 - Bran (Mr. Shaolin Bran):

join Neutrals! best kd!

16:08:21 May 5th 14 - Duke Chade The Dungeon Slave:

14:29:15 May 5th 14 - Valar (Mr. Noiralav):

WHo says im not on NIrvana right now? :P


Well i always thought that you wanna come back with the Valar team, thats why :)

16:17:33 May 5th 14 - Mr. Woodeh:

Can poodles actually oop war?

16:31:28 May 5th 14 - Dark Spawn (Lord Dark Spawn):

You're talking about the only kingdom that actually has a method to chose to fight oop or not. We are the only ones that actually make the efford to have more people on the map walk to different locations, and look for a place to settle. Its about choice.

If you want to fight right away, you do it. Leave the ones that do not want to, to do their thing. If we will war oop we will do it, and we can do it well.

20:34:03 May 5th 14 - Mr. Woodeh:

Leave the ones you do not want to, such as kds that match your skill level/player count. Bet you'd oop war black flag?

22:41:05 May 5th 14 - Valar (Mr. Elan Morin Tedronai):

Its a tactical choice that, considering how annoying oop wars can be, is quite understandable. Doesnt make it less annoying though :p

22:44:32 May 5th 14 - Mr. Hamish The Third:

BF had the number one most feared player for most of the beginning of the era as we had a hardcore OP war against a kingdom 3 times our power. We won.

Last warning for the SPAM cities all over our core, please remove them.

23:38:24 May 5th 14 - Rora (Heavenly Crystal The War Goddess):

Can poodles actually oop war?

In my opinion, poodles aren't bad at it. However, they're a little bit slower than they could be. I'm referring to the era where Relentless fought them oop, 2 of us against them. There was too much farming going on with a threat directly beside them.

They ended up beating us, but it took longer than it should have I think.



10:39:59 May 6th 14 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

21:44:32 May 5th 14 - Mr. Hamish The Third:

BF had the number one most feared player for most of the beginning of the era as we had a hardcore OP war against a kingdom 3 times our power. We won.

Last warning for the SPAM cities all over our core, please remove them.

who did you actually fight? your renegade player?

last warning for the LACK of fighting, please join

10:56:21 May 6th 14 - Valar (Dreadlord Valarion):

Let me get this straight, with your allies on the brink of destruction you want to break your agreements and pick up spoils?


12:25:45 May 6th 14 - Dark Spawn (Lord Dark Spawn):

Renegate player? He kicked out a player and took his cities?
So its true lol...
And Valar, its not like its first time, as I mentioned while back

  • 19:59:13 May 2nd 14 - Dark Spawn (Lord Dark Spawn):

    Isn't Hamish known to kick out his members and take their cities over night, claming later they were inactive?

12:43:17 May 6th 14 - Mr. Morningmonster:

Again, the only one who lacks honor is Hamish - refusing his allies to build cities where there is room so that they can continue fighting.

18:32:49 May 6th 14 - Mr. Hamish The Third:

Hay guys this argument is about asking permission to build in a NAP kingdoms core. Building 9+ cities without asking is NAP breaking and you still haven't asked so am getting my newbies to clear the cities down to the mountains - I moved our borders to Dark Cave where we started the era - everything built inside our original core is being removed now.

Next time ask before Spamming cities. 

Dark Spawn read the kingdoms description everyone who joined is given fair warning that they will be eaten if the do not communicate for a week. After repeated messages over days they are kicked and eaten. As an ORC it seems a fine way to run a small hungary kingdom.

18:37:13 May 6th 14 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

what a coward

18:55:32 May 6th 14 - Mr. Bad Bell Mate:

Treat Hamish, destroyer of Rambo and LGC, with more respect.

He actually knows how to war, for starters.

19:38:26 May 6th 14 - Mr. Woodeh:

16:20:18 - Flying Death lead by Mr. Huntsman attacked and took over Mibe Many. They also took 44 gold, 820452 stone, 1679379 tree, 302934 food and 0 slaves from us! And 11943 of the peasants in the city where taken as slaves! Due to their overwhelming power our troops retreated to Running. We lost 0 Ghosts, 0 Archers, 0 Riders, 0 Spellweavers, 0 Archmages and 11943 peasants in the battle.

Gotta admit Hamish, used to have respect for you. Now I see your a coward

Built 2 City's up near you guys, one with some warehouses so if my mines got took I wouldn't loose to much resi, thought you wouldn't mind seeing as were fighting for you but obviously I was mistaken. Care to elaborate how your fighting mad or poodles? Or undefended allies towns good enough for you?

P.s try a white flag next era.

21:05:12 May 6th 14 - Mr. Hamish The Third:

Have you been reading the forum or have your leaders been communicating with you this has been coming for more than a week. 

03:53:50 May 7th 14 - shyers (Grandmaster Baiter):

Are we winning yet?

Ps, hambone's renagade took my cities with my renagade pull the wool over my eyes ex kdmate, douche. Hambone appalogized to me and ran up to tried to stop him. Or it was some illusion so that he could feed off him and me.

07:44:33 May 7th 14 - The Real Josh (Prince Sladen):

Such a joke, hamish your little kd is know for guerilla tactics your a pest and nothing more.

Your actions have shown your true character, its pathetic! 

10:57:07 May 7th 14 - Mr. Hamish The Third:

OK am drawing a line under this, your prattling is dishonest and just makes the point about honor and VU a more visible issue. Move on.

12:15:41 May 7th 14 - The Real Josh (Mr. Sorin):

You attack and allied kd!

We wernt some kingdom building near you!

And because you what didnt like our banner or because you wanted to room to expand your massive kd you attacked us..?

Being raped by a farming alliance is annoying but being attacked by a nap partner is fucking infuriating! 

12:28:13 May 7th 14 - Mr. Hamish The Third:

Josh, we haven't attacked your kingdom, if we had you are completely open and the would be naz perping on all your 90K mines. What we have done is given plenty of warning then removed city's SPAMED all over our core with out permission. We told you leaders not to do this before most of the cites were built, we provided repeated public warnings in the forums so all players were aware of the issue. Next era ask permission before behaving so crap please.

Anufe said.

13:39:16 May 7th 14 - TheBornLoser (Mr. The Dung Beetle):

Why are some of you, who have played this game for years, surprised at the stunts that little Hamish does all the time?

You guys need to remember one thing. Hamish only responds to power and leverage. When he is in a position of zero to minimal power and leverage, he acts very friendly, cooperative and, at times, submissive. The moment he scents weakness from you, that's where he will pounce, with some excuse of NAP breaking, dishonourable conduct or other nonsense like that.

This is a guy who needs to be treated at arms length (like Survivor, Revenge and other backstabbers with "flexible principles"). Unless he is really really needed as a NAP partner (and he would always be one of those "last resorts" player / kingdom), I always apply my personal "Wilber" policy upon Hamish - when sighted: smash him fast, smash him hard with extreme prejudice, and give him no room to rebuild or compromise. People like him should never be given a single inch, let alone a yard.

13:46:14 May 7th 14 - Bran (Mr. Shaolin Bran):

Hey since when did Rev ever backstab anyone??

14:11:13 May 7th 14 - SWIFTRY (Mr. Bad Bell Mate):

There's been strong rumours that Rev betrayed and killed off his elderly parents to gain his inheritence. He then fled to Spain, got with a girl who looks like his sister, made a load of racist remarks and he also has a massive fucking chin.

14:57:13 May 7th 14 - Stormy (Mr. Stormcrow):

Tom Cruise crazy laugh

16:09:13 May 7th 14 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

Josh, we haven't attacked your kingdom, if we had you are completely open and the would be naz perping on all your 90K mines. What we have done is given plenty of warning then removed city's SPAMED all over our core with out permission. We told you leaders not to do this before most of the cites were built, we provided repeated public warnings in the forums so all players were aware of the issue. Next era ask permission before behaving so crap please.

Anufe said.

blackflag spread into my area. we had several cities on the mountain from zeon pushing us, there wasnt a single blackflag city around, we spoke in PMs about this to which you ignored so dont act like there was communication between us. Also when the nap was made there was no clauses about borders and city building so in every situation here youll find Blackflag is being dishonorable to Zeon (no poof cities have been taken yet)

enough said.

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