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Forums / In game politics / Fantasia 39

Fantasia 39
17:40:03 Mar 15th 16 - Arkantos (Mr. Arkantos The Ardvark):

close, Trying to get a CF now that it's clear we lost to MAD(incase your still unsure of what winning is) for the people who restarted since we have more new players.

18:49:09 Mar 15th 16 - Duke Sesughter Kumasson of The Hunt:

looooool , those convinient new players huh?

18:50:34 Mar 15th 16 - Arkantos (Sir Ajax):

Not sure whats so funny, either I restart and try and teach new players or I wait for next era...There's a reason I'm a Guide, not just the good looks ;)

18:54:11 Mar 15th 16 - Mr. Elelijahsesugh The Flamebringe:

what is that reason as i am struggling to see it?

19:04:32 Mar 15th 16 - Arkantos (Mr. Landry Late Start):

You struggle to understand alot  of need a Guide.

LoL, Ajax. Your still arguing with that pathetic, stoopid and good for nothing?

04:38:20 Mar 16th 16 - Mr. Torroth:

Maybe he's testing his ability to be a guide to even ones such as flamebringe there...a challenge any guide would hesitate to take. Fools are known to hate wisdom..and have done so for hundreds of generations.

07:59:47 Mar 16th 16 - Mr. Sesughter The Warg:

The day ark can guide me anywhere in regards to anything would be an amazing day indeed

13:01:48 Mar 16th 16 - Arkantos (Sir Ajax):

It's because I care too much :P

18:40:41 Mar 18th 16 - Arkantos (Sir Ajax):

looks like someone went dragon happy lol.

Dragon (id=1670)

Our scouts have found a dragon!

We have no troops close enough to attack it.

- close -

Dragon (id=1669)

Our scouts have found a dragon!

We have no troops close enough to attack it.

02:11:56 Mar 22nd 16 - Arkantos (Sir Ajax):

Congratulations on the back-to-back wins MAD! 

can you cast arma now :P

02:32:39 Mar 22nd 16 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Jesus Left Toe):

MAD may be committing Genocide on Mu's, but Ferox will fight valiantly to the end. MAD's end.

19:02:06 Mar 22nd 16 - Arkantos (Sir Ajax):

Good to know MAD breaks their CF's.

19:25:01 Mar 22nd 16 - Sir Aloysius LXX:

for other to read. FLAME ON!!! 

Message from Sir Ajax

Your kingdom

Sir Ajax (3/22/2016 7:21:59 AM)GOODBAD
I had thought that our members that had died were safe from your kingdoms attacks.
You (3/22/2016 11:40:59 AM)
Yes. That's what I thought too. what happened? Anyway, my play activity is not that promising right now. Thus, for now, I assigned WaterBender and Ryan to lead the kingdom. Please, discuss it with them for now. I apologize for any inconvenience regarding this sudden change.
You (3/22/2016 11:47:34 AM)
mate, my standing order regarding with your kingdoms is that, the CF immunity only covers those members of yours who RESTARTED (died and respawned), unless attacked or provoked. ok, Im out now, too busy IRL for now.
Sir Ajax (3/22/2016 10:40:42 PM)GOODBAD
Mr. Littlefield (3/22/2016 8:07:32 AM) GOOD BAD
Mad is claiming sincce I didn't restart that I am not covered under the ceasefire.

Evidently vacatign structures and starting from 0 buildings doesn't matter.

Why does death have a factor? he had surrendered his cities and retreated.
You (3/23/2016 12:43:39 AM)
"Why does death have a factor? he had surrendered his cities and retreated. "

because does what the only term I agreed when you send me your first message this era.
Sir Ajax (3/23/2016 12:47:24 AM)GOODBAD
He had restarted though, he just had not resigned or died so as not to have protection time.
You (3/23/2016 12:53:36 AM)
ahh. then, we have different definition of restart.
Sir Ajax (3/23/2016 12:59:15 AM)GOODBAD
So does this mean you will continue your attack because of a definition dispute or will you cease the attacks on them.
You (3/23/2016 1:28:38 AM)
I have too many things... running through my mind. your question made my mind debates on the following things...

1. I can lift the CF orders I posted in our forums, just to end all confusions, after all I believe we have higher chance of winning the war.

2. It will be unfair for both parties if you don't inform your members who are not covered with the CF after this conversation. All MAD members knew those who are covered and not covered by CF in the first place. Its just that your kingdom is not our priority target right now.

3. Im not going to negotiate any terms unfavourable to us since in WAR all is FAIR and in our WAR, we won as you surrendered, we never wanted you to surrender anyway.

4. Be the nice guy, wait for you to tell your members especially Littlefield, who is bothering me with his own terms with Cloutier which I never agreed ever since, and then, issue another orders to stop any attacks against Underdogs from now on.

5. If I issue above orders (no.4), I will not be able to take Tumatauenga's UTU city. I badly wanted it since that city gave too much resistance and that it cost me a lot of Nazguls already.

so knowing what goes through my mind... do you have something you can offer me to make both parties have a win-win situation?
Sir Ajax (3/23/2016 1:48:19 AM)GOODBAD
You have already won the war, 

I see 3 options, 

1. Stop beating a dead horse (full CF)

2. Terminate CF and kill us after the termination window (honorable)

3. Keep trying to find a loophole to attack a kingdom you are CF'ed with.(unhonorable)

Your call.
You (3/23/2016 1:56:46 AM)
the fact that you put the third option made me think that we found a loophole to attack your kingdom and then abuse it to our liking. Tsk Tsk tsk.

Let's war again then!
Sir Ajax (3/23/2016 2:06:00 AM)GOODBAD
You are a great VU player, But only a horrible, unhonorable leader would break a CF to attack a restarted kingdom before they are ready.
Sir Ajax (3/23/2016 2:09:15 AM)GOODBAD
By ready I mean after the termination period of a CF.
You (3/23/2016 2:17:29 AM)
your third option irritated me bigtime. I cannot accept a fact that you will accuse us of abusing a loop hole after granting you CF at prompt!

A CF you offered, not a CF we even wanted in the first place. I agreed on the CF out of mercy. I dont need any good words at this moment, I wanted an apology.

19:28:38 Mar 22nd 16 - Arkantos (Sir Ajax):

Sir Aloysius LXX (3/22/2016 1:17:29 PM)GOODBAD
your third option irritated me bigtime. I cannot accept a fact that you will accuse us of abusing a loop hole after granting you CF at prompt!

A CF you offered, not a CF we even wanted in the first place. I agreed on the CF out of mercy. I dont need any good words at this moment, I wanted an apology.
You (3/22/2016 1:26:21 PM)
You disputing the definition of restarting is trying to abuse a loophole, It is not an accusation if it is true.

What am I to apologize for? 

Your the one taking your anger out on entire kingdoms, Which will affect VU as a whole. The CF is to protect our members so they can aid in training newer players.

We are trying to survive, Even with the plague and misunderstandings happening we are having an average of 1-2 players a day quit.

19:54:13 Mar 22nd 16 - Sir Aloysius LXX:

Message from Sir Ajax

Sir Ajax (3/23/2016 2:26:21 AM)GOODBAD
You disputing the definition of restarting is trying to abuse a loophole, It is not an accusation if it is true.

What am I to apologize for? 

Your the one taking your anger out on entire kingdoms, Which will affect VU as a whole. The CF is to protect our members so they can aid in training newer players.

We are trying to survive, Even with the plague and misunderstandings happening we are having an average of 1-2 players a day quit.
You (3/23/2016 2:46:30 AM)
Talk to WaterBender or Ryan, if you think Im taking this out of anger. 

regarding newer players, advise them, this is a war game, next era they can have the chance to prove themselves and learn.

19:55:31 Mar 22nd 16 - Arkantos (Sir Ajax):

This is fun,

You (3/22/2016 1:53:15 PM)
I have messaged WaterBender. Some friendly advice, Elect someone with patience to be your Diplomat.

22:42:06 Mar 22nd 16 - Dragon Prophet Theophilus:

I sort of saw war and the end as an eventuality.

It doesn't make sense for there to be too many agreements on the tail end of an Era.

You can understand the confusion of leaving my core to restart in the south.

If I had known I would be attacked in the south, I wouldn't have gone through to process of vacating my cities. I would have torched them.

22:48:02 Mar 22nd 16 - Arkantos (Sir Ajax):

Everyone knew war was inevitable but who would have thought MAD would not honor their CF.

23:14:10 Mar 22nd 16 - Arkantos (Sir Ajax):

Well good job guys, It takes a well built kingdom break a CF to beat a restarted kingdom. You must be proud.

You (3/22/2016 1:49:43 PM)
Sir Aloysius LXX (3/22/2016 1:46:30 PM) GOOD BAD
Talk to WaterBender or Ryan, if you think Im taking this out of anger. 
Lord Water Bender (3/22/2016 2:25:12 PM)GOODBAD
Okay what do you want to talk about?
The fact that you can't control your players or that we choose not to play this game of words?

The one where you are favoring your other allies Ferox. And attacking us?
You (3/22/2016 2:31:02 PM)
You have obviously read it wrong, Aloysius tried to play a game with words and when I called him on it he decided to break the CF unhonorably. It is hard to control new players, as anyone can tell you.

You (3/21/2016 1:46:27 PM)
What is the meaning of this?

Mr. Rags (3/21/2016 10:59:01 AM) GOOD BAD
It was my understanding that we were to not settle south of Azmodan? Ferox took my mine down south.
Lord Jesus Left Toe (3/21/2016 4:37:53 PM) GOOD BAD
Trouble with accepting new players, often they don't listen.

We do not favor any ally over the other, Although Ferox has actually acted like an ally.

We are not attacking you. You are hostile towards us and I am trying to defuse it.

Not sure what your problem is?
Lord Water Bender (3/22/2016 4:33:16 PM)GOODBAD
I if I had not logged in last night and caught you Halfers army smiling ponies attacking us. you would have let him continue on. 

You (3/22/2016 4:44:09 PM)
That is incorrect, I message him as soon as he attacked your army and asked who's army he hit(as I did not know at the time) And ordered him not to attack MAD in the same message. He logged on later(after getting in contact with you guys) and messaged me and made it clear to me he had made a mistake and would accept punishment even if it meant being kicked. I then messaged you and allowed punishment for this and you refused punishment(honorable) Then Aloysius decides to attack Littlefield over a dispute in definition then when I called him out on it broke the CF. 

I have done nothing except try and defuse this hostile situation, While you guys continue to pick us off one by one.
Lord Water Bender (3/22/2016 5:06:32 PM)GOODBAD
Littlefield was a neutral player in our area before he joined you. I would have killed him myself earlier but he was too small to be worth it. So there is reason on both sides. 

But it matters not. My gut says you can't control your kingdom and despite the past, you are now our enemy. 
And Aloy had been playing this game forever and he thinks about the same. 
See this from our eyes. We have been somewhat merciful to you last 2 eras. This time we dont trust you. Thats all. The peace has cost us to lose all momentum and stall at our current position too. 
So now we must try to kill eachother. Be strong for your kd and change ur definition of winning.
Lord Water Bender (3/22/2016 5:13:19 PM)GOODBAD
Maybe that definition is to keep the kingdom together long enough to gang bang us next era. Maybe all you can do is scout for Ferox and run plague all over. Idk.. Ajax.
But to say you can not do anything is not true. 
Give ur people something they can do, like rebuild south and MAP Ferox, spread plague,slow down our pez scts. 
With great opposition comes great unity. You wanted to lead, u told me that. Lead the kingdom now and those who stay will stand by you forever.
You (3/22/2016 5:10:48 PM)
Littlefield was not neutral he joined me from mantrax before he spawned,
I have no problem with war. I have a problem with you guys being unhonorable and not properly ending the CF.
Do you guys not think you guys can win fairly? Do you need to resort to unhonorable tactics.
You (3/22/2016 5:17:08 PM)
We have been told we are not allowed to settle south in Ferox land.

Ok. All of us in MAD had orders to have CF to the restarting members of UD. By the meaning of "restarting" is someone who died and respawn on the map. With almost 9 years of playing VU, that definition of "restarting" was never changed. It is not about surrendering your cities and trying to rebuild another, that's rebuilding not restarting. That's why I scolded Cloutier when he had CF Littlefield. Under our current status Littlefield is not protected by CF since he is just rebuilding and not restarting as well as the other UD who are hasn't died but just rebuilding.

23:56:58 Mar 22nd 16 - Arkantos (Sir Ajax):

Resigning and Restarting are 2 different things. He had to restart his entire empire which he did. He did not however have to Resign for his son to take over.

23:59:11 Mar 22nd 16 - Arkantos (Sir Ajax):

Regardless of your definition, Why break a CF over it instead of ending it properly?

Yeah, it is really pointless to talk to you. You just listens to yourself and does not want others knowledge to be inside of your understanding of things. So there's no more I can reason out with you. I feel ashamed responding at your comments at the first place.

01:21:13 Mar 23rd 16 - Arkantos (Sir Ajax):

I love how when I am clearly right you just stop arguing, Makes my day. 

It's clear your going to do what you want regardless, Just curious as to why the CF was not ended properly.

04:37:34 Mar 23rd 16 - Lord Water Bender:


Put down the cr*ck pipe. 

Your man attacked me Monday and i caught him in the middle of a sneak attack on us. You were online at the time! Yet you did not stop him.

Be a leader and stop crying. 

16:00:40 - The plague in Isitbigenough killed 0 peasants, 0 Gaia, 0 Hammerthrowers, 0 Ogres, 0 Shamans and 0 Nazguls.

09:04:34 - All troops in Hydrogue Missile have died.

09:04:34 - Hydrogue Missile lost a battle against Smiling Ponies from High Warden Stelius II. We lost 1 Gaia, 17500 Hammerthrowers, 0 Ogres, 2700 Shamans, 0 Nazguls and 0 peasants in the battle and 0 of our soldiers got injured.


04:51:21 Mar 23rd 16 - Arkantos (Sir Ajax):

That was already settled, And as I said I'm fine with war. Just don't be a coward about it next time. End the CF properly.

Message from Lord Water Bender

Your kingdom

Lord Water Bender (3/21/2016 7:03:27 PM)GOODBAD

 Hi Ajax, I've been out a while but the army Smiling Ponies heading at Madd will be considered an attack from the Underdog rebuilding/restarting area. 

Until Aloy can be online, we  will treat it as a planned attack on our kingdom with intent to spread plague.

Give us an honorable  declaration of war or have your player Stelius II turned around immediately.

Thank you sir
Water Bender
Only Madd Vice online 
You (3/21/2016 7:09:48 PM)
I noticed this as well and am trying to get to the bottom of it. as far as I'm aware his city was taken first. I have messaged him and aloysius to get to the bottom of it.

Lite Mine
City Info
Owner: Field Marshal Ezra The Mad Kingdom Banner
Size: 4360 building(s).
Kingdom: Mad and Dangerous
Race: Dwarf
Gates: open
Lord Water Bender (3/21/2016 7:15:02 PM)GOODBAD
I think it is too late. I was not even online or involved and got attacked. Gotta stand with your people. It'll be more fun really. But try to talk to Aloy if you like

16:00:40 - The plague in Isitbigenough killed 0 peasants, 0 Gaia, 0 Hammerthrowers, 0 Ogres, 0 Shamans and 0 Nazguls.

09:04:34 - All troops in Hydrogue Missile have died.

09:04:34 - Hydrogue Missile lost a battle against Smiling Ponies from High Warden Stelius II. We lost 1 Gaia, 17500 Hammerthrowers, 0 Ogres, 2700 Shamans, 0 Nazguls and 0 peasants in the battle and 0 of our soldiers got injured.
You (3/21/2016 7:19:24 PM)
General terms of CF.

1.2 Any violators will be kicked out of the kingdom and killed if he/she does not comply to the punishment agreed on by both kings. 
1.3 Neither kingdom is liable for the damage done to CF violators during their CF violation. (since you will not be able to answer messages asap, to avoid further damage)
1.4 All 'important' messages are to be replied within a 24 hour period.
Lord Water Bender (3/21/2016 7:25:00 PM)GOODBAD
Hmmm. I think the attack on me not involved in the land dispute breaks any peace. 
A violation is a city or a spell. Killing 20k troops that were marching to attack Ferox is breaking a CF
You (3/21/2016 7:29:45 PM)
They were marching through our lands. To a semi-active player who's only on his second era this might be confusing. Can you not think of an acceptable punishment instead of taking your anger out on the entire kingdom?
Lord Water Bender (3/21/2016 7:39:01 PM)GOODBAD
Oh he stopped
Lord Water Bender (3/21/2016 7:46:11 PM)GOODBAD
Ok so that's all I wanted. Just stop the attack. 
I erased the posts in my kds forum except vices forum. And I am sorry Aloy had not gotten back to you on the city Ezra took. I can't research on cell
You (3/21/2016 7:44:45 PM)
I would still agree to a punishment for the offense made though it was a mistake, It could have been prevented if he communicated more often. It will be an example to further new players and such.
Lord Water Bender (3/21/2016 7:47:59 PM)GOODBAD
I don't care about troops lost. But about getting plague spread, that's too dangerous. It should be fine mate. I wont puah for anything. Ok thanks
You (3/21/2016 7:55:23 PM)
Thank you for your co-operation, Sorry for the misunderstanding as we hope to keep an honorable name for future eras to come.

05:40:18 Mar 23rd 16 - Mr. Torroth:

oh "litemine"? That city was taken several days ago. The CF was posted up on our forum Yesterday. The CF thus was not posted, nor formally in effect as far as my knowledge. Unless it was sent via messages to everyone except me. I just learned of the CF yesterday..the 21st. The city lite mine was taken a few days before that. I know this cause I've been fighting right below lite mine for that length of time against ferox.

So this whole investigation doesn't need to occur. The CF wasn't in effect yet.

12:32:04 Mar 23rd 16 - Sir Aloysius LXX:

I hope Ajax can show the CF term we both agreed. As far as I remember, it is only a one-line agreement that those who RESTARTED will only be covered by his plea for mercy. 

anyway, I understand he can whine and talk in this forums all he day. That's the only thing he can do for now. Next era, you have another shot to win our war. See ya in the field.

12:52:34 Mar 23rd 16 - Arkantos (Sir Ajax):

yes I do it was the 13th, my members were notified right away. It does not say resigned it says restarted which was done. You guys are cowards to end a CF like that, See you next era.

07:20:59 Mar 13th 16 - Arkantos (Sir Ajax):

Message from Sir Aloysius LXX

Your kingdom

You (3/13/2016 6:46:45 AM)

You guys have clearly defeated us again this era, Is it possible for you to grant us a temporary CF with a 48 hour peace window upon termination o*beep*reement.

Sir Aloysius LXX (3/13/2016 6:55:16 AM)GOODBAD

I think,those members who have restarted will be granted CF from us, but those who have cities and armies around will still be at war from us.

You (3/13/2016 7:06:28 AM)
You have my Gratitude,

14:30:50 Mar 23rd 16 - Mr. Torroth:

ah wait, found that posted on the 13th in the UD thread for our kingdom. just on the 21st it was posted on a new relations thread. I don't check the UD thread, sorry, my mistake.

14:50:05 Mar 23rd 16 - Arkantos (Mr. Arkantos The Ardvark):

It's an understandable mistake,

15:09:07 Mar 23rd 16 - Mr. Bigfield:

Too much drama!

11:55:54 Mar 24th 16 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Jesus Left Toe):

Yes, MAD peoples. make sure you check the thread for Ferox too, I had an agreement with whomever is inactive currently (so they can't deny it) that MAD would surrender all cities and become the Vassals of Ferox. 
As this has not occurred yet, I assume there is some miscommunication on your end. Please fix this and surrender your cities.

Kindest Regards,

Your new Benevolent leader,


14:33:22 Mar 24th 16 - Mr. Torroth:

I openly surrendered my city to Corrou, but he failed to come and take it from me! I left one of two other nearer cities open to the taking too, but Jack Frost just wasn't up to the task with what he sent to the gates. If your going to take surrendered cities, would you ensure your men send adequate armies to take them from us.


16:55:48 Mar 24th 16 - Mr. Uwer:

Ferox, your bases are belong to us.

Best regards!

19:25:42 Mar 28th 16 - Duke Sesugh The Warg:

Arkantos throwing his toys out of the pram because no one will CF lol  nothing new 

07:31:21 Mar 31st 16 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Jesus Left Toe):

Did arma just get cancelled? Again?

08:52:57 Mar 31st 16 - Mr. Darky:

06:06:56 - Elf Justicemen lead by Mr. Uwer attacked and took over Arma. Our peasants managed to escape with all the resources to Telamon Mines. Due to their overwhelming power our troops retreated to Telamon Mines. We lost 0 Ghosts, 0 Archers, 0 Riders, 0 Spellweavers, 0 Archmages and 0 peasants in the battle.

someone didn't want the era to end.......

09:14:18 Mar 31st 16 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Jesus Left Toe):

I vote MAD kick Uwer and then we all kill him. 

09:34:31 Mar 31st 16 - Mr. Darky:

I can't cast arma again for now cause he took out my MT aswell. hopefully someone els can or this shall be getting boring fast

15:38:35 Mar 31st 16 - Mr. Uwer:

I wanted exactly this:

JLT crying outloud for another arma. 

15:39:05 Mar 31st 16 - Mr. Uwer:

Beg, JLT.

Beg for your miserable end.

15:40:55 Mar 31st 16 - Bran (Mr. Donald Trump):

you shut your fat pie hole Uwer, youre not fit to clip jesus' left toe nails

15:43:59 Mar 31st 16 - Mr. Uwer:

I cant read anything Trump related, sorry.

I have studied in life.

16:08:02 Mar 31st 16 - Mr. Uwer:

XXVII MAD Army Parade 

Where? At Ferox base
How much? Free!
When? Now!

Take your kids to the show.

16:17:26 Mar 31st 16 - Bran (Mr. Donald Trump):

but it wasnt even remotely trump related. the subject was your pie hole.

i suggest you return to your life studies and try again

16:22:09 Mar 31st 16 - Mr. Uwer:

Couldn't be more Trump

16:30:45 Mar 31st 16 - Mr. Littlefield:

Yawn. What power threshhold does Zeta require to end the world manually? Is it when a Kingdom is 10 times more powerful than the second largest kingdom or something?

20:33:58 Mar 31st 16 - Stirlin (Mr. Ray Peest):

Are beo still napping 75% of the map including untagged players?

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