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Forums / In game politics / Fantasia 41

Fantasia 41
22:01:28 Jul 4th 16 - Mr. Splat:

You were simply beaten by better players on the day get over it.. come back next era and kick thier ass its that simple...

22:18:32 Jul 4th 16 - Mr. Uwer:


Yes man. Im a noob. You are right.

BTs do not affect the gameplay.

22:20:04 Jul 4th 16 - Arkantos (Lord Ajax):

Get a some BT's.

22:28:08 Jul 4th 16 - Lord Nitral Sesugh of The Khalfout:

Just to say , it is a fact SF have used BT's , as have CE and other players , it is not the reason any one side won

03:20:27 Jul 5th 16 - Mr. Mog:

'Go study math' is both the best and the worst insult I've ever seen someone use after losing in a videogame.

I heard a rumor Kath isn't very good at math.

03:59:24 Jul 5th 16 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Jesus Left Toe):

I started this thread off so light hearted, (Ferox is still accepting the surrenders of all lesser (all) kingdoms), what happened?? :O

I guess that will teach me to joke about buying BT's to win.

06:25:35 Jul 5th 16 - Prince Chade:

Uwer, one thing i have to admit, when most people start with 3 BTs, me and stormy started with 50...why? Cause we are so hawt that BTs keep coming for free....


Click Help VU >> Post a link >> go find a gaming forum >> drop a good description of the game with link to VU >> Post the forum link into the Help VU section >> every 5 unique clicks on your link brings you 1 BT...simple!

In all seriousness though, you are one of the players that does not deserve even a single BT :D lol you are such a nub :D I've been killing you in the last 3 eras on fanta and valhalla eeerywhere i've seen you with no resistence...and im not even a Grade A player. A grades dont even bother with you ...

But dont worry, keep calm and flame on!

06:44:55 Jul 5th 16 - Mr. Splat:

 It seems stone is a rare commodity atm.. annoying i started stg towards the end of era... then again was too lazy to set up... anyone else buying apart from tyrin? also SELL ME YOUR FREAKING STONE!!

07:10:00 Jul 5th 16 - Mr. Uwer:

STFU Chade

09:30:14 Jul 5th 16 - Prince Nitral The Flamebearer:

tbh i think everyone on this thread has killed uwer with no resistance atleast once :p 

10:20:50 Jul 5th 16 - Mr. Splat:

I guess uwer not good enough lol

10:28:00 Jul 5th 16 - Mr. Hollywood:


12:24:05 Jul 5th 16 - Duke Chade The Sensitive Fella:

Is STFU the best you can do mate? Shame! 

18:03:47 Jul 5th 16 - Princess Aisha:

JLT, I think Uwer is the only person that actually believes that someone would but BTs to win lol... So do not worry about it, but the game is full of trolls so thats why the discussion went on over this lol

23:28:25 Jul 5th 16 - Mr. Uwer:

Jasmina, the farmer, enlightening us...

SF is really the home of driftwood.

01:51:51 Jul 6th 16 - Mr. Aziand The Corothian:

02:35:14 Jul 6th 16 - Acerf (Mr. Acerf):

Daaaaamn..... That squirrel is having a bad day...

02:48:36 Jul 6th 16 - Ms. Jasmina:

Farmer? Well thats rich... 

has won 61 battles, captured 46 cities and killed a total of 1324111 men and women

Thats obviously a farmer... 
You're not worth any more attention

03:21:04 Jul 6th 16 - Mr. Uwer:

  1. Prince Chade has won 109 battles, captured 115 cities and killed a total of 3207343 men and women. while Ms. Jasmina has won 61 battles, captured 46 cities and killed a total of 1324111 men and women.
Who is the farmer?

03:25:12 Jul 6th 16 - Mr. Hollywood:

sooooooooo bored with this era already 

08:17:09 Jul 6th 16 - Sir Albatross:

This an argument about how SF have clearly won the game via buying BT's? Can't be bothered to read. 

12:56:39 Jul 6th 16 - Mr. Aziand The Corothian:

I don't thnk they won the game. Hollywood took back a good number of their northern cities. There's a good number of gaps in the rest of their northern cities that could be taken advantage of to retake fantasia. All we really have to do is take out the arma city in..50 days. A task that might be possible..and a task that only the veteran members of MADD appear to be attempting.

20:44:12 Jul 6th 16 - Mr. Hollywood:

In the interests of world peace, I hereby declare that i will be found farming in the corner for the rest of the era. As a celebration, I will burn the next 10 cities just for shits and giggles

  1. Mr. Hollywood has won 65 battles, captured 104 cities and killed a total of 645684 men and women.

21:26:03 Jul 6th 16 - Binh (Mr. Hnib Evitisnes The Dwarf):

I've already half quit this world. Chasing you was a waste of time. Wasn't worth it for the 10-30 wrecked/shitty towns in this area :D

22:37:04 Jul 6th 16 - Mr. Hollywood:

you know you liked the chase sexy boy

22:40:51 Jul 6th 16 - Mr. Uwer:

"half quit" this world

Lol. Run to your ditch.

05:07:49 Jul 7th 16 - Mr. Hollywood:

Not sure why you're so mad Uwer, I spent 3 weeks chasing Binh and co around solo buying you all time to farm.

12:02:40 Jul 7th 16 - Sir Albatross:

13:31:34 Jul 7th 16 - Lord Nitral Sesugh of The Khalfout:


15:17:06 Jul 7th 16 - HorusPanic (Lord Horus):

oh hey, whattup

16:25:38 Jul 7th 16 - HorusPanic (Lord Horus):

so i dropped a city, waited a tick and i'm still 55th? not bad, right

Your character Lord Horus is the 55th most powerful ruler in Fantasia

20:06:06 Jul 7th 16 - Princess Aisha:

Welcome back Horus :) Good to see you
I would say give it a few more ticks to see what might be the amount of players on Fantasia at the moment :)

00:27:08 Jul 8th 16 - Mr. Uwer:

Is that what SF calls victory? 

03:22:45 Jul 8th 16 - Stormy (Lord Chades Bff):

wow i havent seen this big of a hard on for a kingdom in a long time >.>

child erection memoriesme

08:47:31 Jul 8th 16 - Mr. Hollywood:

With 12 ticks to go, I will formally start accepting the surrenders of all Fant kd's forthwith.

09:44:44 Jul 8th 16 - Sir Albatross:

I think it's quite clear that Albatross were the glue in this entire era. We are recruiting. 

14:46:36 Jul 8th 16 - HorusPanic (Lord Horus):

can someone post a KD list quickly before the reset? who is coming back next era?

18:50:10 Jul 8th 16 - Acerf (Mr. Acerf Zul):

Congratulations to Sensitive Fellas for another win =)

are you guys still playing next era or taking a break for the summer? haha anyways i hope you can bring the good stuff next era as well so we can go all out!

18:53:24 Jul 8th 16 - Mr. Bruce Willis:

Your character Mr. Bruce Willis is the 2072nd most powerful ruler in Fantasia

wow, got some work to do there :P

20:03:25 Jul 8th 16 - Mr. Uwer:

People that congratulates SF are retards, 

This for sure was one of the worst eras ever. It ended like it began.

SF is a joke. They will probably disband.

They are too great for any server!

20:15:56 Jul 8th 16 - Stormy (Lord Chades Bff):

23:50:41 Jul 8th 16 - Venomz (High Warlord Venomz):

Sorry for taking the win :$

06:38:41 Jul 9th 16 - Mr. Tohr The Corothian:

I love her..shes so gorgeous =D

10:01:38 Jul 9th 16 - Sir Albatross:

Good game guys! Looking forward to getting spanked by SF next era too. 

Hey Chade - you got your bank account in order for more BTs? 

(Yes I'm trying to incite another flame war on this forum! haha)

11:41:57 Jul 9th 16 - Mr. Splat:

Lord Braveheart has won 0 battles, captured 0 cities and killed a total of 0 men and women.

Braveheart if you seeing this message me its mr kool..

03:25:12 Jul 11th 16 - Mr. Tohr The Corothian:

sooo..has other kingdoms been cursed with landing in someone elses backyard or are we back to each having our own corners again?

We're all up in each other's back yard.

10:29:00 Jul 11th 16 - Sir Caedus:

Don't pretend like you don't love a bit of group loving ;)

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