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Forums / In game politics / Fantasia 59

Fantasia 59
19:53:50 Dec 14th 18 - Mr. Feckerd:

Never said you couldn't play orc, you one of 3 players left in the game sadly who knows how to use an orc... and sadly, probably down to the only one now since Ignis is gone and I'm off. 

19:55:06 Dec 14th 18 - Osiris (Dark Lord Demandred):

nah Aloy you have it wrong, Bling is the almighty and best player in VU. He only lost because his kd was fighting on 2 different fronts while the other kds fighting on two different fronts were pretending. 

No one in the history of VU has ever had to fight on multiple fronts without napping.

I mean the LGC Abydos DB? Carnage etc attempts are just fake news, because they would have all bravely quit if the other kds dared to form relations and not follow their strategy 

19:55:58 Dec 14th 18 - Mr. Feckerd:

LGC and DB were shit kd's... get over yourself.

19:57:50 Dec 14th 18 - Osiris (Dark Lord Demandred):

Am i really here? I mean Abydos had no nap eras and we lost some, maybe i quit like a hero too and this is all in my head. Are you real or just some weird dark corner of my mind?? I must investigate this at once! To the hanky stash

19:59:25 Dec 14th 18 - Mr. Feckerd:

Aby has napped EVERY era they have ever played. Shit.. you mention Aby's name in any kd thread and people automatically look for the nap requests.

20:07:57 Dec 14th 18 - Sir Great Observer:

Can you actually be in a kd where you dont have to farm for 3 weeks before launching an attack, then tell everyone how great you played all era because you moved a giant army around for 2 weeks in a 3 month cycle???

- My army is actually only 2 weeks old when fighting Ignis, then surmounted enough to fight Feckers with a decent kill count. Ironically, your army took you 1 full month to become something ineffectively useful this era

20:14:23 Dec 14th 18 - Mr. Feckerd:

That wasn't my main army moron, the one that hit you was a quick one to twat you with. My main army hit Bogdan, and I had shitty dice. But I assigned roles, and mine was at a particular blocker. I stick to my role, and its why Bogdan still hasnt got through, while you were lucky enough to go around while I was offline, else your army wouldn't exist.

20:17:21 Dec 14th 18 - Osiris (Dark Lord Demandred):

Bling how can anyone take you seriously when you just throw out lies and "fake news" every few lines :D 

20:19:32 Dec 14th 18 - Mr. Feckerd:

My army is sitting in a blocker.

Bogdan was hit by me in his first attack.
His second attack was a failed attempt on a siege on the blocker.
His third attempt killed his army off.
He is now on his fourth attempt at the blocker.
Feel free to confirm it with him. Cunt.

20:21:46 Dec 14th 18 - Osiris (Dark Lord Demandred):

was more referring to the Aby has always napped and ignis quit because of a nap clear lies :P when you lie so easily its hard to believe anything you say ^^ still wont have that problem if you quit 

20:26:39 Dec 14th 18 - Mr. Feckerd:

You guys are so bad, most players refer to you as Abynap nowdays

21:03:58 Dec 14th 18 - McMax (Battlemage Digitus Tertius III):

Gentlemen and Ladies, Pocketthieves, Cowards, Hores and Gamblers of all kind of sexes (or by all Gods if nothing suits you: Choose what-ever you like):

Calm down please. Each and All are needed in the next era. Not only here but on any world of VU.

21:15:20 Dec 14th 18 - Lord Jellybean (Mr. Jellybean Angel):

Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. Kingdoms rise and kingdoms fall. 

Every kingdom should be out for themselves, diplomacy is a part of war and if you play the 'no prisnors, no diplomats' tryant style, expect occasionally to overextend in some lonley position..

21:36:08 Dec 14th 18 - Mr. Feckerd:

Shut up Jellybrains

23:30:40 Dec 14th 18 - Mr. Uwer:

Oh, cmon Bling.

Mad has 7 players. We spawned alone this era.

And we are killing everyone.

This era will be total dominance.

23:33:07 Dec 14th 18 - Mr. Uwer:

Really wanted to spawn near Cao Cao, so we can fight 1x1.

I've been wanting this duel for a long time. Not this time again :(

03:32:26 Dec 15th 18 - Lord Jellybean (Mr. Jellybean Angel):

I take that as a compliment Bling. 

Things could change on this world, I am open to being part of something different.

04:53:17 Dec 15th 18 - Mr. Feckerd:

When kd's start napping to gang bang other kds, the players know what is coming, so rather than fight to an inevitable, activity drops in the kd, because they have no interest in wasting their time and effort. So the 3 or 4 of us that are still playing will still thump you for as long as we can, but the rest just aren't interested, and probably wont return. Its as simple as that.

05:31:24 Dec 15th 18 - Lord Jellybean (Mr. Jellybean Angel):

And had you come to us with your own proposals for a joint effort, then we would have fought with you in a more combined way. 

You refuse diplomacy, so you refuse potential victory. 

05:33:15 Dec 15th 18 - Mr. Feckerd:

lol, me come to you what... I actually have so little regard for Alba I actually couldn't be arsed attacking them.

05:35:28 Dec 15th 18 - Lord Jellybean (Mr. Jellybean Angel):

Then your pride and arrogance gets the best of you.

05:36:37 Dec 15th 18 - Mr. Feckerd:

no, i'm not leading this band of misfits, and the reason they are in this kd is because they don't want naps, they here to fight.

05:42:55 Dec 15th 18 - Lord Jellybean (Mr. Jellybean Angel):

With such an approach, in a world where naps do exist, of course you will be at a disadvantage.

Although, what is so wrong with time conditioned or objective conditioned NAPS?

It still allows for eventual domination of everyone, isn't that what you want? 

05:47:40 Dec 15th 18 - Mr. Feckerd:

No. This is supposed to be the top level of VU.

Mantrax is more aggressive atm as a map. Fant has become the farm fest.
2 kds nap, they farm because they have the numbers, they walk over the map. End of story. Same bullshit over and over. If your kd cant attract players, then obviously you dont appeal to their instinct to want to farm. Its a war game, not a nap game. There is no politics in war, only war. So keep buttfucking each other and tell each other how good you are... we have actually recently had a fant winner who never even fought a single battle. That's an indication of the state of Fantasia. Coincidence he was an Abytwat player. Kings of the Nap. Should rename themselves Napster.

05:50:39 Dec 15th 18 - Mr. Feckerd:

I lie... he won 1 of 9 battles. 

This is what we now deem and era winner. Makes a mockery of the great era's I've seen over the last 15 years.

  1. Mr. Hanky Panky of Abydos (Halfling)
    Had 348,615 land, 1,894,035 troops and 48 science points. Killed 94,979 soldiers, won 1 of 9 battles and captured 1 cities.

05:54:35 Dec 15th 18 - Lord Jellybean (Mr. Jellybean Angel):

War is all about politics, everything you do in this game is an act of diplomacy.

But you are failing at war because you don't see that. Granted you're good at the diplomacy of how you move your troops, you just lack the diplomacy of agreement.

Fine. But don't feel so offended by the valid tactics of others when there is a war-like, brutal, but devious way you could have played this era and still have killed Aby, MAD and Alba.

05:59:31 Dec 15th 18 - Mr. Feckerd:

An Alba player telling me how a kd should win on fant.

We've won 5 of 13 era's as a kd since we started as Knights of the Royal Order, 4 of the last 5 fant eras. I dont think you guys have finished any of the era's since starting Albatwats.

06:12:42 Dec 15th 18 - Lord Jellybean (Mr. Jellybean Angel):

I am simply stating the reason you refused the posibility of victory this era.

I don't doubt your kd is often more powerful than my own.

06:14:27 Dec 15th 18 - Mr. Feckerd:

There is no victory in bending over, spreading your buttcheeks and being someone elses pincushion. Victory happens when all else are dead.

06:15:19 Dec 15th 18 - One Punch Man:

This thread is full of butthurt and cringe.

06:15:21 Dec 15th 18 - Lord Jellybean (Mr. Jellybean Angel):

And I say that still could have happend for you had you acted differently.

06:18:57 Dec 15th 18 - Mr. Feckerd:

So what... suck a little cock before taking a rearending. No thanks. Feckers wont nap. Which is why as a kd, they have more players than the average kd, because the majority want total war on fant.

06:20:46 Dec 15th 18 - Lord Jellybean (Mr. Jellybean Angel):

And as a horde maybe next era you win.

I would have looked forward to seeing that play out. 

06:21:43 Dec 15th 18 - Mr. Feckerd:

That's every era. We don't do naps. Never have, never will.

06:23:37 Dec 15th 18 - Lord Jellybean (Mr. Jellybean Angel):

You were not a horde this era. But given your numbers now, maybe next era you could be.

06:25:48 Dec 15th 18 - Mr. Feckerd:

Most are moving to a new game server. Fant is dead.

06:34:26 Dec 15th 18 - Mr. Feckerd:

Back in 2000, you didnt have multiple characters. Not legally anyway.

Fantasia had 179 players.
Mantrax had 166 players
Zetamania had 95 players
Starta had 59 players
Nirvana had 70 players
Valhalla had 127 players
shit, we even had a Newbie world till the word Newbie was deemed offensive by some snowflake.

06:49:06 Dec 15th 18 - The Real Josh (Archangel Avacyn):

Mr. Feckerd:

No. This is supposed to be the top level of VU.

Mantrax is more aggressive atm as a map. Fant has become the farm fest.
2 kds nap, they farm because they have the numbers, they walk over the map. End of story. Same bullshit over and over. If your kd cant attract players, then obviously you dont appeal to their instinct to want to farm. Its a war game, not a nap game. There is no politics in war, only war. So keep buttfucking each other and tell each other how good you are... we have actually recently had a fant winner who never even fought a single battle. That's an indication of the state of Fantasia. Coincidence he was an Abytwat player. Kings of the Nap. Should rename themselves Napster.

Bling.. out of that last 4 eras feckers has been the farmers and Aby the aggressors, Then AFTER nearly a month you come out of hiding to steam roll.. you GG ez such greatness!
Please shut up and quit im sick of here the excuses when you loses and the BS when you win.
Trust! VU becomes a better the day you quit!

06:55:56 Dec 15th 18 - Mr. Feckerd:

Aby couldn't be aggressive if they squirted Brans gestapo steroids up their buttholes. Aby's tactics for years have been nap-to-win. It is by far the most despised kd in the game. More players have quit the game because of Osi and Josh's tactics than any other. They have steam rolled new players, then told them they shouldnt be on fant, and now they are gone for good. Go back through the threads, and Abydos is the common element to player complaints. They dont go after established players, they will steam roll the smaller kds first. EVERY FUCKING ERA. Then sit back and tell everyone how leet they are because they remember pre 2000. Two of the oldest players in the game are back, and they were beta years players, asking wtf is Aby still doing here. 

11:57:45 Dec 15th 18 - Osiris (Dark Lord Demandred):

to be fair i think you would win the most despised player award so we are even! :P

12:07:45 Dec 15th 18 - Mr. Feckerd:

I'm fine with that, never had a problem with it. Happy to bitch slap you on the map and the forums. I just got the balls to say it, and say fucky'all while you lot hide behind each others naps to tell yourselves how great you are. Beat me fair and square on an even field, and i'll say well done. Start napping , I call you out for being a bitch... bitch. Fucking go hide behind Lewatha and tell everyone how great you are you arrogant cockfuck.

12:22:48 Dec 15th 18 - Osiris (Dark Lord Demandred):

aww the field is even bling, you still dont seem to understand that even with no nap this era wouldn't have changed one bit ^^ but go and buy a ton more BTs and tell yourself thats not why you do well 

13:35:27 Dec 15th 18 - The Real Josh (Prince Equinox):

'They have steam rolled new players, then told them they shouldnt be on fant'

Fake news! never once said this blong, but tbh i wouldnt be wrong, In YOUR words:

"expect Fant to be the top level"

New players sont belong on Fant, They belong on Valha... Wait a minute, whos the big bad KD dominating the Nub world?

Kingdoms in Valhalla
The Synarchy10Mr. Clever Orc Name102
Hammer and Shield10Mr. Bigfield The Chairman94
Kingdom of Heaven10Lord Stormcrow89
Space Warriors5Mr. Warrior Sam37
Plus Ultra5All Might12
Synarchy... who the hell are these guys....
Players: 10

Mr. Pang Tong
Mr. Elite Orc
High Warlord Venomz
Saint Talveron
Ms. Jasmina
Mr. Poole
Sir Edi The Great
Mr. Clever Orc Name
Mr. Basio For Wraith Kev And Benji
Mr. Silverthing

Thats a solid line up.... wait a minute!!! Elite orc.. Whos that fucking Nubish cunt?

Mr. Elite Orc	The Synarchy       	Valhalla	Alive
Mr. Feckerd  	The Fecking Feckers	Fantasia	Alive
Mr. Bane     	Pestilence         	Mantrax 	Alive

WOW... Thats SUPPPPPPA interesting! Whats the "Best player" in VU doing on the Nub world... oooh right... BEING A FUCKING HYPOCRITE! 

15:10:33 Dec 15th 18 - Mr. Feckerd:

Yeah, you just pissed cause i wiped your nub ass off the world. Shit for brains.

17:06:23 Dec 15th 18 - The Real Josh (Peasant Paddler):

Mr. Feckerd:

Yeah, you just pissed cause i wiped your nub ass off the world. Shit for brains.

You killed gaia? And took less the 7k land? Yea totally wiped the floor with me lol

17:11:00 Dec 15th 18 - Mr. Feckerd:

Is your leet army dead? nuff said. 

17:17:26 Dec 15th 18 - The Real Josh (Peasant Paddler):

Only you would consider gaia leet blong, Maybe you belong on Valha not fant 🤔🤔

17:18:56 Dec 15th 18 - Mr. Feckerd:

I don't spam gaia, nubs try attack a halfer oop with gaia.

17:20:05 Dec 15th 18 - The Real Josh (Prince Equinox):

I mean failing at 80% tgen getting slapped jist makes me a victim of bad luck rather then being a nub but sure blong.

17:21:39 Dec 15th 18 - Mr. Feckerd:

bad luck, dead luck, nub luck... u dead. end of bitching. 

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