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Forums / In game politics / Fantasia 81

Fantasia 81
09:39:24 Feb 22nd 22 - fred (Mr. Fred The Terrorist):

who's getting bored of this era !?

13:26:35 Feb 22nd 22 - Friendly Not Cyrone:

Fantasia era 81 ended a long time ago btw

20:38:30 Feb 22nd 22 - Legend (I am Lange Frans):

Cast the damn arma... I dont wanna prep 60+ ticks for a city... And dont get me started about the 1 billion locust cast on your head.

But seeing the counter offensive of Imperium who knows whats gonna happen in 20 weeks time :P

22:16:09 Feb 23rd 22 - Konstant (The Ancient Imperator Imperiorum):

All of you could just give in to the overwhelming forces of Imperium ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

23:40:19 Feb 23rd 22 - Phat (Grand Moff Death Harbinger):

it seems pretty close to me... 

00:43:15 Feb 24th 22 - Konspyre (Captain Hindsight):

BOW BEFORE MY SUPREME MIGHT idefinitelywasn'tgoneforlike3weeks or smth

06:10:55 Feb 24th 22 - Mr. Gandalf The White:

How long we got to wait for next era? ;) 

13:19:50 Feb 24th 22 - Phat (Grand Moff Death Harbinger):

until we have a winner?

We still have a some decent conflicts going on right now. Loads of large armies on the map that have been playing games of chicken and occasionally fighting one another.

If you're feeling like it's too late to get going again on fant, play another world for now.

This era is still not over. If Imperium were to attempt arma casts right now, I know that MAD would HOH Pump and try to win the era. So, we can't end it. Too close.

03:17:38 Feb 25th 22 - Konspyre (Captain Hindsight):

Got my ass slapped by kob a day ago, MAD still holds like 60-70% of the map, Imperium only has 2 out of 6 top hoh rulers
What next era lol

02:08:55 Feb 27th 22 - Matthew (Chief Trogdar):

15:43:15 Feb 23rd 22 - Konspyre (Captain Hindsight):

BOW BEFORE MY SUPREME MIGHT idefinitelywasn'tgoneforlike3weeks or smth
How many Nazgul do you have? I remember us having a similar amount about a month ago.
I know it's impolite to ask an Orc about theyre Nazgul but im just straight to the point.

06:40:12 Feb 27th 22 - Phat (Grand Moff Death Harbinger):

hell, MAD is even top of hoh rn(friggin halfer weightings) 

00:13:07 Mar 4th 22 - Konspyre (Captain Hindsight):

tight era anyone?

Mad and Dangerous12Mr. Aloysius100
Imperium14The Ancient Imperator Imperiorum100
The Dutch Rappers2I am Lange Frans14

08:12:41 Mar 4th 22 - Matthew (Chief Trogdar):

Getting REALLY nervous about the lag on the server clock...

08:26:22 Mar 4th 22 - Endless (Mr. Dopey):

the lag creates opportunities unfortunately 

how did Dutch Rappers fall so low? they were instrumental at  helping Aloysius take out Sins

08:35:02 Mar 4th 22 - Konstant (The Ancient Theseus of Athens):

Imperium slaughtered all of their zerks and most of the dwarf army trying to attack Imperium's core. Then marched to DRs core to take it out.

10:18:49 Mar 4th 22 - Legend (I am Lange Frans):

Im away. Cant really play since sunday. Roxy was/is ill. We couldnt mount a comeback. The armies coming for us werent really special and should be doable to bounce. But needed Rox magic and I needed to be more active.

Yes. There's always a reason.

06:04:27 Mar 5th 22 - Haldimir (Mr. Haldimir):

67 Days, died 3 times and still not over. 

10:23:08 Mar 6th 22 - Matthew (Chief Trogdar):




I dont know why former Berserkers/Now Imperium? always takes shots at like 15% or higher

Okay that's a lie

I DO know.

'people have lost armies hitting at low%s'

Don't hit Berserkers OR offense-slanted units at those %s.

Nazgul can hit Nazgul at 4% with any dice and youll never lose the whole army

10:26:58 Mar 6th 22 - Matthew (Chief Trogdar):

I've walked my Nazgul into your Nazgul in the field.

I've walked my Nazgul over your Nazgul AOTD city.

There is NO POSSIBLE WAY for me to suicide my Nazgul into Imperium harder than this without letting them prep me for 40 ticks

I propose that I settle a city and we have the Imperium Orc with the most Nazgul prep it.


15:12:24 Mar 6th 22 - Phat (Grand Moff Death Harbinger):

Hold up. Imperium is NOT former berserkers. 

None of us were them. Take that back 

15:37:15 Mar 6th 22 - Jarl The Bearded One:


I've walked my Nazgul into your Nazgul in the field.

I've walked my Nazgul over your Nazgul AOTD city.

There is NO POSSIBLE WAY for me to suicide my Nazgul into Imperium harder than this without letting them prep me for 40 ticks

I propose that I settle a city and we have the Imperium Orc with the most Nazgul prep it.


So I'm supposed to base my tactics on what you think should be done? Lol I'm active but in no way do I shape my life around such an event. I would've chained you the first time but I was sleeping and love my sleep over besting you. 😂
Also I'll decide what % to risk my Naz against an enemy who is proven to be dangerous at some times. You don't hold any weight in this war. Just a bump in the road to MADs core 😁

00:14:23 Mar 7th 22 - Matthew (Chief Trogdar):

06:12:24 Mar 6th 22 - Phat (Grand Moff Death Harbinger):

Hold up. Imperium is NOT former berserkers. 

None of us were them. Take that back 

I might have worded that unclearly, I meant that Berserkers also did the thing where they AOTD-hit on conservative %s instead of hitting at like 4%

I think people do that because theyve lost their armies hitting at low%s

06:37:15 Mar 6th 22 - Jarl The Bearded One:

So I'm supposed to base my tactics on what you think should be done? Lol I'm active but in no way do I shape my life around such an event. I would've chained you the first time but I was sleeping and love my sleep over besting you. 😂

Jarl is a sissyorc
Could have just written
"Oh fearsome Trogdar, my Nazgul, many in number, quiver at the thought of prepping your city"

14:32:51 Mar 7th 22 - Mr. Ashoka The Great:

Jarl The Bearded One:

You don't hold any weight in this war. Just a bump in the road to MADs core 😁

Jarl aren't you the guy who burned my cities with gorilla tactics in Valhalla late OOP? Do you know where the other guy Rambo Slayer who was with you that era under black flag 🚩. 

14:36:37 Mar 7th 22 - Jarl The Bearded One:

I honestly haven't seen him since that era

14:38:19 Mar 7th 22 - Mr. Ashoka The Great:

If you see him again, I have an unfinished business or two to settle with him.

15:26:17 Mar 7th 22 - Konspyre (Captain Morgan):

ashoka get out we dont need multis
ashoka get out we dont need multis
ashoka get out we dont need multis
ashoka get out we dont need multis
ashoka get out we dont need multis
ashoka get out we dont need multis
ashoka get out we dont need multis

15:39:22 Mar 7th 22 - Mr. Ashoka The Great:

I'm here for Blood only. 

06:23:40 Mar 8th 22 - Mr. Gandalf The White:

Are we expecting an arma soon? 

11:33:52 Mar 8th 22 - Mr. Buttseks:

I am arma

10:47:18 Mar 9th 22 - Matthew (Chief Trogdar):

we've been expecting you

17:08:35 Mar 9th 22 - Mr. Please Armagaddon:


Please Armageddon the world. We're waiting for weeks to join fantasia! How long a world should last! 

Please Armageddon. 
Please Armagaddon. 
Please Armagaddon it. 

17:17:13 Mar 9th 22 - Mr. Friendly Cyrone:

Too bad; it's not over yet,

21:10:43 Mar 9th 22 - Mr. Buttseks:

About another 3 weeks is my guess

02:40:17 Mar 10th 22 - Konstant (The Ancient Imperator Imperiorum):

If you agree to be a Friend of Imperium, aka era long NAP, we are happy with settlement outside of Imperium core territory (NE part of the map).

Can't speak for anyone else on the map though.

09:46:49 Mar 10th 22 - Mr. Chinggis Khan:

if the world hasn't reset within next weekend. The last kingdom holds era win will be slaughtered within first week of new era begins. 

09:52:30 Mar 10th 22 - Friendly Grieferpants:

Good luck with that! I'm sure everyone is super scared now!

13:08:06 Mar 10th 22 - Konstant (The Ancient Imperator Imperiorum):

Issue is, who is the top KD atm? Mad, who holds the current top spot, or Imperium, who is overall 12% stronger?

The era isn't over; this isn't a kd mopping up another kd. A very real, large scale war is going on. 

Manx restarted about a week ago, why didn't you go play that world?

Imperium has offered shelter to play on Fanta, take it or leave it till the fat larry has croaked.

If our armies could just speak out, they'll complain of the long marches and many battles they had. Haha.

I really thought before (at least 35 rl days ago) that we already lose when Moff was rampaging in our core. Now, it seems a back and forth war. Though we might lose for real this time. Haha.

14:42:25 Mar 12th 22 - Phat (Grand Moff Death Harbinger):

I though I did a good bit on that rampage too, but these armies you sent had me quaking in my boots just a bit. 

Feeling better after repelling one! 

20:12:09 Mar 12th 22 - Mr. Thorbecke:

For MAD and Imperium players it's a pretty interesting era I would say! Sorry to all the rest of you ;)

To be honest 80% of the players who started the era are still around. Only TB and 7DS were basically killed off.

02:04:37 Mar 13th 22 - Jarl The Bearded One:

Tom Brady?

20:38:37 Mar 21st 22 - Mr. Friendly Cyrone:

I'll vote yes on Arma when Ryan burns all his land and declares Thornebeck the rightful human overlord of the era!

21:23:07 Mar 21st 22 - Phat (Mr. Boooger):

I messaged Aloy a similar thing, he's left me on read. In fact, this is the second time I've send a well meaning message to him this era. The first one he complete pooped on while I was expressing frustration FOR him due to the unfounded cheating alagations. This message didn't even get a response. A player I once thought was a pillar in the community... boy was I wrong.

It's slimy to end the era while down by a significant amount and trying to rush an era win for someone who's been turtling all era.

We'd be happy to end the era today if we had the #1 hoh. But I will vote down arma attempts until we have that.

We've played 85 days already, we're not going to "give it up" when it's very much in our grasp. This isn't holding a world hostage, this is playing to win.

Turtling? Are you a ret4rd? You want me just to send armies to be slaughtered? Are you even thinking? We all know how strong your armies are. Are you asking me to send a meagre force to deal with your KD? Who in the right mind would do that if he has a chance to bolster his force?

You entered our core with huge zerker army and wrecked havoc. While, I just finished constructing my 200ker after a long delay because of Cyrone's attack (even though he stick to his denial that he is a BT buyer. lol). I just managed to held you off with my spammed archers that's why our core survived. After you left, I tried to muster a good army to help with the offensive, but having to spam 400k Archers earlier, it was not easy to do. I needed to bring my income up again to train Knights and have a decent army to attack. How about my Archers? Why would I send my archers to long distance march with that upkeep? Would that be efficient?

When I manage to have 300k Knights, which I believed by that time sufficient enough to face your average army I was frozen with a 400k MUs on it and was kicked. Should I kept fighting and let it be slaughtered? (That army gave me almost negative income, btw)

I traveled back to our core so I can house my troops to have an income to train MUs and do self-AotD as we need our mage's magic to support other members. Failed self-AotDs (around 400k MUs loss) prevented me from going back to frontlines. So I waited to have my self-AotD successful and add more Knights and MUs.

I finally have at least 400k Knights and at least 500k MUs (I already have -800k income from that) which by the time is more powerful than your main army based on raw OP/DP after you have multiple clashes with our other members. I managed to sneak in your southern core but we all know that I will be kicked eventually as I was just buying time for Aloy and Blue to come in the north. Unfortunate for us, Jarl was already there to the rescue.

So if you mean by "turtling", is trying to have a decent army to match your KD's armies, Yes, I was turtling.

22:40:11 Mar 21st 22 - Konspyre (Captain Hindsight):


00:29:36 Mar 22nd 22 - Mr. Ducky:

Y’all toxic 

00:46:12 Mar 22nd 22 - Konspyre (Captain Hindsight):

oh no daddy vladdy pls don't use bio weapons on our citizens uwu :3

14:47:57 Mar 22nd 22 - Mr. Chinggis Khan:


I messaged Aloy a similar thing, he's left me on read. In fact, this is the second time I've send a well meaning message to him this era. The first one he complete pooped on while I was expressing frustration FOR him due to the unfounded cheating alagations. This message didn't even get a response. A player I once thought was a pillar in the community... boy was I wrong.

It's slimy to end the era while down by a significant amount and trying to rush an era win for someone who's been turtling all era.

We'd be happy to end the era today if we had the #1 hoh. But I will vote down arma attempts until we have that.

We've played 85 days already, we're not going to "give it up" when it's very much in our grasp. This isn't holding a world hostage, this is playing to win.

Why did you message him for? To tell him this! 

"Surrender & Release all your troops."

Are you drunk dude? Have you sleep well last night? 

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