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Forums / In game politics / Fantasia Era 60

Fantasia Era 60
22:37:33 Feb 7th 19 - Woody (Mr. Woodeh):

You have my core players nub. Join my fant kd sirloin steak.

08:50:09 Feb 8th 19 - Mr. Fecker:

Its been a while so best catch up...

Josh is a knob
Brans a c unt
Osi got a tiny pecker.

Be back in a week.

21:42:22 Feb 8th 19 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

I think I'm the only batcase in this game and I am in Aby. 

This game is half the reason I'm crazy lol

23:13:40 Feb 8th 19 - Venomz (High Warlord Corporate Banker):

~ A day in the life of Hanky Panky

Hanky doesn't fight 
All Hanky does is farm
He's still trying to do something
But he'll do no harm
High on the drug of the day
He meets a girl he tries to charm
He'll be messing up somewhere along the way.
He'll probably just stick it in anything warm
That's just Hanky's regular VU day.

14:20:22 Feb 9th 19 - McMax (Battlemage Digitus Tertius IV):

2 times Plauge in one era. That isn't fun.

1st it came from MAD-area, 2nd time.... hmmmm. Not sure.

"One" (read me) could be too tempted to return such a present in the near future.

14:24:59 Feb 9th 19 - Mr. Fecker:

I've asked all 4 mages to return the favor with constant attacks. Mad will die of syphilis once we're done. 

15:49:14 Feb 9th 19 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

Haha. That poem was beautiful

17:38:08 Feb 14th 19 - McMax (Battlemage Digitus Tertius IV):

I just have the pleassure to annouce, that I have returned the gift from Archon Breaker delivered the 1st. of February

17:49:24 Feb 14th 19 - Phat (Grand Moff Thrawn):

the plague? this was you? I do recall you publicly chastising me and telling me that one should never cast dragons or plague, ever. Just in case you were wondering.

18:24:06 Feb 14th 19 - McMax (Mr. Mcmax The Farmer):

I admit it Phat. I have - until recently - been something between upset and half-angry when Plague or Dragons spells were used. Or use of buyed BTs. Or using glitches in the programming/map (marketfeeding/riverjumping). Or planned feeding by kicking other players

And I have called players using those for..... well, I don't think I need to repeat the "titles" I gave them.

But time has changed. More and more players are using what-ever possible, that in earlier days was considered as "No-Go". So I had 2 options.

  1. To leave the game in anger (as I have done before) - just to return in a year or two and find, that what I left for now is common.
  2. Adopt what-ever dirty trick/action used towards me/my kingdom/any kingdom I was playing with. And return any "favour" given.

Well I did choose the last option. Choosed to be just a big bastard as those I'm playing against. I will - of course - accept to be "stoned verbally" by those who still have a glory to smug. But I think their number is very small, so.... their stones might even miss the target.

19:01:47 Feb 14th 19 - Phat (Mr. Slaughter of Laughter):

Just as long as you know that you've fallen and you're not some high mighty better than thou twat, but just a regular old twat.

20:56:13 Feb 14th 19 - Sir Swamp Drainer:


21:25:59 Feb 14th 19 - Zeph (Archon Breaker):

Believe what you will, but I have not casted a spell above level 6 in all the era I've played. Reasons ranged from ability to efficiency to personal principles and goals.

While I do not possess the information you have, I can see how you might have come to your conclusion. Afterall, your KD's vast information network as well as the supreb intellect and deduction abilities of its leaders managed to discovered our 20-year NAP with Abydos. Bravo!

21:39:57 Feb 14th 19 - McMax (Battlemage Digitus Tertius IV):

Well. Casted upon us in the upper center north. I don't think any but you had enough power or magic sci-level to do it.

So.... I don't believe you......

04:22:12 Feb 1st 19 - Miyamoto Musashi (Mr. Shinto):

Urgent!! Someone cast cure

11:00:04 - The plague in Shin killed 0 peasants, 0 Swordsmen, 0 Hammerthrowers, 0 Axemen, 0 Runemasters and 0 Cavemasters.

11:00:04 - The plague in Uzume killed 0 peasants, 0 Swordsmen, 0 Hammerthrowers, 223 Axemen, 0 Runemasters and 0 Cavemasters.

10:00:04 - The plague in Shin killed 412 peasants, 0 Swordsmen, 0 Hammerthrowers, 0 Axemen, 0 Runemasters and 32 Cavemasters.

09:19:16 - Mr. Slaughter of Laughter attempted to cast a spell upon us.

04:52:33 Feb 1st 19 - Cao Cao (Duke Cao Cao):

Cure plague cast on shin and uzume, let me know if it shows up anywhere else


21:41:56 Feb 14th 19 - McMax (Battlemage Digitus Tertius IV):

And it didn't stop there.

Actually we got a 2nd wave some days later - but here we have no primary suspect. The cast must have been a successfull first-timer.

21:50:08 Feb 14th 19 - McMax (Battlemage Digitus Tertius IV):

I see. I have made that name-mistake before.

Sorry AB for accusing you for something you have not done. Why I (several) times have connected your names together.... I don't know. It is obvious wrong.

22:16:01 Feb 14th 19 - Phat (Mr. Slaughter of Laughter):

I will claim that proudly.

03:12:26 Feb 15th 19 - Mr. Uwer:

Feckers' intel leader is Bling. 

What do you expect?

04:30:45 Feb 15th 19 - Mr. Fecker:

dont bring me into your fight just because ur shit.

07:17:02 Feb 15th 19 - All Might:

Yo leave me be mofos

17:04:31 Feb 15th 19 - Mr. Uwer:

Holy won a battle against Pebble from Mr. Fecker. We lost 0 Gaia, 0 Hammerthrowers, 0 Ogres

18:37:57 Feb 15th 19 - Mr. Fecker:

and 3 nazguls muppet

03:16:21 Feb 23rd 19 - Mr. Uwer:

This map is very cool

03:17:24 Feb 23rd 19 - Mr. Uwer:

Bling still a kn00b

05:41:10 Feb 23rd 19 - Mr. Fecker:

The reason we have the biggest kd isn't because of my sparkling personality, but because most players in the game agree that mad and abydos are a bunch of little nap whore bitches. That's the facts right there. bitches.

06:02:05 Feb 23rd 19 - The Real Josh (Prince Oary Gak):

I hust assumed it was your dozens  of advanced A.I accounts ment to bring apon the apocalyptic end of all us heathen. 

09:07:08 Feb 23rd 19 - Mr. Fecker:

nah, not same era i'm playing. that be dumb

04:12:46 Feb 24th 19 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

What KDs are alive aside from FF, MAD and Abydos?

04:17:58 Feb 24th 19 - Captain of That One Mountain:

All the active people in Alba got fed up and are leaving at the end of the era so it'll just be those three on Fant.

09:43:42 Feb 24th 19 - heroix (Conqueror Malthael):

Good luck for Feckers fighting Mabydos next era.

10:42:58 Feb 24th 19 - Pirate Lewatha:

So feckers accused us of napping mad. Yet we have not had relations with any kingdom this Era. In the meanwhile, feckers cfed/naped albatross and have now realized we were speaking the truth when we said we have no relations with mad.

So they have naped/cfed mad as well.

How does it feel to be a hypocrite Bling? 

11:15:05 Feb 24th 19 - McMax (Battlemage Digitus Tertius IV):

Some in Mad might think they can make a deal.

But as far as I know, none has been made by any, who leads this kingdom (Cao/Bling).

12:22:58 Feb 24th 19 - Mr. Fecker:

Two kingdoms, in direct line of sight of each other, ignore each other for weeks. No attempt to attack the other, no large scale movements. You can pretty much call that a nap. Cao leads the kingdom, I dont have anything to do with relations, as I'd tell you all to go fck yourselves and are cowards of the highest order. Bunch of bitches the lot of you.

12:31:49 Feb 24th 19 - Mr. Fecker:

We CF'd Alba, because why we were having our little duel, Mad decided to attack us on the flank, and Abydos thought they could attack Alba's flank, instead of actually fighting each other. You lot should seriously quit VU because you do nothing for the game.

12:34:01 Feb 24th 19 - Mr. Fecker:

Any Alba member looking to participate in the total annihilation of Abydos next era, they are the oop targets. Feel free to send applications. Mad is a pointless kingdom whose players couldnt fight their way out of a paperbag, so only 2 players will focus on them.

14:21:32 Feb 24th 19 - Osiris (Dark Lord Osiris):

we are in direct line of sight with all the kds though... 

17:42:28 Feb 24th 19 - Sir Aloysius XCI:

for the record, Only Feckers sent a proposal to have relations with us. But since I’m not that active this era, I forgot to reply. My apologies.

18:04:38 Feb 24th 19 - Venomz (High Warlord Corporate Banker):

Bling sent me a message to leave the kingdom and betray my fellow Abydos members. Speaking of honor..

I told him I'm not a cunt like him. 

He replied he was in a bad place after Josh rejected him and he was struggling with his sexuality. Not sure why he would send me that but I guess we need to be nice to him, so maybe we can all NAP Feckers next era so Bling doesn't kill himself.

19:54:23 Feb 24th 19 - Mr. Fecker:

yeah, u know what is a cunt move.

watching the your kd partners prep a city, siege it and then you come steal. fuck of you faggot, everyone knows what you are

20:06:20 Feb 24th 19 - Mr. Silveror:

wow this thread is more aggressive than the 600000 archmages outside my city. pls help

20:14:46 Feb 24th 19 - McMax (Battlemage Mcmax The Black Elf):

That's what gets the red blood rolling Silveror. Just don't let yourself get TOO MUCH involved. A few comments here and there are fine - just to keep up the good mood.

01:37:02 Feb 25th 19 - Random (Duke Random):

How is bling not forum banned yet?

02:55:37 Feb 25th 19 - Mr. Fecker:

Do you really think i cant get around forum bans to tell you that you're a bunch of pricks and cowards

05:32:09 Feb 25th 19 - Mr. Uwer:

Bling is our daily fun. 

Be kind.

06:08:20 Feb 25th 19 - Mr. Fecker:

shut up sewer

10:46:50 Feb 26th 19 - Lord Caedus:

Does anyone fancy having a gentlemens agreement of having 5-6 player kingdoms next era? 

I really fancy some more deeper level politics, and mixing it up a little. 

Also - if that's not a favourable idea... don't flame me, just thought I'd see what you guys thought. 

I did enjoy this era ... well, what we got to play of it before being wiped :P 

16:10:43 Feb 26th 19 - Mr. Uwer:

I dont like gentlemen. Maybe some ladies agreement.

Just because Alba is ruined, do you wanna ruin us all, Caedus? :D

You would lose in a 6 player kingdom also :(

I can't resist flaming you.

21:53:43 Feb 26th 19 - Pirate Lewatha:

I think everyone would just make relations with their old kd mates anyways.

22:04:33 Feb 26th 19 - Mr. Bane:

They did on GvE.

22:27:48 Feb 26th 19 - Venomz (High Warlord Corporate Banker):

This Bane fellow will try to trick u into an NAP by accusing others of having relations. Pretty effective method, should use it, will improve the game.

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