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Forums / In game politics / Fantasia Era 77

Fantasia Era 77

[Maybe some people build some 200ks and Dwarf 90ks for me, I take them, they rebuild, and then I WH plunder them all era? 200k Naz anyone?]

This is the worst statement you said stupid whiner. So it is really good when you are doing it and bad if others do it? Remember how you took my 200ker just the previous era? Give me your logic how was your way is a fair when you took my 200ker when I messaged your KD for NAP/friendly relations. I would understand if you attacked me early on when my 200ker was not yet built given that I was just 5 scout ticks away from your core.

[It's bad enough with river walking, but allow all goes? The game will die a quick death. That's why it's "wrong", because it is something that benefits a select few players while screwing everyone else. That's why it's "wrong", because it is something that benefits a select few players while screwing everyone else.]

Does the extension made by Heroix benefited only few? Was it not available for everyone to use? How come it is for the few? If it was just shared to me or just to Berzerkers or any specific person or group I would adhere to your conclusion that it benefited only a few. Come on, use some brain. While others are coping how to block properly (main reason why Heroix created the extension), here you are just whining as always.

15:16:21 Jun 9th 21 - Lord Caedus:

It seems to me that for those that seek to play the game for it's name sake, and abide by what visually looks like it should be passable or not - will find a kinder and more enjoyable experience on Valhalla. 

For those that want anarchy, perhaps Fantasia is the map for that. 

15:22:17 Jun 9th 21 - Captain Nakuy:

Blockers never work in the first place.

That's the reason why I play human even though their units suck at long distance campaigns (imo).

As far as river jumping goes, I wouldn't use it, but you can't trust everyone.

The first thing I did before setting up blockers (before the extension) was to run lines everywhere for holes. So, if you get caught with your pants down, that's kinda on you.

Not to mention, in this instance, armies don't move at the speed of light.

And AT LEAST one person SHOULD have 2000 guard towers (I'd hope, but wouldn't be surprised because of the shit I see from EITS).

If you chose not to intercept that's also kinda on you guys.

We can simply refer to the worlds as either limited or free at this rate. Especially if limited worlds go so far as to control what a solo player sells their resources at in the market.

thanks for your vote of confidence ryan and edi. now as much as i like to abide by fairness. (opens the book of lifes rules)

RULE #1 life isn't fair

now thats out of the way if zeta wont fix it even though hes been told about it. means that its not up to us to say these players are cheating. abusing the map yes but its not cheating as i told kool i would have done the same thing i'm sorry blockers dont function and i'm sorry zeta cant plot a map to save his life but these are things that we cant fix and unless we come to a consensus between all the players here to make an agreement where we wont, we cant make people not use these glitches in the map. so until then were stuck with them being there and being able to be used. 

19:50:57 Jun 9th 21 - Phat (Grand Moff Death Harbinger):

At the end of the day, the ability to "predict how others will act" and consistent expectations about how game mechanics and maps work is what will bring and retain players to this game.

If the "vets" consistently abuse unintended mechanics(AKA BUGS) and flame people they are contributing to the continued decline of VU.

You cannot build a community with toxicity and bullying. The players that have chosen to play on Valhalla under agreed rules are no different than players who choose to play the 3man kds on zetamanina or other agreed upon mechanics that we've all seen in the past.

The agreed upon constrains & intentional mentoring of new players has done a lot of good for this game and has brought in new players. We will continue to pursue this culture and community as it is good for the game and the players alike. Objectively.

19:52:22 Jun 9th 21 - Mr. Buttseks:

Here's to rules and agreements and yada yada yada

22:14:14 Jun 9th 21 - Endless (Ms. Tyranny):

Disagree with Moff… 

This type of game will only appeal to a select few.  The average player base hasn’t changed in years despite people taking a break, coming back, etc etc and despite all of Zeta’s efforts at gaining more exposure.

When new blood arrived in the game 13-14 years ago only a small percentage of us are still around today. It’s highly unlikely forum antics or game play drew them away, they were actually well suited to it. The way we behave here is the way we behaved there before the migration to this game. Actually probably a bit tamer here. 

Life happens and this game is not instant gratification. I remember trying to explain to my husband why I had to check my game every hour… rolled eyes was what I received 😂 especially when he saw what it looked like,  as he said “ to each his own”

If you want Zeta to fix things perhaps consider what it might cost him to keep the game running for 50 or less people.  He obviously likes the game as much as we do or he’d have sold it or just turned the server off.  Donations show you care.

08:59:35 Jun 10th 21 - Lord Caedus:

Albatross will be moving to Valhalla and leaving Fantasia for those that want to continue playing in a way that flouts the intended mechanics. 

15:07:33 Jun 10th 21 - Captain Nakuy:

H&S and Alba huh...

That would be funny to watch.

15:19:31 Jun 10th 21 - HorusPanic (Darth Fynnio):

i'm looking to stay on fant, please let me know what KDs will be returning

18:23:12 Jun 10th 21 - Endless (Ms. Tyranny):

what Horus said

19:36:18 Jun 10th 21 - Edi (Mr. Edd The Great):

Berserkers and Team B I guess

19:37:43 Jun 10th 21 - Konspyre (Captain Happy):

Elite Kingdom of Fools will be around, but currently only for more dwarven brethren!
Memey race picks may or may not change in the future!

06:45:46 Jun 11th 21 - Mr. East Sider:

If you want to go to kindergarten (Val) it’s fine by us.. fants where the big boys play.. besides I hear vals a place that still has cheats and nuub bashers lol

09:40:54 Jun 11th 21 - Lord Caedus:

We'll try our hands in Val, I like the idea of playing on a map where there's less broken mechanic manipulation - but it's clear there are some people that would like to continue playing by pushing the mechanics as far as they can (which is a style of gaming for some - just not me). 

There's no hard feelings, so getting all 'we be big boys' probably wasn't necessary, but you do you.

09:55:54 Jun 11th 21 - Mr. East Sider:

 As far as i know 2 eras back zerkers lost to faulty blocker mechanics.. this was the so called coalition against cheating.. personally i dont care we lost big deal.. but we seem to get targeted alot. i felt your post seemed to be bias against us.. ah well i was wrong... but its true about fant this is supposed to be the main map.. 

 I looked at the rules in val seems like the 17th century english rules of engagement...  i dont recall the indians playing fair when they warred.. but thats another story.. i left for years came back maybe 5 eras ago and all i seem to see now is whinging... not from you but in general... 

 Sure theres not many players left.. but when i played then, and now in the kingdoms i was in, if you cheat against us big deal.. we will just have to deal with it.. no point finger blaming just get on with the job.. this is only a game after all and as i said before theres always next era...


16:43:45 Jun 11th 21 - Lord Caedus:

I guess the complexity is that arguing 'there's always next era' can equally be applied by those that don't want the cheating to occur. If everyone agreed to not obviously 'cheat', even if that means potentially losing - it shouldn't matter, there's always next era. 

Unfortunately, when you have some that want to play the game in the true spirit of what was clearly intended on the same map with those that don't - it creates inequality. I'd argue that there's never anything wrong with pointing that out and complaining about it - at any level. 

It all boils down to 'the good guys never win'. If people want to be good, avoid obvious circumventing of clearly intended mechanics, and play the game in that manner, then forming a coalition on an alternative map and leaving the 'main map' is the only remaining solution. 

19:37:25 Jun 11th 21 - Mr. Sparx:

You all are "illetarate" fools.

From Bosnia to Roman to Ottoman to Japanese wars to our ancestors who raised wars to survive... if they didn't survive we wouldn't be existed now! From there to here... name me a "war" where they didn't cheat.

Kings didn't born equally powerful, no king did. Some were weaker, some had thousands of troops, some had nothing to begin. But they all won wars & ruled. Without cheating, how could they beat a much stronger king or lord back in the days! "Cheating" is an important part of war. Hear that Caedus, as a teacher you should know.

About the game, most games historic based or Fantasy story based. Tell me a fantasy film where they didn't cheat, even in Lords of The Rings that dwarf king cheated while he was inside the dragon mountan with golds, yet he is taken as a "Hero" at the end. 

VU will die one-day, another one will rise again, but cheating never stops. Even those best players of this game,- "cheated someway" for sure whether it's xp abuse or bug abuse or secret stuffs which happens to be a cheating at the end. 

This is for the bullsh*t literature going on here. However this doesn't mean i cheated or I won't cheat.

I'll let all the whiners to whine now. I'll check back the forum after a month or more to get entertain.

21:30:04 Jun 11th 21 - Penguin (Mr. Might Guy):

All men are like Caesar, just some are salad and others are generals.

22:00:27 Jun 11th 21 - Endless (Ms. Tyranny):

but Penguins will always be better

06:16:00 Jun 12th 21 - Bigfield (Dragon Prophet Theophilus):

Fantasia needs more dragons.

07:51:16 Jun 12th 21 - Jarl Bjorn:

Spoken like a true Cheater sparx.

11:20:32 Jun 12th 21 - Lord Caedus:

All this comparison to History as if that's the issue or the benchmark of 'cheating' is getting a little repetitive. Equally, you refer to cheating in war as if some sort of RL mechanics can be broken? Last time I checked, and as a teacher I would know, the laws of physics were pretty static. 

And, because I'm sure some will, do not hear what I'm not saying - obviously, in RL, things can be created that can 'walk over water' (Eg. boats). However, human armies cannot physically walk over water (which is why when Jesus walked on water, it's considered a miracle). 

If you're going to measure yourselves against the volumes of history, that's fine - but do a better job at constructing an argument. Equally, also accept the grace and humility being shown when people decide they don't want to play on a map where it happens so that those that want to play that way can continue to do so - rather than come out with some tripe and then spam in the sentiment of 'you ought to know as a teacher'.  

16:07:10 Jun 12th 21 - Mr. Buttseks:

Hate to need to point this out, but if everyone cheats, no one has an advantage.

22:47:37 Jun 12th 21 - Percy (Mr. Percy The Range Test Officer):

Ivanho (aka, Sparx), why is it that you wont play unless you can find ways to cheat? You might find yourself high and mighty you havent been banned yet, but you are literally telling the entire playerbase what you are doing... You are forcing this game down a drain myself and others have spent a great deal of work trying to recover. If this game is so bad you want it down, why are you even here? If you enjoy the game enough to play, why not play within at least some boundaries so it can remain? Fantastia has plenty of players who love to play in the gray areas, so why not take your antics there and leave Valhalla alone?

Oh, thats right. Cause you find joy in beating up on noobs, cause you couldnt hold a candle to any of the other players here. Take your crap to another world if you want to try and prove yourself, and the leave the training grounds alone.

22:56:01 Jun 12th 21 - Konspyre (Captain Happy):

No matter how much people complain about Zerkers abusing map bugs, they're atleast a hundred times more honourable and skilled than dumb multi's who do nothing but shit on the game.
Zerkers should win Fant without abusing minor bugs. Dumb multis need massive cheating to even stand a chance.

11:29:52 Jun 14th 21 - Mr. Buttseks:

Far too quiet on here. Berzerkers are a bunch of homophags. (checks to see he's not a bezerker)

19:38:02 Jun 15th 21 - Endless (Ms. Diomedea Nigripes):

cute baby dragons, does that mean the era is almost over

00:12:46 Jun 16th 21 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Jesus Left Toe):

MAD would kill for some cute baby dragons right now I imagine. Why would that signal the end of the era?

01:34:45 Jun 16th 21 - Endless (Ms. Tyranny):

bored mage antics while saving up for Arma

03:40:09 Jun 16th 21 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Jesus Left Toe):

I have no intention to cast arma at any point in the near future... I can't promise the same for more Dragons. ;)

The sooner you cast arma, the sooner I’ll come back lolol.

Ivanho still here?

Also, good to be back :)

05:35:08 Jun 16th 21 - HorusPanic (Sir Horus The Human):

Ready for restart

06:31:04 Jun 16th 21 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Jesus Left Toe):

Kill Bluelight and I'll consider it.

11:34:28 Jun 18th 21 - Ms. Bluelight:

spare me please! ^.^

20:21:42 Jun 22nd 21 - Mr. Binhkdinh:

Pls restart the era

20:42:10 Jun 22nd 21 - Mr. Psssst:

Lets end it!

20:56:58 Jun 22nd 21 - Konspyre (Captain Happy):

This mans be in favour like

21:56:30 Jun 22nd 21 - Mr. East Sider:

jlt is setting up to cast

22:27:37 Jun 22nd 21 - Konspyre (Captain Happy):

Awesome, thanks

03:30:13 Jun 23rd 21 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Jesus Left Toe):

But being JLT, it'll take a while. Failed 6 at 25% so far. ;)

02:54:47 Jun 24th 21 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Jesus Left Toe):


Casting Armageddon from Shepard Book upon Megiddo II with 39% chance of success...successful, If our defence holds, Armageddon will start within 240 days. When casting the spell 34740 of our Shamans died and 11580 got injured.

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