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Forums / In game politics / Fantasia era 49 Karac

Fantasia era 49 Karac
15:44:01 Aug 26th 10 - Mr. One Two Bandit:

The current game (era) will last for -16 more day(s) (-385h). There are currently 102 players online.

16:23:07 Aug 26th 10 - Duke Some Fcked Dude:


23:49:25 Aug 26th 10 - Divine Salamon:

I r not a farmer! lol! i r a big warrior! :) big big warrior w/ mighty pitch fork! :P >.< o sorry i ahve to go feed the cattle

*goes back to his five 90kers*

00:26:59 Aug 27th 10 - Mr. Petite Penois:

Big shout out to all my friends in iPWN.

15:29:42 Aug 28th 10 - Loser Quiet Wilberfool One Nicompoop:

Woot. I'm back.

Good to see that my faith in DOA / Ipwn is justified. Without Fear and Fate to bludgeon you guys into the ground era after era, you guys are now finally winning your era of VU :)

Once again, whose era will it be? Era of Grandfather Turd the Raistlin number five? Finally, an era of Quietfool the Nincompoop? Wilbernub the Terrible (as in terrible player)?

Even better, maybe a dynasty at last for DOA / Ipwn. With their conquerors (aka Fear and Fate) gone, maybe DOA / Ipwn can go for a three-peat? Maybe even win six eras in a row?

The absolute rule of DOA / Ipwn is at hand folks. Fantasia will forever be theirs. The loss of Fear and Fate to boredom and game suckage has ushered in a new era of the sole superpower. Who is going to be VU's China or Iran to wipe these folks of the map? :P

15:31:59 Aug 28th 10 - Loser Quiet Wilberfool One Nicompoop:

Wow, looks like Ali will finally get his era :)

Congrats Ali :P I trust you don't have allies and inactive kingdomates feeding you up right? :P

16:09:07 Aug 28th 10 - Mr. Aligreat:

Lol. Beleive it or not the show must go on without you TBL.

Just because you left doesnt mean that everyone else in the game had to pack up their stuff and wait for your return before they could play again.

Many of the FEAR/FATE  people are still here, lurking under one of their characters, even penguin decided to make a late appearance with MAD. But im sure you already know of several who are still here.

Ill admit, the level of competition is not what it was several eras ago. But that is why Ipwn have no relations and are fighting several fronts at once. MAD are doing likewise. And its been quite enjoyable, quite suiting for a summer era. As fall approaches and those darker days come the activity levels will return to normal and everyone will go back to the stress of proper VU. 
But i will not be here to enjoy it unfortunately. For this is my final era....ive been persuaded into these past 2, but my deadline approaches and I will be gone from you life forever TBL, but we will always have this moment....try not to fap to it too much
And TBL im shocked you ask, you know I would never feed =p

17:06:35 Aug 28th 10 - Loser Quiet Wilberfool One Nicompoop:

22:09:07 Aug 28th 10 - Mr. Aligreat:

Lol. Beleive it or not the show must go on without you TBL.

Just because you left doesnt mean that everyone else in the game had to pack up their stuff and wait for your return before they could play again.

Of course the show must go on.

I think very few people realise that one of the most crucial aspects to a successful VU career is stamina. Stamina to play in a stressful and pressure-cooker like Fantasia era after era. I admit, then while I am superior to Ipwn players in most aspects of gameplay, and while I enjoy beating up your kingdom era after era, Ali, I do not have the stamina, the lack of real life immaturity (Wilberforce), the lack of real life substance (Quiet One) or the lack of real life success (Raistlin) to continue playing this game era after era. So yeah, DOA / Ipwn finally has me beat in something :)

22:09:07 Aug 28th 10 - Mr. Aligreat:

Many of the FEAR/FATE  people are still here, lurking under one of their characters, even penguin decided to make a late appearance with MAD. But im sure you already know of several who are still here.

Of course several folks from Fear and Fate still here. I mean, hanging out on a lower level map with no stress, no pressure, no grand need to win against inferior players..... it all feels good :)

22:09:07 Aug 28th 10 - Mr. Aligreat:

Ill admit, the level of competition is not what it was several eras ago. But that is why Ipwn have no relations and are fighting several fronts at once. MAD are doing likewise.

Of course, DOA / Ipwn are only able to do their multi-front fighting once Fear and Fate have gone :P I mean, I don't recall your boys fighting on "front(s)" the last two eras I was around, Ali :P

Same goes for MAD :P I only think they were only capable of fighting one enemy an era the last two eras :)

So is DOA / Ipwn enjoying the easy steamrolling they are doing right now in Fantasia? :)

22:09:07 Aug 28th 10 - Mr. Aligreat:

But i will not be here to enjoy it unfortunately. For this is my final era....ive been persuaded into these past 2, but my deadline approaches and I will be gone from you life forever TBL, but we will always have this moment....try not to fap to it too much

Tut tut. You are one era too late for your final era :) Most of the meaningful players said bye-bye to this game last era ^_^

And nah, I don't fap to a person like you leaving :P I fap when I take a big poop on certain folks in your kingdom era after era :) But I will not have an opportunity to fap anymore :(

22:09:07 Aug 28th 10 - Mr. Aligreat:

And TBL im shocked you ask, you know I would never feed =p

Sorry, had to ask :P I pretty much trust your character, but not the company you keep :)

17:17:32 Aug 28th 10 - Lady Quietone:

TBL as I recall the last two eras you did very little beating up of anyone -- other than running your fat mouth in the forums is that what you call beating us up? lol  Because there is a whole  lot of "I"'s in that post you made and you clearly did no warring or winning in the last two eras yourself-  But i'm sure the kingdom that housed you probably understands your need to take the spotlight right?

Here's a big fat clue for you -- this game WAS a great time it was fun and there are REAL rivalries that span back several years the likes of someone like you would have no concept of at all.... you matter none in the realm of VU-- all you are is a no life little loser who attempts to make some internet claim to fame by insulting and flaming people you dont even know-- and trust me i'll cry later ok? 

No one cares what you have to say - no one boohoos that you're gone and your long deary posts about your bowel movements show your clear maturity level..


move on would ya? effectiveness is 0 other than giving ppl something to laugh over inbetween ticks you matter none. 

17:29:15 Aug 28th 10 - Lady Isa Tramp:

TBL, beat anyone up? Oh yeah I think I recall him taking a few cities one era with Juicy when a mage did a great CW on one of the blockers we were holding in central fant surrounded by enemies on everyside apart from west, where Rebirth were, he walked in with BTs and took some stuff. Yeah he really kicks arse.

Last era he STGed and did sweet f/a with the gold he whored/farmed for all era.

As shit hot as you THINK you are TBL, you're nothing but a stain on VU, ever since you won an era you think your Gods gift to VU but you've never even done anything tanglible.

Nobody likes you, take a hint. Not anyone you're trying to speak out to, nobody listens to the bullshit you spew. Not us, not MAD, not random smaller KDs, not FATE, not people who joined VU recently. NOBODY CARES WHAT YOU SAY/THINK.

Let me quote someone who joined VU an era or 2 ago:

"can someone tell him it is pathetic to come back and bitch about something he is not even playing anymore? seriously get a life...."

Your replying like Ali gives a fuck about you too.

Trust me, you could die irl and nobody but your mail order bride would notice.

I assume when you said my lack of real life immaturity, you meant my lack of real life maturity. Blatantly I'm mature enough to not come around VU forums telling everyone of how great I am and how I stomp all over XYZ KD every era, despite barely doing anything. Yeah okay, whatever. You're obviously a 13 year old.

17:33:00 Aug 28th 10 - Loser Quiet Wilberfool One Nicompoop:

Oh don't worry Quiet One. If, according to you, I did very little beating up, then by your very standards, you yourself did NO beating up at all. You just got beaten up ^_^ .... repeatedly :P

I don't need to have a concept of whatever the hell you and your brood were in the past. All I need to know is what I did in the time I was here in the game. And in my time, my comrades and I did enough :) Including kicking your flappy little behind several times :)

Results count Quiet Nincompoop, not words. I may talk big, but I have backed it up with results, both in the eras I played, and when I fought you and your kingdom. You have been completely ineffective and a non influence against any kingdom I was a leader of :) Think about it ^_^

17:35:06 Aug 28th 10 - Lady Quietone:

Oh? Backed it up with what TBL?  What exactly have YOU yourself done ?  Cause i see nothing-- i've not see one moment of your glory in the past two eras - You should learn better than to take credit for things you dont do...takes a village to raise up TBL's ego..or so i witnessed =)

17:37:01 Aug 28th 10 - Loser Quiet Wilberfool One Nicompoop:

Poor poor Wilberforce.

Lacking of a university education, lacking of even a proper basic education, lacking of manners taught by parents, and coming from the slums of England, a glorious leader in its new generation of chavs.

Writing is on the wall for old England. With a possible debt amounting to 300% of its GDP, and a whole generation of young dumb writeoffs like Wilberforce, sooner or later, China and its old colony, India, are gonna swallow England up and put dumb young fucks like Wilberforce to work in their new coffee plantations :)

17:39:09 Aug 28th 10 - Loser Quiet Wilberfool One Nicompoop:

Quiet One, how did it feel to disband Juicy :P How did it feel to work so hard to form DOA and, then push its numbers up to 45 players, and yet, be so ineffective? :)

And more importantly, have you beaten me before? ^_^ Whoops, didn't think so :P

17:40:47 Aug 28th 10 - Lady Quietone:

and you havent beaten me either TBL whoops! does it hurt ? Hurt to know you havent? lol  Whoops- Thought so!



17:43:50 Aug 28th 10 - Loser Quiet Wilberfool One Nicompoop:

Aw Quiet One... I won my era thanks to you and your kingdom <3

Fear won the kingdom and player crown two eras ago thanks to DOA :) And Fear won the kingdom crown last era MAINLY due to DOA <3

That's why, contrary to what you guys think, I don't really hate you guys :P I actually LOVE you guys!!! Best feeders I have ever had :)

17:51:06 Aug 28th 10 - Lady Isa Tramp:

Yet I'm more mentally mature than you (obviously).

Let me go down to your level:


There, now I can insult you at the same level as you insult me.

When you can come back with some witty retorts or even something of a decent level, come back to me. Man how I miss people like Valar and Ez, they could actually flame. Even Kath was a better adversary.

TBL, you didn't make Juicy disband. Not even close! You're not even that good of a player, seeing as how you farm all era, hiding behind your KD and allies, then come out with 1 decent-good army, beg for CW on a blocker from one of your good mages, then take a few cities. I'd say you're at the skill level needed to be a decent signing for Zeta KDs.

17:53:54 Aug 28th 10 - Lady Quietone:

you won your era thanks to about 6 other kingdoms fighting us TBL- Fear one the last two thanks to FATE-- none of which you ever give their due credit.  You somehow think you're some great player when all you are is some flamer trying to get attention in a game that was better before you came into it. 

you're boring now...more so than before and its pretty sad that you think any thing that Fear or Fate did was on your shoulders alone as you are not the big great hope sad to inform you better players than you have come and gone- better flamers too

17:57:16 Aug 28th 10 - Loser Quiet Wilberfool One Nicompoop:

Actually Wilberforce, it is very easy to flame you :) I don't even have to drop my IQ down to your level. Your behavior and response makes it so easy, and I just need to point out all the little facts ^_^

And yes, I am not that good of a player. I am just a loser, boohoo. At least, this loser got to piss on you and your brethren a few times anyway ^_^

18:00:26 Aug 28th 10 - Loser Quiet Wilberfool One Nicompoop:

Quiet Nub, I won my era thanks to Juicy feeding me almost...... 80% of my land? I even took 3 cities from you, thanks alot <3

Last era, Fear won the kingdom crown thanks to almost 1.5 million DOA land :)

I don't need to be a damn great player. I just need to be a better player than you and your brood. And yes, I am a better player than you and your brood.

Juicy disbanded, wakakakakaka!!! DOA disbanded, muahahahaha!!!

18:09:22 Aug 28th 10 - Lady Quietone:

all kds disband at some point in time silly little boy

do you invent things to brag about this often in rl too? little man syndrome?

18:14:37 Aug 28th 10 - Loser Quiet Wilberfool One Nicompoop:

Yes, I suffer from little man syndrome. And yes, I have such a lousy real life, that I can only brag online.

I tire of you and your brood now. My amusement for the day is done. Ciao, Quiet One :)

18:18:26 Aug 28th 10 - Lady Quietone:

bye loser! come back soon..miss you already!!!!



18:30:12 Aug 28th 10 - Lady Isa Tramp:

Speaking of better flamers. ^^^

TBL I've noticed you use an advanced form of "I know you are, I said you are, but what am I?" .........Grow up?

05:21:07 Aug 29th 10 - Divine Salamon:

=) in all honesty, i think this is the best time to make some radical changes in how the game is played, now that one kingdom has stepped down, it might be very likely to set some type of code of conduct and gameplay on fantasia that all kingdoms can come to agree upon and abide by, i have the greatest respect for MAD, and i think both iPWN and MAD know this era is just a winger era to get to the next one when this new character update has stabalized and people land where they are suppose to... so TBL please, go away, your only bringing unnecessary conflict because u clearly want to be a child and throw dirt... that isnt needed here, please cease... thanks...

If u look at the forums, not one dispute over iPWN and MAD, its clear we respect each other and understand one another, so i think this can mutuality (which would have never worked while FATE + FEAR was on the map) can bring about a great change, i just hope it gets implemented next era.. i know ill try to do my best to make this change happen :P...

o btw ..... SAY YES TO CHANGE! SAY YES WE CAN! :P >.< *Barack Obama! * >.< hehe

20:49:05 Aug 29th 10 - Grumpy old Ray of Sunshine:

Wish Fate and Fear came back. Watching TBL being utterly useless was relaxing.

08:53:03 Aug 30th 10 - Mr. Aloysius:

Hello, can anyone help me know who is this guy?

Loser Quiet Wilberfool One Nicompoop:

Imo, I think we need to listen to him and maybe extract some idea from his post and used it to improve VU. Some of his post are just flamebait, I know. But, maybe he just needs to be heard. Im getting old in VU already, I dont have time to entertain foul words that came from some guy who happens to be very good ingame but posting in forums differently. :(

To you TBL, I dont know who you are really. But if you want to degrade MAD, I can help you there. ;) Make another thread and I will try to reply at least once a day there. If that will make you happy, then do it. But I hope you refrain from posting flame words that only degrade a certain kingdom or player's name and history in Politics thread more than once. It does not help VU and its only annoying. :(

10:30:39 Aug 30th 10 - Mr. Bush Whack:

All i've got to say is, were waiting iPWN ;). Were prolly going to die like everyone else, but i'll try to put up a fight :P

12:37:32 Aug 30th 10 - Loser Quiet Wilberfool One Nicompoop:

Back for my daily 10 minute dose of amusement :)

@ Raistlin:

Hey wassup. How you gonna steal the era win from Ali now, Grandfather Turd? :)

BTW, watching your complete ineffective attempt at attacking last era was a massive source of A M U S E M E N T to everyone in the Fear channel. Everyone was competing to be the one to bitchslap your armies :P Especially our beloved trolls. As always though, it is Path that gave you a good ram up the bumhole (with honourable mentions to Elsin, Roxbury, Kool and Blingy ^_^).

@ Salamon:

Man, are you immature and naive or are you immature and naive? If you think Fear and Fate were among the most hated kingdoms in the game, you also need to take a good hard look at your own stupid kingdom. 45 kingdom players, plus getting an additional 60 player mass NAP is the epitome of lameness... and it just makes people laugh and look down on you guys with absolute disdain. Reform your own damn kingdom first before you try to reform the game.

@ Aloysius:

Where MAD is concerned, I was just stating facts. I myself also do not really know who you are. If you don't like my posts, don't bother reading them. You have a right to make whatever kind of post you like on this forum, idiots like Raistlin and some of his mates have rights to make themselves look stupid on this forum however they want, and I can make myself look as equally retarded as them if I want to. Only action you can take within your immediate control where my posts are concerned is to ignore them (my posts) and me.

14:10:41 Aug 30th 10 - Grumpy old Ray of Sunshine:

My my TBL, your level of rhetorics keeps dropping and dropping, you must be a very rich man actually, with all the oil you are finding in those black depths of yours.. :)

I wonder what your belowed "trolls" will do this era, with no nap to hide behind... mmm, thats gonna be a laugh (yet again).

But eh, at least they will try and do something. Beats trolling a dead forum to provide jack-off material for oneself, wouldn't you think so? :->

I think what you are really missing is a group shot from DB (exDB, exLGC, exWhatever) to get your jollies off properly, so... how about you get started? On your knees boy, we are locked and loaded... :->

14:31:33 Aug 30th 10 - Divine Salamon:

yeah yeah TBL, keep reading what you want, i didnt post any of what you just stated, all your trying to do is be childish and pick a fight... maybe its time to grow a pair and man up?

anyhow, talks are already in the mist of a kingdom wide reform to the game, im hoping it will work out before the era ends and a code can be agreed upon....

but im sure u dont really care about that at all... TBL, that is why there would never be such discussions with fear and fate about this code... so please again... stop trying to ruin something thats likely to work just kuz your ego is bigger than your brain.

15:18:18 Aug 30th 10 - Mr. Tight Likea Tiger:

What, so now you can pat yourselves on the back and tell eachother how good you all are and no one will disagree?...  lol. 

15:58:19 Aug 30th 10 - Mr. Slick:

next era the "belowed trolls" will still be able to destroy ipwn with or without naps...

20:14:56 Aug 30th 10 - Grumpy old Ray of Sunshine:

Slick i think everyone is very eager for that. You waiting for Fate to come back so you can nap again? heh 

Or why is it "next era"?

I still think all you people are sore over is the lack of a pat on the back from the one KD you love and adore in all it's reincarnations. I'll talk to Q and try persuading her into giving you a "thumbs up" so you can finally vanish into the mists of anonymity, coz quite frankly you aren't even entertaining anymore. 

Someone bring back NT. At least those guys had style when trashing us.

21:53:58 Aug 30th 10 - Mr. Slick:

 Are you waiting to nap everyone around you grumpy? as for the pat on the back crap... wtf are you on about? i dont give 2 shits about you guys.. you and tbl flaming each other is actually good entertainment to me.. only thing i care about is the warring..


03:10:23 Sep 2nd 10 - Mr. Slick:

 lady isa tramp, a one on one is just not going to happen.. it would be great but the simple fact is this game is not fair like that, unless zeta implemented a one on one world similar to what was going to happen btw fate and mad i believe.. every era when 1 side is weakened by war then another kd will try to take advantage of it.. so just a pipe dream we will never see..

 btw apart from last eras war (cause you guys were core shared with fate) we beat you fair and square..

00:16:53 Sep 6th 10 - Mr. Mister:

Kingdoms in Fantasia
iPwN38Toaster Struddle59230
Relentless26Mr. Sprout22479
Mad and Dangerous46Mr. Aloysius19380
Fate20Fire Lord Nova The Sleeping Dragon3211
RASTA10Mr. John Dope1485
iPWNIFYIERS5Mr. Thor The Legionaire453
Rage3Mr. Strawhat Luffy94
Candy Factory3Lady Skittles33
The Great Duchy of Lithuania1Mr. Rakstis Subinej4
Mutiny2Mr. Beelzebub0

Credit to the players in ipwn for having their best round ever.  The question is, will The Great Duchy of Lithuania pass Candy Factory by the end of the round to snag 8th place?  Stay tuned.

I'm not playing, but I must admit this is exciting!

06:30:27 Sep 6th 10 - Mr. Slick:

who is ipwn, mad and relentless actually warring?

08:20:07 Sep 6th 10 - Emperor Palpy Thinks God Has Lost:

ipwn is warring relentless and MAD

22:05:31 Sep 6th 10 - Mr. Petite Penois:

good luck ipwn brothers. looks like an amazing era, wish those FEAR faggots were there for us to dominate. together.

15:36:49 Sep 8th 10 - Mr. Aloysius:

I like to cast Arma and end this era.

Is the leadership of Relentless and iPwn can agree to me?

16:32:44 Sep 8th 10 - Mr. Barny:

I do not speak on behalf of my kingdom, nor do I have any power or say in our decisions. HOWEVER:

I can say with almost complete certainty that if someone is going to cast Armageddon, it will be iPWN, and that we probably will not allow you to cast it. If we needed it done, it would not be difficult at all to do it ourselves.

04:00:14 Sep 9th 10 - Mr. Cxc:

Well Aloy,

Ipwn leadership has not discussed yet.

But I would wonder if Relentless would agree. They are finally coming out of their corner with strong armies to attack and I doubt they have trained all those troops just to no use them (or at least trying ^^).
Same goes to me.

I have just begun starting having fun with my little army....

11:22:19 Sep 10th 10 - Mr. Zero Cool:

sorry but no body will cast arma till i outfarm ali and barny :) (which is impossible) so this era will never end :) good bye fantasia :)

09:48:38 Sep 12th 10 - Mr. Aloysius:

For a good read.

Message From Mr. Cxc

Aloy V

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Mr. Cxc (9/11/2010 3:10:57 AM) GOOD BAD
So this is the way,

you gonna play,

kicking your farmed up dwarves and taking over their big mines and saved resources.....


And ofc they are inactive.... I just wonder why ?
You (9/11/2010 10:58:26 AM)
Yep. I kicked 10 players who are either dead or inactive for at least 15 days. More to come, my friend. Try to plunder some cities before you take over so that you can stop wondering.:)

------He saw me kicked our deads and inactives. Which, I normally do every era.------------

Message From Mr. Cxc

Ako Ang Bida

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Mr. Cxc (9/12/2010 1:20:13 AM) GOOD BAD
come back coward =P,

if you continue to annoy me I will remove my path set to somewhere else and play with you ^^
You (9/12/2010 1:23:10 AM)
lol :)

-------He said he wants to play. So I guess its just ok.-------------

Message From Mr. Cxc

Aloysian Army

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Mr. Cxc (9/12/2010 3:51:31 PM) GOOD BAD
And here comes the army sponsored by the foul play,

you are such a great player .b
You (9/12/2010 3:57:12 PM)
my friend, define foul play for me. :)
You (9/12/2010 3:53:15 PM)

-------After some time, I killed some small armies of him. He dont like it already. ------------

Message From Mr. Cxc

Ako Ang Bida

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Mr. Cxc (9/12/2010 3:59:22 PM) GOOD BAD
it is, taking in a lot of player,

letting them farm big mines.

Kicking them when they get inactive after they have farmed up big, giving all their resources too few players.

In a big style.

Yes it smells a lot, foul play dude
You (9/12/2010 4:12:33 PM)
ahh. They apply to join, and every kingdom big and small have policies for the inactive.

Anyway, I only profit for only 1 player if I'll base your definition with it. And I never plan it the way you think it is, but I'll never persuade you to believe in it, you are whining much more than I am. ;)

sigh, the result of this war was already decided, there's no more room for us or you to whine like that. But I respect your accusations and i'll live with it as you please, if you dont believe me.
Mr. Cxc (9/12/2010 4:18:41 PM) GOOD BAD

I saw what I saw, with 3 inactives getting eaten and and those had big 90k mines.

Then I went to see the history of those "inactive " players they have none. All new created chars and if you ask me they are second chars from other players.

Who knows maybe even from Fear/Fate players.
We can't prove that ofc, but you know what I am guessing.
Because when has it happened that you had 1/3 of your kingdom soo inactive that you kicked them ???
And who asked you to kicj them frequently ???

Think on it, use your brain Aloy, it smells.

This is what I call the foul play.

It might not be planned by you, this I am for sure, but now you are part of it.
You (9/12/2010 4:36:35 PM)
ok. sorry if you dont like it. I never knew you are such an arrogant man. I never knew you are too bitter against it. Let me tell you one thing, MAD is not FEAR/FATE. Move on from that, you are fighting MAD and not FEAR/FATE.

I kicked the inactive and the dead not to win this era nor to have an oppurtunity to cast Arma and upset your era win. It is in preparation for the next era, Great Cxc, if you find it foul, then I apologize.

Anyway, dont expect to march your army so that you can get our inactives. Your kingdom already benefited from the many tagless players who get killed here. And if you are feeling bitter because you see me kicked 10+ players then it is your problem.


Cxc needs more cities, I guess. Its ok if he accuse me of foul play, that's how he sees it. And I'll never get him to believe me anyway.

Flame on! :D

12:01:06 Sep 12th 10 - Mr. Slick:

most players that were in FEAR/FATE im pretty sure would not lower their standards by playing in either of your kds...

12:27:25 Sep 12th 10 - Duke Some Fcked Dude:

FTW when i was in MAD before i got killed there were like 8-9dead people.
and there was also alot of people who had been inactive more than double the standered kicking Time of usual KD's

Just thought i would add that  ^_^

02:25:58 Sep 13th 10 - Loser Quiet Wilberfool One Nicompoop:

The difference between MAD and Fear / Fate?

Fear / Fate would have killed DOA / Ipwn and half their allies by now without needing to feed. MAD will still be warring one kingdom all era to no effect.

02:35:59 Sep 13th 10 - Mr. Aloysius:

@Tbl, why did you get inactive? :(

05:34:32 Sep 13th 10 - Loser Quiet Wilberfool One Nicompoop:


Inactive from game - the game doesn't interest me anymore, and I have accomplished everything that I wanted to achieve anyway. I will only play on lower worlds with my friends, and even now, am still on a break until I sort out my business matters.

Inactive from flaming - real life matters. My business and personal matters take absolute priority. I only log into the VU forums once in a while when I am in the mood :)

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