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Forums / In game politics / Fantasia 39

Fantasia 39
21:06:15 Mar 31st 16 - Mr. Littlefield:

I feel like taking a Nap.

It's ovious that MAD won the Era. Can't we just end it?

01:16:48 Apr 1st 16 - Sir Pointbreak The Furious:

Good Era people Well done. 

01:54:39 Apr 1st 16 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Jesus Left Toe):

My end will come Uwer, but don't fool yourself into thinking you played any real hand in it. All you achieved was to delay it.
Kudo's for that goes to Kobu, (and that Middle Farmer that took my production cities).

03:45:59 Apr 1st 16 - Mr. Uwer:

19:20:48 Mar 14th 16 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Jesus Left Toe):

I don't want it to look like we followed Ajax's instructions. So I'll just put a disclaimer here; "I ordered the cast of Armageddon before that Ajax post." 

Either way, what are MAD gonna do about it?

Answer: MAD will run over Ferox with time sponsored by Uwer.

Everyone, or at least the KD leaders and vices, please message Zeta to cast Arma. I know he will listen. I will message him in behalf of MAD.

14:29:31 Apr 1st 16 - Mr. Darky:

atleast the dragons are still having fun :p

14:58:12 Apr 1st 16 - Mr. Littlefield:

Heck yeah they are. How many are there? 9? Some are getting massive.

15:20:27 Apr 1st 16 - Duke Sesugh The Warg:

There should be a world where dragons spontaneously spawn and plague can randomly start anywhere at any tick. 

That would be kinda cool i think 

19:28:14 Apr 6th 16 - Mr. Uwer:

Ferox, this song concludes the era.

Pure Massacre

I thought my scattered cities were hidden and spread enough as Mr. Littlefield.

I almost made it.

22:23:12 Apr 11th 16 - Mr. Uwer:


06:01:58 Apr 12th 16 - Mr. Corohne:

cept for Von Darkmoor, he held out to the end. Good game to him.

09:45:37 Apr 12th 16 - Kobuskan (Mr. Kobu):

Nop, Darkmoor was killed also in the last tick.

Mr. Kobu.

The city of Granitefort is now under our command!

They had 47695883 gold, 11500737 stone, 14840608 tree, 14638695 food and 3533 slaves in the city, that is now yours! We also took 17799 of their peasants as slaves!

We killed all of the 162899 troops.


13:07:49 Apr 12th 16 - fred (Mr. Fred The Terrorist):

not bad 3 mill troops :P

  1. Mr. Fred The Terrorist of Mad and Dangerous (Halfling)
    Had 1,311,965 land, 3,158,940 troops and 49 science points. Killed 1,620,014 soldiers, won 75 of 102 battles and captured 68 cities.

03:10:35 Apr 13th 16 - Mr. Corohne:

Gotta give props to JLT for that river jump escape though, that was completely unexpected. =D

04:01:19 Apr 13th 16 - Teirdel (Mr. Teirguy):

So who on Fantasia is recruiting?

04:26:36 Apr 13th 16 - Mr. Ashiend Danjiez of Ashes:

sensitive fellas or underdogs are good ideas.

09:55:28 Apr 13th 16 - Prince Chade:

sensitive fellas are out of the equasion :) we aint recruiting ;)

13:09:52 Apr 13th 16 - Kobuskan (Mr. Kobu):

Sensitive fellows is that another word for being gay

15:12:16 Apr 13th 16 - Mr. Ashiend Danjiez of Ashes:


20:32:53 Apr 13th 16 - Prince Chade:

14:09:52 Apr 13th 16 - Kobuskan (Mr. Kobu):

Sensitive fellows is that another word for being gay


I think stormy can explain better, dear kob :D

01:58:01 May 11th 16 - SFD (Duke Hybrid):

how much has the game changed? have they brought back merged worlds yet?

13:57:02 May 13th 16 - Lord Reddragon Argie:

You forgot asking about boats!

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