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Forums / In game politics / Fantasia 47

Fantasia 47
19:44:45 Apr 23rd 17 - Osiris (Dark Lord Osiris):

01:01:12 Apr 24th 17 - Mr. Triumphant Trumpeters Return:

01:07:53 Apr 24th 17 - Mr. Stormyvonaussieslove:

The thread and game is dead because of guys like you. Killing a solo kingdom is just not necessary and doesn't prove anything other than that you and your kingdom are scavengers and bullies. Gotta get that kill count up. 😉

First era in 3 years and my last on Fantasia as long as Abydos are there. Congratulations mighty warriors..😃

04:36:31 Apr 24th 17 - Osiris (Dark Lord Osiris):

Cry me a river

You were number 1 and allied to our enemy that makes you a perfectly legitimate target.

We have left alone other untagged or solo players but this is Fantasia you get no special protection for being solo.

08:57:15 Apr 24th 17 - Mr. Torro of Corinth:

So basically aussies saying its alright to have a 3 vs 1 kingdom gangbang on MaDD..but when Abydos shows up and goes 1 vs 3 you just don't want to play anymore..I see how it is..

09:36:26 Apr 24th 17 - Mr. Stormyvonaussieslove:

Talk crap all you want it doesn't change the fact it's a numbers game. A solo kingdom can only fight so many people if he's strong or not and if you want people to play this game why take the easy option and attack individual players except for the fact your a vulture. What to you gain? 

Just like MAD did technically fight 3 kingdoms but 3 - 4 members of one, one member of another and me is all that attacked them so don't come here and big note the fact you fought three kingdoms. You had more members in your kingdom than the numbers attacking you. 

At the end of the day I don't care that much because I just won't bother next era, but it it's pretty much the Osi type players that killed this game. Averagely skilled, rude, arrogant, opportunistic players that don't help new players and most likely try and feed on them. 

Good luck to MAD and Albatross next era, unfortunately you'll need it with all the experienced active players in one kingdom.😘

10:06:58 Apr 24th 17 - Osiris (Dark Lord Osiris):

Dont help new players yet took some in to teach lol

11:15:19 Apr 24th 17 - Pirate Lewatha:

Come on now, you have to realize you're being kind of hypocritical Dalak.

We fought every kingdom except MaD and afaik Abydos has been fighting since OOP. Alba has more members than we do and its not like you are some kind of newbie player that doesnt know what they're doing.

Esentially, we fought when outnumbered and overcame you fair and square. You were basically just another Albatross or Pact of Free Cities member to us.

(And I started about two-three weeks late and we have one person that hasnt logged in 4 weeks)

11:47:12 Apr 24th 17 - SFD (Duke Sfdeez Nutz):

Yes Lew we have been fighting since oop pretty much.

Took out blings kd ( with a fair few shakey parts )

Pretty much walked through Dr, but that's only BC of mad oop and then alba fighting them for most the era and they really couldn't spare anyone to defend from us since they had no blockers (ofc the whole mess with them having no mage for a while had a huge impact on there alba war, thus ours with Dr aswell)

Now we are fighting alba, pact and ofc you dalek.
So when you say "im just 1 guy".... You kinda had 3 alba armies, and a fair few pact armies with you. Where as we had 4/5 armies.
Plus's the wars not over yet, I'm sure you can pull a hat out of a rabbit :p 

~Peace and love :)

11:56:49 Apr 24th 17 - Mr. Bogdan The Builder:

All this with I'm a solo guy is just a non sense. You are allied with pact and alba. You've chosen to ally those people (more then half of the players on the map) and attack the others. Just because you've decided not to join a specific kd doesn't mean nobody is allowed to attack you and you can attack whoever you want and build wherever you want.
P.S. If you really wanted to just stay neutral you could have farmed in your small little area and ask all the kds for nap and I think you wouldn't have had problems with this, if you've made the choice to fight people you shouldn't complain in case you lose, it's not like you've fought vs 10 people, what you've lost in the mad core was vs 1 player, it's not like all abydos was against you :).

14:07:34 Apr 24th 17 - Mr. Stormyvonaussieslove:

Don't flatter yourself mate. I was defending against 4 - 5 threats in multiple locations and I still had 72% on you the second time I hit you but the dice came up a 96. I still had 52% on you and rolled a high 90 again, but given the fact Lew was double prepping me it was only a matter of time so I gave it a shot rather than give one of you an easy kill. But yeah I was impressed with your 1vs1 generosity.🙏🏼

Free Cities was one  guy when we decided to NAP because MAD was attacking us. So in the infinite wisdom of the Abydos brains trust we should have fought everyone else or NAPed everyone and farmed. The option of letting the biggest most powerful kingdoms fight it out while we fight the rest just isn't an option.. I'll concede that Free Citues has grown but from what I can tell they are mostly new or inactive players that will basically feed you up even more. 😉

Hey it's all good you will just keep on rolling and slapping each other on the back as you go. I've played with quite a few of the Abydos peeps and they are good people (as are some I always seem to fighting) so good luck for the future eras.

15:22:49 Apr 24th 17 - Mr. Bogdan:

I'm not flattering myself, that army I've sent there wasn't that strong (I was actually expecting to lose). I was just pointing out the fact that you didn't actually had to fight with many people. The whole point is that if you've decided to pick a side to ally with and fight along side, you shouldn't complain if the others attack you (from my perspective at least it was same as if you would have joined alba or pact, you've built in both of their cores anyway)

18:52:38 Apr 24th 17 - Nayoke the Kid (Sir Eros The Zombie):

We don't slap each other backs... (fact)

We slap each other butts. B/c we work as a team. (fact)

Just like you and Pact and Alba were doing. (fact)

That's really all there is to it. (opinion)

You lost #1 spot, oh well play halfer again and you'll get it back at some point. (maybe)

When you do something like that and don't have formal relations with the KD that worked all era you run the risk of a potential fight. (fact)

I don't get why you feel singled out and victimized. Our kd didn't break off friendly relations to do this to you. (fact)

The people in our KD you fought both had late starts for different reasons giving you a fairly decent chance of survival. (fact)

And people quitting the game to play CoD on xbox or to move on in life is why the game died down. Im 99% positive that Osi has done more to foster the community than you? Although I don't exactly know you. (fact) 

Alright good bye for now.

18:55:33 Apr 24th 17 - Lord Jellybean (Mr. Jellybean):

I see everyone is still bickering. 

This game hasn't changed at all! 

19:04:05 Apr 24th 17 - Sir Justanius Fontainius XXXII:

Who cares just cast arma. :/

22:00:36 Apr 24th 17 - Pirate Lewatha:

We don't have anyone that can cast arma..

22:04:50 Apr 24th 17 - Sir Justanius Fontainius XXXII:


22:22:44 Apr 24th 17 - Chilean (Mr. Sniperfox):

ive been designated to explore until i get magic level 9, im at 2 right now

22:24:07 Apr 24th 17 - Sir Justanius Fontainius XXXII:

I am sure zeta would restart the world if you guys just destroy the rest of the free pact guys. I hope you have lots of advents and exp already cause it might be a looooooong wait. 

22:42:51 Apr 24th 17 - Chilean (Mr. Sniperfox):

hva eone army, working on gettgin xp on the other two

23:02:13 Apr 24th 17 - Mr. Dont Forget Aboutme:

Should've taken me up on my offer 3 weeks ago. Era would be over already:

You (4/3/2017 1:46:48 PM)
Any chance I could persuade you to leave me be? I'm just farming to cast arma when everyone is ready. If I attack anyone at all it'll be Alba
God Eros Butt Slapper (4/3/2017 5:21:02 PM)GOODBAD
i asked kd leadership. no can do senior

00:45:26 Apr 25th 17 - Osiris (Dark Lord Osiris):

Who said we wanted era over already :P

Alba got a helms deep stronghold with tons of troops 

01:48:40 Apr 25th 17 - Mr. Bling:


Free Pact of Cities was fun, I'm going to disband and restart it when Armageddon is casted but before next era.

The point of The Free Pact of Cities was to be kingdom-less Kingdom, but with all the major alliances going on this era we strayed from that path, and became a kind of sorts kingdom. Thats not what the founding players wanted. We were the underdogs who passed information to each other as kingdomless to defeat a Genocide by Abydos and MAD which we were successful.

We are individually ruled empires that make separate arrangements with outside kingdoms but have a working relationship with eachother. Agreements made by a Player belonging to Free Pact is there right. //Ex. a Pact member can have a NAP with Abydos that does not extend to other members, but said member cannot assist Abydos in there attack against that Pact member.//

There is no leader but all equal members, I also do not want to spawn together because ti defeats the purpose of the Pact.Members are scattered across the map.

I hope all other kingdoms will recognize the Pact as a group of "Kingdomless" and not as a whole. Members decide on their own if they want to help another Pact member.

05:24:19 Apr 25th 17 - Mr. Torro of Corinth:

I like that pact idea. Nice to see it cleared up, it'll be good for players like Pucifer too, he's always on his own.

On another note, most kingdoms of average size have 1 magi, 2-4 fighters, 1-3 newbies and excess/non-active players.
If 3 fighters with 500ks head into MaDDs core, our own 500ks are manning blockers at other points of the core.  Technically speaking, aussie is correct that a full kingdom attacked MaDD since about 3 players of different kingdoms attacked us at once. We did have about..4-5 large enough armies in the core. I just felt like doing some flaming and using sexual slurs a little.  
On a side note, we were looking forward to just taking on burning legion, he's real good solo and a few of us like to go up against him as we've done in the past. 
I've had fun going against you too in a 1vs1 aussie. Maybe we can pick straws and make a line next time. 

00:31:27 Apr 26th 17 - Mr. Edi The Great:

It really looks like due to these 3 votes for no, we will wait 10 days...


Armageddon has been cast in your world!

Currently 23 people want the age to end, 3 do not, and 20 people have not voted.

07:44:17 Apr 26th 17 - Nayoke the Kid (God Eros Butt Slapper):

kudos for the amount of 1m+ kill counts this era

14:44:07 Apr 26th 17 - Mr. Torro of Corinth:

  1. Lord Water Bender has won 72 battles, captured 97 cities and killed a total of 303012 men and women.

Brovo to the man who didn't give up this era after our core got sacked.

His hundreds of 5k gaia armies roamed the map taking every small city in sight

Nice work

18:13:46 Apr 26th 17 - SFD (Duke Sfdeez Nutz):


23:43:24 Apr 26th 17 - Osiris (Dark Lord Osiris):

Alba put up a good fight, Now lets all dance to albatross inspired music for the next 9 days :/

23:45:21 Apr 26th 17 - Mr. Edi The Great:

03:18:29 Apr 27th 17 - Mr. Torro of Corinth:

It still puzzles  me as to why a kingdom would be named after a bird. Even more so after that video.

Cancel Arma and try again for instant end :)

09:54:41 Apr 28th 17 - Bran (Mr. Bran):

ok theres no enemies left to fight. are we really going to sit around for a few days doing nothing? lets jsut end the era!

11:12:02 Apr 28th 17 - Mr. Narara:

My city will not fall muahaha

13:04:13 Apr 28th 17 - Lord Caedus:

It didn't even give me the vote until a day after arma was cast! 

13:04:49 Apr 28th 17 - Lord Caedus:

This was a really good era - enjoyed it despite my RL sucking! Cheers guys! <3

14:35:03 Apr 28th 17 - SFD (Mr. Sfd):

ermm, can i go and kill jellybean now :P

good era from alba, unfortunately they were no match for our troll's.
props to bran, binh and moon <3
also bogdan for getting revenge on pact KD for oop :P
and finally the bestestest mage..... Me! unfortunately i wasn't mage this era so you can have that title rox ;P 

14:55:28 Apr 28th 17 - Mr. Bogdan The Builder:

Congrats to our trolls indeed, very impressive and also congrats to alba indeed for a good era.
For me no, there was no need for revenge, this era was just testing out dwarf for me.

20:50:05 Apr 28th 17 - Sir Justanius Fontainius XXXII:

Congratulations to Abydos for the win, now how do we get arma to finish quicker. I have been dead here for quite a while :( .

21:00:06 Apr 28th 17 - Bran (Ms. Brannita):

either convince zeta to end it instantly, or get mad to re-do arma so we can try to end it by a vote

03:30:39 Apr 29th 17 - Mr. Torro of Corinth:

oh come on justin..they can still wipe out pact of free cities and aussies love shacks. I'm sure another week or two is long enough to finish cleaning up the entire map and doing allow the survivors to do some farming and testing =D

04:10:47 Apr 29th 17 - Mr. Narara:

Good luck taking my city off me.... my plan is to last as long as i can until arma


05:27:49 Apr 29th 17 - Nayoke the Kid (God Eros Butt Slapper):

ill be there in just a minute bae

05:31:28 Apr 29th 17 - TheBornLoser (Sir Sadako):

Kill the Arma city, recast Arma...

Another 4 more jokers vote no.

10:17:30 Apr 29th 17 - Sir Justanius Fontainius XXXII:

Yeah I have a feeling those same guys will vote no again. :/

11:07:57 Apr 29th 17 - SFD (Duke Sfdeez Nutz):

We need to 100% Kill them and wipe them off the map, there vote will be cancelled 

11:22:58 Apr 29th 17 - Bran (Mr. Bran):

no we just do it when we know we have like 10 ppl in skype to vote yes

14:00:35 Apr 29th 17 - Osiris (Dark Lord Osiris):

i dont think killing everyone who voted no would change the length of arma. would need mad to recast

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